Unmatched Dominance/C312 What Should Come will Eventually Come!
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Unmatched Dominance/C312 What Should Come will Eventually Come!
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C312 What Should Come will Eventually Come!

With the Sky Tiger's supernatural vision, using the iron plate as its eyes, what couldn't it see?

Zhou Cangmin's sole concern was whether, during their communication with the White Divine Tiger, Zou Jin and Jiaang Moyan had let slip any information from the Demon God. If the existence of the small world Yan Qiling had constructed was revealed, all their schemes would be undone.

Yet, recalling Xu Zixi's origins from the Demon Palace, he felt somewhat reassured.

Upon reflection, the White-robed Imperial Advisor abruptly inquired, "Are you here to assist Feiqing, to rescue Wei Feng, or did you anticipate the Zhao family girl's arrival to guard the path for the Demon Palace?"

"I was unaware that the Zhao girl had garnered the Sky Tiger's favor," Xu Zixi admitted honestly.

Zhou Cangmin nodded, "Then you've come for Wei Feng?"

"Feiqing and you are both dear friends of mine. What's wrong with coming to Feiqing's aid in her time of need?" Xu Zixi chided, giving him a playful look before adding, "And as for Wei Feng, with her lineage from the Demon Palace, how could I stand by and let her be captured by the Divine Might Empire?"

"Does Wei Feng know of your ties to the Demon Palace?" Zhou Cangmin pressed.

Xu Zixi shook her head.

Zhou Cangmin was about to respond when his expression abruptly shifted, and he barked, "They've arrived!"


At the heart of the lake island.

The Divine Might Empire's commander, seated among the Void Spiritual Plants, jolted violently.

A brutally overpowering force descended like a colossal hammer.

The tiny island at the lake's center suddenly dropped several inches!

Ripples, bizarre and concentric, emanated from the island's rim, spreading in overlapping waves.

The lake's blood and Qi surged tumultuously!

The previously still waters now roiled as if boiling!

The diminutive commander swelled like an inflatable ball.

Her body's acupoints abruptly filled with an odd energy from an unknown source.

In her vicinity, space collapsed, and time slowed to a crawl.

To everyone watching, she seemed out of place, as if she existed in a separate dimension.


A slender, gleaming white blade materialized out of nowhere on the left cheek of the military commander.

"Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!"

One after another, more radiant white blades emerged.

Yu Yuan glanced at them and immediately recognized these shimmering lines as tears in the fabric of space.

In the vast expanse of the Boundless Land, many peculiar places with connections to other realms exhibited similar spatial rifts.

Some rifts were as fine as a blade's edge, while others were broad enough to walk through, harboring a fearsome power that could obliterate the soul of a Yang cultivator in an instant.

Shen Feiqing's practice of the Desolate True Spell had, astonishingly, caused the space itself to rupture due to the formidable backlash.

Bathed in moonlight, Jiang Moyan of the Thunder Sect, Zou Jin of the Cold Yin Sect, and Bai Shuang from Hidden Dragon Lake suddenly became intensely fixated on Shen Feiqing, their gaze unwavering.

Their eyes, alight with fervor, were locked onto the myriad of fine, newly formed spatial rifts that resembled white blades.

Shen Feiqing's mentor, another cultivator of the Void True Spell from the Ancient Desolate Sect, was said to possess an exceptionally keen sense for detecting anomalies in space, a skill attributed to those who dared to engage with the forbidden arts.

They all speculated in silence that it must have been Shen Feiqing's master who detected the odd spatial tremors within the Absence Relic.

And so, he must have uncovered a gateway to the secret realm.

"Who would have thought it would happen this quickly..."

At the lakeside, Yu Yuan watched the commander's body undergo these strange transformations, feeling a surge of emotion.

His attention was divided between Shen Feiqing and the Void Spiritual Plants, which, unbeknownst to many, were being hastened to maturity by the life force of Shen Feiqing and the Tusk Troops.

Few realized that the spiritual plants near Shen Feiqing were also experiencing anomalies after the appearance of the spatial rifts.

The Void Spiritual Plants were, in fact, drawing in the peculiar energy emanating from Shen Feiqing.

One plant, upon touching an unstable white spatial rift, was instantly pulverized and absorbed into the rift, as if effortlessly devoured by it.

The once delicate spatial rift miraculously widened further and further!

As the Void Spiritual Plant disintegrated and became one with the expanding rift, Shen Feiqing, with her eyes tightly shut, felt a sudden tranquility wash over her at the very moment the rift tore wider.

She had finally verified that the peculiar Void Spiritual Plant, capable of thriving in the Profound Sky Continent, was indeed of aid to her.

Until now, she had never attempted to use it.

The Void Spiritual Plant from the Profound Sky Continent bore a magical connection to the "Ancient Desolate Realm True Spell" she practiced—a secret imparted by her now-missing master.

Her master had assured her of its efficacy, claiming it could neutralize the fierce backlash following a great battle and even elevate her combat prowess to new heights.

Yet, she harbored doubts.

Her master had spoken with unwavering confidence, asserting there would be no issues. However, the catch was that her master had also conceded to never having tested it personally.

Without trial, how could one be certain of its effectiveness?

But in this moment, as the Void Spiritual Plant she had been nurturing in secret for half a month—imbued with her blood essence and refined soul—disintegrated into dust and fused with a spatial rift, her confidence surged.

The ever-widening, elongating spatial rift resonated mysteriously with her Yin God in an instant!

As the blood essence and refined soul she had imprinted on the Void Spiritual Plant shattered, they merged with the spatial rift as though briefly entrusted to an Artifact.

In essence, the continuously tearing spatial rift had transformed into her formidable weapon!

Having suffered backlash before, she had never experienced anything like this. Previously, the spatial rifts influenced by her power would contract and penetrate her acupoints and flesh, inflicting excruciating pain and severe injury.

For the first time, she was astonished to discover that the emerging spatial rifts were not contracting but expanding.

They were not drawn to her unique magnetic field to burrow into her acupoints and flesh, tormenting and wounding her, but were instead at her command!

She knew all too well the fearsome lethality contained within those tearing spatial rifts!

Shen Feiqing silently commended herself and slowly opened her eyes.

The first person she saw was not the Silverfrost Dragon, nor the cultivators from the Thunder Sect or Cold Yin Sect in the Soul Wandering Stage. Her gaze settled on Yu Yuan, and she gave a nod of acknowledgment.

The Void Spiritual Plant had been sown by Yu Yuan and nurtured alongside Yu Zhu.

Yu Yuan was well aware of the Void Spiritual Plants and their miraculous synergy with the Desolate True Spell that Shen Feiqing practiced.

Moreover, upon uncovering her entire scheme, he chose not to thwart her plans but instead assisted her in concealing her actions, luring all those she sought to eliminate to her.

For this, Yu Yuan, the storied commander from the Ancient Desolate Sect, felt a deep sense of gratitude.

Yu Yuan's lips quivered, yet he remained silent.

In his mind, he firmly declared, "Those whom I forbid to be killed shall not meet their end!"

Shen Feiqing hesitated briefly before nodding once more.


Without a single person stirring, a diminutive Yin God emerged and drifted up from the crown of Shen Feiqing's head.

This Yin God, shrouded in black armor, bore an enigmatic form with an indiscernible face.

"She realizes she can't endure the backlash, so she's chosen to abandon her physical form and flee with her Yin God!"

Lau Wei of the Cold Yin Sect, upon witnessing Shen Feiqing's Yin God separate from her body, believed he had grasped her intentions and urgently cried out.


A glaring spatial rift tore away from Shen Feiqing's corporeal form, cleaving through the air like a sword.

Lau Wei, on the cusp of reaching the Yin God Stage, was abruptly bisected, with not a trace of blood spilling forth.

The two halves of his body, neatly severed, appeared to be enveloped by a spatial force, leaving no residue behind.

"Everyone, take heed!"

From above the gilding treasure ship, Wei Wujiang of the Divine Might Empire exclaimed in alarm, "Prior to the onset of backlash, the spatial rifts spawned by her power are exceedingly unstable, and anyone could inadvertently be slain by them."

Yu Yuan snickered.

Wei Wujiang truly believed that Lau Wei's demise was nothing more than a mishap.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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