Unmatched Dominance/C317 Spiritual Energy Impulsion!
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Unmatched Dominance/C317 Spiritual Energy Impulsion!
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C317 Spiritual Energy Impulsion!

As Shen Feiqing harnessed the mysterious powers from within the spatial rifts, a seal was inadvertently activated.

At the instant of activation, Yu Zhu was the first to detect the disturbance.

Yu Zhu quickly informed Yan Qiling, the White-robed Imperial Advisor, and Xu Zixi.

Yu Yuan was the next to be notified.

Upon receiving the message, Yu Yuan was intent on uncovering the cause when a sudden jolt sent heat coursing through his arms.

After departing from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation had vanished and the Soul Transformation Pool had stilled, his arms had remained free of any anomalies.

Even amidst the myriad perils of the Jade Peak Mountain Range, his arms had stayed calm.

Yet now, as he received the heart lake communiqué from Yan Qiling and the others about strange happenings deep within the Absence Relic, his arms flared up with an unusual heat once more.

He had long been aware that the sword light branded upon his arm bones harbored a sword intent that had never left him.

But to wield that sword intent and execute the sword spell required a commensurate force!

Within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, he could draw upon the power of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, expending all his strength in a single thrust of his sword to slay the Moon Demon, a feat that made many formidable beings wary.

However, before his departure from the Forbidden Zone, the sword light etched in his arm bones had nearly exhausted its latent potential.

The energy within the sword light was beyond what his spiritual power could replenish.

Since then, the sword light had ceased to display any hint of its former marvels.

Previously, when in the Forbidden Area, the searing heat in his arm bones served as either a premonition or a surge of power, priming the sword lights—each a vessel of the Sword Dao True Spell—for potential release.

Now, with his Heavenly Soul attuned, he probed delicately...

The extraordinary state granted by the Eye of Wisdom allowed him to perceive with acute clarity, to see the most minute aspects of human flesh and bone.

And so, he observed the intricate network of sword lights interlacing his arm bones.

These sword lights, akin to colossal pythons and celestial serpents, lay coiled atop the "mountain peaks" of his arm bones, previously in a dormant state, with not a trace of their essence escaping.

Suddenly, the massive pythons and celestial serpents wrapped around his arm bones shimmered with a crystalline glow. It was as though they had been infused with the raw power of thunder and lightning, bursting with life in an instant.

The dense sword lights intertwined with the sinew and marrow of his arms, creating a scene reminiscent of a thick forest nestled in rugged mountains.

Out of nowhere, strands of pure energy began to pour into his lower dantian, the Yellow Court, bypassing his conscious mind as if by magic.

It was as if he could see heavenly rain showering down within his arm bones!

The pure energy flowed through him, unsummoned by his will, like lightning striking down, vanishing into the sword lights cradled in his bones.

The sword lights consumed the energy greedily, taking on an otherworldly mystique.

Through the perception of his Heavenly Soul, he saw the sword lights coiling around his arm bones, glowing like the inner light of polished crystal.

An ancient, boundless, and powerful sword intent once again emanated from within him.

Then, something even more astonishing occurred!

In the desolate Absence Relic, where spiritual energy was scarce, the area around Yu Yuan inexplicably filled with a thick white fog.

Moreover, droplets like morning dew began to form on his exposed arms. These glistening beads of dew, upon their mysterious appearance, flowed into his pores.

In a flash, spiritual energy as deep as the ocean permeated through his pores, becoming a gentle stream that flowed towards his lower dantian, the Yellow Court Little World.

Without hesitation, he sat down cross-legged.

Outside, the clash between Shen Feiqing, Yan Qiling, and the Soul Wandering cultivators of the Thunder Sect and Cold Yin Sect, along with the telepathic messages from the Heart Lake and the astonished cries of Yuan Lianyao, Lee Yuchan, and others, were all shut out from his senses.

He turned a deaf ear to the outside world, concentrating solely on himself.

He understood that this could be a heaven-sent opportunity, a result of the sword lights within his arm bones!

His cultivation at the Yellow Court Stage might just leap forward one or two minor realms thanks to this stroke of fate!

"Yu Yuan!"

"Yu Yuan, what's happening?"

"What's going on? His location seems to have transformed into a brand-new realm!"

"The space itself is tumultuous and transforming because of him!"

Those who cared for him and had gathered around began to notice the extraordinary changes unfolding within him, one after another.

The onlookers, who had been intently watching Shen Feiqing and the two Soul Wandering cultivators battle in the heavens, now turned their attention toward him.

Yu Yuan was seated amidst a swirling mass of white mist.

All anyone could discern was his vague silhouette shrouded in the fog; his face remained unseen.

Those who tried to perceive him with their spiritual sense and soul thoughts encountered a space within the mist that was in constant flux. The sword intent was so potent that it repelled them, causing a sharp pain that forced them to withdraw.

Qin Yun, at the late stage of the Yin God Stage, let out a stifled grunt and commanded, "Don't probe any further!"

As the most advanced practitioner present, even Qin Yun had taken a hit, and after others experienced varying degrees of backlash, they too ceased their attempts.

"Sect Master Qin, what's happening with Yu Yuan?"

The lord of Darkmoon City, genuinely concerned for Yu Yuan, had shifted her focus from the sky to him the moment he sat down abruptly.

Yet, she could discern nothing of the mystery surrounding him.

"The turbulent space next to Yu Yuan bears a resemblance to the disturbance caused when Shen Feiqing's fist seemed to shatter the heavens," Qin Yun remarked, his face betraying his bewilderment as he addressed the crowd's questioning looks. "I suspect that many of the Tusk Troops commander's actions were anticipated by Young Master Yu."

He drew out his words, "So..."

"So what?" Zhao Yafu demanded impatiently.

Qin Yun gave her a sidelong glance, inwardly lamenting the unfairness of fate. This young lady, who had just last year made a name for herself in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, had quickly won the favor of the Sky Tiger from the Demon Palace, and her prospects were looking bright.

"So, Young Master Yu's current state is likely connected to Shen Feiqing," Qin Yun inhaled deeply before adding, "The question is whether this anomaly is for better or worse."

Lee Yuchan was about to speak when her expression suddenly shifted to one of surprise, her gaze fixed on an individual.

It was Bai Shang, a man with little presence, easily overlooked, who had previously appeared on the Cloud Sail.

Dressed in plain yellow linen, his indifferent demeanor and shabby attire did little to draw attention. Yet there he was, observing Yu Yuan with an unexpectedly keen interest.

After Yu Yuan had departed from Cloud Sail, Bai Shang had descended alongside him, only to vanish without a trace.

Lee Yuchan and Ning Ji, who had been Yu Yuan's constant companions, had never encountered Bai Shang before.

Yet now, as Yu Yuan became enveloped in a mysterious white fog, behaving oddly, this enigmatic figure emerged, observing Yu Yuan with a contemplative gaze.

"Mr. Bai," Lee Yuchan said, her voice tinged with unfamiliarity and caution, "what brings you here?"

"Just taking a look," Bai Shang replied, his tone detached.

At his words, Yan Yu and Yuan Lianyao, the women from the Silvermoon Empire, both started and turned their attention toward him.

Bai Shang remained impassive, paying them no mind, his curiosity fixed solely on Yu Yuan.

With no overt reaction from him, the others refrained from any drastic actions, wary of unintended consequences.

Unseen by the group, within Yu Yuan's lower dantian, the Yellow Court Little World was also veiled in an ever-thickening white mist.

The Enmesh Crystal, which Yu Yuan had instinctively retrieved, was aiding him in refining his Qi.

Yu Yuan, at this moment, was absorbing the spiritual essence of Heaven and Earth with a voraciousness that left others in awe.

The boundless spiritual Qi descended like a blanket, obscuring the heavens within his dantian, filling it to the brim.

This was no ordinary cultivation but an extraordinary "infusion"!

The spiritual energy, vast and powerful, flowed through a secret channel, pouring directly into his lower dantian.

Amidst the dense fog, time seemed to accelerate dramatically.

To Yu Yuan, deeply immersed in his cultivation, the brief exchange between Lee Yuchan and Bai Shang felt as though it spanned an eternity.

After what felt like ten days and a half-month of arduous cultivation, the relentless surge of spiritual Qi had, at long last, completely saturated his dantian.

At the initial stage of the Yellow Court, the dantian's fullness signified the culmination of one's cultivation journey.

Once the dantian was brimming and began to overflow, it signified a smooth transition to the next phase—the Middle Period of the Yellow Court Stage.

"He's made a breakthrough."

It was the typically reticent Bai Shang who, after a moment's pause, delivered this observation in his unhurried way.

The group was astounded, straining their eyes but unable to discern anything.

Amidst the dense white mist, the figure of Yu Yuan grew increasingly indistinct and seemed to drift further and further away from them.

"He has reached the Middle Period of the Yellow Court Stage."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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