Unmatched Dominance/C40 The Young Man of the past the Old Devil of the Present
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Unmatched Dominance/C40 The Young Man of the past the Old Devil of the Present
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C40 The Young Man of the past the Old Devil of the Present

"Faang Yao."

Yu Yuan silently repeated the name, awash with emotion.

Three centuries earlier, a youth named Faang Yao belonged to the Red Devil Sect. His aptitude for cultivation was modest, his intellect dull.

Yet, his resilience shone as his most significant trait.

One year, Faang Yao sustained grave injuries while training outside. His life force nearly extinguished, he was taken to the Medicine God Sect by his master, who desperately sought healing.

Faang Yao was snatched from death's clutches with several Heaven Level pills.

His survival hinged not just on the miraculous effects of the pills, but also on his stubborn will to live.

That survival instinct made a lasting impression on Yu Yuan, who had encountered Faang Yao several times after his recovery.

In a past life, both Faang Yao and his master had been profoundly thankful to him.

The invaluable Heaven Level pills had indebted Faang Yao and his master to him greatly.

Recently, he had assured Yuan Qiufang that a commendable performance and obedience would earn a recommendation to the Red Devil Sect.

The individuals he intended to seek out were Faang Yao or his master.

Time had passed, and whether Faang Yao's master still lived was uncertain.

But Faang Yao, having advanced to the Soul Wandering Stage, undoubtedly held a high rank within the Red Devil Sect.

"After three hundred years, the Red Devil Sect's youth has become a formidable practitioner of the Soul Wandering Stage. It's no surprise that Ann and her senior brother would readily withdraw."

Within the fiery orb, only Faang Yao's Yin God was present.

Yet, even that compelled Ann Ziqing and her senior brother to abandon the Blazing Inferno Halberd and leave Yuan Qiufang behind, their departure signaling acquiescence.

"I recognize him, yet he does not recognize me," Yu Yuan mused, choosing not to disclose his identity or seek an audience with Faang Yao just yet.

With Faang Yao's arrival prompting the Blood God Cult's retreat from Darkmoon City, the crisis was averted.

Given the resolved situation, there was no rush to leverage his connection with Faang Yao; it could wait for a more opportune moment.

This encounter would remain as if it had never happened.

"Yuan Qiufang, from whom did you learn the Devil Refining Spell?" boomed Faang Yao's voice. "And how did the Blazing Inferno Halberd come into your possession? Why has its Artifact Soul acknowledged you?"

"It's like this," Yuan Qiufang began, poised to explain.

"Come with me."

Faang Yao let out a grunt as the Blazing Inferno Halberd shot out from the midst of the fireball, swiftly descending toward Yuan Qiufang.

After a brief hesitation, Yuan Qiufang prudently stepped onto the Blazing Inferno Halberd.


In an instant, the Blazing Inferno Halberd soared away, trailing the fiery orb as it departed from Jewelry Mount.

The onlookers in the valley gazed into the now-empty sky, utterly astounded.

"Soul Wandering Stage!"

"A Soul Wandering Stage master from the Red Devil Sect!"

"That elder from the Red Devil Sect—his true form might be thousands of miles distant. He must have been drawn here by the disturbance of the Blazing Inferno Halberd."

"To be at the Soul Wandering Stage... He's a top-tier figure, even on the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent."

"Such a rare sight to behold!"

The remnants of the three great families buzzed with conversation.

Their eyes turned to Yuan Lianyao with newfound reverence, contemplating that if the Yuan family could leverage Yuan Qiufang's connection to the Red Devil Sect, their standing in Darkmoon City would likely be unassailable.

"Elder Zhao, what of Huang Fann and the others?"

Yuan Lianyao's concern for her father lingered, but as the City Lord of Darkmoon, she knew her duties must go on.

"Most of the Huang family have been slain, including Huang Tianyi, whom we killed within the mountain," Zhao Zhenghao reported the outcomes of the battle. "However, Huang Fann, the head of the Huang family, along with several members, vanished within Jewelry Mount. The labyrinth of stone pathways crisscrossing through the mountain connects to the underground and the outside, making it impossible to eliminate everyone."

"So Huang Fann has slipped away," Yuan Lianyao said, her bright eyes flashing with ferocity. "Very well, let's have our family members head back immediately. Alert our people in the city to encircle the Huang family's estates and assets. Capture any Huang family members you find within the city alive. Anyone who resists is to be executed on the spot!"


Members of the Yuan, Zhao, and Yu families were promptly dispatched to carry out the orders in Darkmoon City.

"Brother Yu?"

Zhao Yafu approached, her expression one of concern as she noticed his distant gaze. Biting her lower lip, she asked anxiously, "What am I to do?"

She was referring to the young dragon's soul still ensnared in her palm, enveloped in a swirling mass of bloody light.


Yu Yuan finally snapped out of his deep reverie.

He was still struggling to reconcile the Faang Yao of the past with the one he had just encountered.

"Brother Yu, your acquaintance from the Blood God Cult has departed," Zhao Yafu remarked, her voice tinged with emphasis when she mentioned 'friend.' "You can't just leave me to deal with this problem inside me, can you? Please, I'm begging you, can you help me out? I haven't really wronged you before, have I?"

She moved closer, her eyes pleading as she gently shook Yu Yuan's arm, imploring him for assistance.

Yu Yuan glanced down at her and inquired, "Is the pain gone?"

"For the moment," Zhao Yafu replied hastily. "But I'm aware it's only the effect of the bloody light. I can't predict when it will fade after your friend's departure. Once it vanishes, it'll be back to its old ways, continuing to consume my vitality and draw strength from my soul."

"The bloody light won't fade quickly," Yu Yuan said, his brow creasing slightly. "And she's unlikely to retract it."

Zhao Yafu's spirits lifted at his words. "Did she leave it behind as a favor to you?"

Yu Yuan gave a nod of confirmation.

"Little sister owes you a great debt of gratitude, Brother Yu!" Zhao Yafu gushed with thanks.

"Let's disperse."

At that moment, Yuan Lianyao, showing signs of fatigue, gestured for everyone to cease their efforts.

The tumultuous events had brought the tri-realm competition to an abrupt halt.

"Elder Zhao, Old Master Yu, please come here," she beckoned softly, nodding towards Zhao Zhenghao, Yu Cann, and Zhao Dongsheng. Then, turning to Yu Yuan, she added, "And you, Yu Yuan."

"Don't worry about the young dragon's soul within you. I'll take care of it another day," Yu Yuan assured her.

"Understood." Zhao Yafu's eyes sparkled with relief. Without further ado, she exchanged a knowing glance with Zhao Xi and together they made their way out of the valley.

Zhao Dongsheng, as rotund as a mountain, made his way back from the mountainside and approached Yu Lili and Yu Cann, retrieving the Black Dragon Scissors that lay discarded on the ground.

With great formality, he presented the scissors to Yu Lili with both hands, declaring, "This artifact is a gift from the Zhao family. Regardless of whether Yu Yuan chooses to honor our private agreement, the Black Dragon Scissors are yours. Our gesture is not without reason; it's in gratitude for Yu Yuan's timely warning that spared Darkmoon City from calamity."

Yu Lili, taken aback by the gesture, hesitated as she regarded the Black Dragon Scissors.

"Just accept it," Yuan Lianyao interjected. "When it comes to recognition for this ordeal, the Yu family should be commended above all. As for the competition between the realms, let's set that aside. From now on, the Huang family's mines and spiritual veins outside the city will be managed by your family. Naturally, both our families, the Yuan and Zhao, will still take our share."

Yu Cann, confined to his wheelchair, couldn't hide his excitement. "Thank you, City Lord!" he exclaimed.

"Yu Lili, please accept the Black Dragon Scissors," he urged once more.

"Okay." Yu Lili, beaming, clutched the Black Dragon Scissors and cast a glance at her slowly approaching nephew, Yu Yuan, understanding that he was the pivotal reason behind this.

"You've earned this," Zhao Zhenghao chimed in, endorsing Yuan Lianyao's proposal. "The Huang family is now stricken from the records of Darkmoon City. Until a new family emerges, this city is under the stewardship of our three families. I hope we can all collaborate harmoniously going forward."

His voice betrayed his concern.

He was aware that Yuan Lianyao was fully cognizant of the clandestine dealings between the Huang family and Hidden Dragon Lake. Huang Fann and Yu Cann likely had their suspicions as well.

But that wasn't his fear.

His real worry was the young dragon soul within Zhao Yafu's body becoming a source of trouble. If word got out about Zhao Yafu's intention to assimilate it, Hidden Dragon Lake would surely hear of it.

And once Hidden Dragon Lake was informed, they wouldn't rest until the matter was settled.

The Zhao family's other connections had yet to respond definitively, leaving both Zhao Zhenghao and Zhao Dongsheng in a state of unease.

However, if the Yuan family were to align with the Red Devil Sect, and Yu Yuan could leverage Ann Ziqing to establish a connection between the Yu family and the Blood God Cult, then Hidden Dragon Lake might think twice before causing any trouble.

The Zhao family's gesture of giving away the Black Dragon Scissors without seizing major benefits from the departing Huang family was clearly an overture of friendship.

"Yu Yuan, how will the Red Devil Sect treat my father?"

Yuan Lianyao, who had already been busy redrawing the Huang family's borders with the Zhao and Yu families, couldn't wait to question him as he approached.

It was evident that this issue was her primary concern.

Zhao Zhenghao and Yu Cann, on the other hand, were baffled.

Was there any point in asking Yu Yuan about this?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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