Unmatched Dominance/C426 Splitting!
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Unmatched Dominance/C426 Splitting!
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C426 Splitting!

He boarded the Rosy Jenny solely to facilitate the search for Lau Ying.

Truth be told, Yu Yuan was indifferent to the fate of everyone inside the Pearl.

The Tears of Blue Devil served as the Blue Devil Clan's Aura Altar, demanding a torrent of blood and Qi. Thus, the Demon Clan was the prime choice, followed by Demonic Cultivators, and finally, the physically frail Human Clan.

Moreover, Yu Yuan was aware that the Chaos Roc, from one of Ember Waters' three great enigmas, was also a target of the Tears of Blue Devil.

The Chaos Roc desperately fought to break free from the sunken ship, driven by its instinct to survive.

Given the Chaos Roc's rank and intellect, it could conceal its presence, evading the Tears of Blue Devil's search—if not for the thirty-six stone pillars restraining it.

The Golden Barbarian Ox from the Demon Clan, on the other hand, lacked such capability.

Being in such close proximity to the Golden Barbarian Ox, the Rosy Jenny was in considerable peril.

And yet, Lu Baichan was determined to approach and rescue the Golden Barbarian Ox.

Wasn't that a death wish?


Tang Cann's face was grave as he stood at the junction between the three upper sects, the Red Devil Sect, and the Fiend Sect. He gestured to Lu Baichan, signaling her to prevent Yu Yuan from escaping.

Lu Baichan gave a subtle nod.

The radiance that sprang from behind her solidified into strange talismans with reinforcing properties, blending into the glow.

"You expect to leave without giving us a clear explanation?" Tang Cann finally said. "You claim the Demon Clan is in danger, but what about that creature?"

He pointed at the Chaos Roc. "This odd fish lacks a vibrant life force, yet in the absence of seawater within the Pearl, how does it float? Only formidable demons possess such levitational power! To me, this odd fish is undoubtedly a mighty demon!"

"This individual is indeed peculiar," someone from the Profound Sky Sect interjected.

A member of the Sword Sect, standing beside Kong Banbi, concurred, "He appeared out of thin air, spouting alarming and confusing statements. He insists that demons are the prime targets for extraterrestrial entities, yet he's accompanied by this bizarre fish. His statements are inconsistent! It's difficult to trust him; we're left wondering which of his words are truthful and which are deceitful."

The trialists from the three upper sects were always united in their cause. When Tang Cann voiced his skepticism, they rallied to his call.

"Quiet," Kong Banbi snapped as he turned to reprimand a fellow disciple from the Sword Sect.

The disciple, feeling aggrieved yet unwilling to defy Kong Banbi, fell into silence.

"Kong Banbi, you actually believe him?" Tang Cann whirled around, his eyes blazing with fury. "Your earlier actions were suspect, readily accepting his story! I must know, what makes this newcomer from the Silvermoon Empire deserving of your trust?"

Kong Banbi replied icily, "It's not for Young Master Tang to teach me a lesson."

His emphasis on "Young Master Tang" was a clear jab at Tang Cann's privileged status, suggesting that Cann's elevated position in the Primordial Yang Sect was due to his indulgent grandfather, not his own merit.

"Kong Banbi!" Tang Cann's voice thundered, his greatest insecurity hit. He detested the insinuation that his rapid progress in cultivation was owed to Tang Zheng's influence rather than his own hard work.

"Hehe, how very amusing!" Hou Tianzhao of the Red Devil Sect chuckled, toying with the copper ring on his earlobe. He shot Lu Baichan a sidelong glance before turning to Tang Cann. "Yu is a brother to me, one I'd face life and death with. I'm not pleased with your attitude!"

"Brothers in life and death?"

"They became that close upon first meeting?"

Members of the Profound Sky Sect and Sword Sect exchanged bemused looks.

"Enough, all of you, stop this bickering!" Lu Baichan, clearly exasperated, raised her voice to halt the dispute. She then fixed her gaze on Yu Yuan and pressed, "What exactly do you know, and how much? Can you give us a clear explanation? And what's this about a strange fish? Your vague answers aren't enough for us to trust you."

"I'm out of here!"

Yu Yuan had already decided, cutting her off mid-sentence. The sword sheath he had previously stashed in the Mustard Seed Bracelet reappeared in his hand. He gave Lu Baichan a wry smile, pointed the sheath towards the shimmering light, and challenged, "Make way!"

"No..." Lu Baichan began, but her face abruptly contorted with alarm.

In that moment, Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect's eyes shone with a captivating intensity. He was fixated on the sword sheath in Yu Yuan's grip, his body quivering with tension. "Let him pass!"

It wasn't just anyone who let out that roar—it was Kong Banbi, known for his usual composure!

Lu Baichan was jolted awake by the sound.

"Hu! Hu!"

A swirl of rosy light streamed into the outer ring of the Rosy Jenny, enveloping Yu Yuan. Like a bubble shimmering with vibrant hues, it whisked Yu Yuan away from the orb.

The peculiar fish departed alongside him.

Outside the Rosy Jenny, Yu Yuan gave Hou Tianzhao a wave and called out, "Thanks for the hospitality. No need for a send-off."

With that, man and fish drifted away in the opposite direction of the Golden Barbarian Ox.

Inside the Rosy Jenny, members of the upper sect, the Red Devil Sect, and the Fiend Sect wore baffled expressions, at a loss for words.

After ten breaths' time.

Hou Tianzhao of the Red Devil Sect inhaled deeply and abruptly declared, "Follow me out!"

With a flourish of his sleeves, a flurry of flames burst forth.

The now unsealed Rosy Jenny posed no barrier to him. He burst through the light shield and reappeared in the surrounding sea.

Without a backward glance, not even sparing his Red Devil Sect comrades a second look, he confidently trailed after Yu Yuan.

The Red Devil Sect members hesitated before sighing and, with great reluctance, followed suit.

"What are you staring at me for?"

Chi Nandou of the Fiend Sect, wearing an expression of innocence, noticed his fellow sect members looking to him for guidance and said with resignation, "Let's go! Let's go! I may not buy into this Yu Yuan business, but Hou Tianzhao, that guy, is certainly no fool!"

With that, he led the Fiend Sect out of the Rosy Jenny, quickly catching up to Hou Tianzhao.

Inside the orb, Lin Zhuyun and the folks from the Cold Yin Sect, the Primordial Yang Sect, along with many from the Profound Sky Sect and the Sword Sect, were left dumbfounded, rooted to the spot, struggling to grasp the situation.

Could a minor disagreement, Lu Baichan's mistrust, and Tang Cann's skepticism really have caused everyone to go their separate ways?

Yu Yuan might be inconsequential, free to leave whenever, but what gave him the right to take the Red Devil Sect and the Fiend Sect with him?

Without them, the collective strength within the orb was halved in an instant!


Kong Banbi of the Sword Sect, his face etched with regret, turned to Lu Baichan and apologized, "Sorry, it wasn't intentional. How do I put this? In any case, my apologies. I hope we can all meet again."

"Senior Brother, what do you mean by this?" The round-faced girl's voice pierced the air with sudden alarm.

Lu Baichan was just as bewildered.

The others from the Profound Sky Sect and the Primordial Yang Sect, including Lin Zhuyun, were completely taken aback.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want any of you to die either," Kong Banbi declared, turning to face them with a grave and earnest look. "Let's all leave this place. Whether or not you choose to follow Yu Yuan, we must steer clear of that Golden Barbarian Ox!"

His statement was a clear endorsement of Yu Yuan, a testament to his trust in Yu Yuan's judgment.

And he didn't just talk the talk; he walked the walk—by soaring straight out of the Rosy Jenny!

"Senior Kong, Senior Kong?"


Inside, the remnants of the Sword Sect were still coming to terms with the situation.

Outside the Rosy Jenny, Kong Banbi's expression turned icy as he barked a single command: "Quick!"

Spurred by his urgency, the hesitant Sword Sect cultivators wasted no more time and swiftly exited the Rosy Jenny, one after another.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Kong Banbi set off in the direction Yu Yuan had gone, and the Sword Sect members were quick to follow suit.

In an instant, the Rosy Jenny was left with only the members of the Profound Sky Sect, the Primordial Yang Sect, the Cold Yin Sect, and Lu Baichan.

Lu Baichan watched them go, a dazed look on his face. It took him a long while before he finally whispered to himself, "Could I have been wrong?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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