Unmatched Dominance/C289 Opening the Eye of Wisdom!
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Unmatched Dominance/C289 Opening the Eye of Wisdom!
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C289 Opening the Eye of Wisdom!

In the tranquil forest, Yu Yuan sat in solitude in an out-of-the-way spot, silently connecting with Yu Zhu through his Heavenly Soul. At his behest, Yu Zhu was likely observing the aerial battle from her vantage point in the war zone. Tailor-made for that region, she could harness every blade of grass and the mist-enshrouded marshes to her advantage.

Her affinity with the Great Dao of that land was the reason Yu Yuan had taken her from Chilly Wind Valley and settled her in that unique location. Her boldness to make grand claims and challenge the Su family of the Empire to cultivate exotic flora was a testament to her presence.

Bathed in the bright moonlight and surrounded by twinkling stars, Yu Yuan delved into the wondrous realm of the Soul Forging Technique. His thoughts wandered, tracing a special "line" in an attempt to perceive Yu Zhu's essence.

Yet, not having attained the Penetrating Stage, his Spiritual Sense remained unrefined, and his Soul Thoughts could not extend outward. The ability for his thoughts to detect his surroundings was likely aided by the mysterious space beneath the Soul Transformation Pool.

Each time he practiced the Soul Forging Technique with his Heavenly Soul or used it to sense other entities, he could acutely sense the presence of the words "Soul Forging Technique" inscribed beneath the Soul Transformation Pool.

This occasion was no different. As his thoughts fluttered, on the verge of connecting with Yu Zhu, his brow subtly quivered. Opening his eyes, he turned his gaze toward an inconspicuous star in the night sky. Among the brilliant celestial bodies, the one he focused on was neither the brightest nor the largest.

Yet, as he engaged the Soul Forging Technique to reach out to Yu Zhu and the realm beneath the Soul Transformation Pool, he felt an eerie sensation of being watched. The source of this feeling was the unassuming star that flickered intermittently, like the blink of an eye.

"How odd..." Yu Yuan mused to himself, narrowing his eyes as he intently watched the distant star.

Suddenly, his mind reverberated with a thunderous jolt. An ephemeral soul shadow within became startlingly vivid. This soul shadow, his Heavenly Soul, had been evolving continuously through the Soul Forging Technique. Now, as if filled with an external soul consciousness, it clarified rapidly, its myriad soul threads shimmering with the luminous glow of insight.

Yu Yuan's gaze pierced the heavens, his dark pupils suddenly ablaze with an even deeper black gleam. Within the deepest recesses of his eyes, four tiny dots, no larger than grains of rice, emerged with an otherworldly presence. Magnified a millionfold, these dots would reveal themselves as the four ancient black characters floating in the mysterious space at the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pool: Wisdom, Extreme, Essential, Harm. Each character was a world unto itself!

At that moment, in a nameless depth of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the four ancient black characters from the Space Oddity shone within the depths of Yu Yuan's eyes as he visualized them, bestowing upon him a mystical power. A thought sparked to life in Yu Yuan's mind and, in an instant, was seared into the deepest memories of his soul.

"Awaken the Eyes of Insight!"

Yu Yuan's eyes, with their four rice-sized black dots, suddenly swelled. The dots expanded like four dark mini suns, merging seamlessly into his gaze. Simultaneously, the inconspicuous star he was fixated on began to grow larger. Pulled by an unseen force, it drew closer, allowing him to see it with clarity. This was no true star. The seemingly ordinary, lackluster "star" was in fact a massive silver-white meteorite, nearly identical to the ones he had encountered in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, distinguishable at a mere glance. The sole difference was that this colossal meteorite in the sky would sporadically burst forth with dazzling starlight, as if a vast stellar brilliance breathed within it, erupting in flashes of light.

A gigantic, stationary meteorite, masquerading as a star, appeared mysteriously in the night sky, like an eye that occasionally opened, surveying him...

Deep within the dense forest, Yu Yuan's eyes shone with an eerie black luster, his expression dark and foreboding. A memory surged forth. On the Heavenly Source Continent, among the seven great lower sects, lay the Silver Moon Sect's most prized treasure — the Fallen Star Eyes. Originating from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, this exceptionally peculiar extraterrestrial meteorite had been discovered by a powerful member of the Silver Moon Sect. After its removal from the Forbidden Area, it underwent meticulous refinement by the sect's skilled Refiners. Over decades, infused with a hundred metals and the essence of celestial stars, it was finally forged into the enigmatic Fallen Star Eyes.

The Fallen Star Eyes, heralded as a Heaven Level Ninth Grade artifact, held the promise of reaching the divine realm!

It earned its celestial designation due to its unique ability to observe everything beneath the heavens, akin to the watchful eyes of the stars above.

Not only could the Fallen Star Eyes view scenes from millions of miles away, but they could also cloak the bearer's presence, rendering them virtually undetectable.

Masters of the Fallen Star Eyes could harness the artifact to traverse the void at enigmatic speeds that defied comprehension.

Legend even had it that the Fallen Star Eyes could transport a cultivator beyond the vast barriers of the Boundless Land, into the frigid, desolate realm beyond the galaxy.

Among the myriad wonders of the Boundless Land, the Silver Moon Sect's Fallen Star Eyes were particularly renowned.

Yet, this artifact's strengths lay in reconnaissance and concealment, not in combat prowess, hence its classification as a Heaven Level Ninth Grade item.

As if it had detected his prolonged scrutiny, a figure hidden beneath a stone on the otherworldly meteorite suddenly emerged.

She was a girl with a sweet visage.

Yu Yuan, with his exceptional memory, vividly recalled seeing this girl before on the gilded treasure ship.

The girl, with her sweet appearance, stood solitary upon the meteorite, as if a celestial from the lunar palace gazing down upon the mortal realm, her presence startling to those in the world below.

Confused, she rubbed her eyes, which sparkled with astonishment like stars.

In a flash, the distant meteorite, deep in the clouds, streaked with starlight, plummeted towards Yu Yuan.

Caught off guard, Yu Yuan's painstakingly maintained "Soul Forging Eye" dissipated.

When he looked again, he witnessed a meteor falling from the heavens.

"The Soul Forging Technique enables the opening of the Soul Forging Eye under specific conditions!" Yu Yuan realized, a surge of elation filling him as he recognized the mysterious technique's extraordinary potential unfolding with his soul's diligent cultivation.

With his Soul Forging Eye activated, he could indeed see the meteorite high above and the person upon it!

"Ah!" Qin Yun exclaimed, closing the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Standing side by side, he and Yu Yuan gazed up at the meteor streaking toward them. "How can there be a meteor that seems to have us in its sights?" he wondered aloud.

Even for experts like Qin Yun, who had reached the late stages of the Yin God Stage, the true nature of such a phenomenon would remain elusive unless the Yin God left the body and they scrutinized it closely.

"There's someone on that meteorite."

Yu Yuan inhaled sharply. "A young girl. She was aboard the gilding treasure ship! If I'm not mistaken, that meteorite is likely..."

"The Silver Moon Sect's treasured keystone—the Fallen Star Eyes," Wei Feng interjected.

Yu Yuan gave her a nod of acknowledgment. "Yes, it must be the Fallen Star Eyes."

"What?" Yan Yu's face blanched. "How could the Silver Moon Sect's prized treasure just appear here? The Fallen Star Eyes are incredibly valuable. It's hard to believe the Silver Moon Sect would misplace something so precious."

"The Fallen Star Eyes find their way into the hands of those who are meant to have them," Wei Feng said, her voice steady. "How were you able to detect the Fallen Star Eyes? Amidst the night sky, mingling with the stars, it's nearly impossible to discern, even for deities. Your level of cultivation aside, even those at the Soul Wandering Stage would struggle to locate it without their Yin God traversing the deepest reaches of the heavens."

The heavens, so high and fraught with perilous forces, placed restrictions on even Yin Gods like Qin Yun.

Only those at the true Soul Wandering Stage could navigate the vast expanse of the high clouds under the celestial dome.

"And who might this girl be?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"Her name is Lau Ying," Wei Feng replied, a shadow crossing her expression. "Once, she was my dearest sister."

"So it's her. That explains it. She's the only one who could garner such favor from the Silver Moon Sect, to be entrusted with the Fallen Star Eyes," Yan Yu said, a look of realization dawning on him. "I never expected to see her on the gilding treasure ship. I've heard her name but never met her in person."

"She's arriving," Qin Yun announced softly.

One by one, everyone looked up, eager to catch a glimpse of the Lau family's daughter, deemed by the Silver Moon Sect to be their most precious gem, and to see what she intended to do with the Fallen Star Eyes.

"With the Fallen Star Eyes in her possession, she'll be safe," Yan Yu remarked enviously. "The gilding treasure ship is certainly valuable, but it pales in comparison to the Fallen Star Eyes. The Heaven Level Ninth Grade Fallen Star Eyes are the Silver Moon Sect's ultimate treasure, incomparable to the Divine Might Empire's gilding treasure ship."


A silvery meteorite, akin to a massive mountain range, suddenly decelerated and came to a gradual halt.

Lau Ying, with her sweet features, peeked out from the meteorite, her smile beaming as she gazed at Wei Feng. "Sister, I could sneak you away if you're willing," she offered cheerfully.

"No need," Wei Feng declined crisply.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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