Unmatched Dominance/C2402 Divine Fall
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Unmatched Dominance/C2402 Divine Fall
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C2402 Divine Fall

"Tan Xiaotian!"

In the dazzling river of stars, the remaining powerhouses of the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm cried out in shock at Tan Xiaotian's demise.

The death of Tan Xiaotian cast a shadow over the faces of the Great Demon God Beilstein, the Secular Bird Queen, and Jee Ningshuang.

Tan Xiaotian's immense dark magic power failed to ensnare Lin Daoke's brilliantly glowing arm before he was utterly annihilated, his soul and life force dissipated into nothingness.

For Lin Daoke, slaying a supreme being like Tan Xiaotian was over in the blink of an eye.


Yu Yuan's titanic hand was pierced by Lin Daoke's Yang God Sword, transforming the blood-colored vortex of the "Chaos Abyss" in his grasp into a gaping, bloody cavity.

Deep within the bloody cavity, his bones were laid bare, continuously infiltrated by the might of the Divine Sword.

The radiance of Lin Daoke's sword became a blade sharp enough to sever the laws governing bloodlines, advancing from Yu Yuan's palm towards his chest.

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed, and he couldn't help but emit a soft grunt.

The vibrant red heart at the core of his chest housed the fundamental Dao of the Abyss Origin Blood. Should Lin Daoke's sword light pierce it, Yu Yuan would inevitably be plunged back into a dormant state.

Such silence signified the obliteration of his consciousness, stripping him of any capacity to fight back—something he and the Origin Soul had been desperately avoiding.


The Soul Altar within his mind suddenly transformed into an ominous scarlet blood eye, emerging deep between his brows.

Within the depths of this blood eye, intricate patterns pulsed and shimmered.

The heart symbolizing the primal Abyss Origin Blood, the stalactite-like blood crystals of the Origin Realm, and the Tree of Life of the Desolate Realm's Origin Blood all manifested within the pupil as Life Dao Images.


Yu Yuan's colossal, multicolored body echoed with a tremor from his true, blood-red heart.

This vibration resonated, causing Lin Daoke's chest to quake in response.

Lin Daoke narrowed his eyes, and a resplendent divine light akin to the Myriad Spirit Restriction instantly merged into his chest.

Yu Yuan, leveraging the essence of life itself, had reached a critical point in Lin Daoke's chest. A momentary lapse in Lin Daoke's focus caused the astonishing True Meaning of the Sword to falter.

The sword light that had been diffused in Yu Yuan's palm was swiftly extinguished by his quick action. The once formidable blade lost its edge.

He retracted the prismatic Yang God Sword from Yu Yuan's bloodstained palm, pausing briefly to gather his strength before striking at the descending Creation Pool.

Rip! Rip!

The Yang God Sword carved a horizontal and vertical line, unleashing the profound secret arts of time and space. It transformed into the Origin Soul that had once hovered above the star, ensnaring Yu Yuan with a double restriction.

Segments of mirror-like space were penetrated by the unwavering Time River, weaving together into a formidable time-space barrier.

The overwhelming descent of the Creation Pool, along with Yu Yuan's towering divine form, came to an abrupt halt.

"Old tricks won't work."

The Origin Soul, wrapped within the immense Sky Opening Array, was riddled with holes from Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword.

Yu Yuan's figure, submerged in a sea of light and riddled with gaps, defiantly cried out to Yu Yuan, "Awaken!"

This soul-shaking cry, infused with his mastery of the soul's heavenly path, shattered the temporal and spatial seals Lin Daoke had crafted with his swords, rousing Yu Yuan moments earlier.


As Lin Daoke readied another sword strike, the Life Wheel materialized behind Yu Yuan's head. Within the deep crimson wheel, a light shone, signifying dominion over all life and the boundless power to consume it.

This surge in life force even stirred the blood ocean within the unseen crystal face of the Myriad Spirit Restriction.

Beneath the crystal face, the blood ocean churned as if boiling, and the Life Wheel behind Yu Yuan's head cast an even brighter blood light in response.

The blood ocean within the crystal face resonated with Yu Yuan, magnifying the laws of life he commanded!


A stunning beam of blood light burst forth from the Soul Altar at Yu Yuan's brow.

This astonishing light pierced through the Myriad Spirit Restriction behind Lin Daoke and shot into the highest crystal face of the Origin Land.

With a flash, the light was absorbed.

Within the crystal face, a boundless crimson sea teemed with the shimmering essence of countless lives.

These sparks of life were the remnants of intelligent races that had perished in eras long past.

The life essence here was even more complete than that within Yu Yuan's Soul Altar or his vibrant, multicolored form.

Suddenly, in the tumultuous depths of the endless blood sea, Yu Yuan caught sight of two enigmatic, bright red fruits.

These massive fruits shone like two luminous, blood-colored hearts, emitting a radiance impossible to overlook.

At first glance, they resembled the foundational roots of the Great Dao that Yu Yuan had cultivated in the abyss, appearing as vibrant hearts, yet also as ripe fruits of life.

The two bright red fruits drifted in the boundless blood sea, far apart yet drawn to each other.

Despite their attraction, no matter how they soared through the blood sea, they never truly merged; it seemed a key element was missing.

Gazing through the crimson light, Yu Yuan observed the peculiar fruits. As he pondered their nature, a towering divine might suddenly enveloped the entire Origin Land.

The divine might ruthlessly extinguished his consciousness within the blood light.

"The fruits, the fruits, they draw close, flying together, yet they never collide," Yu Yuan whispered to himself.

With the wisdom of eight epochs, he probed the enigma of the fruits, tirelessly dissecting their essence.

A flash of insight erupted at the pinnacle of the Soul Altar, within the heart-shaped Abyss Origin Blood. He finally grasped the significance of the fruits and what they signified.

Named the World Destruction Fruit, their collision would herald the onset of annihilation!

"I'm returning as well!"

Beilstein, intent on dashing toward the dazzling galaxy, witnessed Tan Xiaotian's instantaneous demise. Far from being deterred, the old demon's ferocity was awakened.

With a thunderous blast, the Great Demon God Beilstein's body, composed of purple prisma, detonated into the void.

Thousands of tiny prisma shards, each no larger than a fingernail and brimming with a murky essence, hurtled towards Lin Daoke.

The myriad shards formed a chaotic canopy above Lin Daoke's head, threatening to warp his spirit.

The Secular Bird Queen and Jee Ningshuang, seeing Beilstein turn to engage in battle, swiftly took flight towards Lin Daoke.

Lin Daoke, with a gaze both detached and icy, glanced upward at the shower of prisma shards. From the depths of his eyes, numerous strands capable of manipulating destiny emerged.

These lines of fate vanished in an instant, infiltrating Beilstein's fragmented form and every shattered prisma shard.

Every shattered fragment of amethyst contained a Devil Soul, a part of Beilstein himself. Each Devil Soul had foreseen its inevitable demise.

In the Ninth Era, Beilstein's death was certain; it was merely a question of when.

Lin Daoke, well-versed in the Divine Power of Fate from the previous eight eras, accelerated Beilstein's fated end.

Yet, this was not a manipulation of destiny.

Thus, when Beilstein glimpsed his own death, the Devil Souls within each crystal heeded fate's call and embraced their end.

The Great Demon God Beilstein saw his countless amethysts crumble into oblivion, with every Devil Soul extinguished.

Following the demise of Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, the Great Demon God Beilstein too met his downfall.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It was then that Lin Daoke turned his gaze upon the Secular Bird Queen and Jee Ningshuang, unleashing two distinct beams of light.

His eyes radiated an unparalleled sword intent, concealing the profound truths of the Dao capable of obliterating them both.

The divine radiance aimed at Jee Ningshuang transformed into a blazing river, revealing the essence of fire from all the eras within its fiery flow.

Jee Ningshuang was engulfed by the inferno, slowly consumed by the flames.

The Secular Bird Queen emitted a mournful screech. Her three-headed, six-armed form, along with the ashen Divine Bird circling above, were penetrated by the light brimming with the essence of annihilation.

Chen Qinghuang had no chance to grasp the Origin Spirit Dao Law within the light. She realized that this brilliance was the antithesis of her insights into destruction, death, and venom—a single beam shattered all the Dao she had perceived.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the Gray Domain of the Origin Realm, Loong Jie, Zhong Chichen, Yuan Lianyao, Barol, and supreme beings like Lvliu were relentlessly battering the luminous barrier of the realm.

Witnessing Lin Daoke's swordplay and the dazzling light that followed, which claimed the lives of Tan Xiaotian, Beilstein, Jee Ningshuang, and the Secular Bird Queen, they were galvanized by an indomitable will to fight.

They attempted to break free, knowing full well they might be obliterated in the next instant, but they were determined to confront Lin Daoke's Divine Sword.


The golden sea of light, encased within the spherical Sky Opening Array, was utterly shattered by the sword light. The green and black sea of souls, representing the essence of his Great Dao, was torn into fragments by the sweeping sword light.

The Origin Soul, now inhabiting a body reconstructed from the flesh and blood of the little Origin Beast, was also full of gaping wounds.

Gradually, it became aware of the inadequacy of its soul consciousness and soul energy.

It began to feel a sense of helplessness, fearing it would once again succumb to the endless cycle of reincarnation and lose its spiritual essence.

Like Yu Yuan and the Origin Beast, it was an undying spirit, not destined for complete annihilation.

Yet, if it were to lose its spiritual essence, it understood that it would not awaken until the tenth era.

At that time, it would have to start anew as an Origin Soul, slowly rediscovering its true self and piecing together its past.

In this ninth era, it was only when Yu Yuan reached the Origin Land and integrated the eight missing memories that he would fully awaken.

Wasn't it the same for him?

He had only truly awakened after defeating Devitt, unraveling the mysteries of space from the Desolate Realm to the Origin Domain, and finally reaching the Creation Star River.

Only then did he realize that he, like Yu Yuan, had struggled through eight eras, repeatedly oppressed and exiled by the Origin.

"Must we endure this cycle once more?" the Origin Soul whispered to itself.

With eyes clouded by confusion, it took one last look at its old comrades.

A bitter smile crept across its lips: "We are but two pitiful creatures caught in the relentless wheel of fate."

In its view, Yu Yuan's massive, multicolored form was being cleaved open by the Yang God Sword, suffering the same fate.

Yu Yuan was not faring much better.

He could tell that Lin Daoke was inflicting severe wounds on Yu Yuan with the same technique, slowly eroding his will, dooming both Yu Yuan and himself to once again lose their sense of self.

"From this moment forward, you must obey me. You will follow my lead," Yu Yuan's voice suddenly echoed from within him.

The Origin Soul, struck dumb, asked, "Is there still a possibility of victory?"


Yu Yuan responded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Supreme beings like Heesters, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and Yuan Lianyao came to a sudden halt.

Mighty warriors of the Divine Soul Sect such as the Chaos Roc, the Grand Illusionary Divine Soul, Ann Ziqing, Andrea, and Yuv Qian were momentarily stunned.

Following them were Yue Mu, Zu Ann, Qin Luo, Van Heqing, and the green-robed elder who protected the Sacred Hall.

All those connected to Yu Yuan, those he held dear, heard his heartfelt message.

“My friends, after the dawn of the Tenth Era, I will recreate and awaken you.”

“And so, the Ninth Era that is both mine and yours shall conclude at this moment.”

Yu Yuan’s voice and will echoed within them, urging the mightiest not to struggle in vain.

Then, Yu Yuan, battered and bruised, gazed at Lin Daoke, the origin itself, and whispered, “As you desire, I shall bring about the end of the world.”

Lin Daoke, who had remained stoic, suddenly showed a dramatic shift in demeanor upon hearing Yu Yuan's declaration.

The Origin could no longer maintain its composure.

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