Unmatched Dominance/C409 Unrestricted!
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Unmatched Dominance/C409 Unrestricted!
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C409 Unrestricted!

"They appear to be quite close," observed an onlooker.

Aboard the Cold Yin Sect's flying carpet, Tang Can was in no rush to descend into the sea. His journey to the Ember Waters was solely to accompany Lim Zhuyun, without any other objectives in mind. Witnessing the Silver Moon Sect's maiden boldly extend her hand to Yu Yuan and plunge into the sea without a second thought, Tang Can couldn't help but feel astonished.

At the Primordial Yang Sect, despite his connection to his grandfather, Tang Zheng, Tang Can wouldn't presume to claim the title of the foremost among the new generation. The sect was home to another prodigy, one who had mastered the Eight Refined Yellow Court and commanded universal admiration. Next to this individual, even Tang Can felt a sense of inferiority.

Lau Ying's birth in the Divine Might Empire was marked by an extraordinary celestial event that had the Silver Moon Sect treating her like a star surrounded by adoring moons. They had eagerly anticipated her arrival, almost as if welcoming her emergence from the sea itself.

In the Primordial Yang Sect, Tang Can was not considered the top of his generation. Lau Ying, on the other hand, was the undisputed first of the Silver Moon Sect. Her impact was so profound that no one in the sect's history had ever shone as brightly or stirred the cosmos as she did from the moment of her birth. Lau Ying's brilliance wasn't confined to the seven lower sects; she was a standout even on the grand stage of the Heavenly Source Continent.

Tang Can was well aware that without the backing of the Primordial Yang Sect, he paled in comparison to Lau Ying. Inside the sect, the one who had perfected the Eight Refined Yellow Court was widely acknowledged as a future Primordial Spirit, and it was rumored that even he harbored a keen interest in Lau Ying. Yet, Lau Ying had never shown him the slightest bit of warmth, much less any affection.

This indifference was a source of embarrassment for both the admirer and the Primordial Yang Sect as a whole. Lau Ying was, without a doubt, set to become the next helmsman of the Silver Moon Sect. Should she favor that individual and reciprocate his affections, the Primordial Yang Sect could effortlessly envelop the Silver Moon Sect without spilling a drop of blood. Could there be a more advantageous deal?

The entire Primordial Yang Sect was thus eagerly anticipating a sign of Lau Ying's favor. Alas, fate had other plans, and Lau Ying showed no interest in that person.

Because of his presence, Tang Can had never entertained any thoughts about Lau Ying. But now, seeing her proactively reach out to Yu Yuan amidst the watchful eyes of the Ember Waters, it served as a jolt to Tang Can.

For one, Lau Ying had shown no interest in that man, having outright rejected his advances.

Moreover, Yu Yuan was the woman Tang Can admired, his fiancée in name.

What irked Tang Can was Lim Zhuyun's cautiousness due to their betrothal; she maintained a deliberate distance from him both in public and private, never allowing for undue closeness.

Lim Zhuyun was concerned about her reputation, candidly admitting she didn't want to be the subject of gossip.

Her concern was so great that, because of the marriage contract, she was always mindful of her image, avoiding any physical contact with Tang Can.

Did Yu Yuan ever care?

First, he was seen enjoying Su Yan's company on the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, with Sheh Si eagerly waiting nearby.

And now, he was openly exchanging flirtatious glances with Lau Ying!

The thought ignited a fire in Tang Can, his gaze growing steely as he said, "Junior Sister Lim, in my view, he's never cared about the constraints of any marriage contract. He's never given a second thought to you! That so-called contract holds no sway over him; he does as he pleases!"

Lim Zhuyun, head bowed, responded softly, "What are you implying, Senior Brother Tang?"

"Could it be that, deep down, you've always cared for him?" Tang Can's voice was thick with emotion as he pressed, "You're concerned about the marriage contract! You avoid me because he holds a place in your heart, doesn't he?"

At this, Tang Can was nearly beside himself, his vital energy roiling with intensity.

He could handle his beloved being betrothed to another; he had ways to deal with that.

But if she harbored feelings for another, not giving him a second thought, that was an entirely different issue.

"Senior Brother Tang, you're mistaken," Lim Zhuyun insisted, looking up.

"Whether it's a misunderstanding, only you know the truth!" Tang Can inhaled deeply, struggling to regain his composure, "We'll settle this at the sea's bottom!"

In that moment, Tang Can's resolve to kill was unshakable. "Fiancé? Will he still matter to you once he's dead?"

Like a fierce inferno, Tang Can plunged into the sea.

The fiery intensity hadn't subsided when he began his descent toward the Silver Moon Sect's location.

Watching him, Lim Zhuyun was momentarily spellbound, then with a soft sigh, she transformed into a beam of icy light and submerged into the ocean depths.

Following suit, practitioners from the seven lower sects sequentially made their way into the sea.

The sect elders, who had led them to this point, chose islands at random to take root and cultivate using spirit jades and Spirit Crystals.

Others, aware that time was on their side, soared off, planning to return when it was time to collect their charges.

Faang Yao summoned a great fireball and vanished into it, drifting far away.

The Python Queen, Xu Zixi, noted the quieting or departing crowd and turned back to the Withered Bone Pavilion.

Inside the bone-constructed pavilion, a massive crow watched her intently, its eyes wide open.

With no outsiders present, the crow remained in its true form, sprawled lazily on the ground, wings relaxed and spread.

The vast pavilion was dominated by the presence of this single demon, his scent permeating every corner.

"Was it he who brought Yu Zhu from the Jade Peak to the Absence Relic?" the crow squawked sharply, "His mastery of the Evil Body Refining Skill is quite remarkable."

Xu Zixi responded with an easy smile, "Indeed, he was the one who led Yu Zhu out. And Yu Zhu's acquisition of the Asura's eyeball from the Dark Domain, which allowed him to resonate with the Absence Relic's Great Dao, owes much to his efforts."

"This little one was able to assist Yu Zhu?" the crow asked skeptically.

Xu Zixi kept the true details to herself, not revealing that Yu Yuan had obtained the sword soul of the Chopping Moon cultivator and, with the residual sword light in the sheath, had managed to suppress and even extinguish the Asura's lingering spirit from the Dark Domain.

After consultation with Zhou Cangmin, they had agreed to maintain secrecy.

As a result, the details remained unknown to both the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace.

The representatives from the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace who had come to examine Yu Yuan's soul were doing so because Yu Zhu, the future Demon God, had been brought forth from the Jade Peak to the Absence Relic by Yu Yuan.

The Devil Palace and the Demon Palace had never before shown such interest in Yu Zhu, regarding him as the Quietus Continent's equivalent of a White Divine Tiger!

The Demon God's influence on the grand scheme of the entire Boundless Land would be profound.

Yu Yuan, trusted by Yu Zhu, was seen as a wildcard by both the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace!

They needed to keep a close eye on him to ensure he didn't disrupt Yu Zhu's progression and spoil their grand plans.

Initially, Yu Yuan struggled to adapt when he first plunged into the sea, his eyes stinging from the salty water.

But in time, he grew accustomed to the underwater environment.

Beneath the waves, a vibrant world teemed with colorful fish, turtles, sea snakes, and coral.

Wearing a conch-shaped breathing apparatus gifted by Ann Ziqing, Yu Yuan's body relaxed and soon, tiny bubbles emerged from his skin.

"Origin Core Body!"

A smile of delight broke across Yu Yuan's face in a flash.

He then returned the breathing device to the Mustard Seed Bracelet.

Lau Ying, who had accompanied him, was startled and quickly turned to look.


A halo of starlight burst forth from Lau Ying, forming a dazzling Starlight Barrier around her.

She enveloped herself first, then with a strong tug, pulled Yu Yuan inside as well.

Due to inertia, Yu Yuan was drawn close to Lau Ying within the barrier, their bodies pressing together.

Their clothes, soaked through, clung to their skin, making them acutely aware of each other's presence.

Yu Yuan's heightened senses allowed him to appreciate the softness and firmness of Lau Ying's waist where they touched.

"What happened?"

Lau Ying gently pushed him back, her eyes narrowed in playful reproach, and spoke within the Starlight Barrier, "You put away the breathing device. How do you expect to survive underwater?"

Without having reached the Profound Break Stage, his central dantian remained closed, and his eight extraordinary meridians could not flow freely, which should have made breathing impossible.

Unable to refine the seawater's oxygen for his lungs, he would not survive.

"It turns out, I don't need the breathing device after all," Yu Yuan said with an easy smile, amused by how Lau Ying's voice seemed to come from all directions within the Starlight Barrier. "As soon as I dived in, I discovered that my skin can actually extract oxygen from the seawater directly into my lungs."

"Skin, pores?" exclaimed Lau Ying in surprise.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod.

Instantly, Lau Ying realized, "Ah, it's a Yuan fetus body!"

Those with a Yuan fetus body can absorb spiritual energy through their pores. Aside from breathing in the spiritual essence of heaven and earth through their mouths and noses, their pores can draw in spiritual energy in an entirely different manner, channeling it directly into their dantian.

Advanced practitioners will, over time, cultivate their bodies to eventually acquire a Yuan fetus body.

A rare few are born with this ability, naturally absorbing spiritual energy through their pores.

They can also draw oxygen from seawater through their pores, directly into their hearts and lungs.

Upon hearing Yu Yuan's explanation, Lau Ying immediately understood that he was naturally endowed with a Yuan fetus body. Below the ocean's surface, he could breathe effortlessly without any breathing apparatus, even before attaining the Profound Break Stage.

She had been fretting over nothing.

"Why didn't you mention this sooner?" She gave Yu Yuan an annoyed look and released his hand, saying huffily, "I was concerned you'd struggle underwater. Even with a breathing device, you'd likely swallow a few gulps of water before getting acclimated. Had I known you were a Yuan fetus from birth, I wouldn't have bothered pulling you into the sea back at the Fallen Star Eyes."

"I had no idea that a Yuan fetus body could survive underwater," Yu Yuan protested, his face the picture of aggrieved innocence.

"Alright, alright," Lau Ying said, fixing him with a stern look. Noticing he didn't shy away from her touch, she huffed, "Since you're a Yuan fetus, I don't need to fuss over you. Get going. Maintaining a star energy barrier underwater is incredibly draining. Plus, the barrier creates a vacuum that repels the water, making it even harder to sink."

Yu Yuan had also realized that they were floating within the sea, unable to descend.

Lau Ying was clearly still casting spells to increase gravity, preventing them from bobbing up to the surface.

Suddenly, a fierce blaze of light streaked across the distance.

As Lau Ying was about to send Yu Yuan out of the Starlight Barrier, she caught sight of the approaching light and her face tensed. "Wait," she said quickly, "that's Tang Cann from the Primordial Yang Sect!"

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