Unmatched Dominance/C394 Yin Pill!
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Unmatched Dominance/C394 Yin Pill!
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C394 Yin Pill!

"Elder Qin, shouldn't you be offering thanks?" Ning Ji, standing beside him, noticed his stunned silence and quickly nudged him.

Ning Ji held a deep respect for Yu Yuan's alchemy prowess. His return to Darkmoon City and his vigil in Elfview were driven by his esteem for Yu Yuan's skills in alchemy.

Yu Yuan lived up to his expectations. With the aid of the pellet, he had shattered the barriers of his cultivation and advanced into Profound Break!

Lately, aware of Qin Yun's allegiance, he had made a deliberate effort to befriend him.

Yet, he had been reticent about Yu Yuan's exceptional alchemy knowledge.

To him, Yu Yuan's mastery of alchemy was a closely guarded secret.

Only with Yu Yuan's complete trust would Qin Yun be privy to this information, and only then would Ning Ji speak freely about it with Qin Yun.

Like now, for instance.

"Oh, thank you, Young Master."

Qin Yun, still somewhat bewildered, expressed his gratitude to Yu Yuan. He gazed at the three pellet-sized, jujube-red pills in his hand and hesitated before asking sheepishly, "Young Master, I must admit I'm not well-versed in the ways of the pill. I can't immediately identify these three pellets. Could you please enlighten me on how to properly consume and refine them, and what exactly their effects are?"

"Have you ever heard of the Yin Pill?" Yu Yuan offered as an explanation.

Qin Yun shook his head gently.

"That's to be expected," Yu Yuan said with a smile. "You don't need to concern yourself with the Yin Pill's rank. All you need to know is that it has a singular purpose: to assist in the recovery of your Yin God. Think of it as a unique type of Soul Core. The method of use is quite straightforward—it's not ingested, but rather refined directly by your Yin God."

"Soul, Soul Core? A Soul Core that benefits the Yin God?"

Qin Yun was visibly shaken, his frame quivering slightly as he stared in disbelief at the three pellets.

"Soul Core!"

Ning Ji inhaled deeply, steadying his startled heart. His eyes sparkled with renewed vigor, as if a special vitality had been ignited within him. "Young Master! Can you truly craft Soul Cores?"

Before Yu Yuan could respond, Ning Ji continued, "To my knowledge, the art of refining Soul Cores is an arduous test of one's alchemical skill! Moreover, each Soul Core is of no insignificant grade!"

A pellet capable of influencing Yin Gods, Yang Gods, and the Primordial Spirit, and one that brings benefits to those at the Yin God Stage and beyond, is known as a Soul Core.

Crafting such a pellet is notoriously challenging, with an exceedingly high chance of failure.

Moreover, legend has it that unique vessels and furnaces are required for the creation of a Soul Core, with soul spirits serving as the fuel.

Yu Yuan, being young and presumably without access to an appropriate pill furnace for Soul Core refinement, raises the question: where did he obtain a soul spirit to infuse into the Soul Core?

"Is it truly a Soul Core? How can that be?" Qin Yun exclaimed in disbelief.

With a smile, Yu Yuan replied, "Simply escape from your Yin God and bind a Yin Pill within it. Absorb its medicinal properties and integrate them into your Yin God. You'll understand once you try."


Without further thought, Qin Yun released his old scholar-shaped Yin God, clad in green robes, from the third eye point between his eyebrows.

As Qin Yun's Yin God emerged, three Azure Yang Arrows materialized instinctively at the back of his head, serving as guardians.

The scholar-shaped Yin God, bathed in an azure glow, bore an exact resemblance to him and was not merely a formless illusion; it was visible to the naked eye.

Visible cracks marred the Yin God's exposed surface.

These cracks shone with a white light, reminiscent of a beautifully crafted porcelain piece that had once shattered and been painstakingly restored.

Despite the flawless repairs, upon close inspection, the fissures remained evident.

Qin Yun's Yin God had sustained injuries in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and had been further wounded in an ambush by the Ghoul Glyph Sect's powerhouses. Such wounds were not the kind to heal quickly.

Healing a soul is far more complex than mending torn meridians or fractured bones.

"Give it a try," Yu Yuan said, encouragingly.

Ning Ji, however, noticed something extraordinary: as Qin Yun's Yin God slipped out from the dantian between his eyebrows and set eyes on the three Yin Pills, his entire being seemed to radiate light.

Both his physical form and his Yin God shone with excitement.

Before the Yin God's release, he had observed no such anomaly when gazing upon the Yin Pills.

Upon leaving his physical form and observing the Yin Pills as an ethereal Yin God, he discovered a strikingly different sight!

The three Yin Pills radiated a crimson luminescence before the gaze of his Yin God, which took the form of an aged scholar. Scarlet mists swirled within the pellets, exuding a clear ability to enhance the soul.


Qin Yun's Yin God abruptly contracted to the size of a mustard seed, descending onto a Yin Pill.

Minuscule by a factor of millions, Qin Yun resembled a fly perched atop a jujube, drawing in its nutrients and savoring the taste with gusto.

In this manner, his Yin God set about refining the Yin Pill, mending the wounds of his soul.

His true form's palm glowed, stowing away two of the Yin Pills and leaving just one exposed for his Yin God to assimilate and purify.

With a clench of his hand, both the Yin Pill and his Yin God were enveloped within.

His true form then gave a deep bow to Yu Yuan, lifting his head to speak with heartfelt respect, "I was shortsighted, unaware of the Yin Pill's marvels and even questioned the Young Master's thoughtful intentions!"

"The matter of the Yin Pills must not be discussed with anyone," Yu Yuan cautioned.

"I'm well aware of the stakes involved!" Qin Yun affirmed with a vigorous nod. After a brief pause, he ventured, "Young Master, did you truly concoct these three Yin Pills?" His disbelief was palpable.

The revelation was astonishing.

How young was Yu Yuan?

Not even the most gifted alchemists from the Medicine Sect or the Medicine God Sect of the Quietus Continent could craft a Soul Core at such an age!

"Don't ask too many questions. Just take them," Yu Yuan said with a reassuring smile. "The three Yin Pills should fully restore your injured Yin God. Alas, I'm powerless to mend the two Azure Yang Arrows that were destroyed."

"Once my Yin God is restored to its pinnacle, I'll possess the power to break through to the Soul Wandering Stage at any moment. With three Azure Yang Arrows, I'll be more than capable of vanquishing my foes!" Qin Yun's confidence surged, "Beyond the Soul Wandering Stage, I'll forge new artifacts! I've shattered the fixation on the Azure Yang Arrows, and my cultivation and honing at the Yin God Stage have reached their zenith!"

Observing his stance, it was clear that after refining three Yin Pills, he planned to make a breakthrough into the Soul Wandering Stage.

"Refining a Soul Core is incredibly complex. Young Master Yu, what assistance did you have?" Ning Ji probed, eager to uncover the source of the Soul Core and the pills he depended on.

"The Soul Transformation Pool, Yan Qiling," Yu Yuan replied quietly.

"The Soul Transformation Pool!" Qin Yun had an epiphany. "The very pool that refines Soul Cores, and the one that has amassed numerous Soul Cores to empower Yan Qiling!"

"Please take these Elemental Pills and other pellets to the Yu family and deliver them directly to my grandfather," Yu Yuan instructed, passing a cloth bag to Ning Ji. "Inform him that I'll be away for some time. I'll return to Elfview after a period."

"Understood," Ning Ji acknowledged with a series of nods.

"Young Master, where will you go? Allow me to join you!" Qin Yun offered eagerly.

"I need you to stay in Elfview, refine three Yin Pills, and safeguard the Yu family for a time," Yu Yuan explained with gravity. "I've been reckless and made many enemies. I don't want the Yu family to suffer on my account. With the Yan family's support and you here, I can leave with peace of mind."

Qin Yun gripped his hands tightly, feeling the presence of the Yin God, and nodded in agreement, "I've got it."

Indeed, refining the Yin Pills would require time, making it impractical to wander.

Moreover, if he could swiftly refine the three Yin Pills and restore his Yin God to its pinnacle, he could seize the momentum with the items he had prepared and surge directly into the Soul Wandering Stage!

All this would take time.

He wasn't one to sweat the small stuff and was confident that by staying near Elfview to protect the Yu family, he would not disappoint Yu Yuan or those he held dear.


Upon Yu Yuan's departure from Elfview and his arrival at the Absence Relic, he immediately sensed the pervasive aura of Yu Zhu.

There was no need to venture to the mid-lake island; within the domain under Yu Zhu's control, they could communicate directly and unimpeded.

Their exchange was seamless and without barriers.

He relayed his request to Yu Zhu, asking her to intercede on behalf of Lee Yupan with the envoys from the Demon Palace when they arrived. Additionally, he urged caution regarding Lee Yupan's Yin God, advising against unnecessary destruction.

Yu Zhu grasped his intentions immediately and consented without a moment's hesitation.


Yan Qiling's silhouette seemed to slice through the fabric of space, materializing silently.

"After I departed, how did things unfold with the City Lord's Mansion?" inquired Yu Yuan.

"With me backing your grandfather, what problem can't be resolved?" Yan Qiling boasted. "That Fan Xuan was claimed by Zhou Cangmin. Had he not, I would have absorbed him to bolster my soul power."

"Why would Zhou Cangmin want Fan Xuan?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"Zhou Cangmin struck a deal with the Blood God Cult. Van Chaoguan is still alive; he simply stepped down as head of the Van family and vanished to the Quietus Continent," Yan Qiling explained with a furrowed brow. "The Blood God Cult holds him in high regard. Fan Xuan's transfer was a courtesy to the Cult, and naturally, Zhou Cangmin reaped his own rewards from the arrangement."

"The Imperial Advisor certainly plays a bold game," Yu Yuan remarked with a nod.

"You're too kind."

A man in white robes approached, laughing freely. "I've brokered many deals, both above board and beneath the table. Some are honorable, others not so much—I admit it. Frankly, the deal with the Blood God Cult has been quite lucrative for my Red Devil Sect."

"I haven't spoken ill of you behind your back," Yu Yuan said, somewhat embarrassed.

"No offense taken," Zhou Cangmin replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I had several options lined up for you, but now I'd like you to head to Ember Waters. A new meteor shower is set to fall there, and I believe it will be the most happening spot, as well as beneficial for your cultivation."

"Ember Waters!" Yan Qiling murmured in approval, nodding. "An excellent choice."

He paused, then added, "I had a place in mind for you as well. But if a meteor shower is indeed imminent, that sea region would be the ideal destination."

"Where's Lim Mu?" inquired Yu Yuan.

"Rest assured, he won't dare to meddle with the Yu family anymore. You're free to head to the Ember Waters," Zhou Cangmin assured him.

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