Unmatched Dominance/C279 It Was also a Legend
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Unmatched Dominance/C279 It Was also a Legend
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C279 It Was also a Legend

The Boundless Land was split into three distinct regions.

Countless formidable sects dotted the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents, with practitioners at the Yin God Stage being as common as blades of grass.

Yet, on the Profound Sky Continent, a Yin God Stage cultivator was esteemed as a titan or a grandmaster in any empire.

Qin Yun held the prestigious title of sect master within the Seven Divine Sect during his time in the Rainier Empire.

Boasting seven Yin Gods, the Seven Divine Sect wielded immense influence in the Rainier Empire, surpassing many renowned families and clans in power.

In the Silvermoon Empire, esteemed families like the Lim, Van, and Su had Yin Gods as their strongest members.

Possessing a Yin God was a hallmark of a mighty family.

Despite his grave injuries, Qin Yun remained a formidable practitioner in the late phase of the Yin God Stage. Should he recover, he was poised to ascend to the Soul Wandering Stage.

Yet such a figure had now sought out the Yu family in secrecy, willing to serve as a guest elder?

Bai Shenshen of the Medicine Sect gently massaged her temples, reflecting on the continuous stream of extraordinary events she'd encountered since nearing Elfview. The oddities she'd witnessed were beyond belief.

Wai Feng, too, wore a look of bewilderment, his gaze shifting between Qin Yun and Yu Yuan, his mind awash with questions.

Ning Ji, however, managed to conceal his astonishment. His own story was no less remarkable.

Having suffered a severe defeat at the hands of Lau Wei from the Cold Yin Sect, he had traveled far and wide, only to find himself drawn back to Elfview, quietly awaiting Yu Yuan's return. What was it he sought?

It was none other than the recognition of Yu Yuan's exceptional nature!

"Senior Qin, you can't be serious?" Yu Yuan finally broke the silence, a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Even if the Rainier Empire is no longer hospitable to you, with your cultivation level and abilities, you'd have your pick of destinations. You could even find a sect on the Quietus Continent that would welcome you with open arms. So why come to Darkmoon City?"

"I'm not joking," Qin Yun assured him earnestly.

Yu Yuan, still frowning, took a moment to ponder before suggesting, "Let's put this conversation on hold for now."

He hesitated to give an immediate response, unsure of Qin Yun's intentions and concerned that Qin Yun might have committed grave offenses in the Rainier Empire, prompting a worldwide manhunt.

The Yu family was already dealing with a multitude of issues, and he had no desire to invite further complications on account of Qin Yun.

Qin Yun gave a slow nod, "I'll take your advice."

In the distance, a dark and brooding sea of clouds churned with terrifying turbulence. The thick, oppressive clouds were torn asunder by a fierce force, allowing the dazzling stars to shine through once more.

The battle was too remote, and the cultivation levels of the onlookers were insufficient. Aside from Qin Yun, no one could discern the events clearly, let alone grasp the intricacies of the combat.

Yu Yuan inquired, "What's the status of the battle?"

With the Yin God ascending, Qin Yun, suspended high above, should have a clear view of the distant fray, gaining insight into the ebb and flow of power between the combatants.

The Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon, a match for a human at the Soul Wandering Stage, was engaged in battle with the Tusk Troops' commander from the Divine Might Empire—an individual of remarkable prowess.

Wai Feng's anxiety mounted.

"The Tusk Troops' commander has the upper hand," Qin Yun reported. "He's a figure of legend in both the Divine Might Empire and across the Profound Sky Continent. His enigmatic emergence has unsettled many cultivators within the empire. To my knowledge, he has yet to face defeat."

"Despite the might of the Silverfrost Dragon and Hidden Dragon Lake, and even with numerous Dragon Servitors forming a grand formation, they cannot contain him."

"The battlefield is too distant; I can only make out Dragon Servitors plummeting to the earth after being struck."

"Judging by the current state of affairs, barring any unforeseen events, Hidden Dragon Lake is headed for a crushing defeat. The Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon will likely sustain injuries. However, should the dragon choose to flee, the Tusk Troops' commander might not be able to detain it."

Typically, in a battle of equal ranks, if one party is intent on escape, they often manage to survive.

Only when the combatants' powers are grossly mismatched, allowing one to utterly dominate the other, does the weaker party stand no chance of escape.

Hidden Dragon Lake boldly pursues him, fully aware of his formidable power," Yu Yuan mused before speaking. "They acknowledge their inferiority yet still strike at the commander, maintaining their ground despite being at a stark disadvantage. The Dragon Servitors have been struck down from the skies; it's likely they've perished..."

"Indeed," Qin Yun responded, "the uproar is so ostentatious, as if they're afraid it'll go unnoticed. There's certainly more to their strategy."

"Apart from Hidden Dragon Lake, there must be other formidable figures lurking nearby, acting on orders from the Divine Might Empire to hunt down the military chief," Yu Yuan affirmed with a nod. "With such a commotion, they're bound to slip in unnoticed once they catch wind of it. It's even plausible that they're already in hiding, biding their time to join the fray when the moment is ripe."

Confusion clouded Wai Feng's gaze.

"Who is she?"

Qin Yun, who had been aware of her presence for some time, furrowed his brow. "She seems deeply invested in the Tusk Troops. Is she also from the Divine Might Empire?"

"I encountered her clad in Tusk Armor, though she wasn't mounted on a Tusk Beast," Yu Yuan offered offhandedly. "She will be of great use to me."

"Young Master Yu, my journey from the Rainier Empire is a testament to my loyalty," Qin Yun declared earnestly. "Should you require my assistance, do not hesitate to command me. I shall serve with unwavering dedication."

He had recognized Yu Yuan's exceptional nature back in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Subsequently, he learned of the events that transpired in Jade Peak and Chilly Wind Valley.

He was aware of the cataclysmic upheaval in Chilly Wind Valley, where numerous experts of the Yin God Stage and Penetrating Stage met their demise.

Coincidentally, Yu Yuan had been present in Chilly Wind Valley and, before long, news of his return to Elfview Town alive had spread.

The Medicine Sect didn't pay it much mind, considering Yu Yuan's relatively low level of cultivation insignificant.

But Qin Yun saw things differently.

Ignorant of the specifics, he was nonetheless convinced that Yu Yuan had played a direct role in the dramatic events of Chilly Wind Valley and had reaped considerable benefits from it.

The myriad of unusual occurrences surrounding Yu Yuan led him to a startling decision when he found himself with no options left in the Rainier Empire—he chose to seek refuge with Yu Yuan.

It was a tremendous risk, and he was uncertain whether he would come out victorious or defeated.

"Huff! Huff!"

A sailboat approached from the opposite side, carried by the wind.

The vessel measured roughly ten meters in length and seven to eight meters in breadth, crafted from a special type of wood and adorned with numerous vibrant feathers along its edges.

Bathed in moonlight, the feathers shimmered brilliantly, seemingly infused with spiritual energy that allowed the sailboat to glide through the sky.

Ning Ji, observing from below, glanced at the sailboat and softly exclaimed, "The Cloud Sail from the Silvermoon Empire."

"Cloud Sail..."

Yu Yuan echoed under his breath, gazing upward at the sailboat, "A flying artifact capable of carrying people, like the Cloud Sail, is quite the rarity. I've heard they're incredibly costly to construct, and our Silvermoon Empire has only three of them, if I'm not mistaken."

Creating a flying artifact was a challenging and resource-intensive endeavor, consuming vast amounts of spiritual materials.

On the Quietus Continent, the Artifact Sect often required the collaboration of multiple Refiners to craft such artifacts, a process that was both time-consuming and laborious. As a result, the creation of each flying artifact demanded a substantial payment of Spirit Stones.

Unlike artifacts designed for offense or defense, refining a flying artifact didn't readily enhance a Refiner's skills.

On the contrary, it was the delicate flying swords, defensive amulets, and towers that truly honed a Refiner's craft.

The larger the flying artifact, the more Refiners were needed to collaborate. A senior Refiner had to oversee a team of apprentices, each responsible for different components.

Ultimately, a master Refiner would inscribe and imbue the artifact with flying formations.

The process was incredibly time-consuming and resource-intensive, which explained why flying spiritual artifacts were scarce and exorbitantly priced.

Upon sighting the Cloud Sail, and hearing Ning Ji mention it hailed from the Silvermoon Empire, Yu Yuan surmised that the intense clash between the Tusk Troops and Hidden Dragon Lake had drawn the attention of the Silvermoon Empire's formidable figures.


Aboard the Cloud Sail, Lee Yuangui, who had spent his days basking in the sun at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, let out a surprised cry.

The ship's deck was occupied by a group of Silvermoon Empire's elite—some youthful, others aged—all peering over the railing, absorbed in the spectacle of the battle unfolding between Hidden Dragon Lake and the commander.

Upon hearing Lee Yuangui's call, someone turned back and inquired, "Old General, what's got you so startled?"

"I've encountered an acquaintance."

Lee Yuangui's cloudy eyes began to clear as he spoke with a hint of surprise. "I never imagined I'd run into that young fellow here again."

His memories of Yu Yuan from their time in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area were vivid and lasting.

Since his return, he had gleaned additional insights about Yu Yuan through Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu.

He had assumed that Yu Yuan, having vanished in the Forbidden Area for an extended period, was unlikely to make it back.

The news of Yu Yuan's reappearance had taken him aback. He had intended to make a trip to Darkmoon City when his schedule allowed, but pressing matters had kept pushing it back.

Yet, here he was, unexpectedly crossing paths with Yu Yuan.

"An acquaintance?" the man echoed, intrigued.

"Yu Yuan from the Yu family in Darkmoon City," Lee Yuangui clarified.

At his words, a wave of curiosity washed over many on the ship.

"Lim Zhuyun's betrothed?"

"The same young man rumored to have conspired with the Alien Soul Demon in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, leading to Lim Fengyan's death and jeopardizing the empire's interests?"

"How did he end up here?"

The crowd buzzed with astonishment.

Prompted by Lee Yuangui's revelation, some began to discreetly gather information.

"And to think, Qin Yun, the former sect master of the Seven Divine Sect, is present as well!"


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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