Unmatched Dominance/C255 To Speak out His Heart
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Unmatched Dominance/C255 To Speak out His Heart
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C255 To Speak out His Heart

Newborns on the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents are almost invariably the offspring of cultivators. Typically, children born on these lands possess innate talents for cultivation, largely because the union of cultivators yields inherently extraordinary progeny. Additionally, the dense spiritual energy of these continents imbues infants with a distinct advantage over those born on the Profound Sky Continent.

As a result, the youth of the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents are highly sought after by various sects, often becoming core disciples. The most exceptional among them, such as those from the upper sects, the Demon Palace, and the Devil Palace, are usually native to these lands and descendants of the local cultivators.

Take Chen Qingyan, for example, a rare talent from the Profound Sky Continent who caught the eye of the Sword Sect. Such individuals are as rare as phoenix feathers and Qilin horns. Others, like Lee Yu, Lim Zhuyun, Su Yan, and Zhan Tianxiang—prized youths of the Silvermoon Empire—might also be pre-selected by sects from the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents.

Yet, once these individuals set foot on new lands and join the sects that chose them, the majority find themselves as just ordinary members. Many may spend their entire lives as outer disciples, never reaching the inner core.

Previously, Duan Guanlan and Wu Zimo, among the elite youth of the Rainier Empire, were promptly selected by the Primordial Yang Sect. After advancing to the Profound Break Stage, they were brought into the sect for cultivation. However, within the Primordial Yang Sect, they were merely ordinary disciples, sometimes even looked down upon by the core inner members who could be quite condescending.

The reason sects from the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents recruit on the Profound Sky Continent and urge rigorous cultivation is simple—the fertility rates among cultivator couples are exceedingly low. The laws of nature impose limits; as cultivators ascend in rank and their lifespans extend from hundreds to thousands of years, their ability to reproduce diminishes. If long-lived cultivators had the same fertility as mortals, they would produce innumerable offspring.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not limitless. Should the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents be overwhelmed by vast numbers of cultivators vying for this energy, they too would buckle under the strain. It may not take many years for them to resemble the Profound Sky Continent, where spiritual energy has gradually become scarce.

This is precisely why cultivators who have ascended to the Yang God Stage often choose to wander the galaxies.

Once these Yang God Stage cultivators leave the Profound Sky Continent to train in the vast Outland Star River, they are essentially plundering resources and energy from others to bolster their own strength.

From the perspective of the Outland Devaputra and various alien species of the galaxy, it is the human race's elite cultivators who are the invaders—foreigners who pillage and plunder their homes.

One peculiar balance within the Boundless Land is that as soon as one embarks on the path of cultivation, the difficulty of bearing offspring increases with each advancement in cultivation level.

Moreover, the higher the realm achieved, the weaker the fertility becomes.

Coupled with the fact that most cultivators are so engrossed in their practice that they see no need for a life partner, the birth rates on the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents have been steadily declining.

Yet, these same cultivators are constantly engaged in battles throughout the Outland Star River against the Devaputra and myriad exotic beings, suffering considerable losses.

To ensure the human race thrives and doesn't face a shortage of successors, it's imperative to recruit a wide array of disciples.

The countless mortals of the Profound Sky Continent are the prime targets for discipleship by the two continents. Among these many mortals, there are those like Chen Qingyan who, though not native to either continent, possess immense potential for cultivation.

In essence, the mortals of the Profound Sky Continent are the foundational disciples for the cultivation community of the two continents.

Yet, talents that shine brightest on the Profound Sky Continent often appear quite ordinary when compared to those born on the other two continents.

Children born on the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents stand out individually, with aptitudes and potential that far surpass the so-called prodigies from the Profound Sky Continent.

Zhou Cangmin, having been born on the Quietus Continent and declared a Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect from birth, undoubtedly possesses an extraordinary gift for cultivation.

Yu Yuan is acutely aware that those labeled as "Demonic Seeds" are being groomed as future sect masters by the Red Devil Sect.

Surprisingly, the Primordial Yang Sect did not coddle such a talent. Instead, they orchestrated his covert arrival in the Rainier Empire, intending for him to assume a new identity and infiltrate the Primordial Yang Sect in hiding, undoubtedly as part of a significant scheme.

The elaborate scheme that the Red Devil Sect had been orchestrating for years came to an abrupt halt, signaling that something of even greater importance must have arisen.

Zhou Cangmin's words had sent shockwaves through Yu Yuan's heart, leaving him unsettled for a considerable time.

The myriad of peculiar events in Chilly Wind Valley, the machinations of Mei Qiurong, Wu Xiting, and Ann Jieshan from the Profound Sky Sect, among others, had largely unfolded as anticipated by the Imperial Advisor.

Ultimately, Ann Jieshan managed to flee, Mei Qiurong perished, and the Heaven Palace Seal was lost.

It seemed that Zhou Cangmin's strategy had borne fruit.

The sole unforeseen factor was Yu Yuan's intervention, rescuing the gaunt young girl from Chilly Wind Valley rather than allowing Wu Xiting to capture her and deliver her into Zhou Cangmin's hands.

Yet now, with his presence in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, was he there to rectify an imperfection in the plan?

With this in mind, Yu Yuan resolved to attempt a connection with the Soul Transformation Pool, leveraging the sword soul and the grand formation to see if he could pose a threat to Zhou Cangmin.

Zhou Cangmin, being at the Soul Wandering Stage, and a far-traveled Yin God, might not possess the might of the Sky Shocking Emperor or the Green Incubus.

Yu Yuan was confident that if he could reactivate the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, the Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire would hesitate to confront him within the Forbidden Area, risking a fallout and the potential loss of the miasma.

As Zhou Cangmin spoke with great eloquence, Yu Yuan was covertly summoning the sword light within his arm, seeking communion with the sword soul.

In silence, he contemplated the Soul Forging Technique, reaching out to the four archaic black characters beneath the Soul Transformation Pool.

He could faintly perceive the pool's presence and, with his Heavenly Soul, discern the essence of the ancient characters, expressing his own intentions.

Regrettably, the reactivation of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation hinged not only on the right moment, location, and harmony but also on a substantial influx of soul energy.

The sword soul within his arm showed no signs of stirring.

And the enigmatic power within the four archaic black characters at the base of the Soul Transformation Pool, intended solely to contain the spatial conduit to the outside realms, failed to activate the pool and revive the ancient and formidable formation as he had hoped.

"Stop spinning your wheels."

Zhou Cangmin spoke with a serene confidence, a smile playing on his lips as he offered a piece of advice, "You're an odd one, practicing both the Glorious Heavenly Wheel and the Evil Body Refining Skill. If you were truly a disciple of the Primordial Yang Sect, Mo Baichuan's own protégé, I wouldn't let you live."

"In Darkmoon City, you lent a hand to Yuan Qiufang. And that girl Ann from the Blood God Cult, she's been hiding out with your Yu family. She left with great expectations for you. Once Ann Jieshan returns, I'm sure he'll have plenty of praise for you at the Blood God Cult."

"Seeing all this, you ought to be more aligned with the Quietus Continent. What puzzles me is how you're privy to so much information."

"There are things even I am not aware of. How do you, at such a young age, come to know them?" Zhou Cangmin narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Yu Yuan remained silent.

"The covert struggle between the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent has never ceased. Once we gain the upper hand in the Outland Star River, turmoil often erupts within," Zhou Cangmin mused, gazing at the celestial river above. "Perhaps it won't be long before the Boundless Land is engulfed in turmoil. We're merely getting ahead of the game."

"The Red Devil Sect has no desire to meet the same fate as the Evil Sect. We aim to reclaim what we've lost from the Primordial Yang Sect."

"To that end, we've taken many actions and made countless sacrifices."

"I have no intention of becoming one of those sacrifices."

Zhou Cangmin couldn't quite grasp why he felt compelled to share so much in Yu Yuan's presence.

Yu Yuan, at a disadvantage, remained silent, offering no answers to the multitude of questions.

"That short spear you have is of no use to you. Hand it over," Zhou Cangmin suddenly requested, extending his hand. "I intend to exchange it for something from the Blood God Cult."

The short spear in question had been retrieved by Yu Yuan after Wu Xiting had plunged it into the chest of a slender girl. When Ann Jieshan took Wu Xiting away, he only claimed the Heaven Palace Seal, leaving the spear behind, which Yu Yuan had since kept.

Now, as Zhou Cangmin reached out for it...

Without a word, Yu Yuan tossed the short spear to him, then furrowed his brow and asked, "What about your Yin God?"

The true Yin God exists as a pure soul form, and it is exceedingly difficult for such beings to manipulate physical objects.

A Yin God of the Illusory Soul can maximize its speed, soaring through the heavens and delving into the earth, typically unable to interact with tangible items.

For Zhou Cangmin, a Yin God, to be holding a pellet was quite out of the ordinary.

"It's not a true Yin God," Zhou Cangmin said with a smile as he accepted the short spear. Glancing at her, shrouded in miasmic clouds, he explained, "There's an additional layer, a kind of skin, infused with the power of Qi and blood, which solidifies into a semi-illusory form. That's how I'm able to handle objects. Should I face a formidable foe, I'll readily discard this layer."

After a brief pause, he took the short spear and asked, "Are you returning to Darkmoon City?"

Yu Yuan nodded in confirmation.

"I have one last question for you. Do your ties lie with the Heavenly Source Continent, or are they deeper with our Quietus Continent? Furthermore, in the event of a full-scale war between the two continents, which side would you choose?" Zhou Cangmin inquired with gravity.

"Neutral, or perhaps aligned with the Quietus Continent—it will depend on future developments," Yu Yuan replied.

"Very well," Zhou Cangmin nodded, offering his well-wishes. "Good luck to you."

With those final words, the Yin God, in the guise of a white-clothed youth, drifted away.

"Yuan Qiufang has claimed you're an ancient demon from the north of the Quietus Continent, reborn through spirit possession. After observing you for so long, your true nature remains elusive to me. Nevertheless, our paths are bound to cross again, regardless of your circumstances. We are destined to interact once more."

"Moreover, the current plight of the Yu Family is precarious, and you are far too vulnerable. Be wise and look after yourself."

With that, the figure in white fell silent.

Yu Yuan remained under the frigid moonlight, lost in thought for a long while, pondering Zhou Cangmin's words. He wondered why Zhou Cangmin had only requested the short spear and refrained from taking action against him or her.

Did Yuan Qiufang's words instill caution in Zhou Cangmin, fearing to provoke another 'self' lurking in the north of the Quietus Continent?

Or did Zhou Cangmin harbor other, more intricate schemes?

Since his rebirth, Zhou Cangmin of the Rainier Empire was the first practitioner he'd encountered who struck him as truly exceptional, an enigmatic figure whose motives were inscrutable.

"The Yu family seems to be in a bit of a bind?"

After a moment's pause, he furrowed his brow and resolved to delay no further. He would make haste and head home at the earliest opportunity.


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