Unmatched Dominance/C290 Fallen Star Eyes
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Unmatched Dominance/C290 Fallen Star Eyes
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C290 Fallen Star Eyes

The Fallen Star Eyes hung suspended in the sky.

Only upon drawing near did Yu Yuan grasp the enormity of the meteorite—it dwarfed the Divine Might Empire's gilded treasure ship by an immeasurable factor.

Beneath the Fallen Star Eyes, he craned his neck to look up and discovered that the celestial canopy was utterly obscured.

A vast expanse of silvery white filled his vision.

Lau Ying, with her sweet features, emerged silently from the Fallen Star Eyes and took her place beneath the meteorite, bathed in resplendent starlight. She conversed with Wei Feng, her smile radiant and effortless.

Unseen to Yu Yuan, the heavens teemed with stars, seemingly drawn in by the Fallen Star Eyes, scattering their luminescence.

The colossal meteorite drew in the starlight like a sponge soaking up water.

Inside the gleaming rock, countless stars seemed to flow, their light refined by the Fallen Star Eyes into a translucent Star Barrier that enveloped Lau Ying, shielding her from harm.

Lau Ying's caution stemmed from the fact that Yu Yuan, from his vantage point in the high skies, had used the Fallen Star Eyes to watch Wei Feng and, against all odds, had detected her presence.

From her position above, she observed Qin Yun, Yan Yu, Ning Ji, and Wei Feng through the Fallen Star Eyes, none of whom exhibited any signs of awareness.

Yet, it was Yu Yuan, absorbed in meditation, who abruptly became vigilant and turned his gaze upon her.

Between her and Yu Yuan stretched an immense void, undetectable even to Qin Yun, who had reached the Yin God Stage. Was Yu Yuan's reaction merely her own misperception?

But the surprise on Yu Yuan's face, magnified as it was, convinced her that she had been discovered.

It was Yu Yuan's unexpected alertness that made Lau Ying uncertain of his capabilities, prompting her to harness the extraordinary power of the Fallen Star Eyes for protection upon her descent.

Even as she spoke with Wei Feng, her eyes occasionally flickered towards Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan couldn't shake the discomfort of her gaze.

Shortly after the Cloud Sail descended and he parted ways with Bai Shang, Yu Yuan was aware that Yan Qiling had silently departed.

Yan Qiling had already set out to engage the commander of the Tusk Troops, along with forces from Hidden Dragon Lake, Thunder Sect, and Cold Yin Sect, lying in wait to strike in concert with Yu Zhu at the pivotal moment.

The Fallen Star Eyes, suspended high above, possessed boundless utility, affording a view over all the earth's inhabitants.

He was convinced that Lau Ying wouldn't have dared to descend with the Fallen Star Eyes unless she had already discerned Yan Qiling's absence.

Lau Ying, wielding the Fallen Star Eyes, surely realized that only Yan Qiling posed any real threat to her.

Once Yan Qiling had departed, Lau Ying, seeing her cover blown, chose to boldly descend from the void, confident in her safety.

Even with Qin Yun present, he stood no chance against her, the wielder of the Fallen Star Eyes.

She extended an invitation to Wei Feng, proposing they leave discreetly together.

Wei Feng flatly refused.

"Sister, there has been no contact between the Silver Moon Sect and the Divine Might Empire before my time," Lau Ying said, her smile radiating innocence and sweetness. "Since being chosen by the Silver Moon Sect, my ties with the Lau family can no longer be as they were. The Dao is heartless. Eventually, I will cast off all that binds me and realize my potential within the Silver Moon Sect."

"That's why I'm not aligned with them. I can take you away."

Genuine concern and sincerity shone on Lau Ying's face.

As she spoke, she descended enveloped in brilliant starlight.

Her garments shimmered like willow catkins dancing in the wind, and upon closer inspection, one could see that the ribbons were in fact solidified starlight.

The radiant starlight surrounding her formed a transparent sheath, encasing her within.

Beams of brilliant starlight cascaded from the Fallen Star Eyes atop her head, lighting up the dim realm as if it were broad daylight.

Though Lau Ying was merely at the Middle Period of the Profound Break Stage, her descent was akin to a deity gracing the mortal coil.

Her celestial glow, reminiscent of a moon palace fairy, draped her in an aura of sanctity, aloofness, and an ethereal detachment from the mundane world.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Wei Feng's face was a mask of ice, her heart unmoved by the persuasion. The black dagger, previously seized by Yu Yuan, was once again clutched in her palm.

The dagger emitted a captivating glow.

Lau Ying halted her descent, hovering ten meters above the ground. Surrounded by the glittering starlight, she gazed at Wei Feng with curiosity and said, "Your Majesty, there are others who wish for your survival. You're well aware of how unique and valuable you are. You were meant to soar beyond the heavens."

"Shut up!" Wei Feng snapped, her voice cutting through the air like ice.

Lau Ying let out a soft sigh, "You possess a talent equal to mine, yet it has remained hidden. If not for the sheer terror of your gift, and the unfortunate chance that His Majesty discovered it, you would still be his cherished niece. Instead, you're someone he watches closely, fearing you might one day seek vengeance."

"Silence!" Wai Feng's cold snort cut through the air once more.

Regrettably, Lau Ying seemed to pay no heed to the threat, continuing unabashedly, "Your unique talent, if taken to the Quietus Continent, would surely draw all eyes to you."

Wai Feng attempted to interject a few times, but seeing Lau Ying's disregard, she eventually relented.

Yu Yuan, Qin Yun, and Yan Yu, also under the influence of the Fallen Star Eyes, were utterly perplexed.

Wai Feng shared a level of cultivation talent with Lau Ying?

At Lau Ying's birth, the heavens themselves stirred, and celestial light bathed the sky, as if the stars had shifted ever so slightly to herald her arrival.

The Silver Moon Sect had foreseen her birth long ago, it seemed.

For half a year, they had waited in the shadows within the Divine Might Empire.

Waiting for her arrival.

Upon her birth, the Silver Moon Sect immediately enveloped the Lau family, with whispers that the Sect Master of the Silver Moon had come in secret from the Heavenly Source Continent to bless her.

From the outset, the Silver Moon Sect intended to groom her as their next Sect Master.

Now, the Fallen Star Eyes were under her command.

Such a gift was a rarity in this world.

Wai Feng, on the other hand, had only managed a half-baked mastery of the Voodoo Cult's Spiritual Spell, and her physical training was rudimentary at best. Aside from her resolute nature and venomous strikes, she had shown no signs of exceptional ability.

What talent could she possibly have that would place her in the same league as Lau Ying?

Even Yu Yuan, who had lived two lifetimes, and Qin Yun and Yan Yu, could not discern any remarkable quality in Wai Feng.

Indeed, after capturing Wai Feng, Yu Yuan had scrutinized her closely and found nothing out of the ordinary.

He was inwardly astonished as to why figures like Lau Wei, Lei Xiao, and even Wai Wujiang were so intent on taking Wai Feng alive.

"Why didn't you use the Fallen Star Eyes sooner?" Yu Yuan interjected suddenly. "At that time, Wai Wujiang was present, as was the elder entwined with seven pythons, along with the Divine Might Empire's strongest. Had you revealed the Fallen Star Eyes then and coordinated an attack, the likelihood of success could have been tremendous."

Yan Qiling was formidable, but Yu Yuan, familiar with the Fallen Star Eyes, suspected that if Lau Ying summoned this power, even with the support of the Divine Might Empire, Yan Qiling might not find herself at an advantage.

He sensed that the Fallen Star Eyes could inhibit Yan Qiling's ability to warp space, significantly diminishing her combat effectiveness.

"You're Yu Yuan, right? Big Brother Wei and Aunt Xu mentioned you," Lau Ying's bright eyes sparkled. "I've heard my good-for-nothing brother, Lau Zaihe, had dealings with you at Jade Peak. He's gone missing, yet you're still here. Can you tell me what happened to him?"

"He's dead," Yu Yuan stated flatly.

"Dead? Who killed him?" Lau Ying pressed.

"The Luan Bird Empire, Chen Qingyan," Yu Yuan replied with a smirk.

At that, Lau Ying's brow furrowed for the first time.

On the Profound Sky Continent, Lau Ying of the Divine Might Empire was among the elite, easily ranking in the top ten prodigies of her time.

But Chen Qingyan of the Luan Bird Empire, hailing from the continent's most powerful empire, was undoubtedly among the top five, perhaps even the top three.

Chen Qingyan was from the preeminent Chen family.

The woman who had taken Chen Qingyan under her wing, and the sect backing her, were even more formidable than the Silver Moon Sect.

Chen Qingyan was rumored to be a once-in-a-millennium sword prodigy.

Her spirit was clear, capable of communing with various sword souls, and she possessed an innate sharp perception and exceptional intuition.

Whether it was her grasp of the bigger picture or her prowess in combat, she held the upper hand.

Legend had it that upon Chen Qingyan's arrival at the Sword Sect, the ancient and illustrious grand formation of the sect had activated on its own.

The Sword Sect's hallowed Sword Cave, home to myriad swords, seemed to cry out in jubilation, welcoming her arrival.

"If she truly was the one who killed him," Lau Ying said with serene detachment, "then my worthless brother is dead, and that's that. I'm not heartbroken. It doesn't concern me."

With those words, Lau Ying casually gestured for Yu Yuan to come closer.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

In an instant.

Another cascade of starlight fell from the Fallen Star Eyes, enveloping Yu Yuan in its glow.

Yu Yuan hadn't come to his senses before he found himself dizzy and suddenly soaring into the sky.

Lau Ying, with a smile, glanced at Wai Feng and then returned her gaze to the Fallen Star Eyes.

Qin Yun's face contorted with shock. He was about to rise when an overwhelming force slammed down on him, pinning him firmly to the ground, rendering him immobile.

In the next moment, the Fallen Star Eyes silently ascended once more into the high heavens.

Qin Yun, Yan Yu, Ning Ji, and Wai Feng could do nothing but watch in frustration.

"Why would Lau Ying coerce Yu Yuan into ascending?" Ning Ji pressed urgently.

Wai Feng shook her head, her voice tinged with astonishment, "I have no idea."

Meanwhile, Yan Yu called out, "Yan Qiling, where are you?"

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