Unmatched Dominance/C397 Mysterious Devil Envoy
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Unmatched Dominance/C397 Mysterious Devil Envoy
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C397 Mysterious Devil Envoy

During the era of the Silvermoon Empire, the Su family ranked just below the prestigious Lee and Yan families, making them the third most powerful clan in the Empire.

Under the reign of Lee Yupan, the relationship between the Su and Yan families was anything but harmonious. In fact, the Su family was considered a fierce rival to the Yan family, with both sides engaged in constant, covert battles.

Then, in what seemed like an instant, a seismic shift occurred. The Silvermoon Empire had fallen, and the nascent Devil Moon Empire was now tightly gripped in the hands of the Yan family.

Members of the Yan family swelled with pride, and whenever they encountered their former adversaries, they couldn't help but bask in the glow of their perceived victory.

The Su family, allied with the Taiyuan Sect, and the Lim family, aligned with the Cold Yin Sect, were on a path to decline. Meanwhile, the Zhao family, courted by the Demon Palace, and the Yuan family, backed by the Red Devil Sect, were poised to ascend.

Yan Lu saw Su Yan, the daughter of Su Xiangtian and a disciple of the Taiyuan Sect, as inevitably diverging from his path and that of the Yan family. Given their strained past, he anticipated their relationship would only continue to deteriorate, which made him reluctant to get too close to her.

He was in the dark about what the Su family had offered to convince the Devil Envoy to dispatch the "Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle" to Sky Might Sacred City to retrieve Su Yan. Nonetheless, he was convinced that the Su family had made a substantial sacrifice for the arrangement.

Yan Lu believed that as long as Su Yan safely reached the Ember Waters, the taunts and insults hurled at her by the Devil Palace disciples during the journey were inconsequential. With the Devil Envoy present, Hu Tianyang wouldn't dare overstep.

Thus, he decided to remain aloof, ignoring Hu Tianyang's taunts directed at Su Yan.

"I'm a disciple of the Taiyuan Sect, just like you're heading to the Ember Waters," Su Yan said with a smile, her voice gentle. "As for my ride on the Devil Palace's Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, of course, there's a reason. You're unaware of it simply because you're not privy to that level of information."

With a playful glint in her eyes, Su Yan glanced around the cabin and added, "If you're so curious, why not inquire with the Devil Envoy himself?"

She refused to show any weakness, unconvinced that a mere disciple from the Hu family could be anything special.

Was it such a big deal to be chosen by the Devil Palace, to become one of its disciples, and to be whisked away on the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle for secluded cultivation in the Devil Palace?

Hu Tianyang let out a cold snort, ready to continue his speech.

But then, a subtle soul whisper emerged from within the cabin of the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle.

None of the Devil Palace disciples on the deck, Wu Pei included, could detect it.

Only Yu Yuan, with his extraordinary sensitivity, caught it, his eyes gleaming with awareness.

He knew that the enigmatic Devil Envoy had just issued a warning to Hu Tianyang.

Sure enough.

Hu Tianyang, who had been about to further challenge Su Yan, abruptly closed his mouth.

He glared at Su Yan, snorted coldly, and retreated to a corner, where he surprisingly took a seat in silence.

His modest fame in the Kingdom of Rewia and his distinction within the Hu family didn't mean he could afford to disregard the Devil Envoy's caution.

Like him, Devil Palace disciples from the Profound Sky Continent were stationed in various empires, and batches would periodically enter the Devil Palace for training.

But those who truly excelled and made rapid progress within the Devil Palace were few.

On this Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle alone, there were Yan Lu, Sheh Si, and Wu Pei.

Their family backgrounds, personal talents, and current accomplishments all outshone his.

And there were those born and bred on the Quietus Continent, the real prodigies of cultivation, considered by their sects as treasures and Demonic Seeds—next to them, Hu Tianyang was hardly noteworthy.

The Devil Envoy was a senior who had already made his mark in the sect, a Yang cultivator of high standing—how could Hu Tianyang possibly defy him?

Unless he, Hu Tianyang, was acknowledged by the Devil Palace as a Demonic Seed, it was wiser to stay in line.

"Cultivating the Purple Flame Demonic Fire is rumored to be quite challenging. How did you manage to master it?"

Sheh Si didn't bother returning to her own spot. Instead, she approached Yan Lu with an eager expression, eyeing the purple flame that had just receded from his fingertips. "Yan Lu, I've heard that cultivating the Purple Flame Demonic Fire requires the aid of special pellets. Come on, tell me the truth—did you get your hands on those pellets to practice this Devil Spell?"

Yan Lu, positioned before Yu Yuan, chuckled and offhandedly remarked, "There's no special pellet involved. It was just a stroke of good fortune that led me to cultivate it by chance."

Sheh Si was clearly skeptical, her gaze fixed on him as she relentlessly probed for the intricacies of cultivating the Purple Flame Demonic Fire.

This young lady from the Kingdom of Rewia had once attempted to master the Purple Flame Demonic Fire herself, but to no avail. She nearly damaged her own heart and lungs in the process and had to switch to practicing other Devil Spells.

Yet, her fascination with the Purple Flame Demonic Fire hadn't waned, which is why she was so intrigued by Yan Lu, who had succeeded at her level.

"You might as well ask Brother Wu; he's been to the sect," Yan Lu suggested with a dry cough, gesturing towards Wu Pei. "In the sect, there's bound to be a considerable number who have mastered such Devil Spells. Perhaps Brother Wu has even given it a shot himself. He's likely more knowledgeable than I am. You should talk to him."

"Wu Pei's as stubborn as they come, never willing to share anything. It's a waste of breath to ask him," Sheh Si retorted with little reverence for Wu Pei, chiding him before resuming her barrage of questions at Yan Lu.

Yan Lu was visibly exasperated.

Yu Yuan glanced at Su Yan with a smile, then settled back against the ship's railing, pulling out a Spirit Stone to resume his cultivation.

Su Yan returned the smile and gently closed her eyes.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan's attention shifted to the cabin, his brow furrowing.

As he had taken his seat, a mysterious Devil Envoy from the Devil Palace had sent forth a thread of soul consciousness that drifted towards him. It hovered like a devil's eye, seven feet above his head, silently observing him.

Yu Yuan surveyed the cabin, pinpointing the soul consciousness, and then looked up, locking eyes with the ethereal presence.

A soft "hmm" echoed within Yu Yuan's heart lake.

A moment later, the Devil Envoy's soul consciousness retreated back into the cabin.

It vanished without a trace, as if it had never been there, unnoticed by all but Yu Yuan.

"Heh, Lord Devil Envoy, there's nothing of interest to see here. My journey to the Ember Waters is simply following Zhou Cangmin of the Red Devil Sect's orders; I'm just going to try my luck," Yu Yuan mused to himself, well-versed in this silent exchange of thoughts.

He was confident that the enigmatic Devil Envoy of the Devil Palace would surely be listening.

Yet, the unseen Devil Envoy within the cabin offered no response.

With a nonchalant smile, Yu Yuan refrained from further conversation. He quietly engaged the Evil Body Refining Skill, drawing spiritual energy from the Spirit Stone to cleanse his flesh and blood. As he did so, he channeled the purified energy into the Yellow Court Little World.

With the Devil Envoy close by, Yu Yuan chose not to employ the "Glorious Heavenly Wheel," wary of drawing undue scrutiny.

The "Glorious Heavenly Wheel" was, after all, the signature technique that had brought the Mountain Lord of the Primordial Yang Sect to prominence. Should the Devil Envoy witness it, who knows what he might think.

The "Evil Body Refining Skill" originated from the now-defunct Evil Sect, a group once held in high esteem in the northern reaches of the Quietus Continent.

Despite its fall, members of the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect would all speak highly of the Evil Sect, often praising it with a thumbs-up. Their words carried nothing but admiration.

Thus, Yu Yuan practiced the Devil Spell of the Evil Sect without fear of the Devil Envoy's disapproval or suspicion.

Several days later, the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle traversed the Kingdom of Rewia and ventured into the vast ocean.

As they crossed into the sea, Su Yan, Hu Tianyang, Sheh Si, and Yan Lu all emerged from their meditative states. They gathered excitedly at the edge of the Devil Shuttle, gazing out at the azure expanse.

For these four, it seemed to be their first time stepping away from the Profound Sky Continent and into the endless sea.

Yu Yuan, who had nearly roamed the Boundless Land in his past life, remained unmoved by the sight.

"You're not a sect disciple."

Wu Pei, also remaining seated, unexpectedly initiated a conversation with Yu Yuan.

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