Unmatched Dominance/C328 Demonic Seed Ranking
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Unmatched Dominance/C328 Demonic Seed Ranking
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C328 Demonic Seed Ranking

The stars faded into obscurity as the night quietly withdrew.

Dawn was breaking.

A Cloud Sail soared through the sky at a swift pace.

The venerable general of the Silvermoon Empire continuously directed its course, adjusting the sail's angle with precision.

His commands were channeled through Bai Shang.

Aboard the vessel were Li Yuchan, Yuan Lianyao, Zhan Tianxiang, Zhao Yafu, Su Yan, Su Xiangtian, Yan Yu, and even Wei Feng from the Divine Might Empire.

Yang Yinquan of the Taiyuan Sect had also been invited and joined them on the Cloud Sail.

Yet, Qin Yun from the Seven Divine Sect and Ning Ji, who considered himself an old servant, were conspicuously absent.

The Cloud Sail, designed to transport passengers, was now unusually congested due to the multitude of occupants.

This was because dignitaries from the Empire's major families, like Van Yan, were also on board.

None of these individuals had opted to leave after the Cloud Sail docked in Darkmoon City.

The existence of a gate to a secret realm in the Absence Relic was no longer a secret.

Shen Feiqing had emerged from the center of the lake, striking down Jiaang Moyan and chasing Zou Jin, an event witnessed by all.

The island, once nestled within the lake, had been the site of a spectacular feat, hinting at many revelations.

In light of these events, the curious and brave among them were willing to confront potential dangers.

Moreover, their collective strength was formidable.

Passengers on the Cloud Sail occasionally peered below, where those with keen vision could spot the Tusk Troops still clashing with hidden practitioners from the Cold Yin Sect and the Thunder Sect.

After the departure of the spatial rifts, numerous bodies lay forever entombed in the earth's underbrush.

It was unfathomable that this long-abandoned and neglected land had claimed so many lives due to the legend of the secret realm.

The Seventh Level Silverfrost Dragon, the Dragon Servitors of Hidden Dragon Lake, two Soul Wandering Stage cultivators, numerous Yin Gods, and Penetrating Stage beings had all fallen to Shen Feiqing, the Tusk Troops, and the relentless spatial rifts.

This further confirmed that something extraordinary lay within the Absence Relic.

"Old General, is our destination the location of the secret realm?"

Su Yan's face glowed with excitement. "Brother Yu, is that the same floating island we're headed to?"

Many shared her sentiment.

Lee Yuangui paused his communication with Bai Shang to turn and face the group.

Yang Yinquan of the Taiyuan Sect offered him a knowing smile. "No need for secrets around me."

Lee Yuangui addressed the expectant crowd, his gaze lingering on Su Yan and her peers. "If you're still harboring fantasies that the mighty cultivators from the seven great sects will flock to our aid, I must temper your hopes. In the short term, at least, it's unlikely."

Yang Yinquan's smile faded at these words. "Has there been an issue with the teleportation array constructed by the Spirit Void Sect?"

"Mr. Yang, you're astute," Lee Yuangui acknowledged with a nod. "That very array, painstakingly crafted by the Spirit Void Sect, was obliterated by the Rainier Empire's Imperial Advisor. And the man who has ties to Yu Yuan, who was seen in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, he's the one who tampered with the array's spatial pathways."

Yang Yinquan's expression grew grave. "Zhou Cangmin would dare such a thing?"

"Do you really believe," Lee Yuangui pressed, "that the Rainier Empire's Imperial Advisor would join the Primordial Yang Sect as an elder, to serve as a Yang God?"

Yang Yinquan's brow creased. "What are you implying?"

"That Imperial Advisor is none other than the Red Devil Sect's most concealed Demonic Seed, and he holds the highest rank among them," Lee Yuangui revealed.

His words sent shockwaves through the crowd.

Unaware of these intricacies, they were visibly shaken.

Zhou Cangmin, the esteemed Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire, longed for by the Primordial Yang Sect, was a high-ranking member of the Red Devil Sect?

Indeed, the Red Devil Sect and Devil Palace harbored multiple Demonic Seeds, each with its own rank.

The highest-ranked Demonic Seed was the most revered, with the greatest achievements and the strongest claim to sect leadership.

Yuan Lianyao, whose closeness to the Red Devil Sect stemmed from Yuan Qiufang's favor with Faang Yao, fixed Lee Yuangui with an icy stare.

She couldn't fathom why Lee Yuangui would expose the true identity of the esteemed Imperial Advisor.

The Red Devil Sect's highest-ranking Demonic Seed was a well-kept secret until Lee Yuangui's disclosure.

The Imperial Advisor no longer felt the need to conceal his identity, unafraid of discovery by the Primordial Yang Sect or the Rainier Empire. Yet, maintaining the ruse would have afforded him considerable convenience in his future endeavors.

With Lee Yuangui's revelation, the landscape has shifted. The Imperial Advisor will undoubtedly face more complications going forward.

Zhou Cangmin had shared that the Silvermoon Empire and the Red Devil Sect were covert allies, and the empress had personally met with her, entrusting her with a significant task and her approval.

Lee Yuangui, a clear member of the Lee family, and the emperor of the Silvermoon Empire, the patriarch of the Lee family, chose this delicate moment to disclose the Imperial Advisor's origins to the Taiyuan Sect.

Once the Taiyuan Sect was aware, the Imperial Advisor's identity would become common knowledge.

Amidst his rigorous cultivation and refinement of the Yang God's true form, could the Imperial Advisor become a target for the Primordial Yang Sect or fall prey to the Scorching Sun Emperor's schemes?

A whirlwind of doubts plagued Yuan Lianyao, casting suspicion on Lee Yuangui, the entire Lee family, and the empire itself.

She also harbored concerns about Lee Yuangui's orchestration of the Cloud Sail, which transported many, leaving Qin Yun behind and, inexplicably, not including Ning Ji.

Among them was Wai Feng from the Divine Might Empire.

"Zhou Cangmin, a member of the Red Devil Sect!"

"And not just any member—the highest-ranking Demonic Seed! He could potentially lead the Red Devil Sect in the future!"

"To think that our Imperial Advisor, who has been elevating the Rainier Empire, hails from the Red Devil Sect and is even favored by the Primordial Yang Sect for further cultivation."

"Absolutely astonishing!"

The ship was abuzz with conversation.

Yang Yinquan, upon learning the truth, retreated into silence, sitting motionless on the ground, lost in thought.


"People are converging rapidly, utilizing the Cloud Sail of the Silvermoon Empire with remarkable precision. It must be information divulged by Bai Shang," Lau Ying noted, glancing at the Fallen Star Eyes. The night had receded, and the first rays of sunlight pierced through the dawn. "Another night has passed."

"The Silvermoon Empire?" The White-robed Imperial Advisor chuckled dismissively. "It's not worth fretting over."

"I've caught wind of something. The identity of the top-ranked Demonic Seed from the Red Devil Sect has been revealed," Lau Ying shared.

She wasn't as easily taken aback by events anymore.

Xu Zixi, who was once tasked with safeguarding Wei Wujiang and her, had now joined forces with Zhou Cangmin and Shen Feiqing, plotting within the secret realm.

Yu Yuan, once a name that carried no weight, possessed an ancient sword intent and had earned the trust and recognition of Yan Qiling, standing shoulder to shoulder with these titans.

As for Zhou Cangmin, being a Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect, his actions were less surprising.

"I appreciate your concern," Zhou Cangmin said with a soft smile. "Considering what you've just said, I've decided to spare your life."

As a Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect, could he really feign ignorance to the Scorching Sun Emperor, his brother in arms? Besides, he never planned to skulk in the shadows. He was ready to walk this world openly as a Demonic Cultivator—what was there to fear?

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd.

In that moment, Yu Yuan, having descended into the pit, now stood before the towering platinum skeleton.

The massive platinum skeleton, belonging to an Asura of the Dark Domain, dwarfed Yu Yuan in size.

Yu Yuan, standing before it, couldn't even reach the sheath with his hands.

He craned his neck to examine the sword sheath atop the Asura's skull, his eyes drifting to the fist-sized brown eyeball.

After a brief contemplation, he didn't rush to draw the sheath. Instead, he extended a hand and suddenly pointed at the brown eyeball.

"What are you doing?!" Shen Feiqing, the female commander, caught sight of his action and, with a dramatic shift in her expression, shouted out to stop him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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