Unmatched Dominance/C280 Attacks
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Unmatched Dominance/C280 Attacks
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C280 Attacks

To practitioners within the Silvermoon Empire, any strong figure hailing from the Rainier Empire was considered a formidable foe.

As such, the seasoned cultivators of the Rainier Empire, those aboard the ship, were well-versed in this enmity.

Qin Yun, the former sect master of the Seven Divine Sect and a prominent figure in the Rainier Empire, was no stranger to them.

"Let's observe the battle at Hidden Dragon Lake from a distance. There's no need to rush in," Lee Yuangui advised, gazing into the distance before adding after a brief pause, "Stay put for now."

With a flourish of his sleeve, he soared toward the dense woods, as if riding the wind.

Aboard the Cloud Sail, a diverse group of imperial dignitaries of varying ages and ranks kept their eyes on the clash between the Silverfrost Dragon and the commander of the Tusk Troops.

Others, already intrigued by Yu Yuan, craned their necks for a better view, peering down with curiosity.

Yu Yuan, concealed within the forest, felt a myriad of soul thoughts and consciousnesses descending like a fine drizzle.

The soul thoughts emanating from the Cloud Sail varied in nature—some as fiery as blazing comets, others as soothing as a gentle warmth, and still others filled with a chilling coldness, each distinct due to the varied Spiritual Spells they practiced.

Yet, he realized their cover might have been blown.

Upon spotting Lee Yuangui, he resigned himself to the situation and positioned himself in a more open area. Not waiting for Lee Yuangui to gracefully land, he greeted him with a respectful bow, "Young Yu Yuan here, honored to encounter the esteemed general."

He bore no ill will toward the old general, who had feigned sleep at the forbidden area's entrance.

Nor did he particularly admire him.

Given that the general shared the Lee surname, Yu Yuan believed that, considering his connections to Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu, and the aid he had provided, Lee Yuangui was unlikely to treat him unfairly.

After all, his own lineage traced back to the Yu family of Darkmoon City, making him a fellow citizen of the empire.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Lee Yuangui made his swift approach.

He acknowledged Yu Yuan with a nod, his gaze briefly surveying Ning Ji, Wai Feng, and Bai Shenshen before settling on Qin Yun. "Sect Master Qin, what brings you here?" he inquired with a hint of surprise.

Qin Yun's plight, targeted by his peers within the Seven Divine Sect and ostracized by Rainier Empire insiders, forcing his departure, was no secret to the influential of both nations.

Lee Yuangui was puzzled about why Qin Yun was mixed up with Yu Yuan once again.


Qin Yun wore an expression of discomfort. He knew that claiming to have recognized Yu Yuan's exceptional nature and thus deciding to pledge allegiance in advance would seem far-fetched to Lee Yuangui.

So, Qin Yun switched his story.

"I couldn't stay in the Rainier Empire any longer, so I thought I'd roam the north for a bit. As you're aware, when individuals from the Silvermoon Empire and the Divine Might Empire sever ties with their homelands, they often seek refuge in the north." He chuckled sheepishly before adding, "Yu Yuan and I go way back to our days in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. It was pure chance that we ran into each other, so I decided to pay a visit."

Lee Yuangui looked skeptical, his brow furrowed. Out of the blue, he asked, "Yu Yuan, Senior Qin hasn't mistreated you, has he?"

Lee Yuangui had his suspicions.

He had heard from Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu about Yu Yuan's past actions in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where he had leveraged the Azure Yang Arrow—a weapon once used by Qin Yun—to coerce Qin Yun into compliance.

Even after Qin Yun's departure, the mark left by Yu Yuan on the Azure Yang Arrow seemed to remain intact.

Lee Yuangui wrongly assumed that Qin Yun, after falling out of favor with the Scorching Sun Emperor for various reasons, blamed Yu Yuan and sought revenge. Unable to remain in the Rainier Empire, Qin Yun had supposedly headed north to lie low before seeking out Yu Yuan to settle scores.

"Senior Qin has been quite amicable toward me," Yu Yuan stated.

"And who might this be?" Lee Yuangui inquired, turning his attention to Bai Shenshen.

"I am Bai Shenshen, an alchemist from the Medicine Sect," she promptly introduced herself. "I embarked on a mission to find certain herbs in the north and happened to encounter Yu Yuan and his companions."

"Ah, from the Medicine Sect," Lee Yuangui acknowledged with a nod, his demeanor softening, clearly holding the sect in high regard.

His gaze then shifted to Wei Feng, whose wrists were still bound, and he probed further, "And her identity?"

Wei Feng met his inquiry with cold silence.

Yu Yuan found himself in a quandary, contemplating how to broach the subject with Lee Yuangui. Revealing Wei Feng's affiliation with the Tusk Troops might inadvertently place her in immediate peril.

The Tusk Troops' assault on Zhan Tianxiang had occurred quite some time ago, and it was high time for the truth to come to light.

Given his status as a senior member of the Lee family, Lee Yuangui's presence here was to be expected.

"She hails from the Divine Might Empire's Tusk Troops. Her name is Wei Feng."

Out of nowhere, Bai Shenshen of the Medicine Sect pinpointed Wei Feng's identity with a single statement.

Yu Yuan's expression turned grim as he gave Bai Shenshen a frosty look.

"There's no need for secrecy," Bai Shenshen stated with composure. "A veteran like the general would have discerned her affiliation with the Tusk Troops if he lingered any longer."

"Wei Feng!"

Lee Yuangui was taken aback, his gaze shifting, clearly recognizing the name.

He then turned his attention to Ning Ji.

"This is Ning Ji, a guest of the Yu family," Yu Yuan clarified.

Lee Yuangui nodded and commanded, "Come with me to the sailboat!"

Before anyone could protest, he swept his sleeve, and a flurry of spiritual energy enveloped Yu Yuan, Bai Shenshen, Wei Feng, and Ning Ji, lifting them into the air.

The group ascended swiftly, making their way toward the Cloud Sail.

Lee Yuangui remained on the ground, and once Yu Yuan and the others had ascended, he addressed Qin Yun with gravity, "Sect Master Qin, we have no interest in your dispute with the Rainier Empire. Whatever conflicts you've had with Yu Yuan in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, we hope you'll leave them in the past."

"Yu Yuan is a citizen of the Silvermoon Empire and has deep ties to my Lee family."

"Please, look after yourself. Do not harbor thoughts of vengeance. It would be best for you to lay low in the north."

With that, he rose on the wind and departed.

Qin Yun, realizing the misunderstanding, could only offer a wry smile, choosing not to correct him.

He planned to wait until Lee Yuangui had left before making his way to Darkmoon City, where he would conceal his identity and settle in Elfview.


Within the cloud that enveloped them like cotton, Yu Yuan's face was shadowed with anger as he glared at Bai Shenshen from the Medicine Sect.

"She's a member of the Tusk Troops who has harmed our Silvermoon Empire's citizens and nearly took my life," Bai Shenshen returned his gaze with astonishment. "I'm unaware of the exact nature of your private discussions, but it's becoming increasingly clear to me that your animosity towards her is diminishing."

When Yuan Lianyao was present, Yu Yuan treated Wei Feng with utter contempt.

Yet, for reasons unknown, after several conversations, Yu Yuan removed the gag that Wei Feng had mentioned much earlier.

Moreover, he didn't impose many restrictions on Wei Feng afterward.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Yu Yuan never disclosed his reasons to her.

She, on the other hand, nearly met her end at the hands of Wei Feng and the Tusk Troops...

The Tusk Troops had a fearsome reputation in both the Divine Might Empire and across the Profound Sky Continent, and Bai Shenshen naturally despised them. Upon noticing Yu Yuan's sudden change of heart, she suspected Wei Feng had cast some sort of spell on him.

Consequently, she revealed Wei Feng's true identity.

"Without me, you'd be dead," Yu Yuan said coldly, confronting her presumptuousness. "Wei Feng was captured by me, and how I deal with her is my business! I don't appreciate others meddling in my affairs!"

Bai Shenshen huffed, "Even your father never dared to speak to me that way."

Yu Yuan couldn't be bothered with her any longer.

"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!"

In no time, the group of four was drawn by Lee Yuangui's power and sent straight into the Cloud Sail.

"It's crowded here. Move to that corner!"

A burly man with a bushy beard, clad in chainmail, barked at their arrival and gave them a nonchalant shove.

Yu Yuan and his companions were nearly thrown off balance, but ended up being pushed into a secluded corner of the Cloud Sail by the man's casual force.

"Van Yan, what's the meaning of this?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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