Unmatched Dominance/C2398 The Incarnation of the Origin!!(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2398 The Incarnation of the Origin!!(1)
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C2398 The Incarnation of the Origin!!(1)

After a considerable amount of time had passed, Zhiya, having parted ways with Yu Yuan, manipulated the Phoenix Shrine. Guided by the resonance of her bloodline and soul, she arrived at this deserted star. The immense power was escaping into another realm through the numerous Chaos Abysses that dotted the star's surface.

Standing atop the gleaming star, Zhiya's blood energy radiated outward, but she failed to detect the life force of the little Origin Beast. Her heart heavy with concern for the creature, she gazed at the myriad Chaos Abysses, each a gateway to a different world, uncertain of where to begin her search. "Where have you gone?" she whispered in confusion, unsure which Chaos Abyss would lead her to the little Origin Beast.

Deep within the void, a peculiar, tube-shaped galaxy hurtled through the nothingness, heading straight for the Origin Land. This enigmatic galaxy, enveloped by the Origin Realm, the abyss, and the Desolate Realm, was encased in a grey, misty barrier and moved with incredible speed through the void's depths.

Within the Origin Realm, nestled in the Creation Starfield named by the Origin Soul, lay the wondrous continent of the Creation Star River. This continent had begun to voraciously consume the starry sky's power from the entire Creation Starfield, its tremors sending out chaotic and violent abyssal waves.

The Origin Soul had long since departed, and the Great Demon God Beilstein had also taken his leave. The vast chasm that provided access to the continent's interior now stood empty. With the Myriad Spirit Restriction gone, there were no longer any supreme beings like Qin Luo, Yue Mu, and Jun Chen to examine the intricate Dao Laws left by the Origin Spirit.

At this moment, the belly of the land, which should have been shrouded in darkness, was brimming with the powerful energies of the starry sky. Some of this energy was a result of its own consumption, while the rest was fueled by the infusion of a mysterious external force. This turned the land's core into a colossal furnace, blazing with an unending supply of dynamic energy. It served as one of the driving forces behind the roaring, cylindrical star river.

In the Desolate Realm, the once-hidden river of stars, with its numerous springs and Chaos Abysses, began to reemerge. The Chaos Abysses slowly rotated, unleashing the formidable power of the starry sky, which also contributed to the galaxy's propulsion.

In the silent depths of the Abyss, a towering stone altar rose above a gleaming silver land, arching skyward like a gateway.

At that moment, a surge of powerful starry sky energy burst forth from the depths of the arch, exploding through it and causing the silver land to blaze with a rainbow of colors.

This continent was one of the power sources.

Anomalies had erupted across the Origin Realm, the Abyss, and the Desolate Realm, propelling the river of stars through the void.

Yet, the mighty beings dwelling within these realms sensed nothing amiss.

In the Gray Domain, all the strong who had not ascended to supreme status, including the Divine Soul Sect's Taixu and Tianqi, Andrea, Yuv Qian, the Chaos Roc, the Ground Beetle, along with foreign warriors like Denise and Elena of the Tenth Level, were oblivious to the brewing storm.

Supreme beings like Qin Luo, Yue Mu, Van Heqing, Tan Junshan, and Jun Chen reigned over the Supreme Ancient Immortal Realms.

The azure-robed elder guarding the Sacred Hall, surviving Evil Gods, and even Devaputras waited in silence within the Gray Domain.

They awaited the return of Yu Yuan.

On this fateful day, the Heaven Opening Flare Star erupted in a burst of rainbow-colored divine light. The deep caverns, once linked to the Starfields of the Origin Realm, now seemed to connect to a secret passageway from another realm.

Whoosh! The sound echoed through the air.

Loong Jie, Zhong Chichen, Yuan Lianyao, and others, previously immersed in the Creation Star River, abruptly materialized before everyone.




"Loong Jie!"

"Zhong Chichen!"

"Weren't you all in a foreign domain?"

Those not yet elevated to the Supreme Being level gazed in horror, screaming, unable to comprehend their sudden return.

Zhong Chichen, Taishi, and the rest were equally bewildered, unsure of how they were transported from the outer reaches of the Creation Star River to the Gray Domain of the Origin Realm.

Beneath their feet lay a star brimming with spatial anomalies and enigmatic void laws.

Two stars, one located on the outer rim of the Creation Star River and the other deep within the endless expanse of the Gray Domain, were miraculously connected by the power of the Origin Soul!

In the next instant, a timid little Origin Beast emerged from one of the portals.

It gazed upon the familiar world, the Gray Domain it knew so well, with eyes brimming with bewilderment and confusion.

"The vicious beast birthed by the Demon Phoenix!"

The crowd exclaimed in shock.

They soon noticed a figure clad in black standing on the forehead of the vicious beast—it was Yu Yuan.

His sudden appearance caused Zu Ann, Qin Luo, Yue Mu, and other mighty figures like Tan Junshan and Jun Chen to feel their Primordial Spirits quiver.

Those who had attained the Primordial Spirit Stage immediately realized that this was not Yu Yuan, but the most powerful Origin Soul of the Three Realms.

He was the Origin Soul!

The Origin Soul, having ventured into foreign lands, had now reappeared, stepping on the little Origin Beast and bringing many supreme beings back with him.

The powerhouses who had stayed in the Gray Domain awaiting Yu Yuan's return wore grim expressions, sensing that doomsday might be upon them.

They all believed that Yu Yuan had been slain by the Origin Soul in foreign realms, and that the triumphant Origin Soul had returned to this place as a silent boast of victory.


The Guardian began to speak but stopped short, wanting to probe with a few questions, yet unsure of what to ask.

For he knew that the Origin Soul could perceive his thoughts.

"I am not the beginning; I cannot traverse the infinite void to instantly arrive at the Origin Land," he spoke, not to anyone in particular, but to the air itself. "Fortunately, this star river is not far from the Origin Land. It is the birthplace of my ninth epoch, an excellent waypoint that allows me to bypass the lengthy void and quickly enter the Origin Land."

With those words, he stepped on the little Origin Beast and ripped open a rift in space.

Without pausing, he and the little Origin Beast drifted through the rift, sparing no further words for the strong of the Gray Domain.

After his departure, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and Yuan Lianyao found themselves encircled by the formidable inhabitants of the Gray Domain.


Denise, a warrior of the Star Race, was so overwhelmed with joy upon seeing Barol that she was on the verge of tears.

Elena caught Loong Jie's eye and immediately felt an oppressive force of the Great Dao emanating from him, almost suffocating her.


In the expanse of the elongated Creation Star River.

Once the Origin Soul and the small Origin Beast reappeared, they instantly spotted Yu Yuan's Yang God and his true form on the Dragon Slash Platform.

"The Dragon Slash Platform serves as my beacon."

He gave Yu Yuan a cursory glance, a slight smile playing on his lips, then unceremoniously descended onto the Dragon Slash Platform alongside the small Origin Beast.

The two Yu Yuans watched the third "Yu Yuan" approach without a hint of displeasure, allowing him and the small Origin Beast to land.

"Lin Daoke."

The three Yu Yuans exchanged glances, each bearing an enigmatic smile.


In the Origin Land.

Lin Daoke unleashed a sword strike into the void, the blade's light sweeping across the boundless emptiness to an unknown destination.

Yet, this strike towards the edge of the void unexpectedly caused the five great Origin Spirits—fate, time, space, darkness, and light—to surge into the Origin Land ahead of the others.

Subsequently, numerous Origin Spirits from various native realms emerged from within the divine bodies they had cultivated, also blending into the Origin Land.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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