Unmatched Dominance/C28 A Yin God
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Unmatched Dominance/C28 A Yin God
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C28 A Yin God

Atop the high platform, Yuan Lianyao's elegant form stirred the air, making red lotuses dance.


The jewelry stones shattered into dust under the assault of the red lotuses.

The so-called blood boiling mist engulfed her, yet left her unaffected.

In a flash, she transformed into a brilliant streak and soared out of the mist's reach, gracefully landing before Huang Fann and Huang Chen.

A cold smile played on her lips as she asked, "What grand promises has the Blood God Cult made to you? To sacrifice Darkmoon City and its cultivators and mortals—what does the Huang family stand to gain?"

"The Blood God Cult?"

"The Huang family in league with the Blood God Cult?!"

"Has the Huang family lost their minds?"

Zhao Xi, Lih Feng, and the other guards' faces shifted with concern.

Initially, when Yuan Lianyao and Yu Yuan mentioned the Blood God Cult, it didn't register with them.

In the northern reaches of the Quietus Continent, the Demon Palace and the Red Devil Sect were formidable, overshadowing the Blood God Cult, which had never before been active in Darkmoon City. Thus, they hadn't made the connection immediately.

But as Yuan Lianyao reiterated the accusation, realization dawned, and the truth became clear.

The Huang family was in cahoots with the Blood God Cult!

They finally grasped why City Lord Yuan Lianyao had been breaking the rules, seemingly targeting the Huang family with a vendetta.

The City Lord had long been aware of the Huang family's collusion with the Blood God Cult!

The infamous outsiders she referred to were none other than the notorious Blood God Cult!

"You knew all along?"

Zhao Xi eyed Yu Yuan, who remained unfazed, then turned abruptly to Zhao Yafu, "And you, girl, you were in on it too."

Yu Yuan and Zhao Yafu exchanged glances and nodded in unison.

Lih Feng's brows shot up, his eyes brimming with astonishment.

He recalled another incident...

Days earlier, Yu Yuan and Ning Ji had emerged in the villages near Elfview Town, warning him of an impending calamity in Darkmoon City.

Back then, he had dismissed Yu Yuan's words as alarmist.

The very next day, Yu Yuan had all but stormed the City Lord's Mansion, insisting on an audience with Yuan Lianyao.

After being rejected, he even went so far as to have Ning Ji challenge him.

The ruckus eventually grew too loud and caught the attention of Yuan Lianyao.

Could it be?

Bit by bit, Lih Feng pieced together the pivotal thread of the situation—Yu Yuan was the first to uncover the collusion between the Huang family and the Blood God Cult!

"How did this kid manage to see through it all?" Lih Feng's expression shifted as he regarded Yu Yuan anew.

"Enough chit-chat, sister," Yu Yuan said with a cool detachment, offering a reminder, "It's better to deal with some dangers sooner rather than later. The truth isn't as critical as finding a solution."

Upon landing, Huang Fann and Huang Chen, still bleeding profusely, shot him a venomous glare at his words.

Yu Yuan shrugged nonchalantly. "What's the point of staring? You'll be dead soon anyway."

"Indeed, two dead men pose no future threat," Yuan Lianyao said with a slight smile, her lips curling at his advice, which had dissuaded her from pressing Huang Fann and Huang Chen for details.

Better to kill them now than risk complications later!


The remaining Blazing Blood Red Lotuses at her side surged towards Huang Fann and Huang Chen.

Each lotus blazed with a fiery red flame, pulsing with terrifying might.

"Not even as a servant to the Blood God Cult are you beyond my reach!"

A piercing shriek rent the air, assaulting the eardrums of all who heard it!

The scream forced many of the less powerful to clutch their heads and cover their ears.


The cave on Jewelry Mount crumbled, sending boulders hurtling through the air.

Desiccated corpses, drained of blood, were jolted from their resting places and flung out.

The crimson canopy, like a dense blood cloud, pressed down suddenly!

The boiling blood mist that Yuan Lianyao had evaded coalesced eerily into a viscous Blood Color Ribbon.

With a slicing sound, the Blood Color Ribbon materialized between Yuan Lianyao and the father-son duo, Huang Fann and Huang Chen.

Then, as if seized by an unseen hand, the Blood Color Ribbon lashed out at the Blazing Blood Red Lotuses.

Struck by the ribbon, the lotuses scattered sparks in all directions, rendered harmless to Huang Fann and Huang Chen.

Huang Fann rose to his feet at a leisurely pace, using his sleeve to dab away the blood at the corner of his mouth. His golden eyes bore down cruelly on Yuan Lianyao and Yu Yuan, among others.

Yu Yuan let out a wry smile and remarked, "The blood sacrifice array was never meant to be triggered."

Had the elder from the Red Devil Sect followed through with his plan to destroy the hidden hubs beneath the four corners of Darkmoon City, the Blood God Cult's meticulously arranged blood sacrifice array would never have materialized.

Without the blood sacrifice array, the Blood God Cult disciple's attempt to condense the Yin God was doomed to fail.

The Blood Color Ribbon, which had been slashing through Yuan Lianyao's controlled lotus flowers, suddenly changed direction.


It streaked across the sky like a blood-red rainbow, aiming for the members of the Yuan and Zhao families who were besieging Huang Tianyi.

"Puff! Puff!"

One by one, the bodies of the Yuan and Zhao family members were pierced as if they were made of paper mache by the blood-hued arc of light.

Yuan Fu, the patriarch of the Yuan family, was no exception. The blood-colored ribbon impaled him through the abdomen, killing him instantly.

Eerily, the fresh blood of the deceased was rapidly drained, absorbed into the ribbon, which only grew wider and more crimson.

"Well done!"

Huang Tianyi, previously cornered and bombarded by Yuan Fu and Zhao Dongsheng, now wore a crazed, bloodthirsty grin. "Let's join forces with the Emissary and wipe out the Yuan and Zhao families."


As the blood-colored ribbon hurtled towards Zhao Dongsheng, it crashed against a copper mirror.

The mirror's surface shimmered with dragon scales, as if a ferocious Flood Dragon had infused it with power, allowing the corpulent Zhao Dongsheng to narrowly escape disaster.


From within the Blood Color Ribbon, a voice of surprise echoed clearly.

"Somebody is commanding the Blood Color Ribbon, yet we... we can't see them," realized a Darkmoon City guard, overhearing the voice. "Could it be... a Yin God?"

Yuan Lianyao's complexion turned a ghastly pale. "A Yin God!"

Yu Yuan internally sighed, "Without the presence of a Yin God, who else could be so brazen?"

Yin Gods, having ascended from the Earth Soul, were invisible to the mortal eye. Only those practitioners like Yuan Lianyao, who had attained the Penetrating Stage, could detect their presence through their spiritual senses.

Below the Penetrating Stage, the Profound Break, Yellow Court, Spirit Accumulating, and Pulse Opening remained undetectable.

Such a Yin God, wandering Jewelry Mount, was nearly invincible, arriving without a shadow and departing without a trace.

In all of Darkmoon City, perhaps only the elder from the Red Devil Sect, suffering from fire toxin, could pose a threat to this Yin God of the Blood God Cult.

Yet, Yuan Qiufang was nowhere to be found.

Without issues on his end, the blood sacrifice array wouldn't have been successfully triggered.


Suddenly, Yu Yuan had an epiphany and exclaimed, "This Yin God of the Blood God Cult must not be fully refined yet! The blood sacrifice array requires a vast amount of fresh blood to ensure the Yin God's success! Otherwise, it just doesn't add up!"

Hearing this, Yuan Lianyao felt a surge of hope. "Are you saying that the Yin God is still in the process of forming?"

"Exactly, he's still relying on the blood sacrifice array, using slaughter to solidify the Yin God," Yu Yuan inhaled sharply. "An unformed Yin God actually has many vulnerabilities. You're aware, the one you've hidden became deranged after failing to properly condense the Yin God."

Yuan Lianyao's eyes sparkled with realization.

She had long known from her father that refining a Yin God was fraught with peril, where one misstep could lead to the soul's dissolution.

The so-called envoy of the Blood God Cult, now rampant in the valley, must be at this crucial juncture.

Under normal circumstances, he and the Huang family would have waited for the three realms' contest to conclude and the night to fall before activating the blood sacrifice array and refining the Yin God.

But now, with his and the Huang family's plans unraveled and the Huang family on the brink of destruction, it was affecting his subsequent schemes, forcing him to prematurely initiate the process.

Meaning, his Yin God was not yet fully formed!

"Heh! An unconsolidated Yin God coming out to wreak havoc is quite the gamble," Yu Yuan's eyes gleamed with ill intent as he scanned the Blood Color Ribbon. "From what I understand, there are still ways to inflict severe damage or even deliver a devastating blow at this stage."

The Blood Color Ribbon abruptly detached from Zhao Dongsheng's presence and shot straight towards Yu Yuan.

"Kid, you sure have a way with words," came the envoy's voice from the Blood God Cult, cold and merciless as it echoed out of nowhere.

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