Unmatched Dominance/C354 Double Resonance
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Unmatched Dominance/C354 Double Resonance
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C354 Double Resonance

Before Yu Yuan could achieve the state of Yang God, it was inconceivable for him to witness such a magnificent event!

What level had Yu Yuan reached in his cultivation?

The Yellow Court Stage!

It was unthinkable for the three souls of Heaven, Earth, and Man to separate from their flesh and exist independently before even the Yin God was fully formed. By all accounts, this should not be possible.

What the Yellow Old Devil had previously perceived was nothing more than a cluster of pure consciousness.

Incapable of taking physical form, bearing the mark of a soul, or utilizing the secret arts of the soul, it was merely a fleeting thought.

Yet now, Yu Yuan's Heavenly Soul had truly materialized!

This was bizarre enough, but what truly astonished the Yellow Old Devil was the soul energy swirling within Yu Yuan's Heavenly Soul in this realm—energy so potent it filled him with both terror and awe!

Not even those at the Penetrating Stage could harness such immense soul energy.

"Yellow Old Devil!"

Yu Yuan's Heavenly Soul emitted a soul sound that thundered through the space.

"I, I am present!"

The Yellow Old Devil responded instinctively.

Immediately after speaking, he regretted it.

Back in the Absence Relic of the Profound Sky Continent, he had been a force to be reckoned with, while Yu Yuan hadn't even been born.

To be summoned by such a greenhorn was humiliating.

Yet, the presence Yu Yuan now commanded, with a force that seemed capable of annihilating all, humbled him and made him feel a notch below Yu Yuan.

Moreover, Yu Yuan's mastery over the crimson sword lights could inflict catastrophic harm upon him.

Upon further reflection, he quickly caught on and, with a sycophantic smile, said, "Here, here. What would you have me do? As you know, I am but a mightier soul spirit in this realm. It is you, and the Asura of the Dark Domain, who truly rule this place with those sword lights and intents."


Yu Yuan was about to speak when his Heavenly Soul, revealed by the mysterious space at the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pool and infused with vast soul energy, sensed something acute.

He felt a massive consciousness desperately trying to break through.

With a flash of insight, his Heavenly Soul's eyes shone brilliantly, as if capable of perceiving the universe's marvels and discerning the tiniest speck of dust at the edge of this space.

He then saw a slender, frail figure struggling to penetrate the murky veil.

At the location of the murky light screen, there was a natural barrier.

He sensed with his Heavenly Soul and discovered that the barrier was woven from dense sword intent, a pattern he was intimately familiar with.

In a flash, he grasped the profound secrets it held.

The platinum skull had been impaled on the sheath for millennia.

Sword intent flowed from within the sheath into the Asura's skull in the Dark Domain, reaching into its head and even the universe within its eyes.

This sword intent created a barrier, preventing the Asura's fragmented soul and intelligence from breaking free.

Likewise, external consciousness and soul thoughts faced the formidable obstacle of this barrier, making entry into the Dark Domain no simple feat.

His consciousness and Heavenly Soul could penetrate with ease, thanks to his perfect resonance with the sword intent.

He was recognized and deliberately brought here to utterly erase the Asura's residual soul and intelligence.

The Yellow Old Devil managed to infiltrate because the soul sacrifice ball entered when the crimson sword light, under the sword soul's control, had concentrated all its power to target the cold crystal consciousness deep within the shadows.

It was a strike aimed at annihilating the Asura's soul.

Thus, the sword intent that formed the barrier, once meant to seal off the Dark Domain, had been drawn out for this assault on the Asura.

By the time Yellow Old Devil and the soul sacrifice ball slipped in, the barrier had vanished.

Its reformation was due to Yu Yuan's connection with the depths of the Soul Transformation Pool, where four ancient black characters meaning "extreme wisdom brings harm" hovered, and a mighty surge of soul energy poured in.

Additionally, the crisscrossing sword intent within the walls of the pool had subtly linked up!

The sword sheath had drawn new sharpness from the pool's walls!

With this realization, Yu Yuan immediately noticed that the streams of crimson sword light flowing toward the darkness had become more lustrous. Each thread of sword light, electric and crystalline, held a sword force far more potent than when he first arrived.

This signified that his attempt to reach the peculiar realm below had established a connection with the Soul Transformation Pool!

Because the lost sword sheath was here, and because the sword spell had allowed the sword soul to permeate the Asura's eye, the Soul Transformation Pool and the sword intent etched into its walls were now stirred.

"So, I'm actually communicating with two distinct forces!"

Yu Yuan grasped the essence of the matter in a flash.

His perceptive eyes opened, and he gazed at the slender figure trying to force its way in. After a brief moment of hesitation, a smile flickered across his face.

His soul stirred, establishing a connection with the sword soul.

The sword soul echoed his call.

A fissure erupted in the barrier of dense sword intent that bordered the murky inner realm, allowing passage.

The delicate figure that had been persistently pushing and colliding against the barrier suddenly soared through the opening.

Draped in a silver robe adorned with patterns of majestic mountains and rivers, the woman's slender frame and picturesque face suggested she was in her early thirties. Her eyebrows were slightly knitted, and her eyes – a striking silver, mirroring her attire – hinted at years of Moon Demon Art cultivation that had gradually altered their hue.

Lee Yupan, at the middle period of the Soul Wandering Stage, entered this microcosm, her sleeves billowing as she traversed the void.

Her movements were swift and serpentine, like jagged lightning, deftly evading the scarlet sword glares as she homed in on the positions of Yu Yuan and the Yellow Old Devil.

Her physical form remained perpetually indistinct, her true features elusive.

This was the result of her lifelong dedication to the Moon Demon's secret arts, her eyes having absorbed and refined the moonlight night after night, setting them apart from the ordinary.

Should her true visage be exposed, it would easily raise suspicions about the nature of her secret arts – possibly forbidden ones.

Her appearance could be concealed, just as the Yin God could be altered.

Take, for instance, her last visit to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where her Yin God assumed a different guise, eluding even the discerning gaze of the White-robed Imperial Advisor.

But here, within the Dark Domain under the Asura's scrutiny, she no longer felt the need to mask her true self.

After all, with Yuefei's revelations through the soul sacrifice ball, Yu Yuan had unraveled all the mysteries. He knew that Yuefei was the 'third shadow' behind her and was aware of the longstanding pact between her, the Lee family, and the Moon Demon Clan.

With the Lee family's ascension to imperial status aided by the Moon Demon, and Yu Yuan now privy to her devotion to the Moon Demon Art, what was there left to conceal?

"Darkmoon City, Yu family junior, Yu Yuan, pays homage to Her Majesty the Empress!"

Manifested in this realm through his Heavenly Soul, Yu Yuan watched the swiftly approaching silver figure. He placed his right hand over his heart and bowed deeply, a gesture of profound respect.


The Silvermoon Queen, truly named Lee Yupan, came to an abrupt halt before him and the Yellow Old Devil.

Her eyes shone like twin moons in the night sky, casting a noble radiance that made onlookers feel unworthy.

Without revealing her true face or eyes, she exuded a gentle, serene demeanor, akin to the girl next door.

Yet, when her true visage was unveiled, even as a mere Yin God and not her actual form, the regal and lofty air she possessed was unmistakable, an aura that seemed to transcend all beings.

"I can assure you, Yu Yuan, that if you wholeheartedly obey and serve me, the Yu family will rise to become the empire's most esteemed clan, second only to the Lee family."

Lee Yupan gazed earnestly at Yu Yuan, her voice laced with seduction, "You, Yu Yuan, shall become the Imperial Advisor of the Silvermoon Empire, akin to Zhou Cangmin. Should you choose to accept, Su Yan will become your wife. And the Lim family? They will be stricken from the annals of the empire. What say you?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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