Unmatched Dominance/C39 A Friendship Worth Tens of Thousands of Gold!
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Unmatched Dominance/C39 A Friendship Worth Tens of Thousands of Gold!
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C39 A Friendship Worth Tens of Thousands of Gold!

"Big Brother Yu," Zhao Yafu implored with a look of distress in her eyes, full of earnest pleading, "I promise to visit you at the Blood God Cult on the Quietus Continent in the future. I am so grateful to you. Your kindness will forever be etched in my heart."

It was clear that she, too, was hoping Yu Yuan would accept Ann Ziqing's terms. If only Yu Yuan would give his consent, everyone would be safe. Moreover, Ann Ziqing had offered to assist Yu Yuan in infusing the young dragon's spirit into her own body, a gesture that would surely benefit her greatly.

The truth had dawned on her following the conclusion of the battle between Yuan Qiufang and Ann Ziqing. The real key to refining the young dragon's spirit was not Yuan Qiufang's fiery powers but the potent blood essence of Ann Ziqing. The flames served merely as a facade, a means to severely damage and debilitate the young dragon's spirit. Ultimately, it was the radiant blood light that would seal the fate. The energy it emitted held the secret to melting down the young dragon's spirit and integrating it into her being. Therefore, Ann Ziqing was the true ally who could aid her in this endeavor.

"Young Master, please see that everyone is acting in your best interest," Ann Ziqing said, her face beaming with a knowing smile as she watched the factions, once hostile and now united in the face of mortal peril, urge Yu Yuan to agree. "With this in mind, let's resolve our issues amicably, shall we?"

"Junior Sister!" another Blood God Cult disciple burst out in fury, "What about my vengeance?"

"We'll put that aside for now," Ann Ziqing replied, turning with an icy look in her eyes. "The plan has failed, and we won't be able to collect the necessary materials to refine the Yin God anytime soon. Securing the Blazing Inferno Halberd will allow us to negotiate a substantial reward from the Red Devil Sect upon our return. I assure you, I will procure all the spiritual materials and herbs required for your second ascension to the Yin God."

"But I was on the brink of success this time, if not for the unforeseen!" the man protested.

Ann Ziqing responded with silence, fixing him with a chilling stare that seemed to pierce his very soul. Suddenly recalling his junior sister's resolute nature, he softened, nodding in acquiescence, "Fine, fine."

"That's settled then," Ann Ziqing said, withdrawing her gaze. She turned back to Yu Yuan with a sweet smile, "Young Master, there's no need for further contemplation. As you can see, everyone has made the decision on your behalf."

Her treatment of her senior brother was starkly different from her demeanor towards Yu Yuan.

Was Yu Yuan truly deserving of such esteem?

Throughout the entire time, she had extended an invitation to Yu Yuan to join the Blood God Cult, always with gentle persuasion.

She never resorted to threatening him with the lives of the Yu family members.

Perhaps she understood Yu Yuan's nature well enough to know the fate that awaited Lin Hanyu, who had tried to coerce the Yu family with brute force.


Through the throng of people, Yu Yuan's eyes found the elder, Yu Cann.

"Whatever decision you make, I'm behind you," Yu Cann stated, his face beaming with pride. "Seeing you held in such high regard fills me with honor. As for the outcome... that's for you to decide."

"Alright, understood."

Yu Yuan nodded, releasing Zhao Yafu's hand and stepping back with a shrug. "Her issue was settled with the Black Dragon Scissors."

"Brother Yu, what are you implying?" Zhao Yafu asked, feeling slighted.

"If you think you can use her as leverage to get me to join the Blood God Cult," Yu Yuan said with a smile, "that's not going to fly. In fact, I find all these attempts at persuasion quite distasteful. To me, they're nothing but ill-intentioned."

"Here are the Black Dragon Scissors, as promised," Yu Lili said, fully cooperative despite her attachment. She took them out and casually tossed them to the ground.

At the entrance of Jewelry Mount, Zhao Zhenghao and Zhao Dongsheng exchanged bewildered glances.

"What's the point?" Zhao Zhenghao chuckled nervously.

Yu Yuan's blunt disregard for his granddaughter's safety was completely unexpected.

"Oh, and City Lord sister," Yu Yuan suddenly remembered, "regardless of the process, the result is that the fire toxin that has plagued your father for years is now completely eradicated. As long as he lives, he should swiftly regain his former level of cultivation."

Yuan Lianyao was taken aback. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm saying that I've kept my end of the bargain with you. So, I owe you nothing," Yu Yuan stated plainly. "You have no grounds to dictate my actions. And as for how the Blood God Cult deals with your father and you, that's out of my hands."

Yuan Lianyao fell silent for a moment, her expression complex as she spoke, "You've already done so much for Darkmoon City. I hold no grudge against you."

She pondered deeply, realizing that without Yu Yuan's early warning and subsequent plans, which included using an extraordinary technique to drive her father into a state of madness, the outcome could have been dire.

As the blood sacrifice array operated, her father was the first to fall victim, his soul and blood drained to empower the envoy of the Blood God Cult.

She, along with members of the Zhao and Yu families, would have been mere stepping stones for that individual's ascent to the Yin God Stage.

Darkmoon City would have been awash in blood, with countless innocents caught in the crossfire.

Surely, the current situation, no matter how grim, was preferable to that potential nightmare.

With this in mind, how could she resent Yu Yuan or demand that he make a choice against his better judgment?

"A melon plucked against its will is never sweet."

Yu Yuan remained composed. "If I have no desire to practice within the Blood God Cult, why force the issue? Besides, my absence from the Cult won't impact the bond between us."

"Our bond? What kind of bond?" Ann Ziqing inquired, her curiosity piqued.

After a thoughtful pause, Yu Yuan replied, "Friendship."

"Friendship?" Skepticism clouded Ann Ziqing's face.

"Indeed. Regardless of your origins or your intentions within the Yu family," Yu Yuan affirmed with a nod, "you haven't truly harmed me, nor have you committed any act so heinous that I can't forgive. What I remember is your attentive care, the kindness you've shown me."

Ann Ziqing gazed at him, her emotions a tumultuous blend.


Throughout her years on both the Quietus and Heavenly Source Continents, she was known for her merciless, blood-soaked reputation.

As a member of the Blood God Cult, those she encountered either feared her or wished for her demise.

Even within the Cult, the internal strife was brutally unforgiving, devoid of any semblance of camaraderie.

She had never experienced what one might call friendship.

"Your friendship means nothing at the mere Pulse Opening Stage of cultivation!" sneered another Blood God Cult disciple, his face grim. "If you were part of the upper sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, or a key figure in the Devil Palace or Demon Palace, with a high level of mastery, then your friendship would have value."

"Shut up," Ann Ziqing commanded icily.

The person fell silent once more.

"Hard to accept as it may be, I've come to realize that your friendship, Yu Yuan, might actually be quite valuable."

Suddenly, Ann Ziqing made up her mind and declared, "I accept your friendship! I will cease the slaughter in Darkmoon City. I'll take the Blazing Inferno Halberd and depart with my senior brother."

Upon hearing her words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Blazing Inferno Halberd, you will stay with me!"

A furious shout erupted from the distance.

As the voice echoed, Jewelry Mount trembled, sending rocks hurtling through the air.

Yuan Qiufang, held captive by Ann Ziqing's senior brother, felt the dormant fire within him surge with excitement.


The blood-red tendrils binding the Blazing Inferno Halberd burst apart.

The halberd soared into the sky.

Ann Ziqing's face showed a flicker of emotion. She gave Yu Yuan a piercing look and said, "Should fate decree, we shall meet again. Remember, Yu Yuan, you owe me a favor—a debt you'll have to settle one day."

"Don't worry, our paths will cross again," Yu Yuan assured her.

"Senior Brother, release that man. We're leaving now," Ann Ziqing ordered.

Remarkably, her senior brother, sensing the unforeseen turn of events, wasted no words. He dropped Yuan Qiufang and, like Ann Ziqing, transformed into two crimson streaks of light, vanishing from the valley.

The demise of the Huang family members was of no concern to them.

All eyes turned skyward.

Beneath the blazing sun, a massive fireball raged. Within it, a one-armed elder flickered like a wavering flame.

The Blazing Inferno Halberd, a Heaven Level artifact of the Red Devil Sect, joyously darted about inside the fiery orb.

"Yin God travels afar! The Soul Wandering Stage!" Yuan Qiufang was thunderstruck, bowing reverently towards the heavens, he proclaimed, "I, Yuan Qiufang, have devoted years to mastering the Devil Refining Spell. Today, I am finally graced with the presence of an esteemed elder from our sect."

Below, Yu Yuan looked up at the elder in the fireball, his gaze filled with intrigue.

He never anticipated that, upon being reincarnated, he would encounter an acquaintance so soon.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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