Unmatched Dominance/C263 Family's Lifeline!
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Unmatched Dominance/C263 Family's Lifeline!
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C263 Family's Lifeline!

In the Silvermoon Empire lies the illustrious Silvermoon City, where every inch of land is worth its weight in gold. The streets are broad, flanked by towering buildings.

To the west of the city sprawls a series of pavilions adorned with green tiles and pristine white walls—the esteemed residence of the Lim family.

Following the death of the Grand Matriarch, Lim Fengyan assumed leadership of the family. Under his stewardship, the Lim family flourished, achieving remarkable success.

However, after Lim Fengyan tragically perished in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, his brother, Lim Hanyu, ascended to the role of family patriarch. With the Cold Yin Sect's assistance, Lim Hanyu, who was previously in the late Profound Break Stage, smoothly transitioned into the Penetrating Stage.

Yet, even with this advancement, Lim Hanyu's prowess paled in comparison to his late brother, Lim Fengyan. Within the family, some elders voiced their discontent, suggesting that Lim Hanyu's cultivation and capabilities fell short of what was required to propel the Lim family to greater heights.

Standing in a towering pagoda-like structure, Lim Hanyu gazed toward the Imperial City, his hands clasped behind his back. An elderly Lim family servant approached, scrolls and papers in hand, briefing him on the latest family matters and messages from afar.

"Lau Wei from the Cold Yin Sect has sent word," the servant, named Qi Qing, announced as he presented a fresh sheet of paper. "He's currently in Darkmoon City."

Lim Hanyu's attention snapped back, and he turned sharply. "Lau Wei is in Darkmoon City?"

"Yes," Qi Qing confirmed, his eyes scanning the document, a flicker of concern crossing his face. "It's regarding the young master of the Yu family, Yu Yuan..."

Lim Hanyu's brow furrowed. "What about him?"

The memories of Yu Yuan were deeply etched in his mind, each recollection bringing a sense of discomfort.

"He's returned," Qi Qing inhaled deeply before continuing, "Without any prior indication. Out of the blue, he surfaced in Elfview. Lau Wei's presence there was due to his suspicion of Ning Ji's peculiar movements. He went to investigate and discovered Yu Yuan's return!"

"Yu Yuan!" Lim Hanyu's demeanor turned icy in an instant. He breathed deeply, struggling to regain his composure, only to be overtaken by agitation. "He's still alive! As long as he lives, that marriage contract remains valid! Zhuyun has been taken under the wing of the Cold Yin Sect's Great Elder, and her fate is inextricably linked to the Lim family's fortunes!"

Lau Wei recently sent a message informing me that the Great Elder has arranged another marriage for her!"

"The suitor is a true prodigy of the Primordial Yang Sect!"

At this point, Lin Hanyu could barely contain his fury. "So many have perished in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. How is it that he alone survived?!"

Qi Jun remained silent, not daring to utter a word.

"Let Third Uncle know I wish to see him," Lin Hanyu commanded.

The news that the family head sought an audience with Third Uncle sent a jolt through Qi Jun.

The Matriarch, who had secretly agreed to the betrothal of Yu Yuan and Lim Zhuyun, had always been the Lim family's de facto leader until her passing.

Yet, the Matriarch was not the most powerful or highest-ranking member of the Yu family.

The Lim family's enduring presence in the Silvermoon Empire and their status among the top five families also hinged on another individual within their ranks.

This individual was the very Third Uncle Lin Hanyu referred to, the younger brother of his father, Lim Fengyan's father—Lim Mu.

Lim Mu chose not to reside in Silvermoon City, instead spending years in seclusion at Bright Moon City, the Lim family's ancestral home. Possessing the advanced cultivation of the Late Yin God Stage, Lim Mu had long been striving to ascend to the Soul Wandering Stage. He had made it explicitly clear to both the Matriarch and Lim Fengyan that he was not to be disturbed unless the matter was of utmost importance.

Lim Mu's last visit to Silvermoon City coincided with the Matriarch's death and Lim Fengyan's contentious ascension to the patriarchal seat, which many family members initially opposed.

Lim Mu's unexpected arrival in Silvermoon City to back Lim Fengyan quelled any dissent, bringing the family's elders and youth in line.

Lim Fengyan was someone Lim Mu deeply valued. His reported death within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area had reportedly sent Lim Mu into a rage back in Bright Moon City.

Yet, when Lin Hanyu assumed the role of family patriarch, Lim Mu remained conspicuously absent.

His absence was attributed to his disdain for Lin Hanyu, but it was also known that Lim Hanyu had secured the unwavering support of the Cold Yin Sect, thanks to his daughter, Lim Zhuyun.

The other members of the Lim family also refrained from vehemently opposing when Lim Hanyu was poised to take over as the family patriarch.

Among the two brothers, Lim Mu had always shown a preference for Lim Fengyan, not his younger brother, Lim Hanyu.

Upon becoming the new Patriarch, Lim Hanyu's first act was to visit Lim Mu in Silvermoon City.

Yet, Lim Mu avoided the meeting.

Now, as Lim Hanyu seeks another audience with Lim Mu, will he succeed in his endeavor?

"I'm afraid the elder still won't agree to see me," Qi Jun remarked.

"He will see me this time," Lim Hanyu declared sternly. "Just inform him of my intent to meet, emphasizing that it's about the family's flourishing future! Also, pass on the news that Yu Yuan has returned and has been spotted in Elfview once again."

"Alright, I'll do it," Qi Jun acquiesced.


Within the Su family of the Empire.

Su Yin, pen in hand, crossed out the "Yu" character from a list of family names on a procurement document, then looked up at the old woman before him with displeasure. "Why is the Yu family's name still on this list? I've made it clear more than once that I don't want to see the Yu family's name on any lists sent to me!"

Had Yu Yuan been present, he would have recognized the old woman as the same one who had accompanied Su Yan at the Spirit Treasure Building.

The woman, whose true name was Feng Lanyun, had been frequenting Su Yin after the disappearance of Su Xiangtian and Su Yan, bringing him the lists of medicinal herbs the family intended to purchase.

The Yu family's name was always included.

And Su Yin consistently struck it from the list.

"My mistress is Su Yan, not someone else. It was her directive to look after the Yu family," Feng Lanyun stated, neither overbearing nor servile. "Therefore, the Yu family appears on every list. Their medicinal herbs have become increasingly affordable due to prolonged unsold stock. From the family's perspective, buying the Yu family's herbs is the most economical choice."

"Wouldn't it be better if the Yu family collapsed and all the medicinal fields in and around Elfview became the property of the Su family?" Su Yin retorted coldly. "Stay out of Yu family affairs; I have plans of my own! Just watch—soon enough, we'll acquire all the medicinal fields in Elfview for the Su family at rock-bottom prices!"

Feng Lanyun was momentarily taken aback before she exhaled and murmured, "I see now."

She had been puzzled about Su Yin's antagonism toward the Yu Family and why the clan's elders seemed to overlook it.

It appeared that Su Yin had long since briefed those elders on his intentions.

Acquiring the Yu Family's entire estate and their herb gardens, perfect for cultivating medicinal plants, at a bargain price was clearly more cost-effective than purchasing the herbs directly from the Yu Family.

With such a goal in mind, any temporary setbacks were inconsequential.

Given these circumstances, it's likely that even Su Xiangtian, the patriarch of the Su Family, might have silently consented following Yu Yuan's "death," considering the bigger picture for the Su Family's future dominance.

In the end, swallowing up the Yu Family would undoubtedly strengthen the Su Family's power in the long term.

This was not new territory for the Su Family; they had a history of such successful endeavors.


To the north of Elfview Town lay a verdant lakeshore dotted with numerous shrubs. At the heart of the lake sat a modest island.

The island was small and had always been barren, eerily devoid of any vegetation.

But now, a cluster of medicinal herbs had sprouted atop the tiny mid-lake island, emerging like the first pointed tips of lotus buds, with branches and leaves stealthily peeking through the moist soil.

There were only a handful of these herbs, their stems as green as bamboo, wrapped in delicate golden filigree that spiraled around them.

Bathed in sunlight, the golden patterns seemed to soak up the rays, shimmering radiantly.

At night, a faint mist would rise from the green lake, mysteriously drawn to the vibrant branches by the allure of the herbs.

Feeding on daylight and drawing in the evening's mystical fog, the herbs flourished robustly.

Every few nights, a ghostly silhouette would glide in like a sprite of the mountain brooks, circling the herbs on the mid-lake island before vanishing once more.

On this particular day, a woman dressed in simple yet refined attire, with a bamboo basket looped over her wrist, navigated through the thick bushes. Every so often, she'd take a delicate sniff of the unique air, using the scent to guide her path.

Bai Shenshen of the Medicine Sect was in Darkmoon City for two reasons: to gather intelligence and to fulfill a sect mission by finding certain items. She was aware that the far north of Elfview was home to some rare poisonous herbs, naturally bred from the land's potent toxins. It was these herbs she sought.

But as she parted the bushes before her and glanced at the small island in the middle of the lake, she froze in place. Her cultivation at the Early Penetrating Stage kicked in, and as she channeled her spiritual energy, her eyes sparkled with clarity. The dozens of peculiar herbs on the island snapped into sharp focus.

She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, and then rubbed her eyes in disbelief before looking again. The herbs remained, unchanged, on the tiny island. And in the night, they were unmistakably drawing in the mist from the lake's surface.

Bai Shenshen was dumbstruck for a long while, struggling to accept what she saw. "Void Spiritual Plants! Fifth Grade of Earth Level, yet so exceedingly rare. How could the Void Spiritual Plants, which are nearly impossible to cultivate and transplant on the Profound Sky Continent, be growing here?"

The Void Spiritual Plants were sought after by the Medicine Sect, rumored to exist only in specific regions of the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents. Although not high-grade, these plants were crucial in the concoction of a unique spirit pill, serving as a supporting ingredient rather than the main one. Yet, without them, the likelihood of successfully crafting the pill would plummet dramatically.

This very fact elevated the actual worth of the Void Spiritual Plants far beyond their grade. Year after year, the Medicine Sect would implore individuals from the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents for these plants, often at the cost of being exorbitantly overcharged.

So, upon discovering the Void Spiritual Plants on the island before her, how could Bai Shenshen contain her excitement?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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