Unmatched Dominance/C296 Help Me Kill Someone!
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Unmatched Dominance/C296 Help Me Kill Someone!
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C296 Help Me Kill Someone!

The young man in blue from the Spirit Void Sect must be at the Penetrating Stage, and his broadsword is of a high caliber.

He likely holds a significant position within the Spirit Void Sect; otherwise, Lau Ying wouldn't have permitted him access to the Fallen Star Eyes.

Yet, Lau Ying seems to hold him in low regard.

Having been preselected by the Taiyuan Sect to advance to the Profound Break Stage, Su Yan, who journeyed to the Heavenly Source Continent alongside Su Xiangtian, wouldn't normally bear any ill will towards this man.

So why the desire to kill him?

"Yes, I want you to kill him for me!" Su Yan stated earnestly, with no hint of jest. "His name is Wong Jinlin, an inner disciple of the Spirit Void Sect who has recently ascended to the Penetrating Stage."

"Wouldn't it be a simple task for your father or someone from the Taiyuan Sect to intervene?" Yu Yuan inquired.

Su Yan let out a soft sigh. "They're not willing to get involved."

"Is it because Wong Jinlin belongs to the Spirit Void Sect?" Yu Yuan probed.

"Exactly," Su Yan confirmed with a nod. "The Spirit Void Sect is a powerhouse on the Heavenly Source Continent, second only to the top three upper sects. Known for their vindictiveness, neither the Taiyuan Sect nor my father would risk incurring the Spirit Void Sect's wrath over someone like Wong Jinlin, which would lead to endless complications."

"Why turn to me?" Yu Yuan asked.

After a brief pause, Su Yan replied, "Having survived the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, I trust that even at the Yellow Court Stage, you're capable of taking him down."

Yu Yuan, arms folded, glanced up at the Fallen Star Eyes, now just a speck among the stars, and questioned, "Why do you want him dead?"

"Must I disclose my reasons?" Su Yan responded, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

"Then, at least tell me why everyone has convened here?" Yu Yuan pressed, unable to contain his curiosity. "It's peculiar to see so many factions—your Taiyuan Sect, Wong Jinlin's Spirit Void Sect, the Silver Moon Sect, Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect, and Hidden Dragon Lake—all converging on this Absence Relic."

"I can share a bit about that," Su Yan said, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Are you familiar with the commander of the Tusk Troops from the Divine Might Empire?"

Yu Yuan nodded in understanding.

"She was originally with the Ancient Desolate Sect," Su Yan divulged the secret. "The name 'Absence Relic' for this place was coined by none other than her master."

"Her master?" Yu Yuan was visibly shaken.

"Yes, her master was the deepest connoisseur of the Absence Relic's mysteries. According to legend, her master uncovered numerous enigmas here and even discovered an entrance to an ancient secret realm," Su Yan said, her interest piqued. "Rumor has it that only her master knew the location of this ancient secret realm entrance and the method to unlock it."

"She had informed the Ancient Desolate Sect that the entrance was protected by complex, ancient formations that would need to be deciphered to gain access."

"Her original plan was to bide her time until conditions were favorable to return to the Absence Relic, unlock the secret realm entrance, and delve into its secrets."

"Unfortunately, her master left for the Outer Sky on a separate matter and never returned."

"As for her, she fell out with the Ancient Desolate Sect over another issue and was nearly cast out. After leaving the sect, she assumed a new identity and made her way to the Divine Might Empire, where she rose to become the commander of the Tusk Troops, aiding the current Emperor in securing his reign."

"Eventually, the Spirit Void Sect and other sects from the Heavenly Source Continent uncovered her true identity. Connecting the dots to the Absence Relic, they speculated that her master must have confided in her the precise location and details of the secret realm entrance before departing."

"The rift with the Ancient Desolate Sect likely stemmed from their demands for the entrance's location, which she steadfastly refused. Over time, the grudges piled up, leading to her expulsion from the sect."

"It's possible that she came to the Divine Might Empire to lie in wait, ready to seek out and unlock the secret realm when the moment was right."

"The Emperor of the Divine Might Empire, in his desire to make her his empress, may have also been eyeing the fabled secret realm gate hidden within the Absence Relic."

"However, she spurned the Emperor's advances. After her defection, she led the Tusk Troops into seclusion here."

"The consensus is that she's here to locate that secret realm gate. The Thunder Sect, Hidden Dragon Lake, Cold Yin Sect, Taiyuan Sect, and Spirit Void Sect have all converged in this area, drawn by the allure of the potentially mythical secret realm gate."

"It's highly probable that after sustaining severe injuries, she sought refuge and inadvertently revealed the gate to the secret realm."

"A pristine, unexplored secret realm teeming with the unknown and uncertainty holds immense allure for the seven lower sects, the Divine Might Empire, and Hidden Dragon Lake."

Su Yan's eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation, convinced in her heart that the secret realm gate rumored to be concealed within the Absence Relic truly existed.

Her explanation had effectively cleared up Yu Yuan's confusion, finally bringing him to understand the full picture.

The practitioners from the seven lower sects, Hidden Dragon Lake, the Divine Might Empire's gilded treasure ship, and even Lee Yuangui's Cloud Sail had all converged, their motives not necessarily centered on the commander's demise.

Beyond Wei Feng, there was yet another secret realm gate, still unopened and hidden from view.

"If I get the chance, I'll help you take down Wang Jinlin of the Spirit Void Sect," Yu Yuan promised after some consideration, "considering the considerable support you've shown the Yu family before my return to the Silvermoon Empire."

"As for how the Su family treats the Yu family after our departure, that's beyond my control," Su Yan stated frankly.

"Let me be clear," Yu Yuan interjected with a cold huff, "those in your Su family who've been undermining the Yu family behind the scenes, once I get to the bottom of it, they'll regret it. Especially Su Yin—his actions in Darkmoon City left us with nothing but disdain!"

With a bitter smile, Su Yan chose to remain silent.

"I'm leaving first."

With those final words, Yu Yuan chose a path opposite to Yang Yinquan and Su Xiangtian and left without a backward glance.

Su Yan sighed, aware that the ties between some within the Su family and Yu Yuan ran deep, not easily untangled by mere words.

Even her father might not be able to sway many in the Su family to alter their stance towards the Yu family.

Some time later, Su Xiangtian approached alone, "Did that kid heed your advice and head back to the Empire?"

"He's left, but whether he'll return to the Empire is another matter," Su Yan replied, taking a deep breath. With no one from the Taiyuan Sect in sight, she added, "I've asked Yu Yuan to help me eliminate Wang Jinlin!"


Su Xiangtian erupted in anger. "You've told him about your feud with Wang Jinlin? And how can you be so sure he can keep a secret? Putting aside whether he can pull it off, do you have any idea of the consequences if this gets out?"

"I want Wang Jinlin dead!" There was an unusual fierceness in Su Yan's gaze.

Su Xiangtian let out a heavy sigh. "To kill Wang Jinlin, we need a well-thought-out plan! Approaching Yu Yuan like this is far too naive. He may have been formidable within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where he could harness the power of its formations. But the Absence Relic is not the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area; he won't be able to replicate that success here."

"As long as he's willing to give it a shot, that's enough for me," Su Yan insisted.

"I'm worried he'll mess things up, leading to unforeseen repercussions that could end up hurting you," Su Xiangtian said, his frustration evident.

Libre Baskerville
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