Unmatched Dominance/C261 Show off His Might
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Unmatched Dominance/C261 Show off His Might
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C261 Show off His Might

No sooner had the words left his mouth than an elderly man with a youthful face and white hair materialized before Yu Cann and Zhao Zhenghao.

Clad in a long silver robe with golden trim, the old man flicked his sleeve, sending a spray of fine electrical sparks into the air.

He materialized abruptly, planting himself squarely between Yu Cann and Zhao Zhenghao, and fixed Yu Cann with a glare. "Are you the current head of the Yu family?" he demanded.

"Brother, please, temper your anger," came another voice, this one soft and soothing, a mere second later.

A middle-aged man, dressed in white and exuding a calm and distinguished air, materialized in a glimmer of frost beside the old man.

"I am Lau Wei, from the Cold Yin Sect. I'm the one seeking an audience with you," he said with a mild smile, gesturing to the old man. "This is my elder brother, a member of the Thunder Sect."

"I am Lei Xiao!"

The old man in silver huffed coldly. "How can the Yu family of Darkmoon City, so insignificant, dare to turn away a visit from an upper sect of the Heavenly Source Continent?"

Lei Xiao was accustomed to reverence as he traversed the Profound Sky Continent, receiving grand receptions from numerous families and royal houses across various empires.

In his view, once Lau Wei had announced their affiliation with the Cold Yin Sect, someone like Yu Cann, a minor family head, should have been prompt to welcome them.

Yu Cann's refusal had instantly enraged him, prompting a direct confrontation.

Once inside, Lei Xiao scrutinized Yu Cann and Zhao Zhenghao, extending his penetrating spiritual sense and swiftly ascertaining that both were merely at the Profound Break Stage.

The head of a family, yet only at the Profound Break Stage.

Yet here he stood, Lei Xiao, alongside Lau Wei, both in the late Penetrating Stage.

On the Heavenly Source Continent, they might not be the most distinguished, but here in what they considered the Lower Realm, the idea of facing indignities on the Profound Sky Continent was intolerable.

"Thunder Sect!"

Zhao Zhenghao, the head of the Zhao family, paled slightly, his voice tinged with awe.

The seven major lower sects of the Heavenly Source Continent included the Spirit Void Sect, Silver Moon Sect, Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect, Taiyuan Sect, Cloud Water Sect, and Ancient Desolate Sect, each with their own formidable strength and combat prowess.

The Thunder Sect stood a notch above the Cold Yin Sect in the hierarchy of the seven major sects. In recent years, the Thunder Sect had seen a surge of formidable experts, positioning itself to potentially overtake both the Silver Moon Sect and the Spirit Void Sect.

This rise in prestige likely contributed to the increased respect for Thunder Sect cultivators across the Profound Sky Continent over the past decade, and it certainly seemed to inflate their egos.

"Thunder Sect!"

Yu Cann was taken aback to learn that Lei Xiao was not from the Cold Yin Sect, but a practitioner from the Thunder Sect. He was well aware that the Thunder Sect's members were known for their even more domineering and irrational behavior on the Profound Sky Continent than those from the Cold Yin Sect. The Cold Yin Sect alone was a thorn in his side, but now, the Thunder Sect too...

"Brother, there's no need for anger. My visit is one of genuine intent," Lau Wei said with a smile to Lei Xiao, then turned to Yu Cann with a serious tone. "Old Master Yu, I've heard rumors of an Ice Soul Crystal in the possession of the Yu family. Is there any truth to this?"

Yu Cann's brow furrowed. "What makes you say that?"

"Enough with the act!" Lei Xiao burst out angrily. "That Ice Soul Crystal is just gathering dust with your family. Name your price and be quick about it! The young lady from your family, confined to Darkmoon City by your underhanded tactics, she needs that crystal to swiftly overcome the Profound Break Stage!"

"Lady Lim is suffering because of her engagement to a good-for-nothing, and she's the subject of gossip across the Heavenly Source Continent. The Yu family owes her for this!"

Lei Xiao leveled accusations at Yu Cann without any preamble, as if he were championing justice himself. His righteous indignation painted a picture of the Yu family as the villain and Lim Zhuyun as an innocent lamb wronged by many.

"The Ice Soul Crystal would greatly aid Lim Zhuyun's advancement," Lau Wei added with a slight smile. "I've heard the Yu family is considering selling the crystal, which is why I've come with a genuine offer."

"Before we discuss whether the Yu family actually possesses an Ice Soul Crystal," Yu Cann inhaled deeply, standing his ground, "even if we do, I can assure you the Cold Yin Sect will not be among the prospective buyers!"

"What? Old Master, do you hold some sort of grudge against the Cold Yin Sect?" Lau Wei asked, feigning surprise.

"It's a gross overstatement," Yu Cann said bluntly.

"The little Yu family has quite the nerve!" Lei Xiao burst into wild laughter. Amidst his laughter, bolts of lightning crackled uncontrollably, scattering in every direction.

"Brother, please calm down!" Liu Wei interjected urgently, "Elfview is under Darkmoon City's jurisdiction, and there are rumors that the City Lord has close ties with the Red Devil Sect. Not too long ago, Fang Yao from the Red Devil Sect may have met with her in secret. Shortly after his departure, she attained the late Penetrating Stage, just like us."

"The Red Devil Sect! Fang Yao?" Lei Xiao's anger didn't subside; it only intensified.

"Let's step outside for now," Liu Wei said, pulling Lei Xiao away. "Elder Yu, please give it some more thought. Our Cold Yin Sect has come with genuine intentions."

With that, he escorted Lei Xiao out of the Yu family estate.

Once they were outside, Lei Xiao couldn't hide his dissatisfaction. "Brother Liu, what's this about? It's just the insignificant Yu family. Why are you holding back?"

"I didn't come to Elfview just for Yu Cann. I'm here because of another piece of news," Liu Wei said, his brow furrowing. He was about to elaborate when his expression suddenly brightened, and he exclaimed with a smile, "What a stroke of luck."

Zhao Dongsheng, astride a white tiger, stood out conspicuously on the broad streets of Elfview.

Yu Yuan and Ning Ji followed close behind the white tiger.

"Hmm, a Fourth Level Mystic Tiger," Lei Xiao observed, noting the tiger's ferocious vitality with a hint of surprise. "And who's that rotund fellow?"

"He's set to become the head of the Zhao family soon," Lau Wei murmured, sharing inside information. "The Zhao family has historical ties with Hidden Dragon Lake. But I've heard that Hidden Dragon Lake has turned against them, looking to expel the Zhao family from Darkmoon City."

"Why would Hidden Dragon Lake harbor such animosity towards the Zhao family?" Lei Xiao wondered aloud.

"That, I'm not sure of," Lau Wei replied, his demeanor unfazed. As the mystic tiger drew near, he shifted his gaze from Zhao Dongsheng to Yu Yuan, asking pointedly, "Isn't that Yu Yuan, the young master who returned from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area?"

"He's Lin Zhuyun's betrothed?" Lei Xiao's interest piqued suddenly.

Lau Wei gave his shoulder a reassuring pat, signaling him to keep his cool, and then took confident strides forward.

Yu Yuan, who was leading the tiger, gazed at the distinguished middle-aged man in white and frowned. "The Cold Yin Sect sure does linger like a bad spirit!"

"Cold Yin Sect!" Ning Ji's face darkened.

Zhao Dongsheng, perched on the black tiger, took Yu Yuan's words to heart, his eyes the size of soybeans brimming with gravity.

"It is a great honor for Lau Wei of the Cold Yin Sect to meet Young Master Yu Yuan," Lau Wei called out, bowing deeply even from a distance. "Your reputation precedes you!"

He had been observing from the shadows when Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao had their showdown with Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult, alongside Lim Zhuyun and her father.

Indeed, no one within the Cold Yin Sect had a better understanding of Yu Yuan than he did.

Even Lim Hanyu, Lim Zhuyun's father, and the rest of the Lim family didn't pay Yu Yuan the same level of attention.

"Cold Yin Sect, Lau Wei, I'll make a note of that."

Yu Yuan locked eyes with him, his Heavenly Soul picking up on a familiar, yet subdued, cold aura emanating from the man.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Yu Yuan's gaze turned icier, and with a tone laced with disdain, he said, "Elfview does not welcome you. I suggest you leave promptly."

"I'm furious! The Yu family members are each more overbearing than the last!" Lei Xiao exclaimed.

"And you are?" Yu Yuan inquired, his voice icy.

"Thunder Sect, Lei Xiao!"

"At your age, still without a Yin God? You're hardly a figure of stature in the Thunder Sect. What business do you have trying to impress us here in Elfview?" Yu Yuan sneered.

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