Unmatched Dominance/C277 Commander
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Unmatched Dominance/C277 Commander
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C277 Commander

Crimson flowers and grasses burst forth from the parched earth, their sword-like blades piercing through the cracked soil. Among them, the Scarlet Sun Flower thrived.

Thirty Tusk Beasts, growling and snorting, were scattered across the desolate terrain. Each beast was accompanied by a member of the Tusk Troops, clad in black armor, whether standing or seated.

At the heart of it all stood an extraordinary Tusk Beast, larger and more majestic than the rest, with thick hooves and sharply armored headgear. Astride this beast was a general, his presence commanding, sheathed in heavy armor.

Suddenly, a disturbance rippled from the distant heavens. The central general's deep brown eyes flickered with an unusual light. In an instant, he shot up into the sky, a straight plume of smoke against the dark night.

The sky, devoid of stars and moon, was shrouded in heavy clouds. Amidst the somber clouds, the armored general stood tall and imposing.

Soon after, a figure in white approached. "It's been a while," greeted the Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire, his journey as the Yin God having brought him hastily from the City Lord's Mansion in Darkmoon City. His face was alight with a radiant smile. "So, the emperor of the Divine Might Empire, whom you helped ascend to the throne, now dares to turn against you as his power grows?"

Zhou Cangmin was well-versed in the politics and turmoil of the neighboring nations, privy to many secrets unknown to the world.

"I have no desire to be the empress of the Divine Might Empire," came a raspy yet magnetic female voice from beneath a fierce mask, weary with fatigue. "We are not from the Profound Sky Continent. You will eventually return to the Quietus Continent, and I must go to the Heavenly Source Continent, to the Ancient Desolate Sect."

Zhou Cangmin let out a soft sigh. "My return to the Red Devil Sect will be with honor, and I will be warmly welcomed. But you were cast out by the Ancient Desolate Sect; your journey back will not be so smooth."

"When I am strong enough, the Ancient Desolate Sect will have no choice but to accept me," she declared with determination.

Zhou Cangmin nodded, acknowledging her resolve. "Wai Feng is still alive, but for now, she's been imprisoned by a young man named Yu Yuan in Darkmoon City."

"Darkmoon City, Yu Yuan?" the woman mused aloud.

"Wai Feng should be safe for now," Zhou Cangmin deftly changed the subject, pointing out, "A Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon, accompanied by a host of Dragon Servitors, is currently on its way to you."

"His Majesty is a visionary leader. Even before his coronation, he had already secured the friendship of Hidden Dragon Lake," she remarked with a detached tone. "Besides Hidden Dragon Lake, the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect have sent several parties after me. And the so-called powerhouses of the empire's major families are hounding me like rabid dogs."

Zhou Cangmin feigned shock, "All because you spurned his affections and declined the role of empress in the Divine Might Empire? Has he lost his mind to pursue you so relentlessly?"

The commander of the Tusk Troops, her femininity completely obscured by heavy armor, remained silent.

"How about joining me on the Quietus Continent?" Zhou Cangmin suddenly broke into a smile, bowing ever so slightly with impeccable manners. "I'm seventy percent certain I can become the next Sect Master of the Red Devil Sect. Surely, being the Sect Master's wife would command more respect than being the empress of the Divine Might Empire, wouldn't it? That wouldn't be beneath you, right?"

"Scram," she replied icily.

The esteemed Imperial Advisor of both the Rainier Empire and the Silvermoon Empire, unfazed, touched his nose and smiled nonchalantly. "It was merely a jest. You're as unamused as ever."

"There are Scarlet Cloud Flowers over there," the woman shifted the conversation, "planted there intentionally."

The Imperial Advisor paused, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "That is somewhat peculiar."

"The Silverfrost Dragon and the Dragon Servitors of Hidden Dragon Lake pose no real threat," she declared, eyes fixed on the horizon. "I can manage them."

Zhou Cangmin nodded in agreement. "My true form is leagues away, making a personal visit impractical. As merely a Yin God, my ability to assist you is limited."

"Your willingness to help is appreciated," the woman acknowledged.

"Wai Feng might actually be safer under Yu Yuan's care in Darkmoon City," Zhou Cangmin suggested, "So you needn't worry."

"You hold a Darkmoon City upstart in such high regard?"

"When we first met, both of us were at the lower rungs of cultivation. Yet, in the Desolate Swamp and the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, didn't we manage to outwit many cultivators far stronger than ourselves?"

"Is that kid on par with you back then?"

"I believe so."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll rest easy knowing Wai Feng is with him."

With those words, the commander of the Tusk Troops, clad in heavy armor, transformed into a dazzling bolt of lightning and charged toward the Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon.

A hundred miles away.

The Silverfrost Dragon and the Dragon Servitors soaring high above were visibly shaken.

To their eyes, a serpentine streak of lightning in the distant sky seemed to cleave through the dark clouds, leaving the space it traversed as fragile as if on the verge of shattering.

The previously tranquil night sky was abruptly drenched by a torrential downpour.

An overwhelming presence, as if countless behemoths had escaped their confines, surged forth like a violent tide.

The earth-shattering roar of the dragon erupted from the Silverfrost Dragon, prompting the Dragon Servitors seated below to draw their swords, form ranks, and await with solemnity.

Elsewhere, in the swampy marshlands.

Lei Xiao of the Thunder Sect and Lau Wei of the Cold Yin Sect, both battered, each carrying a youth on their backs, suddenly sensed the disturbance in the Qi and looked up in alarm.

A brilliant arc of lightning streaked overhead.

The dense, gloomy clouds were rent in two, the gap widening ever more.

Stars and a crescent moon, once obscured, now shone through the clearing night sky.

Lau Wei, with hair in disarray, gazed at the brightening heavens and lamented, "After all these years, this castaway of the Ancient Desolate Sect has grown stronger than any of her contemporaries, the direct disciples. Her master's bid for sect leadership failed, and he vanished beyond the skies, rumored to have been besieged and fallen to the Devaputra. Yet she..."

"If she survives, she might well surpass her master," Lei Xiao intoned gravely.

"I wonder if the current Sect Master of the Ancient Desolate Sect will be able to accommodate her," Lau Wei mused, squinting. "As long as the Sect Master remains silent, we'll proceed as planned. Her potential is boundless; we must ensure she stays on the Profound Sky Continent indefinitely, keeping her from returning to the Heavenly Source Continent to cause upheaval."

"I hope the dragon from Hidden Dragon Lake can deal her a heavy blow," Lei Xiao remarked.

After a brief exchange, they picked up on the thunderous approach of the Tusk Beast. With a wry smile, they took to their heels once more.


Deep within the dense forest.

Yu Yuan sensed the heart-pounding surge of spiritual energy from the distant skies, astonishment taking hold of him. He no longer had the luxury of conversing with Wai Feng and abruptly settled into a seated meditation.

Mouth closed, breath steady, he entered a state of deep meditation in the blink of an eye.

Without using his eyes, he extended his Heavenly Soul to perceive the currents of energy high above.

He attempted to reach out to Yu Zhu, urging her to immediately go into hiding.

To Yu Yuan, both the Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon and the formidable figure about to encounter it posed potential threats to Yu Zhu.

Yu Zhu had seen improvements in every aspect within this realm. As long as she refrained from revealing herself and remained hidden, she should be safe.

His concern was that Yu Zhu might act impulsively.

Recently, Yu Zhu's intelligence had grown significantly. She had cleverly exploited the animosity between the Tusk Troops, the Thunder Sect, and the Cold Yin Sect to her advantage, acting boldly and recklessly, yet managing to succeed.

Yu Yuan feared her newfound confidence might lead her to confront the Silverfrost Dragon and that mysterious contender head-on.

When his Heavenly Soul finally established a connection with Yu Zhu's spirit, he was taken aback to discover that she was indeed audaciously moving closer to the battleground where the Silverfrost Dragon and the unknown figure were set to clash.

"Don't go there!"

Yu Yuan focused his consciousness, trying to transmit his warning to Yu Zhu, but then he suddenly tuned into another voice.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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