Unmatched Dominance/C388 Protector
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Unmatched Dominance/C388 Protector
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C388 Protector

In Qin Yun's mind, the Yin Gods of Darkmoon City who shared his rank were inconsequential.

In fact, very few within the vast Silvermoon Empire even registered on his radar.

The Silvermoon Queen, Li Yupan, was certainly a notable figure, but alas, she had fallen into the clutches of Zhou Cangmin.

Su Xiangtian, a recent initiate to the Yin God Stage, hadn't yet attained the heights of Qin Yun's prowess.

Even with his Yin God powers diminished and his combat strength waned, those who once gazed up at him in awe still couldn't threaten him.

That is, unless they shamelessly banded together for an attack.

"Lim Mu, I don't mean to berate you, but you and your Lim family's vision leave much to be desired," Qin Yun said, shaking his head as he critiqued the blood-spewing elder of the Lim family. "The one with true foresight in the Lim family was the Matriarch. She chose Yu Yuan as the suitor for Lim Zhuyun, and what a discerning eye she had!"

With that, he gave Yu Cann an approving smile.

The elder straightened up involuntarily, feeling an immense sense of pride.

Hearing his grandson praised so generously by someone of Qin Yun's stature was, of course, a delight.

In that moment, Yuan Lianyao's smile blossomed as she chimed in, "The Lim family Matriarch truly had exceptional vision. It's a real shame. Had she lived to see this marriage through, the Lim family would have reaped enormous benefits."

Even Su Xiangtian found himself nodding in agreement.

He had long recognized Yu Yuan's worth. If not for Su Yin's meddling, which soured the relationship between the Su and Yu families, and the tacit approval of Su Kui and Su Kang, he had intended to extend an olive branch to the Yu family and forge a strong alliance.

"Xiangtian?" Su Kui was bewildered. "Have I, too, made a mistake?"

He was aware of Su Yin's ambitions to seize the Yu family's entire stock of medicinal herbs, to engulf the Yu family whole.

He knew it wasn't right, but swayed by Su Yin's arguments, he had nodded in agreement behind Su Xiangtian's back.

Su Yin only acted when he felt confident enough to proceed.

The consequence was that no one in the Silvermoon Empire dared to buy the medicinal herbs painstakingly cultivated by the Yu family, driving many of the family's esteemed elders to depart.

Even the Medicine Slaves recognized the dire straits the Yu family was in and began to slack off.

If things kept going this way, the Yu family wouldn't last much longer and would be stricken from the records of Darkmoon City.

When that happened, the Su and Lim families would step in to claim the Yu family's medicinal gardens and divide up the ore veins that once belonged to the Huang family among themselves.

Su Xiangtian let out a light sigh, "I was indeed wrong in this matter. Before I left for the Profound Sky Continent, after returning from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, I warned against pushing the Yu family too hard. Even if we couldn't mend our relationship, we shouldn't deepen the enmity. Yet, Su Yin wouldn't listen."

He directed these words at Su Kui, but also for Yu Yuan and Yu Cann to hear.

Through these words, he wanted to convey to Yu Yuan and Yu Cann that he, Su Xiangtian, was unaware of many actions the Su family had taken against the Yu family and did not endorse them.

It was the late Su Yin who had misled Su Kui, leading to the Yu family's tragic plight.

Yu Cann, upon hearing Su Xiangtian, reflected on Su Yin, who had apparently been slain by his grandson. He considered speaking up to defuse the tension.

After all, the Yu family had only lost a few members, not any key figures due to Su Yin's actions.

But before he could speak, Yu Yuan shook his head, "Once certain things happen, they cannot be overlooked."

Yu Cann was taken aback.

"My grandfather's legs were broken, and he begged the Su family for medicine," Yu Yuan said, his expression grim. "The Yu family has long been a vassal to the Su family, supplying them with low-rank medicinal herbs. When my grandfather was victimized by the Huang family, left severely injured and with both legs broken, the Su family offered no support, no aid whatsoever."

"Had the Su family honored past loyalties and provided that pill, my grandfather wouldn't have plummeted from the Profound Break Stage to the Yellow Court Stage, nor would he have suffered years of torment from his injuries."

"The Su family first showed their true colors with their callousness and lack of honor, and then Su Yin had the audacity to use family ties to pressure us."

"The Su family..."

Yu Yuan couldn't help but shake his head, his face a mix of mockery and disdain.

"At that time, I wasn't the head of the Su family," Su Xiangtian offered by way of explanation.

"What's done is done. There's no turning back," Yu Yuan said with a chuckle. "Just like how the fact that I killed Su Yin is now an undeniable reality."

"Young man, what is it you want?" Su Kang, known for his fiery temper, barked, "Su Yin is dead. Are you still not satisfied?"

Qin Yun's assertive stance and Lim Mu's severe injuries had a sobering effect on both Su Kui and Su Kang, prompting a momentary pause in their hostility.

Considering Su Yin was a clan member of modest ability and not of significant importance, and with Su Xiangtian intent on defusing the situation, Su Kang managed to keep his fury in check, refraining from lashing out.

Yet Yu Yuan, oblivious to his own best interests, brought up the incident where Yu Cann was ambushed, left with broken legs, and subsequently sought medicine from the Su family.

It was Su Kang himself who had flatly refused the request for medicine.

Yu Yuan's decision to dredge up the past was a direct affront to Su Kang, a clear accusation.

What do the Yu family think they are? Yu Cann, Yu Yuan, do you believe that Qin Yun's backing gives you free rein to cause chaos in the Silvermoon Empire?

"This is the Silvermoon Empire, not the Rainier Empire," Van Xuan interjected coldly, having observed the exchange with a sardonic grin.

He turned to Qin Yun and said, "Brother Qin, you couldn't even make it in the Rainier Empire, so shouldn't you be laying low here? We just need to let slip that you're in Darkmoon City, and without lifting a finger, people from the Rainier Empire and the Seven Divine Sect will come knocking."

"Why flee the Rainier Empire only to seek refuge in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Jade Peak Mountain Range, or the so-called Absence Relic? Why insist on coming to Darkmoon City? You're only inviting trouble."

With that, Su Kang's eyes gleamed with realization, and he added, "And let's not forget, you're all alone, Qin Yun!"

"True, I stand alone, but none of you can hold me," Qin Yun retorted with confidence. "I am unaffiliated now, free from any sect's constraints. You all have families to consider, responsibilities to your kin. Just know that once I depart Darkmoon City, none of your houses will know peace again."

Qin Yun chuckled and issued a more menacing challenge, "Furthermore, if I recklessly ascend to the Soul Wandering Stage in a short span, and then come after you, I have to wonder—who among the four of you could elude my pursuit?"

His words sent a chill through the four, as if they had been plunged into an icy abyss.

Indeed, if Qin Yun's claim held true and he could progress to the Soul Wandering Stage at will, what would happen once he departed Darkmoon City? Should he return after a year or so at that advanced stage, who would be able to withstand him?

The four Yin Gods of the hall, faces clouded over, lapsed into a heavy silence.

They weighed Qin Yun's threat seriously, fear taking hold, rendering them speechless.

After some time, the ever-steady Su Kui broke the silence, "Brother Qin, I've long been curious—what exactly is your relationship with Yu Yuan?"

This question caught the others off guard, but they quickly realized it was the crux of the matter.

Qin Yun, standing at the pinnacle of the Yin God Stage, was a mere step from the Soul Wandering Stage. Why was he so protective of Yu Yuan? What vested interests lay between them? What could Yu Yuan possibly offer Qin Yun that they could not?

If they could persuade Qin Yun to stand aside, perhaps with a modest offering of Spirit Stones to expedite this harbinger of doom's departure from Darkmoon City, wouldn't that elegantly untangle their predicament?

Su Xiangtian shook his head, murmuring, "It's futile."

Su Kui looked at him, puzzled.

But he soon understood Su Xiangtian's reasoning.

Qin Yun gracefully bowed to Yu Yuan, his smile radiant. "Truth be told, I've held Young Master Yu in high esteem ever since our time in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. Unable to remain in the Rainier Empire, I've come specifically to seek out Young Master Yu. I will serve as his Medicine Slave, safeguarding his path."

"Guard his path!" Van Xuan gasped.

Qin Yun affirmed with a decisive nod, "The journey of cultivation is fraught with perils and tribulations. Until Young Master Yu comes into his own, I am prepared to offer my humble support and protection."

At these words, the complexions of Su Kui and the others shifted dramatically.

It was then that Yan Qiling glided in, casting a glance at Yu Yuan before speaking, "The female general from the Lee family nearly executed Fan Chaoguan. He managed to escape using the Blood God Cult's forbidden arts. Shall I track him down and finish the job?"

"What? Chaoguan has been seriously hurt?" Van Xuan's complexion drained of color, and he was on the verge of rushing off.

Yan Qiling's brow furrowed as he shot a glance at him and commanded, "Halt!"

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