Unmatched Dominance/C2393 The First Shock!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2393 The First Shock!!
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C2393 The First Shock!!

"Aren't you going to stop him?"

The Great Demon God Beilstein was momentarily taken aback. As he gazed once more at Yu Yuan's massive form, his face took on a grave expression.

Doubts about Yu Yuan crept into his mind. He questioned whether the Yu Yuan who had awakened was still the Yu Yuan he once knew.


The Origin Soul, inhabiting the body of the Undead Sovereign, spoke and then parted ways with the mountainous Yu Yuan.

"What's happening here?"

The likes of Tan Xiaotian, powerful as they were, gazed at Yu Yuan, now seemingly enveloped in a multicolored divine glow, with bewilderment. They were puzzled as to why Yu Yuan hadn't intervened.

The Yu Yuan who had abruptly awakened seemed like a stranger to them.

Yu Yuan's demeanor toward them was somewhat detached. Instead, he engaged in a calm conversation with the Undead Sovereign, who bore a green-black pupil on the crystal face.

After such a prolonged conflict with the Origin Soul, weren't they sworn enemies?

Tan Xiaotian, Kurkova, and the others were baffled. They remained on high alert, ready to respond to any unforeseen developments.

"I arrived early, concealing myself in your former body to possess you during the merging of your memories. I didn't anticipate your resistance," the Origin Soul said with a hint of regret.

Failing to possess both the larger and smaller Yu Yuan and to claim the coveted multicolored body, the Origin Soul did not persist.

It seemed to recognize that the chance was lost the moment Yu Yuan began to assimilate the memories of the eight great epochs.

The Origin Soul, having acquired the body of the Undead Sovereign, promptly disengaged.

At that moment, Yu Yuan, who had allowed the Undead Sovereign to depart, urgently sought to erase the invasive powers the Origin Soul had slipped into his mind and heart.

The Origin Soul's imprint lingered in the mind and heart of Yu Yuan's colossal, colorful form.

Within a vast crimson sea, countless dazzling orbs, akin to blood crystals, tumbled, obliterating the green-black soul imprints and extinguishing the spiritual consciousness originating from the Origin Soul.

In his chest, within the most wondrous heart in existence, billions of scarlet Bloodline Crystal Chains were at work, purging the slender green-black streams.

His soul and his heart were permeated by the invasive power of the Origin Soul.

As Yu Yuan worked to eradicate the imprints, he realized that he was the Origin Blood that had perished in the true Abyss. With the dawn of the Ninth Era, both he and the Origin Soul had manifested in the Abyss simultaneously.

When he had descended into this massive, multicolored flesh using the soul of the Undead Sovereign, he had felt an inexplicable sense of correctness.

At that time, he believed he had assimilated the enormous, multicolored body, which explained the fragmented memories he had acquired.

Now, he finally understood that he hadn't assimilated the massive, multicolored flesh; he was merely returning to it.

Those fragmented and chaotic memories were inherently his, as was this body.

Together with the Origin Soul, he had forged the Abyss's splendor, nurturing all the intelligent races within it, including the Chaos Djinn. They were all a joint creation.

The Origin Blood from the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm were the Life Seeds he had sown, a preparation for the subsequent steps into the Desolate and Origin Realms after overcoming the Origin Soul.

Unexpectedly, after he and the Origin Soul had ushered in the Abyss's golden age, they clashed over dominance, leading to the fragmentation of their spiritual consciousness.

For transcendent beings like him and the Origin Soul, their spiritual consciousness could only disperse and be sealed, but it would never perish.

His fragmented spiritual consciousness would inevitably reconvene at a certain moment, and the Origin Soul would need to awaken him when the Origin Spirit was poised to enact destruction.

Regardless of their struggles and the outcomes in various worlds, both entities coexisted, each possessing an undying spirit.

Ultimately, they would converge at this place once more when the Origin Spirit initiated the end of all things.

Yu Yuan continued to purge the Origin Soul's contamination while reflecting on his past selves from the eight eras.

"The time has come," declared the Origin Soul, now inhabiting Yu Yuan's form of the Undead Sovereign, his voice laden with gravity. "He is now exerting his full might."

The Origin Soul's somber gaze fell upon the Great Demon God Beilstein, Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, the Secular Bird Queen, Jee Ningshuang, and the Death God Kurkova, and he intoned, "Aside from me and him, any one of you could be the next target of the Origin Spirit."

"Once He truly exerts His power, the concept of spatial distance becomes meaningless to Him across all heavens and worlds."

While speaking, the Origin Soul's gaze settled on the Origin Land, upon a crystal shimmering like the Heaven Opening Flare Star.

"Over generations, eight Spirits of Space have grown strong and returned to Him before the world's end. To Him, space holds no distance; His consciousness and thoughts can permeate all worlds in the blink of an eye."

"All of you, along with the supreme beings of the myriad worlds and all mighty creatures of flesh and blood, may be chosen by Him to serve as His vessel."

"In essence, He is an Origin Spirit, requiring a corporeal form to manifest Himself."


Following the Origin Soul's proclamation, the Origin Land, shrouded by the Myriad Spirit Restriction, experienced its inaugural tremor.

The assembled powers barely registered the tremor, only perceiving that the summoning force of the Origin Spirit had suddenly increased manifold!

Yet, in the domains bordering the Origin Domain—abandoned by the gods, the realms of tide, flow, and whirl, where stars teemed with intelligent races from foreign lands—cataclysmic quakes erupted!

Mountains crumbled, and diverse ancient structures toppled, entombing untold numbers of beings.

While some foreign lands continued to converge upon the Origin Domain, unaffected by the quakes, the robust celestial bodies, with their unyielding laws, burst forth from their realms, hurtling toward the Origin Domain.

It appeared that these enduring stars were destined to join the Creation Star River within the Origin Domain, becoming part of its ancient relics.

The civilizations that had survived on the periphery of the Creation Star River through eight epochs were the most flourishing. Such advanced civilizations earned the right to avoid obliteration and be preserved within the Creation Star River.

This was the Origin Land's first tremor.

"It has arrived."

Within the luminous ring encircling the Creation Star River, the Origin Soul—forged from the Origin Blood of the Origin Realm and the essence of cold—finally sensed the overwhelming force of the Origin Spirit, infiltrating from the abyss.

Time, space, light, and darkness—the four Origin Spirits—were instantly transformed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The four mighty Origin Spirits abruptly descended, settling into the holes that the Origin Soul had meticulously prepared for them, including the little Origin Beast.


The dazzling Myriad Spirit Restriction instantly enveloped the star, resembling a beehive. The various Myriad Spirit Restrictions that the Origin Soul had been refining were at last unified.

Elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the sun, moon, stars, lightning, ice, space, time, fate, light, and darkness.

Delicate, radiant halos, like layers of mysterious spatial barriers, wrapped around the star in an intricate dance.

The Origin Soul elucidated the profound connections among them, compelling all the Origin Spirits on the star to either willingly or unwillingly offer the Laws of the Great Dao they governed for the Origin Soul to wield.

As a result, a diminished replica of the Myriad Spirit Restriction materialized around the star.

This Myriad Spirit Restriction, under the Origin Soul's dominion, wielded the domain powers of the Origin Spirit to counter the fearsome summons.

On the modestly sized, luminous star, all Origin Spirits and supreme entities, including the little Origin Beast, occupied their respective holes.

Each hole was sealed at the surface, while an even more enigmatic Myriad Spirit Restriction encircled the star's periphery.

Only Yu Yuan, in the form of the Origin Soul, stood in isolation on the star's surface, the only one brave enough to remain exposed.

"The Ninth Epoch, your cataclysm commences anew," he declared solemnly to the void.

Within the Myriad Spirit Restriction, he beheld the splendid waves of light that, in a mere moment, engulfed the entire periphery of the Creation Star River.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A dozen or so energies, each bearing a distinct attribute, burst forth from the enigmatic depths of the Creation Star River, soaring into the boundless void.

Upon entering the void, these energies transformed into a dozen Origin Spirits, each wielding a different domain's law.

Lacking complex emotions and untouched by the divine refinement of foreign gods, they had not awakened desires through the bodies of deities.

In a flash, these concealed Origin Spirits, undetected by Yu Yuan and the Spirit of Fate in the secret reaches of the Creation Star River's outer ring, traversed the void and reached the Origin Land.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Yu Yuan, with his massive, multicolored form, seized the Origin Soul of the Undead Sovereign. Beilstein and the others watched as over a dozen streaks of light pierced through the Myriad Spirit Restriction, merging into their designated crystals.

"These are the ones that slipped through the net on the outer rim of the Creation Star River. The expanse is too vast, filled with many mysteries and Origin Spirits devoid of emotional consciousness. Some are in a state of hibernation, undetectable to me," the Origin Soul remarked, already anticipating this scenario. It was not surprised, but rather commented, "This is an improvement from before."


Glorious ripples, visible only to Yu Yuan and him, burst forth from the Origin Land. In a flash, they traversed the Creation Star River and swiftly submerged the entire Origin Domain before seeping outward into the cosmos!

Within mere moments, the divine radiance had enveloped the external universe.


In other secluded worlds, ones yet to be integrated into the thirty-six worlds of the foreign lands and undiscovered by the Space Gods of the Ninth Era, there were Origin Spirit seeds scattered at the dawn of the Ninth Era.

The Origin Spirits of these isolated worlds had grown formidable over eons of evolution and development.

Now, under the scrutiny of the Origin Spirit, they were exposed without a place to hide.

As his infinite divine might burst forth, every Origin Spirit within his perception, regardless of their world, was gently enveloped by a dazzling halo.

The vast emptiness shrank to a mere hand's breadth.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In worlds unknown to many, Origin Spirits traversed the void, seized by his divine grasp. They were drawn to the Origin Land, transforming into beams of murky light that poured into their respective crystals.

In just a short span, dozens of Origin Spirits, each with a unique aura, had returned to this place before the end of the world, stirred by a quiver of the Origin Land.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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