Unmatched Dominance/C272 Examinations
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Unmatched Dominance/C272 Examinations
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C272 Examinations

Bai Shenshen from the Medicine Sect watched the pair with a curious gaze, her mind swirling with questions.

Yuan Lianyao, the renowned City Lord of Darkmoon, had made quite a name for herself across the Silvermoon Empire. Even Bai Shenshen, who resided far away in the Jade Peak Mountains, had caught wind of her reputation.

Intelligent, decisive, stunning, and ruthless... These were just a few of the words used to describe the formidable red lotus that stood before her. Bai Shenshen, who had long set her sights on Darkmoon City, was filled with an investigative spirit towards Yuan Lianyao.

Yuan Lianyao's arrival, and her swift action in rescuing them from the clutches of the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect, left a strong impression on Bai Shenshen. She couldn't help but feel that Yuan Lianyao truly lived up to her illustrious reputation.

Bai Shenshen harbored a secret envy for Yuan Lianyao's captivating eyes, her alluring and sensual figure, and the commanding presence she exuded. Such a dazzling beauty was bound to be the cynosure of all eyes in the Silvermoon Empire, and one could only guess how many powerful figures from both the Rainier and Silvermoon Empires lusted after her, waiting for their chance.

Why then was she so affectionately and gently inquiring about Yu Yuan's next move? What was so special about him?

Bai Shenshen couldn't make sense of it. The Yu family, heavily oppressed, seemed to be in a different league from Yuan Lianyao, not to mention a mere young master from the family. He was at the Yellow Court Stage, with a cultivation level that was nothing out of the ordinary. Yuan Lianyao's particular interest in him was indeed peculiar.

Ning Ji, however, was not the least bit astonished.

Ever since the Blood God Cult had orchestrated the "Blood Sacrifice" and secretly conspired against Darkmoon City, Ning Ji had realized that the relationship between Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao was not to be viewed through conventional wisdom.

Ning Ji himself had numerous speculations about Yu Yuan, who exuded an air of mystery. Clearly, he understood that Yuan Lianyao, like himself, had recognized something exceptional in Yu Yuan, which is why she refrained from treating him as a mere junior and instead interacted with him without the usual condescension.

"Once we're safe, we'll start by getting the full picture from Wei Feng, and then decide on our next move," he concluded.

The female general of the Tusk Troops he carried on his shoulder was no simple matter; otherwise, Lau Wei and Lei Xiao wouldn't have insisted on keeping her alive, nor would they have pursued her all the way to Darkmoon City.

"We need to determine the number of soldiers in the Tusk Troops, their locations, and why they're appearing near Darkmoon City—and we need to know quickly. Also, remember that the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect want her alive."

Yuan Lianyao nodded subtly, her beautiful eyes shimmering with an enigmatic glow. "In that case, we won't rush back to Darkmoon City just yet. Let's first find a secure location."

"Agreed," Yu Yuan responded.

His connection with Yu Zhu remained unbroken.

He refrained from issuing new commands to Yu Zhu, instead instructing her to silently tail the members of the Thunder Sect and the Cold Yin Sect, ascertain their precise whereabouts, and observe their interactions.

He suspected that the recent presence of the Tusk Troops, along with the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect near Elfview, was no coincidence.

Until he understood the full picture, he was not about to make any hasty moves.

Yu Zhu had departed from Chilly Wind Valley in the Jade Peak range and ventured into the territory north of Elfview. There, her true combat prowess was even more formidable than in the Jade Peak.

For Yu Zhu, dealing with the group from the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect wouldn't pose much of a challenge.

They were hardly a match for her lethal skills.

So, he waited patiently.

A while later, Yuan Lianyao called for a halt, pointing to a distant hillside far from Elfview Town. "My spiritual sense has already lost track of the Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect's people. Likewise, those two at my level of power have surely lost our trail by now."

Yu Yuan nodded appreciatively and gently set Wei Feng down, remarking, "She'll keep trying to commit suicide by biting her tongue."

"Let her be. In her current state, dying won't come easily," Yuan Lianyao said with a slight smile, her allure tinged with a chilling malice. She pressed a pale finger to Wei Feng's throat and instructed, "Wake her up."

A barely perceptible thread of spiritual light seemed to stealthily penetrate Wei Feng's throat.

The light paused at the root of Wei Feng's tongue, as if ready to unleash its force at a moment's notice, ensuring that Wei Feng wouldn't be able to bite her tongue and end her life.

Yu Yuan let out a sigh of relief and, without any finesse, delivered a harsh slap across Wei Feng's cheek.

"That's uncalled for!" Bai Shenshen scowled.

"She struck at me three times in a row. Had I not dodged swiftly, my head would've been severed from my neck," Yu Yuan said with a wry laugh. "Big Sister Bai, I merely gave her a slap. Surely you must agree that I was quite restrained? Don't you think I've been merciful?"

"Sister Bai..." Yuan Lianyao gave him a sharp look. "Who are you calling sister now? You little rascal, didn't you once claim I was your only sister?" The Lady of Darkmoon teased him with her words.

Taken aback, Yu Yuan shook his head with a rueful smile, finding the whims of women utterly baffling.

Bai Shenshen, considering Wei Feng's earlier ruthless actions, conceded that Yu Yuan had a point. But Yuan Lianyao's comment left her feeling somewhat sheepish.

Before she could smooth things over, the Lady of Darkmoon fixed her with a sly grin. "Sister Bai, is it? The Medicine Sect prides itself on neutrality, steering clear of conflicts among the empires and other sects. Therefore, I believe it's best for Sister Bai to remain uninformed to avoid unnecessary complications."

Yuan Lianyao's intent to dismiss her was unmistakable.

Bai Shenshen was taken aback, puzzled by her actions. "The Tusk Troops nearly took my life. Surely I'm entitled to know why?"

"I'll explain the reason to you later," Yuan Lianyao replied, her smile chilling. The message to leave couldn't have been clearer.

"The Tusk Troops?" Bai Shenshen attempted to continue.

"The treasonous Tusk Troops have surfaced in Darkmoon, and as its City Lord, their presence falls under my jurisdiction!" Yuan Lianyao snapped. "I must insist that you refrain from meddling in Darkmoon's internal affairs!"

With a frosty expression, Bai Shenshen held her tongue, rose to her feet, and departed.

Once Bai Shenshen was out of earshot, Yuan Lianyao's demeanor softened into a flirtatious smile as she batted her eyes at Yu Yuan. "You shouldn't be so quick to call others sister. Isn't having me as your sister more than enough?"

"Go ahead and interrogate her. I need to speak with Miss Bai," Ning Ji said with a dry cough before briskly walking away towards Bai Shenshen.

"You're quite perceptive," Yuan Lianyao commented with a smile.

Wai Feng had been awake for quite some time. Aware of the cloth gag in her mouth, she ceased her muffled cries and gazed at Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao with eyes that had lost all hope, her expression one of indifference, void of fear or anxiety.

"Let's make this quick."

Yu Yuan yanked the cloth from her mouth, not wasting time on Yuan Lianyao's distractions. He addressed Wai Feng directly, "You're the only one left alive. You..."

As the gag was removed, Wai Feng's tongue found freedom, and she bit down hard. Pain shot through the base of her tongue, sapping her strength in an instant. She then realized a hot, rope-like sensation was binding her tongue, rendering it disobedient, as if it were no longer her own.

With a soft chuckle, Yuan Lianyao released her spiritual energy, and Wai Feng let out a pained howl. A razor-like agony sliced through her throat and chest, making her want to scream, but with her tongue restrained, the cry was trapped, leaving her in excruciating discomfort.

Cold sweat broke out involuntarily across her forehead and cheeks. Already plain in appearance, her face now streaked with sweat and grime, took on a new, tainted aspect.

Yuan Lianyao let out a surprised "Huh," and wiped the filth from Wai Feng's face, revealing a visage marked by a wild nature. Though not as stunning as Yuan Lianyao's, her new face had its own beauty, accentuated by the defiance and cold ferocity in her eyes, giving her an extraordinary air that transcended her previous ordinariness.

"A crude attempt at disguise," Yuan Lianyao scoffed. "Your true face isn't much to look at, so why bother hiding it?"

"She's not trying to hide her beauty, but her true identity," Yu Yuan interjected. "She's probably afraid of being recognized."

"I suspect the Thunder Sect and the Cold Yin Sect want her alive because they know exactly who she is," Yuan Lianyao mused, touching the side of her face where Yu Yuan had left five finger marks. She chided him, "You could have been gentler. See, it's all swollen now."

Yu Yuan ignored her and fixed his gaze on Wei Feng, demanding, "Who are you?"

Wei Feng simply tilted her head skyward, remaining silent.

Yuan Lianyao, who had momentarily ceased her efforts, renewed her exertion. A flurry of faint glimmers danced within Wei Feng's body, eliciting another round of pitiful cries from the recently quieted Wei Feng.

Her strength was ebbing away. Once Yuan Lianyao desisted, Wei Feng was left so depleted she couldn't even muster the energy to bite her own tongue in a final act of defiance.

Yet she remained silent, staring blankly at the sky, unyielding to Yuan Lianyao's torment.

"He's a troublesome one," Yuan Lianyao muttered, her patience wearing thin. "Curse my luck for not being able to condense a Yin God. If I had, I could've projected my spirit into her soul, used the soul-searching technique, and extracted whatever memories are hidden within her celestial soul."

"It's not as straightforward as you think," Yu Yuan interjected. "Even practitioners at the Yin God Stage need special techniques to search a soul. And if the subject has a strong will and soul, the chances of success are slim. You're more likely to succeed in the Soul Wandering Stage when dealing with those of a lower realm."

"I was merely speculating," Yuan Lianyao retorted.

"She's determined to die, and given her background with the Tusk Troops, she's likely been trained to resist such techniques," Yu Yuan mused, then decided, "I'll give it a try."

"Do as you wish," Yuan Lianyao said, anticipation in her eyes.

"Go elsewhere for now," Yu Yuan instructed.

"Why?" Yuan Lianyao shot him a contemptuous look. "What are you planning to do with her once I'm gone? Kid, don't tell me you're charmed by her true appearance and have dishonorable intentions?"

"Are you leaving or not?" Yu Yuan asked, his voice eerily calm.

After scrutinizing him for several seconds and recognizing his earnestness, Yuan Lianyao relented, "It was just a joke. You're such a killjoy. Fine, I'm off."

With that, she drifted away, calling back, "Sister awaits your good news."

"Wai Feng, isn't it? Was it because of you that the Tusk Troops rebelled?" Yu Yuan suddenly inquired.

Wei Feng, too weak to even contemplate suicide, found her vacant gaze sharpening at his words, as if snapping back to reality.

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