Unmatched Dominance/C425 Not Saving Them When They Were in Danger
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Unmatched Dominance/C425 Not Saving Them When They Were in Danger
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C425 Not Saving Them When They Were in Danger

From the moment Yu Yuan stepped into the "Rosy Jenny," Hou Tianzhao had warmly extended his friendship. Yu Yuan was well aware that this member of the Red Devil Sect must have learned of his arrival through Zhou Cangmin or the Python Queen, Xu Zixi.

He surmised that had he not accepted Lau Ying's invitation mid-journey and disembarked from the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle to join the Silver Moon Sect in their descent, the Red Devil Sect might have welcomed him into their fold. After all, it was the White-robed Imperial Advisor, Zhou Cangmin, a Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect, who had orchestrated his trial in the Ember Waters.

Given Zhou Cangmin's ties, as well as his connections to Yuan Qiufang and Yuan Lianyao of the Yuan family, Yu Yuan harbored a favorable view of the Red Devil Sect. So when Hou Tianzhao reached out, Yu Yuan saw no reason to refuse his overtures.

Thus, as Lu Baichan piloted the "Rosy Jenny" through the ocean depths in search of the Fallen Star Eyes and Lau Ying, Yu Yuan and Hou Tianzhao found themselves deep in amiable conversation.

Both men were astute; Hou Tianzhao didn't need to spell out that he was aware of Yu Yuan's background. And Yu Yuan, for his part, didn't call him out, choosing instead to share tales of his underwater adventures.

"Brother Yu, you mentioned the 'Dark Blue Curtain'—does it have an actual name?" Hou Tianzhao inquired, gesturing toward the sea. "Also, how did the 'Dark Blue Curtain' come into existence?"

At this, Chi Nandou of the Fiend Sect perked up with curiosity, awkwardly edging closer to the conversation.

Hou Tianzhao frowned and gestured dismissively, "Stay back! You can listen, but please maintain some distance."

Although the Fiend Sect and the Red Devil Sect were not adversaries, often collaborating on the Quietus Continent, Hou Tianzhao's distaste for Chi Nandou was evident, though he stopped short of outright hostility. He also recognized Chi Nandou's cunning and the Fiend Sect's formidable reputation.

Amidst the shifting tides beneath the sea and within the confines of the "Rosy Jenny," alliances were critical. With the presence of Kong Banbi from the Sword Sect and Tang Cann from the Primordial Yang Sect, Yu Yuan knew that if tensions escalated, Chi Nandou and the Fiend Sect could become valuable allies.

"I'll take your advice."

Chi Nandou was visibly upset, yet he refrained from getting any closer due to Hou Tianzhao's remarks.

"It's difficult to discern the truth," Yu Yuan responded cryptically, glancing at the Chaos Roc hovering nearby. "One thing you should be aware of is that the 'Deep Blue Dark Curtain' definitely encompasses the entire seabed of the Ember Waters. And it's highly likely that it extends over the skies outside as well."

Hou Tianzhao's face fell. "So, are you saying that those above will face obstacles when trying to leave the Ember Waters and return to their respective sects?"

Yu Yuan nodded affirmatively. "The barriers and seals above might actually be more formidable. In contrast, the sea below might offer an easier path to breakthrough."

"How do you know all this?" Chi Nandou inquired, his tone tinged with melancholy.

Yu Yuan just smiled, offering no reply.

The Rosy Jenny continued its underwater flight until Lu Baichan, who was at its helm, suddenly looked startled.

Her bright eyes widened with amazement. "There's an overwhelmingly powerful life force!"

"Where?" demanded Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect.

"There!" Lu Baichan pointed decisively.

Kong Banbi paused before adding, "The Rosy Jenny is decent in sensing, but projection isn't its forte."

He withdrew a copper mirror from his chest.

The palm-sized, oval mirror shimmered with a rippling surface.

"The Illusion Mirror!"

The Sword Sect's disciples murmured in recognition as he produced the mirror.

Lu Baichan gave it a brief look and nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the Rosy Jenny's projection capabilities are no match for the Illusion Mirror." She was clearly familiar with the item.

Kong Banbi formed a mystical seal with his palm, pressing it against the mirror.

The undulating light on the mirror's surface instantly stilled, becoming as reflective as glass.

Within the small mirror, a Golden Barbarian Ox appeared, its form clear and distinct.

The ox, bathed in resplendent golden light, moved through the sea, its hooves parting the waters effortlessly.

Its sorrowful, desolate eyes conveyed a profound sadness. As it navigated the depths, it seemed to rush aimlessly, lost and directionless.

"It's the one!"

Hou Tianzhao let out a soft exclamation, "That's the Demon Clan's leader. It led the first group, taking more than twenty of its kind into the sea. It's still alive. Should we...?"

The Devil Palace, Demon Hall, and Red Devil Sect all descended into the sea together, and the Golden Barbarian Ox was at the helm of the Demon Clan.

The majority of the Demon Clan lacked the ability to shapeshift into human form unless they reached a certain level.


Yu Yuan shook his head decisively, leaving no room for debate.

Hou Tianzhao was taken aback, "I haven't even said what yet."

"Don't rescue it, and don't bother with it!"

Yu Yuan's next words were directed at Lu Baichan of the Profound Sky Sect, "Activate the Rosy Jenny and get as far away from it as possible!" His tone was now commanding.

Behind Lu Baichan, the remaining trialists of the Profound Sky Sect gave him a deep, cold stare, barely containing their anger.

Yu Yuan's bold declarations had already ruffled their feathers. Had Lu Baichan not been holding them back, they would have silenced him by now.

How dare someone of the mere Yellow Court Stage, who descended with the Silver Moon Sect, presume to direct the actions of our Profound Sky Sect?

"Are you giving me orders?"

Lu Baichan's annoyance was palpable. His temper rising, his handsome face grew colder by the second, "This one is not like the ordinary Demon Clan. He's their leader for this expedition! Plus, he's not far from us. I can save you, all of you! Why shouldn't we include him?"

"I believe he could be of use to everyone!"

Seeing Yu Yuan's look of disgust, Lu Baichan felt repulsed.

"Those who consort with the Red Devil Sect and the Fiend Sect are cut from the same cloth, heartless and cold-blooded! To laugh and chat while so many of your own have perished, without a care—such is the way of the cultivators from the northern Quietus Continent."

"Brother, is it necessary to insult me like that?" Hou Tianzhao retorted with a snort.

Chi Nandou was unfazed, chuckling, "Life and death are decreed by fate. Our cultivation is governed by such principles."

"It's of no help to anyone," Yu Yuan declared, watching as Lu Baichan stubbornly steered the Rosy Jenny towards the Golden Barbarian Ox. "If you're willing to drag everyone down with you, then by all means, attempt a rescue. We're only alive and evade pursuit because the demons are the primary targets of the alien race!"

"What!?" Lu Baichan exclaimed in shock.

"The alien race craves the most potent and dense flesh, with demons at the top of their list, followed by fiendish cultivators," Yu Yuan explained, taking a deep breath. "We're still breathing, not hunted down, because those creatures prioritize demons and fiends. The human trial-takers we've encountered were merely collateral damage."

"How much do you actually know?" Lu Baichan demanded, alarmed.

"If the demons are the initial focus, they'll draw the alien race's attention first..."

Tang Can of the Primordial Yang Sect stepped forward, his eyes—one gold, one scarlet—blazing like torches as he fixed his gaze on the Chaos Roc floating beside Yu Yuan. "Isn't this fish a demon? You entered with it, didn't you? Aren't you also a target, potentially leading the alien race here?"

His words cast a wave of suspicion over Yu Yuan.

Had Yu Yuan not mentioned that the demons were a target, allowing Lu Baichan to rescue the Golden Barbarian Ox, perhaps no one would have questioned the fish's presence.

But now...

Bringing a Demonic Fish and claiming that demons, with their robust essence, would be the first attacked by the alien beings, seemed contradictory. Was he not putting everyone at risk?

"You mean this creature?" Yu Yuan turned to glance at the Chaos Roc and responded, "It's not a concern. The alien beings wreaking havoc in the ocean depths won't bother with it. It's too insignificant, barely worth their notice. You've all sensed it—it lacks the strong essence to be considered a target."

"This is precisely what puzzles me," Tang Can retorted with a huff. "It doesn't possess a remarkable essence, nor is it a great demon, so how does it manage to hover perpetually? Can you offer a logical explanation for that?"

"I don't have the luxury of time to explain everything. If you're set on rescuing the Golden Barbarian Ox, or if you remain inactive for an extended period," Yu Yuan said, his demeanor carefree as he flashed a smile, "then fine, I'll take my leave!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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