Unmatched Dominance/C359 Internal and External War
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Unmatched Dominance/C359 Internal and External War
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C359 Internal and External War

Within the hazel iris lay a microcosm, a world of its own.

A soul spirit of staggering enormity, its head touching the heavens and its feet firmly on the earth, roamed unrestrained. It collided with the crescent moon, its palm casting light downward, engulfing the resentful spirits and fragmented souls released from the Silvermoon Queen's soul sacrifice ball in a single gulp.

The land was a tapestry of exotic flora and Spirit Stone mountains, with meandering rivers and a profusion of cold crystals gathered upon the earth. These crystals were the essence of the Asura's lingering soul thoughts from the Dark Domain, solidified into sparkling gems.

Crimson sword beams, like rivulets, drifted through the void, all converging towards this realm.

Yet the terrain of this domain was far from lifeless. Crystal mountains and rivers surged from the ground like towering peristele, emitting a dazzling light to greet the incoming crimson sword beams. The sinuous rivers froze into icy blades, launching themselves at the sword beams in a silent, deadly dance.

The region was ablaze with otherworldly light and a maelstrom of clashing forces. The Sword Dao True Spell and the Dark Domain Asura's comprehended laws and principles collided incessantly, throwing time and space into turmoil, inverting day and night.

Deprived of the Silvermoon Queen's spectral reinforcements, the Asura's soul could not regain its former glory. Instead, the sword soul, having synergized with the intent of the Soul Transformation Pool, was rejuvenated with newfound vigor, allowing the crimson sword beams to assail the Dark Domain Asura in an unceasing barrage.

Thus, the sword soul gained an overwhelming upper hand.

With the Sky Soul's expansion, the colossal "Yu Yuan" consumed all remnants and spirits within the soul sacrifice ball and then strode towards the Dark Domain Asura. Each step spanned leagues, sending tremors throughout the cosmos.

As this mighty soul traversed the land, the dense spiritual energy amassed by the Dark Domain Asura swirled around it like thick fog. A mere shrug of its shoulders dispersed the energy, causing the void to thunder ominously, as if on the brink of annihilation.

The crystalline mountains and rivers of the Asura's stronghold quivered precariously, as if on the verge of shattering.

"Yu Yuan," though appearing to move with deliberate slowness, was in fact rapidly approaching the heart of the battlefield.

On the other side, the Silvermoon Queen's Yin Spirit gazed at the now-empty soul sacrifice ball, a small crescent moon materializing on her brow. This mark was the soul crystal of Yuefei, urging the Queen to find a way to leave this place quickly. She warned her that the task was impossible and not to push herself too hard.

Upon witnessing the massive soul of Yu Yuan engulf all the stray souls and vengeful spirits from the soul sacrifice ball, the Empress realized her defeat. Her Yin Spirit, forged from the fusion of demonic blood within Wei Feng's body, had sustained grave injuries in this realm. The impact that sent her condensed crescent plummeting to the ground reverberated through her, a backlash she felt in her very core. Cracks spread across her skin beneath her silver garments, the damage even reaching her true form, causing her to suffer injuries in the outside world.

"He is not the one who razed our homeland to the brink of extinction," she thought. "The one wreaking havoc here must be a titan of the Divine Soul Sect! Renowned throughout the Boundless Land for their mastery over the soul, perhaps he can accomplish what the Chopping Moon cultivator could not."

"The Dark Domain's Asura, along with its remnant soul wisdom, will likely vanish soon," she mused. "Xiao Pan, we must find a way out, and quickly."

Yuefei, now a crescent moon etched into Lee Yupan's brow, urgently transmitted her soul consciousness. She implored the Silvermoon Queen to extricate herself from this minor world without delay. "Xiao Pan" was a term of endearment reserved for her alone, a name she herself had bestowed upon the Queen.

Shortly after the Empress's birth, she had declared to the head of the Lee family that Lee Yupan would practice the secret arts of the Moon Demon Clan, with Yuefei as her protector. She vowed to assist Lee Yupan in every possible way, to help her rise to imperial power as a woman. Thus, the Silvermoon Queen had been in daily communication with her since infancy.

The affectionate call of "Xiao Pan" roused the Empress, prompting her to strategize an escape. Meanwhile, the Yellow Old Devil, who had intruded so boldly, was now skulking in the shadows, his cluster of souls shivering in terror. Both the Silvermoon Queen and the now-enlarged Yu Yuan possessed the power to obliterate him. He had long desired to flee, but alas, he found no means of escape.

While Yuefei and the Silvermoon Queen were covertly communicating, he was plotting his escape.

Yet, he had no clue where to flee.

"Swish! Swish!"

A barrage of scarlet sword lights struck like lightning.

The Silvermoon Queen, clutching the soul sacrifice ball, saw the crescent mark on her forehead split open.

Before she could react, the sword lights pierced her body, shredding her silver garb into willow-like tatters.

The soul sacrifice ball she wielded flickered out just as it emitted a purple glow.

The Soul Artifact, treasured by the Lee family and bequeathed to Lee Yu, shattered like a crystal ball hitting the ground.

With a resounding boom, the queen's corporeal form burst apart.

The Silvermoon Queen's Yin God emerged, solitary and insubstantial, her forehead's crescent now a mere wisp of smoke.

In that instant, the Silvermoon Queen realized she had been reduced to her essence, stripped of her unique, carefully crafted physical form, and thus severed from this world.

The rich spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth was no longer at her disposal, no longer hers to commandeer.

"Escape now!"

Yuefei's soul screamed frantically within the Yin God.

Lee Yupan's Yin God hovered there, still as stone.

Deprived of the soul sacrifice ball and her physical form, she was merely a Yin God—how could she possibly escape?

Surrounded by a dense web of sword intent, without her soul sacrifice ball or physical body, any contact with the sword energy would mean instant obliteration.

She refused to let her Yin God perish here.


Out in the world, beneath the blazing sun.

The diminutive commander, draped in a purple satin cloak, leaped down.


Powered by the Void True Spell, a tidal wave of blood and Qi burst forth from her, crashing down on Yu Yuan in his pit like a deep-sea surge.

Yu Yuan, lost in a sweet reverie, remained oblivious.

Sword intent sprang from the sheath atop the platinum skeleton, firing off in rapid succession.

The sword intent transformed into rainbow beams, streaking towards her.

Shen Feiqing's hand flicked, sending the purple cloak billowing up to meet the wind. It morphed back into the purple silk, enveloping the incoming rainbow beams and sword intent.

The army commander seized the moment, swinging his fist toward the pit with all his might.


A thunderous roar erupted from nowhere!

The commander's punch, defying the distance of space, seemed poised to bore through the very earth.

His fist's intent surged forth like a cascading waterfall.

Suddenly, the ground around the hole sank.

"Mr. Yan?"

Old Cash, standing at the Jade Tower, cried out as he saw the situation turning dire.

Chi Hongyi, too, snapped back to awareness. Upon witnessing Shen Feiqing's formidable punch, she quickly looked to Old Cash and Yan Qiling for answers.

Yan Qiling was visibly agitated.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan, as if roused from slumber, reached out with his free hand and seized the sword sheath.

With a swift motion, he drew it forth.

One hand targeted the Asura's eye while the other, clutching the sword sheath, thrust unconsciously toward the descending punch of Shen Feiqing.

From within the sheath, sword intent burst forth like a rainbow, wave after wave.

Each one aimed directly at Shen Feiqing.

Libre Baskerville
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