Unmatched Dominance/C424 Yu Yuan's Magic Power!
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Unmatched Dominance/C424 Yu Yuan's Magic Power!
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C424 Yu Yuan's Magic Power!

"Who is this guy spouting endless nonsense?"

"Senior Sister Lu, I recommend we cast him out and leave him to his fate!"

"This man's wild claims within the pearl are causing widespread alarm!"

The remnants of the Profound Sky Sect, Primordial Yang Sect, and Sword Sect fixed Yu Yuan with furious stares, each taking their turn to denounce him.

Over at the Red Devil Sect, thanks to Hou Tianzhao's overtures of friendship, the rest, though irked by Yu Yuan, were forced to bite their tongues in silence.

Similarly, Chi Nandou and his fellow disciples from the Heavenly Evil Sect wore grim expressions.

Yu Yuan had barely set foot in the pearl before he managed to alienate everyone with just a handful of remarks.

The majority inside the pearl still harbored hopes that the custodians of the Devil Palace and Demon Palace would detect the trouble and descend in time to lend aid.

Yu Yuan's pronouncement had effectively dashed their hopes, plunging them into a situation as good as death.


Tang Can's face was a mask of ice as he addressed the members of the Primordial Yang Sect and Cold Yin Sect, "Does he really think his words can change anything? Trying to court popularity at a time like this is sheer folly."

Watching Yu Yuan alienate everyone upon arrival only diminished him further in Tang Can's eyes.

He pondered, "What stroke of luck allowed this kid to integrate a Soul Artifact into himself, nearly catching me off guard at our first encounter?"

He didn't consider Yu Yuan's exceptional cultivation of the mysterious Soul Art, attributing his strength to reliance on external objects.

"Could it be happening all over again?" Lim Zhuyun whispered to herself.

A wave of déjà vu washed over her, reminiscent of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where Yu Yuan, once the underdog, had slowly but surely seized control, compelling genuine allegiance and following from all.

As the crowd leveled accusations, a tall, composed figure from the Sword Sect felt a stir.

He was Kong Banbi, the leading disciple of the Sword Sect, in the early stages of the Penetrating Stage.

As Yu Yuan gripped the sword sheath and entered the Rosy Cloud Pearl, he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the sheath, his brow furrowed in concentration. It wasn't until he placed the sheath into the Mustard Seed Bracelet that he finally exhaled a long sigh of relief, the weight on his heart lifting, leaving him feeling significantly lighter.

"Why would you say that?" Kong Banbi stepped forward from the group of Sword Sect cultivators, positioning himself squarely in front of Yu Yuan with a stern look. "Do you have any proof to back that up?"

"Senior Kong, why even engage with him?" a plump-faced young girl from the Sword Sect huffed dismissively.

With a soft snort, Kong Banbi silenced her and the rest of the Sword Sect survivors.

He kept his eyes on Yu Yuan, firm in his stance. "You can't just spout baseless claims."

Yu Yuan couldn't help but chuckle in astonishment, looking at the solemn man before him, a fellow disciple of the Sword Sect like Chen Qingyan. "So, do you think I'm just being alarmist and talking nonsense?"

After a moment's thought, Kong Banbi replied, "No, I don't believe you are."

"I don't believe it either!" Hou Tianzhao bellowed, drawing everyone's gaze before addressing Lu Baichan. "I stand by what I said—stop worrying about the other survivors! I'm not sure if the situation at sea is as dire as Yu Yuan describes, with the elders unable to fend for themselves."

"I'm convinced that staying submerged for an extended period isn't sustainable!"

"That entity will surely be found! And when it is, we're all doomed!"

On the Quietus Continent, sects like the Red Devil Sect and the Fiend Sect adhered to a brutal survival-of-the-fittest creed, showing no regard for camaraderie within the sect. To them, the dead were simply the incapable, unworthy of a second thought.

However, the Profound Sky Sect, the Primordial Yang Sect, and the Sword Sect held their bonds in higher esteem, still valuing their fraternal connections.

Lu Baichan, in particular, couldn't shake the feeling that not all of her departed comrades were lost. She clung to the hope of finding and rescuing them.

"I refuse to remain at the bottom of the sea..."

Yu Yuan spoke up once more, his voice and gaze dripping with scorn and derision. "From the ocean floor to the surface, there's that deep blue veil in the way. Trying to flee to another sea region? How can you be sure of the extent of this deep blue veil? And how do you know whether the entire seabed of the Ember Waters isn't enveloped by it?"

His words were directed at Hou Tianzhao, who was desperate to escape. Upon hearing them, Hou Tianzhao's face froze, and he forced a dry, awkward laugh. His smile was so forced it was more painful to look at than tears. "Brother Yu, it can't be as dire as you're making it out to be, right?"

"Brother Hou, we hit it off from the start, so I won't keep you in the dark," Yu Yuan said with a heavy sigh, his tone laden with deep concern. "I've just returned from the very edge of the Ember Waters. And I'll be frank—the outermost reaches are also shrouded by this deep blue veil. There's simply no escaping it."

Hou Tianzhao of the Red Devil Sect slumped onto the colorful light curtain, lamenting, "I'm done for! I never should have come to the Ember Waters. After spending so long in the Red Devil Sect, constantly purified by fire and magma, I thought I'd take it easy and unwind here."

"If I had known it would come to this, I'd have stayed put and diligently continued honing my spiritual sense."

Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect, upon hearing Yu Yuan's revelation, lapsed back into silence. After a moment, he shook his head and retreated to the midst of the other survivors from his sect.

"Is that so?" Lu Baichan of the Profound Sky Sect asked, her lips quivering as if mirroring her troubled heart. Her voluptuous figure and exquisite features were set against a backdrop of violently trembling light—reflecting the turmoil within her.

"Without a doubt," Yu Yuan affirmed, his eyes methodically scanning the group. "This Rosy Jenny seems primarily designed for defense and accumulating spiritual energy, not for offense. Thus, it stands little chance of piercing the deep blue veil. Does anyone here possess a treasure with earth-shattering offensive power?"

"I'm talking about something that can shatter barriers and strike with the force of at least Seventh Grade Heaven Level—do any of you have such a weapon?"

According to what he had learned from the Chaos Roc, and its knowledge of the deep blue veil, only a weapon of at least Seventh Grade Heaven Level, renowned for its fierce sharpness, might have a shot at penetrating the light screen.

The sword's sheath held an aura and intent with the power to accomplish just that.

Yet, these were remnants of the Chopping Moon cultivator's legacy—finite and irreplaceable, incapable of being refined or gathered again.

Yu Yuan's venture into the Rosy Jenny was to ascertain whether individuals from esteemed sects like the Red Devil Sect and the Fiend Sect possessed such rare artifacts.

"Such treasures, Seventh Grade Heaven Level or higher, are typically reserved for the attack..."

"Normally, only Yang God Stage cultivators from major sects are deemed worthy to hold them."

"Where could we possibly find one?"

A collective sigh and rueful head shakes spread among the group; it was clear they were without.

"Lau Ying!"

"The Silver Moon Sect's Fallen Star Eyes should meet the criteria!"

"If we find Lau Ying, there's hope!"

Chi Nandou of the Fiend Sect was the first to catch on.

Following his lead, a spark of realization ignited in the others, and they responded in chorus.

Yu Yuan, having planted the seed of thought, felt reassured as the conversation turned to the Fallen Star Eyes, adding, "Indeed, the Fallen Star Eyes might just possess such strength!"

"I'll go find her!" Lu Baichan resolved then and there.

She ceased her aimless wandering and search for any possible survivors, focusing instead on Lau Ying and the Fallen Star Eyes as Yu had anticipated. With the knowledge that the "deep blue veil" shrouded the ocean floor of the Ember Waters, not just the surface, and that escape hinged on a divine weapon capable of penetrating the sealing light, she was determined to heed the advice.

The trajectory of the Rosy Jenny shifted from its sluggish pace to the swift brilliance of twilight.

Across the way, Lim Zhuyun of the Cold Yin Sect harbored mixed emotions, thinking to herself, "Indeed, it is as I suspected."

She had the eerie feeling of history repeating itself.

Yu Yuan, undeniably the underdog with unremarkable cultivation and combat prowess, always managed to emerge as a leader in times of crisis. He had a knack for getting others to follow his lead, to place their trust in him.

Lu Baichan, Hou Tianzhao, Kong Banbi—weren't they all superior to him in both cultivation and status?

Yet, the outcome was Lu Baichan abandoning his initial plan to search independently, instead taking the Rosy Jenny to seek out Lau Ying.

After all, it was Yu Yuan who suggested finding Lau Ying, the one who had led him to the sea, wasn't it?

"What gives him this kind of influence, or should I say, this enchantment?" Lim Zhuyun was awash with bewilderment, her emotions a tumultuous blend as if a bottle containing a mix of flavors had shattered within her.

"Brother Yu, come over here, let's get to know each other better, have a chat!" Hou Tianzhao's smile was radiant and inviting, a stark contrast to his demeanor towards Chi Nandou. He eagerly drew Yu Yuan in, launching into an animated conversation.

Libre Baskerville
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