Unmatched Dominance/C371 The Extreme Coldness of the Scabbard
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Unmatched Dominance/C371 The Extreme Coldness of the Scabbard
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C371 The Extreme Coldness of the Scabbard

After receiving Yu Yuan's assurance, Zhou Cangmin finally felt the weight lift from his chest.

He knew the girl who would willingly die for Yu Yuan would heed his every command.

With Yu Yuan's promise to convince Yu Zhu to join the Demon Palace, there shouldn't be any issues.

His greatest fear was that Yu Yuan might have a lapse in judgment, angering the Demon Palace and triggering a chain of unforeseen and grave consequences.

While he could exert some influence over the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace, he was powerless against the overwhelming tide of events.

The disturbance in the Absence Relic was too significant to ignore. Two Soul Wandering Stage cultivators had perished, Bai Shuang met a tragic end, and both Shen Feiqing and the Silvermoon Queen had become involved. There was no hiding it.

Yet, Yu Zhu's emergence could change the entire narrative!

The key was her agreement to join the Demon Palace and become one of its members.

"Alright, leave Old Cash and the rest to me. I'll handle the persuasion."

Zhou Cangmin reached out, whisking away the river of light that covered the pit, as if peeling back a celestial tablecloth.

He gave Yu Yuan a reassuring smile before soaring upwards.

The river of light, swirling with countless scarlet demonic runes, transformed into a radiant red flame and settled into his Yang God's hand, wrapping around his finger.

"Let's have a chat," he said with a soft chuckle.

Yan Qiling, Old Cash, Chi Hongyi, and Yellow Old Devil each heard his thoughts echo within their Soul Seas and dutifully followed him.

Xu Zixi, with a relaxed smile, turned to Yu Yuan and said, "You've still got time. The Spirit Void Sect's teleportation array won't be fixed and operational that quickly."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, deep in thought for a few seconds, then asked, "The Imperial Advisor suggested I lay low for a while and only return to the Absence Relic once things have settled down. But where should I go?"

"I'm sure he'll find the perfect place for you," Xu Zixi replied, her smile radiant. She was clearly in high spirits. "Just trust him."

With that, she cast another admiring glance at the floating island and exclaimed, "Your fortune is truly something to be envied."

With those words, she sprang out of the pit.

Casting a brief look at Zhao Yafu and Zhan Tianxiang, she let out a light huff and said, "You two, follow me. I have matters to discuss with you privately."

Zhan Tianxiang received the legacy of the Golden Elephant Ancient God, while Zhao Yafu was chosen by the White Divine Tiger—both integral to the Demon Palace.

Crucially, like Xu Zixi, Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu were humans practicing the Demon Spell.

Initially, Xu Zixi came on behalf of the Divine Might Empire, alongside Wai Wujiang and Lau Ying aboard the gilded treasure ship, but her allegiances shifted over time.

Now, unabashedly, she sought to converse with Zhan Tianxiang and Zhao Yafu as a demon cultivator of the Demon Palace.

Only Xu Zixi knew the true extent of her gains: with Yu Yuan's assurance of Yu Zhu's allegiance to the Demon Palace, she was set to receive substantial recognition.

Upon review, the Demon Palace would realize her unwavering support for Yu Zhu and Zhou Cangmin, aiding in the acquisition of the Asura's Eye—a cornerstone in Yu Zhu's path to becoming a Demon God.

Such merit would prove immensely advantageous for her future.

Though her time in the Absence Relic seemed fruitless, the Demon Palace's commendation would more than compensate.

In high spirits, she planned to further support the younger generation, encouraging Zhao Yafu and Zhan Tianxiang to spend more time in the Absence Relic.

After all, the Absence Relic's resurgence, fueled by the revival of spiritual energy, was set to restore its splendor on the Profound Sky Continent.

For Zhao Yafu and Zhan Tianxiang, with their modest cultivation levels, leveraging this windfall could lead to exponential growth in their powers.

"Yu Yuan."

"Young Master Yu!"

"Young Master!"

Yuan Lianyao, Ning Ji, and Qin Yun stood by the pit, each calling out to him.

Yuan Lianyao addressed him directly, Ning Ji as Young Master Yu, and Qin Yun, at the late stage of the Yin God Stage, as "Young Master," signifying his self-imposed servitude.

In Darkmoon City, such a late-stage Yin God was unparalleled.

This individual had keenly seized the moment in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and, upon the peril of the Rainier Empire, had astutely sought refuge in Darkmoon City. His foresight was as clear as day, his actions both resolute and straightforward.

"Sister City Lord, seeing you alive is truly a blessing."

Yu Yuan's smile shone as he greeted Yuan Lianyao first, then nodded with a smile to Ning Ji and Qin Yun.

He didn't linger in the pit. Grasping the sheath, now devoid of circulating light, he firmly stepped on the earth and burst forth.

Curiously, all the sword intent and light seemed to be locked away, showing not even a hint of sharpness.

The sheath felt slightly cool and surprisingly light in his hand.

Yet, as he descended into the pit, Yuan Lianyao and Qin Yun clutched their eyes, groaning and wincing in pain.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan noticed an intense chill emanating from the sheath.

With a soft "hmm," he scrutinized the sheath, probing with his Heavenly Soul.

A bone-chilling presence lay at the base of the sheath, making his Heavenly Soul shiver involuntarily.

The dense, familiar sword light and intent formed a protective net, containing the sheath's icy base and preventing any harm from escaping.

"That was the Dark Domain Asura's extreme cold force that had infiltrated me earlier!"

Yu Yuan quickly pieced it together, realizing that after the Asura's soul crystal was shattered, its condensed cold force had somehow seeped into the sheath.

He was certain the Asura's lingering consciousness had been utterly eradicated.

Yet, whether the extreme cold force had drifted into the sheath on its own or had been carried by the returning sword intent and light remained a mystery.

"Yu Yuan, what on earth is concealed within that sheath?"

Yuan Lianyao, driven by curiosity and probing with her spiritual sense, found her lips turning pale from the cold. "Aren't you cold holding that? I barely sensed it and it almost shattered my three souls of heaven, earth, and humanity!"

"Incredible, truly incredible. I doubt even the Soul Wandering masters of the Cold Yin Sect could conjure such intense cold," Qin Yun said, his face twisted in a wry smile, yet full of admiration. "Young Master, your ability to withstand the sheath's extreme cold is remarkable. I am deeply impressed."

Upon hearing his claim, Yuan Lianyao couldn't hide her astonishment. "You're really unharmed?"

"It appears to be safe as long as I don't engage it with my spiritual sense or soul," Yu Yuan replied with a warm smile, offering the sword sheath to Qin Yun. "Give it a try."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Qin Yun asked, skeptical.

"I've been holding it for quite some time with no issues," Yu Yuan reassured with a grin.

With a moment's hesitation, Qin Yun cautiously extended his hand to touch the sword sheath, curious to see if it was indeed harmless to the touch as Yu Yuan suggested.

But the instant his fingertip made contact with the sheath, he jerked his hand back as if struck by lightning.

His fingertip was sliced open—a wound now sealed by an intense cold, preventing any blood from escaping.

Qin Yun shook his finger, his eyes conveying a mix of annoyance and reproach. "Young Master Yu, can you not joke around like this?"

He summoned a blue flame with a secret method to dispel the icy chill that was characteristic of an Asura from the Dark Domain. "The sword's keen intent cut through my finger in an instant, and the penetrating cold followed swiftly. Thankfully, I was cautious and didn't grasp the entire sheath."

"Otherwise, I might have sacrificed my entire arm."

Qin Yun spoke with a lingering fear, instinctively keeping his distance from the sheath.

Yuan Lianyao and Ning Ji, who had both been eager to touch the sheath as well, recoiled at Qin Yun's reaction, wisely withdrawing their hands.

"Huh," Yu Yuan murmured, sensing the oddity.

"It seems the sheath is meant for you alone," Yuan Lianyao quickly recovered, her smile blooming. "Excellent. With this sheath, perhaps you'll eventually find the missing sword. I can only imagine the sheer terror it would unleash once united with its sheath."

At her words, a spark of excitement flashed in Yu Yuan's eyes.

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