Unmatched Dominance/C366 Change Your Appearance
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Unmatched Dominance/C366 Change Your Appearance
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C366 Change Your Appearance

"Zhou Cangmin has returned!"

Perched above the Fallen Star Eyes, Lau Ying gazed into the distance, her spirit stirring.

After a soft gasp, her face contorted into an expression of utmost peculiarity as she uttered, "No, this isn't right!"

In that instant, Yan Qiling, Old Cash, Chi Hongyi, and the Yellow Old Devil all turned their attention to one spot, their faces registering shock.

The white-robed Imperial Advisor, strikingly handsome, stood with Xu Zixi by his side, clutching the rolled-up Soul Sacrifice Diagram.

The Imperial Advisor shone like polished crystal, his demeanor refined and distinguished. He resembled a dashing scholar en route to the capital's examinations, his presence both gentle and courteous.

Yet, all who beheld him were utterly astounded.

"A Yang God!"

"He graces us with his presence, in the flesh of a Yang God!"

"The Imperial Advisor is a prodigy beyond compare! So young, yet already a Yang God! It's no wonder he fears not the exposure of his identity, nor the scrutiny of the Primordial Yang Sect, nor the vengeance of the Rainier Empire!"

A mere glance from those at the level of Old Cash and Chi Hongyi was enough to recognize that the White-robed Imperial Advisor before them was none other than the Yang God himself.

Yan Qiling mused for a moment before his eyes settled on the Soul Sacrifice Diagram, previously in the possession of the Silvermoon Queen. "Imperial Advisor, what of the Silvermoon Empire's queen?"

With an easy smile, Zhou Cangmin flicked the Soul Sacrifice Diagram in his hand. "She, along with Bai Shang, the Earth Demon, and the remnants of the Demon Palace, have all been temporarily sealed within this."

His words sent a ripple of shock through the crowd.

The Silvermoon Queen, Bai Shang, and that white-haired crone – all imprisoned within the Soul Sacrifice Diagram, now captives of the White-robed Imperial Advisor?

"Lee Yupan's conspiracy with the Earth Demon to rouse the Asura from their realm is unforgivable, and he is unfit to rule the Silvermoon Empire," Xu Zixi declared coldly. "The Imperial Seal and the throne shall pass to the Yan family, who will assume control. Henceforth, the Silvermoon Empire will be known by a new name: the Devil Moon Empire."

"The Devil, Devil Moon Empire?" stammered Zhan Tianxiang from atop the Fallen Star Eyes.

Yuan Lianyao was undoubtedly the most elated of all.

She had feared that Lee Yupan's reckless actions would spell doom for the Silvermoon Empire, leading to the downfall of Darkmoon City and the decline of her own Yuan family.

Unexpectedly, the White-robed Imperial Advisor, a Demonic Seed from the Red Devil Sect, had ascended to the status of a Yang God. He had captured Lee Yupan, Bai Shang, and the treacherous serpent demons from the Demon Palace, securing a new path for the Silvermoon Empire.

"The Yan family has ties to the Demon Palace, a fact not widely known," Qin Yun of the Rainier Empire whispered to Zhan Tianxiang and Yuan Lianyao, before murmuring to himself, "Devil Moon Empire, Devil Moon. The Yan family is allied with the Demon Palace, while the Zhan and Zhao families have close connections to the Demon Palace. Darkmoon City is linked to the Red Devil Sect."

Ning Ji's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

Led by the Yan family, the nascent Devil Moon Empire, with the sway of the Demon Palace and the Red Devil Sect, would transform the Silvermoon Empire of the Profound Sky Continent in an instant.

It would align with the forces favoring the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect of the Quietus Continent.

Though merely a mortal realm, the Devil Moon Empire was poised to nurture a new generation of children with innate talents for cultivation.

The Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect, wielding absolute control over the Devil Moon Empire, would enjoy the privilege of first pick.

In the grand scheme, the cultivation sects of the Quietus Continent stood to gain a significant advantage within the Devil Moon Empire.

For Ning Ji, the Devil Moon Empire's alliance with the Quietus Continent, bolstered by Zhou Cangmin's influence, meant that the Yu family, and Yu Yuan in particular, could thrive in this fresh empire.

Conversely, the Su, Van, and Lim families would likely experience a gradual decline.

Su Xiangtian had aligned with the Taiyuan Sect, and the Lim family was backed by the Cold Yin Sect—both powerhouses of the Heavenly Source Continent. It was inevitable that they would face suppression and targeting.

The Fan family, due to Fan Yan's overly close relationship with Her Majesty the Empress, will likely find themselves entangled in this affair.

The Zhan, Yuan, Yu, and Yang families, on the other hand, are poised to rise from the turmoil.

Ning Ji was inwardly relieved, grateful for his foresight in firmly aligning with Yu Yuan from the outset.

"Having achieved the status of Yang God, his presence and tactics have become even more extraordinary," Yan Qiling mused with admiration. Hovering in the sky, he offered a distant salute to Zhou Cangmin, who returned the gesture with a smile. Yan Qiling then inquired, "Where is the Tusk Troops' commander, the one you intended to rescue?"

In addition to Silvermoon Queen Lee Yupan, Shen Feiqing also sought to rouse the Asura of the Dark Domain.

With Lee Yupan, Bai Shang, and the Demonic Snake all captured, what of Shen Feiqing?

Shen Feiqing's exceptional performance within the Secret Realm made her an adversary after the realm's dramatic upheaval. Yan Qiling was eager to ascertain her whereabouts to strategize for the future.

"Shen Feiqing has gone to the Desolate Swamp," the white-robed Imperial Advisor revealed with a slight frown. "She has a past with the Desolate God, and I too have been graced by the Desolate God there. We've been friends for many years. Now that she's sought refuge in the Desolate Swamp, I have no desire to pursue her aggressively. Others will hold her accountable for her actions; I prefer not to intervene personally."

His words clarified the situation for everyone.

Shen Feiqing and he, alongside Xu Zixi, had forged a deep bond in their youth within the Desolate Swamp and other perilous locales.

Favored by the Desolate God, Shen Feiqing had a formidable ally.

The Desolate God of the Great Swamp was an anomaly within the vast expanse of the Boundless Land, one that even the mightiest sects of the Heavenly Source and Quietus Continents hesitated to provoke.

Even Zhou Cangmin, now a Yang God, acknowledged his inferiority to the Desolate God.

He refrained from pursuing Shen Feiqing, partly out of respect for their past and partly due to wariness of the Desolate God.

Another reason for his restraint was Shen Feiqing's proactive departure when Old Cash, Chi Hongyi, and Yellow Old Devil were lured into the open by the Empress.

Shen Feiqing had spared Xu Zixi's life as well.

"I rushed over here, thinking I'd have to stabilize the situation, but it looks like that won't be necessary," Zhou Cangmin said with an easy smile to Xu Zixi. "Yu Yuan really has a knack for this."

Xu Zixi, taken aback, asked, "It's stable?"

The White-robed Imperial Advisor gave a slight nod. "The subtle presence of the Asura from the Dark Domain has vanished completely. Oh, and one more thing..."

His eyes narrowed as he projected a strand of his soul consciousness into the Soul Sacrifice Diagram.

Within the eerie, shadowy confines of the diagram, Lee Yupan, the Earth Demon, Bai Shang, and the white-haired serpent demon all looked despondent, as if mourning a great loss.

"Lee Yupan, you wouldn't want me to strip your soul of its memories, would you?" The Imperial Advisor's soul consciousness targeted the empress and inquired, "Has the Asura's lingering soul consciousness ceased to exist?"

Lee Yupan's true form bowed her head and replied, "The consciousness has been wiped clean, and the soul energy infused into Yu Zhu's mind. After today, the Boundless Land may very well have a new Demon God."

The White-robed Imperial Advisor's laughter boomed through the ghostly darkness. "A new Demon God! The combat strength of the Quietus Continent has just risen a notch! All my efforts and planning weren't in vain!"

As the Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect, and soon-to-be Sect Master, he seemed quite pleased with the prosperity that awaited the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace.

Yu Zhu, being hailed as a Demon God, was of demon lineage.

After the battle at the Absence Relic, Yu Zhu would surely remember his benevolence.

Forging an early bond with a Demon God could only be advantageous for him and the Red Devil Sect.

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