Unmatched Dominance/C325 Not Human Nor Demon!
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Unmatched Dominance/C325 Not Human Nor Demon!
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C325 Not Human Nor Demon!

Lau Ying found it difficult to fathom that individuals of such profound cultivation, like Xu Zixi and Yan Qiling, could be entangled with Yu Yuan.

Even more surprising was the revelation that the commander of the Divine Might Empire also had ties to Yu Yuan.

As a rising star of the Silver Moon Sect and the future leader of the Star Sect, Lau Ying's insights into Shen Feiqing extended beyond the scope of the Divine Might Empire.

The sect's elders and her own master spoke of Shen Feiqing with unreserved admiration.

Praise from her master was rare.

Why would such an exceptional talent, a woman at the middle stage of the Soul Wandering realm practicing the forbidden Desolate True Spell, stoop to engage with Yu Yuan?

Lau Ying's mind was awash with questions.

Beneath her grotesque mask, Shen Feiqing inhaled sharply.

She observed the myriad of fine spatial rifts that trailed her, weaving together and hovering seventy feet above her head.

Her formidable presence only accentuated as she cast her gaze upon the massive skull, forged from what appeared to be white gold, and the dark green sheath embedded within it. In her uniquely raspy voice, she remarked, "Quite the coincidence."

"Indeed, quite the coincidence," echoed the Yin God of the White-robed Imperial Advisor, descending like a tuft of cloud into the abyss below.

The gleaming sheath, alive with an alien glow, stirred with sword intent.

"Chi! Chi!"

The spatial rifts, which had burst forth due to Shen Feiqing, spiraled out of control.

The radiant fissures, in an instant, were infiltrated by the piercing sword intent from within the sheath, transforming into a host of slender rapiers aimed at the White-robed Imperial Advisor's Yin God.

In that moment, Shen Feiqing's vital energy and soul abruptly severed their connection to her.

From behind her mask, a flicker of panic crossed Shen Feiqing's eyes as she bellowed, "Don't be reckless!"

She was cautioning Zhou Cangmin.

The usually composed White-robed Imperial Advisor, sensing the cunning alignment of the sword intent with the spatial rifts, wisely pulled back at the last second.

Hearing Shen Feiqing's command, his Yin God essence hastily retreated.

"Those spatial cracks?"

Zhou Cangmin was inwardly alarmed, feeling the tangible sword intent transform into a radiant light that slipped into the fissures. "Feiqing! Are the cracks torn open by your rebounding force no longer at your command?"

Shen Feiqing's eyes darkened as she confirmed, "Yes."

No sooner had she spoken than her gaze sharply turned to Yu Yuan, demanding, "What's happening?"

Her master had confided in her about the covert synergistic effect between the Void True Spell and the Void Spiritual Plant. Yet, her master had vanished beyond the skies, never to return, and she was unable to reach out to him.

Why then, in the "Absence Relic" named by her master, had a Void Spiritual Plant unexpectedly appeared? And how did Yu Yuan, a man of mysterious origins, know of the profound link between the Desolate True Spell and the Void Spiritual Plant, claiming ownership of the plant?

Now, the sword intent emanating from Yu Yuan's arm bone was identical to that of the green-black sword sheath.

What secrets was this enigmatic young man concealing?

The White-robed Imperial Advisor, Xu Zixi, and even Yan Qiling were all taken aback by the revelation.

The multitude of coincidences and peculiarities compelled everyone to harbor doubts.

Lau Ying, in particular, was the most astonished and stunned.

Through her Fallen Star Eyes, she had detected that the spatial rifts, once dominated and lethally wielded by Shen Feiqing, had taken on an odd quality after the refined sword intent from the sheath had infiltrated them.

Yu Yuan stood dumbfounded.

He lifted his hand, and with a mere thought, an immense, ancient, and overwhelming sword intent erupted.

Hovering seven feet above Shen Feiqing's head, numerous delicate spatial rifts now resembled rapiers ready to serve at his command.

The once-unassailable spatial rifts, stealthily mastered by Shen Feiqing, had switched allegiance, becoming his lethal instruments under his control.

"Yu Yuan, you little schemer... have you outsmarted all of us?" Zhou Cangmin murmured darkly.

His voice and demeanor betrayed deep grievances and profound discontent.

Approaching the platinum skeleton, he was met with a responsive sword intent that deterred him with a jolt. Could it be... this was Yu Yuan's deliberate design?

The sword intent seemed to move in sync with his consciousness.

"Ladies and gentlemen, how was I to know that a sword sheath was lodged inside this skull?" Yu Yuan protested, massaging his temples with a look of despair. "To this moment, I remain clueless about the nature and location of the secret realm."

"That brown eye," Yan Qiling interjected with a hint.

His acute sensitivity to spatial anomalies had assured him, even before his arrival, that if a secret realm truly existed, its gateway would be the eye within the eye socket of the platinum skull.

Yu Zhu had also had his suspicions.

However, it was only after Yan Qiling spoke that the rest, including Zhou Cangmin, finally acknowledged the eye as the pivotal element.

"The sword sheath, it seems, was the demise of the skull's owner."

Yan Qiling squinted, choosing his words carefully. "Make no mistake, this massive skull with its curved horns belongs neither to a human nor to a great demon of the Boundless Land. This skull, this form, it's something I recognize."

"What?!" Xu Zixi gasped in astonishment.

Yu Yuan's face drained of color. "Neither human nor demon?"

Yan Qiling nodded emphatically. "This entity originates from beyond our realm."

"An entity from the Extraterritorial Devil Race?" Shen Feiqing asked in a raspy, deep tone.

"Not quite," Yan Qiling corrected, pausing briefly. "All I can reveal is that this alien species is exceedingly rare, their numbers not even a fraction of the Devaputra Race. The specifics are not your concern, and I'm not at liberty to disclose more. But know this—this being is nearly impossible to slay; a pierced skull does not guarantee its death."

"The sword sheath was likely left by the slayer, who feared its revival. They must have used the sword intent within the sheath to continuously cleanse and temper it."

"Countless years may have passed. Perhaps it has perished, or perhaps... it still retains some semblance of sentience."

"The eye exhibits extraordinarily abnormal spatial fluctuations. It's quite possible that it serves as the gate to the secret realm, a portal to another dimension."

"Alternatively, it could lead to a perilous place where one might perish, never to return."

As the Artifact Soul of the Splitting Soul Staff and an entity connected to the bronze coffin, Yan Qiling could be regarded as affiliated with the Fourth Upper Sect.

He was reticent about disclosing the identity and origins of the outsider because the Fourth Upper Sect was tasked with their suppression and extermination. Revealing his name and background would likely blow his cover. Should that happen, not only the three great upper sects but also the forces behind Zhou Cangmin, including the Red Devil Sect, Devil Palace, and Demon Palace, would trace the breadcrumbs straight to him. The fall of the Fourth Upper Sect had, after all, been facilitated by the covert assistance of the mightiest sects in the Boundless Land.

"So, what's our next move?" Shen Feiqing's eyes were shadowed, her presence emanating a palpable sense of danger. "I've gone to great lengths to find this place, seeking the secret realm to enter before my strength wanes, in hopes of finding a solution."

"What did your master tell you?" Yu Yuan demanded.

"Before leaving the Boundless Land, he instructed me to seek out this secret realm when all other paths were closed to me," Shen Feiqing revealed without reservation. "He also mentioned that if I felt confident about condensing the Yang God, I should attempt to uncover the secret realm."

"Why not consider entering that eyeball?" Yu Yuan offered helpfully.

A surge of fury flashed in Shen Feiqing's eyes.

"Rest assured, I won't interfere," Yu Yuan quickly assured her.

"How can I trust that? You've claimed the spatial rifts that burst forth because of me. How could I possibly step into them now?" Shen Feiqing countered.

"Without my Void Spiritual Plants, you would have been gravely wounded by the Thunder Sect, Cold Yin Sect, and Bai Shuang, only to face a backlash afterward," Yu Yuan said, feigning innocence. "In essence, you've gained an advantage because of me. It's also thanks to me that you managed to slay Bai Shuang and Jia Mo Yan, severely wound Zou Jin, and enable the Imperial Advisor to catch up and execute them."

"If it weren't for those Void Spiritual Plants, I wouldn't have risked it all! I would have avoided the lake, opting instead to roam the Absence Relic before seeking refuge in the Desolate Swamp!" Shen Feiqing retorted angrily. "There's no way I would have given Jia Mo Yan and Zou Jin the opportunity to inflict such heavy injuries on me! I would never have allowed myself to fall into such peril!"

The pair erupted into a heated argument out of nowhere.

"Um, someone's on their way," Lau Ying interjected with a hint of timidity in her voice.

"Who?" demanded Yu Yuan, Shen Feiqing, and Xu Zixi, almost in chorus.

"His name is Bai Shang."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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