Unmatched Dominance/C400 Ann Ziqing's Gift!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C400 Ann Ziqing's Gift!!
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C400 Ann Ziqing's Gift!!

The sun shone brilliantly, casting the clouds in pristine white.

Ann Ziqing approached with a grace that transcended her former status as a mere servant girl. Her smile was charming, her presence radiant and commanding. She was now a vision of stunning beauty.

Clad in divine armor, she gleamed under the sun's rays like a deity, her poise and spirit clearly elevating her above the rest. Despite her youth, her cultivation had reached the esteemed Yin God Stage, marking her as the true jewel of the Boundless Land.

Next to her, the likes of Su Yan, Sheh Si, Hu Tianyang, Wu Pei, and Yan Lu seemed to fade into insignificance.

Yu Yuan watched Ann Ziqing with a thoughtful gaze, realizing that she must have been born and raised on the Quietus Continent, with parents who were undoubtedly powerful cultivators in their own right. It was the only explanation for her achieving the Yin God Stage at such a young age.

The Yin God Stage!

It wasn't until he embarked on his own journey of cultivation that he truly understood the extent of Ann Ziqing's exceptional talent.

"It's been a long time," he said, his bright smile revealing a row of pearly white teeth.

"Young, Young Master?"

Confusion spread among Shi Si, Hu Tianyang, Wu Pei, and Yan Lu as they heard Ann Ziqing address him as "Young Master." Only Su Yan remained composed, her knowledge of the events in Darkmoon City and her interactions with Yuan Lianyao providing her with insight into the situation.

Van Chaoguan, practicing the Spiritual Spell of the Blood God Cult, watched Ann Ziqing's swift approach and her acknowledgment of Yu Yuan as "Young Master," equally bewildered.

What was happening?

This was Van Chaoguan's first encounter with Ann Ziqing. The Blood God Cult had authorized him to hunt cultivators in these waters and to refine his Yin God. They had assured him that a senior cultivator from the cult would oversee his safety from the shadows.

Should trouble arise, he was to use the jade ruyi to signal for assistance, and help would surely come. This promise gave him the confidence to act boldly, to kill without fear of retribution from other powerful cultivators.

The emergence of the Devil Palace and the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, however, was an unforeseen complication.

Confronted with the Devil Palace, the formidable cultivator commanding the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle knew he was outmatched. Thus, he summoned a guardian, never anticipating that Ann Ziqing would be the one to arrive.

Upon her arrival, Ann Ziqing greeted Yu Yuan with a sweet smile, affectionately addressing him as "Young Master." Van Chaoguan glanced between Yu Yuan and Ann Ziqing, his inner turmoil beyond words. While Ann Ziqing's origins and status were mysteries to many, Van Chaoguan, as a disciple cherished by the Blood God Cult, was privy to the whispers of her significance within the sect. He was well aware of the stature this purple-clad maiden held.

"Greetings, Miss Ann!" Van Chaoguan rose abruptly from his seat, bowing to Ann Ziqing with the utmost reverence. His movements were precise, his demeanor grave and respectful. After the bow, he kept his head down, not daring to look up again.

Ann Ziqing, however, didn't immediately acknowledge him. Instead, she turned to Yu Yuan with a smile, "Young Master, what brings you aboard the Devil Palace's Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle? Surely the Devil Palace hasn't spotted your potential and taken you on as a disciple?"

The cabin fell into an unusual silence, the younger peers listening intently.

"I'm headed to the Ember Waters and am merely using the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle for passage," Yu Yuan clarified.

"Not a sect disciple, indeed!" Hu Tianyang muttered to himself in disdain.

"I see," Ann Ziqing replied, her eyebrows lifting as she let out a soft chuckle. "I'll catch up with my young master shortly. Please, wait a moment. As for those cultivators from the Isle of the Drifting Spirits, we've already sent word. The ones truly affiliated with the Devil Palace are still alive and likely en route to the Ember Waters."

Her statement was clearly directed at the Devil Envoy.

With a flick of her delicate wrist, a crimson ribbon of light unfurled from her feet, stretching towards the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle. In the cabin, the Devil Envoy's soul stirred silently in response.

Ann Ziqing nodded, her tone laced with impatience, "I'm aware of the protocol."

She then turned back to Yu Yuan with a playful grin, "Young Master, you're not worried I might harm you, are you?"

"Not in the slightest," Yu Yuan responded with an easygoing air. Amidst the astonished looks from Yan Lu and Su Yan, he leapt onto the blood-red ribbon of light.

"Van Chaoguan, continue your training."

With these words, Ann Ziqing whisked Yu Yuan away into the distance, propelled by a blood-red streak of light.

"As you command."

Van Chaoguan then lifted his head, disregarding the predatory gaze of Wu Pei, and persisted in his spellcasting. With waves of crimson blood light, he struck down those shrouded by the blood cloud on the island.

Wu Pei was seething with anger. As he was about to erupt, his body quivered unexpectedly.

Like a deflated balloon, he shot up into the sky, then compliantly settled onto the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle. Casting a resentful glance at the cabin, he retreated to a corner to resume his cultivation.

Clearly, the enigmatic Devil Envoy from the Devil Palace had intervened, striking a silent accord with Ann Ziqing.

The incident at the Isle of Drifting Spirits was thus left unresolved.

"Isn't Yu Yuan one of our own disciples?"

After Ann Ziqing and Yu Yuan vanished, Hu Tianyang, his voice strained, turned to Yan Lu with a question. "Why did the Blood God Cult's envoy address him as 'Young Master'? Is he possibly affiliated with the Blood God Cult?"

Both Wu Pei and Sheh Si looked on with piqued curiosity.

Yan Lu grimaced. "I truly have no idea."

How did Yu Yuan become entangled with the Blood God Cult?

Wasn't he supposed to be aligned with the Red Devil Sect?

Rubbing his temples, Yan Lu felt increasingly perplexed by Yu Yuan. It began with Zhou Cangmin, who had achieved the Yang God form, vouching for Yu Yuan and brokering a deal with the Devil Envoy to secure him passage on the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle to the Ember Waters.

He had also learned that Qin Yun, unable to remain in the Rainier Empire and ousted from his sect, had sought refuge with Yu Yuan.

And now, a formidable disciple of the Blood God Cult was addressing him as 'Young Master'?

The girl in purple, whom Van Chaoguan treated with such deference, was undoubtedly a significant figure within the Blood God Cult. To think she was acquainted with Yu Yuan and even considered herself his servant.

"The young lady's name is Ann Ziqing. She spent many years with the Yu family, concealing her true identity while serving Yu Yuan," Su Yan interjected, offering clarification. "Oh, and the Huang family from Darkmoon City, which had deep ties to the Blood God Cult, has been annihilated. With the fall of the Huang family, Ann Ziqing's identity came to light, prompting her departure from Darkmoon City."

She had thoroughly investigated and understood the ins and outs of the situation, and she was well aware of who Ann Ziqing was.

"Impossible!" Yan Lu was nearly leaping with disbelief. "She's so young, yet already a Yin God. In the Blood God Cult, across the entire Quietus Continent, and even throughout the Boundless Land, she should be peerless! With her exalted status, why would she demean herself to serve as a maid to Yu Yuan?"

"The fact of the matter is just that," Su Yan affirmed.

"I can't make heads or tails of it. I really can't," Yan Lu said, shaking his head in bewilderment. He glanced toward the cabin, considering how even the Devil Envoy from the Devil Palace showed Ann Ziqing respect by leaving the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle here for her. It was clear evidence of her prominence.

"I'm just as puzzled," Su Yan admitted with a smile.

She wanted to add that there were even more baffling things she'd encountered—phenomena in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and the Absence Relic that defied explanation and belief.

"Lim Zhuyun and the Lim family are truly..."

She shook her head instinctively, passing judgment.


"Thank you, Young Master."

They were welcomed by a lush, verdant island teeming with dense vegetation. Ann Ziqing gave a graceful bow, her smile genuine.

Yu Yuan, having just descended from the crimson light, was perplexed. "Thank me for what?"

"Young Master, you've done so much. Have you truly forgotten?" Ann Ziqing's smile blossomed like a fresh flower. "Shall I jog your memory?"

"Go ahead," Yu Yuan prompted.

"Jade Peak, Chilly Wind Valley," Ann Ziqing hinted.

After a moment's pause, realization dawned on Yu Yuan. "Has Ann Jieshan returned?"

"He is an esteemed elder of the Ann family!" Ann Ziqing's demeanor turned reverent. "After years of concealing himself and enduring hardships abroad, he's finally broken free. Since his return to the Blood God Cult, he has spoken of you on several occasions..."

Ann Ziqing's eyes sparkled. "And he has nothing but high praise for you!"

Ann Jieshan, the brother of the Blood God Cult's founder, had once gone into hiding at the Profound Sky Sect, taking refuge in the Niwan acupoint of a prodigy to secretly learn their sacred arts. Even after being discovered, the Profound Sky Sect couldn't lay a hand on him.

After sustaining severe injuries, he was confined within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. Nevertheless, he broke free from his restraints and ventured to Chilly Wind Valley in the Jade Peak mountain range. There, he colluded with Zhou Cangmin to seize a Heaven Palace Seal.

Ann Jieshan returned to the Blood God Cult and immersed himself in the blood pool. His power likely surged, and his lost memories began to resurface.

His comeback significantly bolstered the Blood God Cult's might. The myriad of secret arts he reintroduced, blending the ingenious concepts of the Profound Sky Sect with those of the Blood God Cult, promised even greater prospects for the cult's future.

In all this, Yu Yuan played a pivotal role.

Ann Ziqing was well aware of these events, which is why she offered her thanks.

"It was merely a stroke of luck," Yu Yuan responded with a nonchalant air. "Cough, cough. As for Fan Chaoguan in Darkmoon City, I..."

"It's a trivial matter," Ann Ziqing interjected with a smile, brushing it off. "Young Master, I must reiterate, our Blood God Cult is truly evolving. Since his return, we've reevaluated and refined our secret arts. Should you seek affiliation with a sect, consider joining us. We can accelerate your rise to power."

"I haven't quite made up my mind about that," Yu Yuan replied.

"I've heard about your dealings with Zhou Cangmin. Be cautious; the legend from the Red Devil Sect is no ordinary figure," Ann Ziqing advised after a pause. "Anything the Red Devil Sect can offer, we can match. Moreover, considering your journey to the Ember Waters, given your current state..."

"I am admittedly underpowered," Yu Yuan conceded.

"Take this," Ann Ziqing said, presenting a conch-shaped object. "This will at least enable you to submerge into the deep sea. And this bracelet—I've had it ready since shortly after his return, waiting for an opportunity to gift it to you. You must accept it."

"Within the bracelet lies a blood jade pendant. Should you encounter any of our disciples, you can reveal it to them," Ann Ziqing explained.

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled as he recognized the item. "The Mustard Seed Bracelet."

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