Unmatched Dominance/C314 A Net to Catch the True Dragon!
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Unmatched Dominance/C314 A Net to Catch the True Dragon!
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C314 A Net to Catch the True Dragon!

Slender, luminous spatial rifts burst forth in every direction, weaving through the air like interlaced lightning.

Contrary to what was expected, the rifts that Shen Feiqing had caused to fracture did not contract. Instead, they scattered and wove into her very flesh and bone.

This defied the understanding of all those present regarding the Void True Spell.

The prematurely ripened Void Spiritual Plants had been reduced to mere dust.

Yet, only a few observed that as these plants, now pulverized, entered the spatial rifts, they shattered further into tinier crystalline fragments.

These fragments, translucent as crimson agate, were imbued with the purest essence of the Great General's vital blood.

The Ancient Desolate Sect, in its heyday, was renowned for its unique art of body forging.

Once the foremost among the seven lower sects, it held the prestige to rival the three upper sects, thanks to its powerful secret arts capable of contending with the Devil Spell and the might of the Demon Clan.

The most celebrated of these arts was the Desolate True Spell—a mystical and wondrous technique that left many Demon Gods and great demons in awe.

Shen Feiqing was practicing this very Desolate True Spell, now deemed a forbidden art!

Each drop of her blood essence, meticulously refined through secret arts, was laden with her lucid soul consciousness.

Imbued with soul intent, her blood essence was charged with immense spiritual energy, making each drop as potent as the very essence of demon blood!

As her vital essence infused the spatial rifts, they transformed from unusable fissures into extensions of her own limbs.

With this power, she could manipulate them at will, finely tuning their angles to strike down any target she desired!


The spatial rifts, like scythes of light, harvested lives indiscriminately.

Dragon Servitors from Hidden Dragon Lake, cultivators from the Divine Might Empire fleeing the gilded treasure ship, and the clandestine visitors from the Cold Yin Sect and Thunder Sect all became sacrificial lambs.

Every so often, a dazzling streak of light would pass, leaving behind a burst-open corpse.

Shen Feiqing's armored Yin God hovered silently just above her, immobile.

Behind her and her Yin God, the narrowest and most brilliant of the spatial rifts intertwined, forming an eerie, web-like pattern.

The web, a complex and luminous structure, had been woven from the torn fabric of space itself.

An extraordinary current of air seeped through these spatial rifts, sending palpitations through the hearts of those brave enough to draw near or to extend their soul senses.

Yu Yuan stood by the lake, exuding an air of ease and nonchalance.

With the bloody spectacle initiated by Shen Feiqing and covertly orchestrated by both him and the White-robed Imperial Advisor now underway, Yu Yuan could afford to be untroubled by the unfolding events.

Flanking him were the esteemed beauties of the Silvermoon Empire.

Both women, long celebrated for their allure, fixed their bright gazes upon him.

His demeanor was strikingly odd.

Yuan Lianyao and Lee Yuchan, who had both had significant interactions with him, knew him well enough to sense that something was amiss.

Yu Yuan's current mannerisms hinted that he was undoubtedly involved in, or at least aware of, the strange happenings around them.

"Those deadly spatial rifts..."

Yuan Lianyao observed them intently before she realized, her voice trembling, "They're not moving in a disorderly, haphazard manner!"

Her revelation prompted the Silvermoon Empire's female general to a similar epiphany: "Shen Feiqing has them under control!"

Suddenly, all those lurking in the shadows, who had been eagerly anticipating this moment, came to a collective realization.

"Shen Feiqing!"

Bai Shuang, the Silverfrost Dragon, unleashed a rage-filled roar and, within moments, reverted to her true draconic form.

Witnessing her Dragon Servitors, who had been by her side for years, being annihilated by the spatial rifts, Bai Shuang's anger was genuine and deep.

The bond between Dragon Servitors and their Dragons was one of mutual dependence.

Dragons lent their breath to assist Servitors in breaking through cultivation bottlenecks, nurturing their souls and using their potent blood to temper the Servitors' bodies.

The Dragon Servitors' cultivation techniques were dependent on the Dragons, and in turn, the Servitors' advancements reciprocated benefits to the Dragons.

For instance, should a Yin God or someone at the Soul Wandering Stage emerge from Bai Shuang's Servitors, her Dragon Clan lineage would surge forth, propelling her to achieve an even mightier bloodline.

The Nagas, sensing the burgeoning strength of humanity, forged a new path during their years of hidden seclusion.

They nurtured Dragon Servitors to leverage human advantages and enhance their own draconic lineage!

The Dragon Servitors slain by Shen Feiqing were handpicked by her, marked with her dragon breath and blood, infusing their essences and souls with her signature.

Before they could repay her and bolster her bloodline, many were mercilessly killed.

Despite the Nagas' longevity, selecting and rearing new Dragon Servitors was akin to raising children with dragon breath and blood—a lengthy process.

It would take at least a century for the new batch to match the prowess of those lost.

How could she endure century-long waits, over and over?

With each delay, when would her Seventh Level bloodline achieve its breakthrough?

With a ferocious roar, Bai Shuang lashed her sinuous dragon form, her neck's silver scales bristling. She unleashed a breath of frost toward Shen Feiqing on the mid-lake island.

The frost cascaded like a broad, silver waterfall, swirling with her silver dragon blood and the secret divine power etched into her lineage from birth.

The Soul Wandering cultivators from the Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect were taken aback.

"Extreme Frost!"

They both cried out, sensing Bai Shuang's bloodline divine power within the icy breath.

As the frost descended like a waterfall, it drew up the remnants of the fallen Dragon Servitors—their shattered flesh and lingering soul essences.

Dark red beams and gray soul filaments streaked from every corner.

As the gleaming silver cascade fell, the space above Shen Feiqing's head began to crystallize and harden.

Shen Feiqing's detached Yin God was visibly hindered by the frost, movement sluggish.

But it was a mere moment.

Without opening her eyes, Shen Feiqing, seated in meditation, gestured with a punch that seemed to carve through the heavens.

One after another, five blood-red pillars of light soared skyward.

Midway, the five pillars intertwined, merging into one formidable force.

With a thunderous crash, the heavens appeared to have been shattered.

Bai Shuang unleashed a dragon breath imbued with a hidden bloodline power, scattering the broad silver cascade in all directions.

Simultaneously, Shen Feiqing's armored Yin God seized the moment, rising up as if drawing in the radiant web of light woven from the spatial rifts, casting it over Bai Shuang's draconic form.

In that instant, all bore witness to Shen Feiqing's mastery over the fearsome spatial gaps!

"Today, witness the ensnaring and slaying of a true dragon!"

Shen Feiqing, clad in armor, grew in stature, towering like a mountain. She was akin to a deity from ancient times, wielding a vast net flung toward Bai Shuang.

Bai Shuang, nearly a hundred meters in length, with her gleaming silver scales, was ensnared by the immense net in a mere moment.

The silver scales, tempered over millennia and perpetually steeped in dragon blood, shattered upon contact with the net's mesh.

Within the net, forged from the interlaced spatial rifts, Bai Shuang writhed and wailed as her flesh and blood were torn asunder.

The Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon, after a single confrontation with Shen Feiqing's Yin God, was trapped, thrashing helplessly, only hastening its demise.

Jiaang Moyan and Zou Jin, Yin Gods from the Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect respectively, watched with grave expressions.

Shen Feiqing, wielding control over the spatial rifts and dispatching the dragon, had a grasp of the Void True Spell that differed starkly from their own understanding.

Where was the expected backlash, the weakened state in Shen Feiqing?

Clearly, she was empowered, her combat prowess ascending to new heights!


Yu Yuan applauded, laughing heartily.

Drops of dragon blood and chunks of dragon flesh plunged into the lake, vanishing without a trace.

He was well aware that Yan Qiling and Yu Zhu, concealed within the lake, were casting spells together, ensuring that every drop of blood and piece of flesh from the Seventh Level dragon was put to good use.

A dragon of such caliber was a trove of treasures; not only could it aid in his cultivation of medicinal herbs and alchemy, but it would also fortify his flesh and bones during his ascent to the Profound Break Stage.

"Yu Yuan, level with me! Where should our Silvermoon Empire align in this situation?" Lee Yuchan asked earnestly.

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