Unmatched Dominance/C241 There Are Seven Mountains in the Yuan Yang!
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Unmatched Dominance/C241 There Are Seven Mountains in the Yuan Yang!
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C241 There Are Seven Mountains in the Yuan Yang!

A shadow emerged silently at Lau Zaihe's brow, dark and insidious.

It contorted and condensed, taking the shape of another Lau Zaihe.

The Lau Zaihe at his forehead suddenly gained lucidity, casting an urgent glance at Chen Qingyan, desperate to explain, to say something.

Chen Qingyan caught the look and recognized that this Lau Zaihe was the true embodiment of his three souls.

"Your usefulness ends here."

"Lau Zaihe" extended his left index finger, his smile radiant, as he pressed it to his brow.

To the onlookers, his left index finger seemed insignificant, but through Chen Qingyan's senses, beneath the shadow on his forehead, it was as if a mountain of flames, towering millions of feet high, loomed.

This mountain of flames wasn't naturally formed from stone but was a pile of innumerable red crystals.

It stood tall and grand, surrounded by blooming clouds of fire that seemed to set the soul ablaze with just one glance.

Countless strands of crimson lightning crisscrossed, entwining the mountain.

Above, three immense suns, whether real or mere projections, hovered at the summit, bathing the mountain in their divine, blazing light.

With a single press of his hand, he wrought a mystical transformation, altering the very fabric of the world!

The shadow at Lau Zaihe's brow, which had intended to offer an explanation to Chen Qingyan, now closed its eyes in despair, realizing the otherworldly realm his fingertip had unveiled.

His fingertip made contact with the shadow at the brow.


The true spirit of Lau Zaihe, the condensed shadow of his three souls, was permeated by the supreme Yang power and immediately burst into flames.

Within ten breaths, all evidence of his existence was incinerated.

"Now, that's much better."

Retracting his finger, Lau Zaihe's laughter rang out, his face aglow with satisfaction. He turned to Chen Qingyan, hands clasped behind him, and said, "Lass Chen, the Profound Sky Sect deals with its traitors, and I'm here to vanquish evil. Your visit to the Jade Peak Mountain Range is merely for exploration, to deepen your understanding of herbs, as your master would say."

"We have no conflicting interests. And your master, well-known for his protective nature, means I have no intention of crossing you."

"Everything in the valley is at your disposal, save for the Profound Sky Sect's turncoats and that dark-haired girl."

His tone was arrogant yet seemingly effortless.

By now, Chen Qingyan had regained her composure and inquired, "Senior, from which mountain do you hail within the Primordial Yang Sect?"

The vision summoned by his gesture was unmistakably a fiery representation of Elemental Mountain, revealing his origins from the Heavenly Source Continent's Primordial Yang Sect, a faction as renowned as her own Sword Sect and the Profound Sky Sect.

She recognized not only that he was a practitioner from the Primordial Yang Sect but also that he was at the Soul Wandering Stage.

The distant Yin God, using the sect's secret arts, had stealthily taken residence within Lau Zaihe, likely unnoticed at first.

He had even mistaken the surge in his vitality and recent progress in cultivation as precursors to a breakthrough, unaware that it was the Yin God's influence bolstering his confidence.

Unbeknownst to him, the powerful Yin God could silently guide and manipulate his judgments and actions!

He was led to make decisions against his better judgment, believing them to be the whispers of his subconscious, his own intuition—when in reality, it was the Yin God's subtle manipulation.

The deception that led the Hu family into Chilly Wind Valley, resulting in the tragic demise of their guest elders, was surely not Lau Zaihe's intent.

Confused, Lau Zaihe himself couldn't grasp what had transpired.

Ultimately, as Lau Zaihe's true soul emerged at his brow, he must have realized the truth—that it wasn't he who had slain the Hu family members, but the intruding Yin God from the Primordial Yang Sect.

Regrettably, by then, it was too late for words.

Lau Zaihe perished.

"Primordial Yang Sect!"

"To think that someone from the Primordial Yang Sect, one of the three great upper sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, has ventured to the Jade Peak!"

"Jade Peak lies near the Rainier Empire, whose greatest ally, according to legend, is none other than the Primordial Yang Sect!"

"With Mei Qiurong from the Profound Sky Sect and Chen Qingyan from the Sword Sect already present, what secrets does the Jade Peak and Chilly Wind Valley truly conceal?"

The survivors' hearts plummeted into despair as their cries echoed without end.

"Primordial Yang Sect!"

As Yu Yuan gazed upon the composed and self-assured Lau Zaihe, her inner turmoil roared.

The diminutive and gaunt girl was impaled through the chest by a crimson short spear, suspended from the rock face, her body spasming occasionally, yet unable to break free from the spear's grip.

Her head hung low, her hands limply at her sides, the extent of her injuries evident.

The crimson short spear relentlessly expelled energy, continuing to ravage her flesh, inflicting ongoing harm.

The intent was clear: to compound her injuries and prevent her from harnessing her astonishing regenerative abilities to swiftly heal and find the strength or opportunity to escape.

With her formidable nature, absent a sustained assault, her exceptional talents would allow for rapid recovery.

Had she not been caught off-guard, her mind reeling and defenses at their weakest, she would not have succumbed to such grievous harm so readily.

"My name is Wu Xiting, from Yang Mountain."

The man known as Lau Zaihe, now more imposing and vigorous from his replenished vitality, with a transformed face and presence, candidly responded to Chen Qingyan's inquiry with a warm smile. "Yang Mountain may not be the most renowned among the seven peaks of the Primordial Yang Sect. Given your relatively short time on the Heavenly Source Continent, and your master's discretion, it's unlikely you've heard much about our Yang Mountain, or me."

Chen Qingyan nodded in recognition. "I see, you are Senior Wu from Yang Mountain."

The Primordial Yang Sect of the Heavenly Source Continent comprises seven mighty mountains, with Elemental Mountain at the forefront.

The sect itself is named after Elemental Mountain.

Beyond Elemental Mountain lie Quill Mountain, Secluded Sun Mountain, Yang Mountain, Phoenix Mountain, Yang Mountain, and Dark Sun Mountain.

Together, these seven peaks embody the full might and heritage of the Primordial Yang Sect!

Each mountain's lineage and cultivation methods are distinct, each with its own wonders and specialties.

Yet, all six mountains align under the leadership of Elemental Mountain.

With each change of the sect master, the seven mountains engage in fierce competition. The victor ascends to lead the Primordial Yang Sect as the new sect master.

Yang Mountain, while not the most powerful or renowned among the Primordial Yang Sect's seven peaks, has seen its prominence wane in recent years.

Perhaps that's why Chen Qingyan's master seldom spoke of Yang Mountain when discussing the Primordial Yang Sect.

Wu Xiting admitted her unfamiliarity, having never heard of it, and indeed, that was the case.

Yet, despite its modest ranking within the Primordial Yang Sect's mountains, Yang Mountain remained a distinguished entity on the Heavenly Source Continent.

Its practitioners stood head and shoulders above those from the lesser sects within the Primordial Yang Sect.

On the Profound Sky Continent, Wu Xiting's origins from Yang Mountain of the Primordial Yang Sect lent her an air of extraordinary honor and esteem.

"Let's skip the pleasantries," Wu Xiting said with a hearty laugh. "Meeting is destiny! Lass Chen, you just observe for now. We'll take care of the odds and ends in the valley first. Afterwards, if there's anything you desire, let your master know. We'll certainly extend you that courtesy."

"Indeed, lass Chen, you just stand by and watch," Mei Qiurong chimed in with a smile.

They were confident that with their combined efforts, they would soon subdue the slender, dark-complexioned girl and resolve the valley's issues.

Chen Qingyan furrowed her brow and lapsed into silence.

"Kid!" Wu Xiting flashed a grin, turning his attention back to Yu Yuan in the depths of the valley. "I sensed something off about you when I was in Lau Zaihe's body. How do you know that girl? Ah, this matter came to the attention of the Primordial Yang Sect quite by accident. One of our disciples, while foraging for herbs in the Jade Peak years ago, was ambushed by her."

"Back then, she was still bound by a seal beneath the marshland, showing no extraordinary qualities."

"Years later, another disciple visited the Jade Peak Mountain Range and was astounded to find her growth had accelerated dramatically, along with signs of escaping the seal and burgeoning wisdom. That caught our attention, and the news eventually made its way to me."

"I wasn't in any rush. I instructed him to keep observing. After several more years, her remarkable spirit and fearsome toxicity convinced me it was time to act."

He paused mid-sentence, squinting his eyes with a smile as he regarded Yu Yuan.

"I've waited many years to free her and take her away. And you? How old are you? When have you ever visited the Jade Peak Mountain Range, and how did you come to be connected with her?"

Curiosity brimmed within Wu Xiting.

He had been silently observing through Lau Zaihe's body, watching as Jin Fann drew out the toxic miasma.

Through Lau Zaihe's eyes, he had witnessed much, deepening his bewilderment.

The concept of reincarnation was exceedingly secretive within the Boundless Land, leaving scarcely a trace to follow. It hadn't crossed his mind.

Yet, there was no mismatched soul within Yu Yuan's body, no spirit at odds with his vital energy, blood, or consciousness.

Thus, Yu Yuan was not like him, not a vessel for a powerful Yin God.

These mysteries compounded his confusion, driving his desire to uncover the truth.

"Senior Wu, he's my friend," interjected Chen Qingyan.

"Friend?" Wu Xiting let out a disbelieving chuckle. "I've been here since he first appeared. You've barely met; where does this profound friendship come from? And his background, his family—how do they qualify him to be your friend? But don't worry, lass Chen, I'm merely curious. I'll spare his life for you."

"Shall we deal with the others first?" suggested Mei Qiurong.

Wu Xiting cast a glance at the cave entrance where Yu Yuan stood, aware that Ann Jieshan was concealed beneath the ground.

After a moment's contemplation, he nodded and spoke, "The Medicine Sect and the Medicine God Sect share a deep connection. With emissaries from the Medicine God Sect likely headed to Chilly Wind Valley, neither our Primordial Yang Sect nor your Profound Sky Sect wants to provoke them. So let's keep our actions here under wraps from the Medicine God Sect."

At his words, Loong Tianxiao and Kuan Xianyun's faces turned ashen.

Kuan Xianyun of the Ghoul Glyph Sect inhaled sharply, his fear of the Ghost Poisoning Array dissipating. He swiftly produced three talismans, pressing one each to his forehead, chest, and lower abdomen, before charging into the valley.

The three talismans were affixed to his upper, middle, and lower dantian, respectively.

Determined to shield his vital areas with the talismans, he was prepared to endure the ravages of the deadly toxin on his flesh and blood if it meant escaping Chilly Wind Valley. Once safe, he would devise a plan to purge the poison from his system.

Clearly, the choices made by Wu Xiting and Mei Qiurong had tipped him off to their impending actions.

"Brother Guan, I must ask you to halt!"

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