Unmatched Dominance/C24 Life and Death!
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Unmatched Dominance/C24 Life and Death!
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C24 Life and Death!


Yu Cann pressed down on the wooden chair, ready to spring to his feet. "Master! What are you saying?"

Behind him, Yu Yuan reached out, resting his hand on Yu Cann's shoulder, whispering, "Grandfather, there's no need to rush. Let's sit and talk this through."

Confused, Yu Cann took his seat again and turned to Yu Yuan, his eyes clouded with bewilderment. "What you just mentioned, did the City Lord really promise to ensure your safety?"

"Grandfather, please don't ask too many questions. I'll be alright, just trust me," Yu Yuan reassured him gently.

"City Lord?"

Huang Chen of the Huang family was equally dumbfounded. "Am I hearing this correctly?"

Wasn't it supposed to be his own proposal?

The plan was to provoke Yu Wei first, then have Huang Bin enrage Yu Yuan, and finally dangle significant benefits to coax Yu Yuan into the fight.

So why had Yuan Lianyao, the City Lord, brought it up?

"This goes against all the rules," Lih Feng, the guard from the Yuan family, muttered as he shook his head in disbelief, looking at Yuan Lianyao with astonishment.

Wasn't it you who insisted that we must adhere to the rules?

Choosing two combatants without drawing lots was already a breach of protocol.

And now you're calling for a fight to the death?

"This is utter nonsense!"

Lih Feng felt his head throbbing with the absurdity of it all.

The clans of the four great families were thrown into chaos after Yuan Lianyao declared Yu Yuan and Huang Bin's battle feasible, insisting it be a duel to the death.

The commotion was deafening as everyone clamored and debated loudly.

Never in the history of Darkmoon City's three realms competition had there been such a farcical and frivolous event.

"Everyone, please, remain calm!"

Yuan Lianyao sat with an air of nonchalance, having procured a wooden chair from somewhere, and settled into it with poise. Facing the gathered elders, she commanded respect without showing anger. "Huang Chen, I'm well aware of the Huang family's affairs. You're in charge now. Huang Bin is your son. We're talking about a life or death match here. Do you consent?"

"Heh! Consent? Absolutely!" Huang Chen bellowed with laughter, his intimidating gaze shifting to Yu Wei and then to Yu Cann. "To be frank, even without the City Lord's intervention, I would've put forth the same challenge!"

"In a battle to the death, both parties must consent," Yuan Lianyao affirmed with a nod.

"Brother Yu Wei, if you're in agreement, should Yu Yuan emerge victorious, our Huang family will cede all mining profits outside the city to the Yu family for the next three years. But if Yu Yuan is defeated, we won't claim a single coin from this fight!" Huang Chen declared, his voice booming with conviction.

Victory for Yu Yuan meant the Huang family would relinquish their profits; defeat meant they wouldn't touch the earnings from the medicinal herb garden. It was a clear ploy to seal Yu Yuan's fate.

"What's your decision?" Yuan Lianyao asked, her voice light with a hint of a smile.

"I agree," Yu Wei responded, his tone flat and detached.

Gasps of astonishment erupted from the Yu family members. Yu Wei's behavior was alarmingly out of character today.

"What's really happening here?" Yu Cann asked, his eyes filled with confusion as he turned from Yu Wei to Yu Yuan. "Have you and our uncle had a discussion?"

Yu Wei's unusual demeanor led him to suspect Yu Yuan, who seemed even more out of the ordinary.

Yu Yuan gave a subtle nod.

"City Lord?" Yu Cann pressed.

"Grandfather, just watch and see," Yu Yuan reassured, patting his grandfather's hand gently. "I'm blessed with good fortune; it won't be so easy for me to die."

With those words, he strode confidently toward Yuan Lianyao, all eyes in the crowd riveted on him.

"So that's the Yu family's young master who returned from the dead! It's our first time seeing him in the flesh!"

"Quite the looker, he is—no less than Huang Bin!"

"After seventeen years in a daze, and only just awakening, is he to be sacrificed by Yu Wei? Even at the Pulse Opening Stage, how could he possibly stand against Huang Bin?"

"I think Yu Wei is doing this deliberately, aiming to kill him! With his death, Yu Wei's path to becoming the Yu family patriarch is clear!"

"Exactly, he's the old master's own grandson. His awakening poses a direct threat to Yu Wei's claim to the patriarch's seat!"

Amidst the whispers of conspiracy, there were those who believed Yu Wei's agreement with Yuan Lianyao and Huang Chen was driven by ulterior motives, a scheme to eliminate Yu Yuan before he could challenge his status in the future.

"Brother Yu Yuan, give it your all!"

From the Zhao family's direction, an enthusiastic and clear voice of encouragement rang out.

Yu Yuan glanced over and saw Zhao Yafu beaming with a sweet smile, enthusiastically waving her hand. "I knew you'd win! Once this is all settled, I've got some things I'd like to learn from you."

"Sure thing!" Yu Yuan nodded in response.

As he walked past Yu Wei, Yu Wei gave him a meaningful look and cautioned, "Be careful out there."

Yu Yuan grunted in acknowledgment, sparing little time for further conversation. He turned to Yuan Lianyao and inquired, "Which platform is the first battle taking place on?"

"Right there." Yuan Lianyao gestured towards a platform across from her. Seemingly out of nowhere, she produced a handful of sunflower seeds and began cracking them between her teeth. "No need for formalities. The first to fall is the end of it."

With a whoosh, Huang Bin leaped onto the platform, positioning himself at the center. He inhaled deeply and bellowed, "Yu Yuan, I told you at the city gates that I'd let you pass. But your audacity to enter the Pulse Opening Stage battle means no more mercy. I'll truly fight to the death!"

"Heh." Zhao Xi lifted his head, giving Huang Bin a scrutinizing look before shaking his head discreetly. "Big brother, Yafu, are you keeping something from me?"

"Not at all," Zhao Dongsheng feigned ignorance.

"You seem to be giving that Yu family kid a lot of credit. It's all very peculiar," Zhao Xi remarked, his gaze fixed on Zhao Yafu with curiosity. "Don't tell me you've fallen for that fool? I don't recall you two ever interacting."

"We've just met," Zhao Yafu stated nonchalantly, then burst into a fit of giggles. "But I must say, I'm quite taken with Brother Yu Yuan."

"Taken with him?" Zhao Xi's brow furrowed, his curiosity piqued as he watched Yu Yuan.

In stark contrast to Huang Bin, Yu Yuan ascended the steps to the square platform with deliberate ease.

Throughout it all, Yu Yuan remained exceptionally composed.

Huang Bin's challenge was loud and clear, yet Yu Yuan seemed deaf to it, utterly unfazed.

Zhao Xi's pupils narrowed, and his expression shifted subtly. "Odd!"

"What have you noticed?" Zhao Dongsheng inquired, his interest piqued.

"Huang Bin is rattled. Despite his higher level and superior combat strength, he's the one who should be confident of victory," Zhao Xi murmured, furrowing his brow. "But look at Yu Yuan—too serene, too composed. It's as if, in his eyes, this deadly duel is trivial."

"Hmm, just a bit of foreplay," Zhao Dongsheng mumbled indistinctly.

"What's really happening?" Zhao Xi's unease grew deep within. He glanced at the darkening sky, a sense of dread creeping over him. "Big brother, don't assume I'm indifferent or that my mind's not sharp."

"You're truly my brother—such sharp intuition," Zhao Dongsheng acknowledged with a nod. "We'll just have to watch and wait."

Zhao Xi's spirits sank further at his brother's words.


"Lili, Yuan's going to be okay, isn't he?"

As Yu Yuan ascended the stage, the elder's anxiety was palpable. He turned to Yu Lili, who was nearest, seeking reassurance.

Yu Lili bowed her head, "He should be."

"You and Wei, are you keeping something from me?" Yu Cann's suspicions were mounting.

"Let's leave it be; I'm not fully in the loop either. But Yuan crafted a fine spiritual weapon for me—I trust his judgment," Yu Lili explained.

"Spiritual weapon?" Yu Cann was taken aback once more.

"Enough questions," Yu Lili said, her urgency showing.

Yu Cann let out a sigh.



Yu Yuan took his place on stage with a calm and steady presence, then gazed at Huang Bin with a look of pity. "Remember, it's not someone else who's responsible for your demise—it's your father and your grandfather."

He turned his attention to a gaunt elder of the Huang family.

The old man was squinting, silent from the start, having left all decisions to his son, Huang Chen, while he remained aloof.

"I'm going to die?" Huang Bin let out a bizarre laugh. "Me, die? Apparently, your foolish illness is still uncured!"

"Cut the chatter; I've waited long enough," the City Lord, cracking melon seeds, interjected with impatience. "We're on a tight schedule, no delays."

Her words were directed at Yu Yuan, though few understood her meaning.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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