Unmatched Dominance/C321 Flying Island
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Unmatched Dominance/C321 Flying Island
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C321 Flying Island


A thunderous explosion echoed from the small island at the heart of the lake.

The island, once nestled in the lake's embrace, soared into the sky!

It hung suspended over the heads of onlookers, as if forcibly uprooted from the water's surface.

The underside of the airborne island was blanketed with snow-white stones, and silver dragon sinews as thick as a child's arm wound around it, preventing it from falling apart.

These sinews pulsed with the breath of a Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon.

The entire island appeared to be drenched in dragon blood, fortifying the earth beneath.

A thick miasma and swirling clouds enveloped the island.

Yang Yinquan from the Taiyuan Sect, along with several others of notable cultivation and keen spiritual minds, watched the levitating landmass, their faces betraying their alarm.

Shen Feiqing had been the first to reach this island.

What mysterious force had stirred the mid-lake island into motion after the departure of the military captain?

Yang Yinquan also felt a terrifying power emanating from the island, a force that seemed to choke the very essence of his soul.

Yu Yuan gazed upward at the island.

Yu Zhu, the White-robed Imperial Advisor, and Xu Zixi, all linked to his heart lake, were there.

They intermittently beckoned him through his inner lake, urging him to join them swiftly.

This island, now floating in the void, had been quietly undergoing a transformation by Yu Zhu since her return from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

She had channeled various toxic energies into the island, claiming it as her personal domain.

Blessed with the flesh of Bai Shuang, a Seventh Level Naga, and reinforced with dragon blood and tendons, the island had evolved, gaining the ability to navigate the skies.

While it couldn't yet compare to the Silver Moon Sect's Fallen Star Eyes, crafted from celestial meteorites over decades, the beginnings of a wondrous artifact were taking shape. Given time and Yu Zhu's continuous refinement with the potent spiritual energy of the Absence Relic, it was destined to ascend to a Heaven Level artifact.

"There's someone above us!"

Bai Shang, ever unobtrusive, unexpectedly interjected.

A wisp of smoke descended gently.

The dark green vapor hissed, exuding a fearsome scent potent enough to dissolve the consciousness of those who inhaled it.

And it was drifting directly toward Yu Yuan's position.

Yang Yinquan, Su Xiangtian, and their companions sensed trouble and swiftly moved out of the way.

Yuan Lianyao's face subtly shifted, her shoulders dropped, and beneath her feet, a red lotus flower surged, ready to collide with the encroaching cloud of smoke.

Out of nowhere, a hand gently rested on the back of her fair, soft hand.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, eyes wide with surprise.

The rest turned their attention to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, with a hand on hers, offered a reassuring smile and a shake of his head. "City Lord Sister, I don't need your protection."

Lee Yuchan was quick to catch on, his snort cutting through the air. "They're here for you, aren't they?"

A wave of astonishment swept through the onlookers.

The island floating in the sky, the descending smoke—had it come specifically for him?

What allure did this Darkmoon City youth possess?

As the crowd watched in disbelief, the cluster of dark green smoke indeed came to a halt right before Yu Yuan.

With a single step, Yu Yuan merged with the mist.

The dark green smoke, resembling a lotus crafted from jade, lifted him up and carried him toward the drifting island.

Those gathered around Yu Yuan were left in a trance, struggling to grasp the honor bestowed upon a mere Darkmoon City scion.

Whoever resided on that island was undoubtedly influential, perhaps even a key player in the destiny of the Absence Relic.

Why would such a figure take such an interest in Yu Yuan?

Before long, Yu Yuan was escorted onto the island by the dark green smoke.

The island at the heart of the lake departed silently, heading for the most secluded reaches of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.


Yuan Lianyao, rubbing her smooth forehead, was at a loss for words.

"Don't you see?" Lee Yuchan's expression darkened, his voice laced with frost. "The commander from the Divine Might Empire, along with the Monochrome Boy who accompanied him in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, they're clearly allies! And there are more hidden powers within that floating island!"

"Yu Yuan is one of them!"

Her statement laid bare her suspicions, echoing the evident truth before them all.

Aboard the Cloud Sail.

The veteran general of the Silvermoon Empire was equally taken aback, his gaze fixed on the mysterious island as it made its way toward the Absence Relic, his features flickering with intrigue and uncertainty.

Van Yan, hailing from the imperial Van family, bore a somber expression, his eyes deep with unspoken thoughts.

Many from the smaller clans wore bitter smiles as they watched the island drift away. What sort of lineage did the young master of Darkmoon City possess to warrant such a high-profile figure escorting him off?

Was it truly wise to antagonize the Yu family?

Beneath the moonlight, Lau Ying, gazing at the Fallen Star Eyes, was equally dumbfounded. She rubbed her eyes, which glinted brilliantly, and peered at the stone beneath her that resembled a polished mirror. "How did that island just rise into the air? And why is the energy emanating from it so breathtakingly powerful?" she murmured.

Despite her efforts to adjust her viewpoint, the Fallen Star Eyes failed to penetrate the swirling mist enveloping the island to reveal its secrets—a rarity indeed.

Meanwhile, at a distance, Wei Wujiang, Wong Jinlin, and several young nobles of the Divine Might Empire stood transfixed, staring into the heavens. The erratic spatial rifts had all converged around Shen Feiqing as she soared skyward, choosing to engage in a deadly battle with two Soul Wandering cultivators. As a result, Wai Wujiang and the others were spared.

The Tusk Troops, led by Lih Baixiong, pursued their targets relentlessly, focusing mainly on those concealed within Hidden Dragon Lake, Thunder Sect, and Cold Yin Sect, sparing the survivors any further pursuit.

Having cheated death, they dared not venture near the lake again, opting instead to hide at a safe distance and await the arrival of their sect's reinforcements.

Before their sect elders could arrive, they bore witness to the demise of Jiaang Moyan and the flight of Zou Jin, followed by the sight of Yu Yuan being swept up by the verdant mists onto the mid-lake island.

Confronted with this cascade of events, they were left questioning their very existence.

In the pristine moonlight, with stars glittering above, Zhou Cangmin, clad in white, offered Yu Yuan a smile. "After such upheaval, should you choose to remain in the Silvermoon Empire, you might even startle the Empress herself. Your notoriety is quite something. Have you considered leaving to cultivate elsewhere?" he inquired.

Yu Yuan responded with a wry smile, "Imperial Advisor, are you by chance inviting me to join the Red Devil Sect?"

"Although it can't hold a candle to the likes of the Demon Palace or the Demon Hall, the Red Devil Sect certainly holds its own in the vast expanse of the Boundless Land," Zhou Cangmin said with a beaming smile. "What's crucial is that my voice carries weight within the Red Devil Sect."

His admiration for Yu Yuan was evident, unobscured by any pretense.

"The Red Devil Sect is an excellent choice. You should give it some serious thought," Xu Zixi encouraged earnestly.

"We can discuss this later," Yu Yuan replied nonchalantly.

He then turned his gaze to Yu Zhu, who was joyfully hopping around the island, with a smile on his face.

"She has been quietly refining this island for quite some time, infusing it with many peculiar and wondrous things from the Absence Relic," Zhou Cangmin said with a solemn expression. "This island is destined to become the most extraordinary treasure within the Absence Relic. Its essence is in harmony with the Dao of the Absence Relic. She sought out and found materials to mend the island, all of which hold incredible potential."

Xu Zixi also nodded in agreement. "It's quite remarkable."

A spark of excitement flickered in Yu Yuan's eyes.

Indeed, he had harbored this intention ever since he had brought Yu Zhu from the Jade Peak mountain range. He planned to leverage her unique abilities to cultivate and expand the vast flora of the Absence Relic.

Yet, before he could even begin planting the medicinal herbs he had envisioned, an upheaval in the secret realm occurred, sending many plans veering off course.

However, upon witnessing Yu Zhu's vibrant energy on the island, he realized that this turn of events might not be so unfavorable after all.

"Is there truly a secret realm?" he suddenly inquired.

"It's uncertain at the moment," Zhou Cangmin replied with a furrowed brow. "Your friend, along with Shen Feiqing, has Zou Jin cornered. We'll hold off on venturing into the secret realm for now and head elsewhere."

"And where might that be?" Yu Yuan asked, intrigued.

"To the Spirit Void Sect. We need to shut down that space teleportation array before anything else."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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