Unmatched Dominance/C386 The past Glory
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Unmatched Dominance/C386 The past Glory
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C386 The past Glory

Su Kui and Su Kang, two esteemed elders of the Su family, found themselves held back by him, a silent command in his eyes urging them not to make any rash moves.

Su Kang harbored doubts about Su Xiangtian's words, unable to accept the possibility of Su Yin's death, his expression betraying a hint of dissatisfaction.

On the verge of an outburst, it was Su Kui who intervened, placing a calming hand on his shoulder, signaling for silence.

"What's on your mind, brother?" Su Kang inquired, seeking understanding.

With a shake of his head, Su Kui implored him to keep his composure, then turned his intense gaze upon Su Xiangtian.

Su Xiangtian, a member of the Su family's collateral line, had long been overlooked and even oppressed by the main branch, nearly thwarting his growth. Su Kui, having secretly recognized Su Xiangtian's integrity and potential for cultivation, had boldly supported him against all opposition.

Indeed, Su Kui was Su Xiangtian's benefactor, the pillar of support before Su Xiangtian's rise to power. His trust in Su Xiangtian was unwavering, as he was well-acquainted with his capabilities and character.

"Believe in me," Su Xiangtian implored with gravity under Su Kui's watchful eye. "I anticipated the empire's turmoil. I ensured Xiao Yan's safety and returned to honor the trust you've placed in me. You endorsed me as the head of the Su family, and regardless of the dangers ahead, I will always prioritize our family's interests."

"Very well," Su Kui responded with a nod.

The exchange between the two men gradually soothed the restless Su Kang, who managed to restrain himself from acting impulsively.

A clear space emerged between Yu Yuan and Lim Mu, allowing their gazes to meet unobstructed.

Lim Mu, who had grown wary of Yu Yuan after witnessing the incident with Su Xiangtian, now observed him with renewed caution.

"He truly has a powerful ally," Lim Mu mused as his Yin God sensed the undercurrents. With a cold laugh, his attention abruptly shifted to the world beyond.

Qin Yun, garbed as an old Confucian scholar, entered with a forced, dry smile.

Yu Yuan glanced over and, feeling slightly embarrassed, quickly made his stance clear: "There's no sign of any suspicious characters at the Yu family. I don't think my presence there is necessary."

Yu Yuan had tasked him with safeguarding the Yu family to prevent any petty criminals from seizing an opportunity to strike.

As a late-stage Yin God, Qin Yun had lingered at the Yu family's residence for some time, extending his soul consciousness but detecting no ill-intentioned individuals lurking in the shadows.

All the formidable figures were now concentrated at the City Lord's Mansion, and he was aware that Yu Cann was among them.

Thus, Qin Yun had hurried to this location.

"Rainier Empire, Seven Divine Sect, Qin Yun!"

A sinister smile curled the corner of Lim Mu's lips as he came to a sudden realization. "Ah, so Yu Yuan's backup is the former sect master of the Seven Divine Sect! Hahaha, are you aware that he's now a condemned criminal of the Rainier Empire? The entire Seven Divine Sect has disavowed his leadership?"

Su Kang's brow furrowed as he remarked, "He met with disaster in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, his cultivation plummeted, and his strength is a shadow of its former self. He's been driven out of the Rainier Empire and even pursued by those he once called close friends within his sect. Such a figure, once formidable, is now diminished..."

Van Xuan sported a derisive grin.

Clearly, as peers in the rank of Yin God and with the Rainier Empire and Silvermoon Empire at odds, they were all well-acquainted with Qin Yun.

More than mere acquaintances, they had a history of youthful clashes.

Qin Yun had ascended to the late stage of the Yin God Stage a few years before them, and his tenure as the sect master of the Seven Divine Sect marked the pinnacle of his illustrious career.

Among the Seven Divine Sect's seven Yin Gods, Qin Yun was the foremost, his status surpassing theirs.

But those days were long gone.

Now, Qin Yun was a fallen figure, cast out by the Rainier Empire, shunned by the Seven Divine Sect. Whether in terms of status or actual combat prowess, he had suffered decline after decline.

In his current state, Qin Yun was hardly a concern for Lim Mu.

"He's not up to par."

Su Kui also shook his head discreetly and whispered to Su Xiangtian, "I had assumed Yu Yuan had a formidable patron, perhaps favored by a prestigious sect. But if Qin Yun is all he's got, then he lacks both the credentials and the strength to keep this kid alive."

Su Xiangtian preferred not to elaborate, simply stating, "Let's not jump to conclusions just yet."

"Thump! Thump! Thump!"

Lim Mu advanced toward Yu Yuan, his gaze fixed on Qin Yun.

Each step he took caused a subtle tremor throughout the City Lord's Mansion, with verdant leaves sprouting beneath his feet on the stone ground.

The flora in the City Lord's Mansion's courtyard seemed to thrive with his every move, growing increasingly lush.

Yu Yuan watched the leaves emerge with a squinted smile, recognizing that the Lim family patriarch's cultivated Spiritual Spell and techniques must be tied to the essence of plants and vegetation.

Such an individual, if not solely devoted to cultivation and the pursuit of power, could make an excellent herbal cultivator.

A luminescent green glow enveloped him, making Lim Mu resemble a robust ancient tree, as if rooted in the world for eons, never to fade or wilt.

"The Ancient Wood Spirit Art."

Qin Yun murmured, his fighting spirit flaring to life. A miniature arrow materialized at his brow.

With the arrow's emergence, Qin Yun's presence transformed dramatically. His overwhelming life force rattled the sleeping mortals in the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion, plunging them into nightmarish visions.

All present within the City Lord's Mansion, Su Kui and Van Xuan included, wore expressions of astonishment.

How could the life force of the former Sect Master of the Seven Divine Sect be so vigorous and pure, surpassing even their own?

"In the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, it was the Yin God I wounded, the soul force I expended," Qin Yun explained, standing tall and spear-like, a smile on his face as he addressed Lim Mu. "At the Profound Break Stage, the refinement of my physical body far exceeded yours. I chose the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area a year ago because I knew it well."

"It was there, amidst the most tumultuous energies, that I achieved my Profound Break Stage breakthrough."

"Van Xuan, back in my heyday, would you have dared to challenge me before the Azure Yang Arrow had its chance to detonate? And you, brothers of the Su family, didn't each of you live in my shadow?"

"We may be peers, but I've always been a cut above the rest!"

Qin Yun stood there, his arrogance and defiance undiminished. Where was any hint of the downtrodden dog he once seemed to be?

It was as though the Sect Master who founded the Seven Divine Sect, the one who once dominated the scene, had made his comeback.

Yu Cann and Zhao Zhenghao of the Zhao family silently acknowledged this truth.

The name Qin Yun resonated like thunder within the Seven Divine Sect!

Before Zhou Cangmin, the White-robed Imperial Advisor, emerged and overshadowed all rivals, Qin Yun was undeniably a force to be reckoned with, held in high esteem and trusted by the Scorching Sun Emperor.

He founded the Seven Divine Sect, commanding seven Yin Gods, surpassing even the mightiest families of the Rainier Empire in power!

Without the anomaly that is Zhou Cangmin, Qin Yun's standing in the Rainier Empire would surely be even more elevated.

In his days of glory, the likes of Yu Cann, Su Kui, Su Kang, and Van Xuan couldn't hold a candle to him.

During the clashes between nations, he stood for the Rainier Empire, causing the Silvermoon Empire much embarrassment.

Even as a man who had suffered great setbacks and found himself wandering the streets of Darkmoon City, his pride remained intact.

After all, every person before him had once been bested by him!

"The past is the past, and now is now. I've already witnessed the robustness of your physique, but it's a shame you're neither a Demonic Cultivator nor of the Demon race. Physical strength alone cannot surpass the power of the three souls!" Lim Mu scoffed, "From the Yin God Stage onwards, what truly determines one's combat power are the Yin God and soul force!"

No sooner had he spoken than branches, sharpened like thorns and forged from verdant Spiritual Qi, lunged at Qin Yun.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Only those attuned to the Penetrating Stage and the Yin God Stage could sense the soul-based onslaught.

In the eyes of Su Kui, Su Xiangtian, and Van Xuan, bizarre trees sprouted from Lim Mu's crown, stretching wildly towards Qin Yun.

This power was an illusion, forged from the essence of the soul, specifically designed to target the Niwan acupoint of Qin Yun.

"Qin Yun! Your time of dominance is long over! The Rainier Empire has no place for you. Did you really believe that by stepping into our realm, you could reclaim your lost splendor?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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