Unmatched Dominance/C433 Meng Lang's Actions
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Unmatched Dominance/C433 Meng Lang's Actions
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C433 Meng Lang's Actions

The Fallen Star Eyes darted through the depths of the sea.

Chi Nandou maneuvered the glass bottle, trailing swiftly behind, his speed akin to a ghostly bolt of lightning.

"Did you know about him beforehand?"

With narrowed eyes and a wistful expression, Chi Nandou peered through the crystalline bottle at Yu Yuan, who was encircled by a crowd atop the Fallen Star Eyes. "He's connected to the Red Devil Sect, isn't he?"

At that moment, the glass bottle contained only members of the Fiend Sect and the Red Devil Sect.

The Red Devil Sect's survivors looked on in surprise at his words.

"Brother Tianzhao, you're acquainted with him?"

A gaunt young man from the Red Devil Sect widened his eyes in bewilderment, gazing at Yu Yuan. "Isn't he from the Profound Sky Continent? To my knowledge, Brother Tianzhao, you've never visited the Profound Sky Continent, have you?"

Hou Tianzhao, with his plump cheeks and large ears, flashed a grin reminiscent of a Maitreya Buddha. "He hails from the nascent Devil Moon Empire."

"How so?" The youth was still puzzled.

"The most illustrious figure in our sect now resides in the Devil Moon Empire," Hou Tianzhao explained, clapping the youth on the shoulder. "The Python Queen of the Demon Palace specifically mentioned someone to me. She instructed me to look after him once we met beneath the sea."

"Our sect has a presence in the Devil Moon Empire..." The youth paused, his voice tinged with astonishment, "The Lord Demonic Seed!"

Chi Nandou's face registered a jolt of recognition.

Zhou Cangmin's name had recently echoed across these realms. Not only on the Profound Sky Continent, but many on the Quietus Continent had also heard of the Red Devil Sect's Demonic Seed's exploits from their elders.

Even among the elders of the Blood God Cult and the Filthy Spirit Sect, the current generation's Demonic Seed of the Red Devil Sect was considered nothing short of legendary.

The Python Queen's admiration for him was hardly a secret anymore. Could it be that Yu Yuan was the very person the Python Queen had urged Hou Tianzhao to assist?

"I had intended to look out for him," Hou Tianzhao admitted, his voice laced with embarrassment. "But it seems that, in the end, it's us who might need looking after."

"That peculiar fish..."

Chi Nandou began, then hesitated.

Hou Tianzhao raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Hmm?"

"The glass bottle and I share a connection; I can sense anything that enters it," Chi Nandou said after a moment's hesitation. "That strange, floating fish that entered with Yu Yuan gave me a terrifying feeling."

"What kind of feeling?" Hou Tianzhao asked, his interest piqued. He was well aware of the glass bottle's enigmatic powers and its status as a prized artifact within the Fiend Sect.

"The moment that fish entered, I felt as if the glass bottle was on the verge of shattering," Chi Nandou explained.

As he spoke, his gaze drifted to the Chaos Roc that loyally trailed behind Yu Yuan in the distance. "The sensation was fleeting, but unmistakable. It never happened again, leading me to believe the strange fish made some sort of adjustment..."

"Impossible, surely?" Hou Tianzhao exclaimed, astonished. "To elicit such a feeling from you, it must be at least an Eighth Level Great Demon."

Chi Nandou nodded in agreement. "At the very least!"

"Yu Yuan, that guy!" Hou Tianzhao, notorious for his boldness and impetuosity, gasped in awe and looked at Yu Yuan with deep respect. "Impressive! My admiration for you grows by the day!"


As the Fallen Star Eyes soared overhead, one skeletal corpse after another emerged from the depths of the sea.

Among them were not only trial participants but also the sect elders who had guided them.

"Elder Li Fen! She was in the late stages of the Yin God Stage!" A young girl from the Cloud Water Sect mourned as she watched a desiccated, elderly corpse pass beneath the Fallen Star Eyes. "She was kindest to me, always looking after me on our journey."

"Senior Huo Yan!" Lin Yue of the Blood God Cult, his handsome face marred by a grim and indignant look, recognized another body. Clad in a bright red robe, it lay scattered across the seabed like shattered porcelain.

Lin Yue knew him well—the elder who was feared for his harshness to followers but had always valued him greatly.

"Blue Devil Clan! Blood Sacrificial Altar!" he murmured, a faint mist of blood emanating from him uncontrollably.

Two senior disciples from the Blood God Cult rushed to his side, cautioning him to restrain his anger.

Heeding their advice, Lin Yue retrieved a medicinal pellet from his crimson bracelet and swallowed it. Then, closing his eyes, he silently absorbed the healing properties of the pellet.

Yu Yuan stood unmovable, like a mountain.

Throughout his journey, he had witnessed countless partings between life and death, leaving his heart cold and detached.

Dwelling on such emotions only served to disrupt one's inner peace and cloud the mind.

He had observed Lau Ying moving past her sorrow after the loss of many from the Silver Moon Sect.

She, too, was naturally detached.

Perhaps it was those with such dispositions who were best suited for cultivation, most in tune with the Great Dao.

The Great Dao is heartless, and that's the truth of it.

Luo Yiyi of the Cloud Water Sect hadn't shown much emotional upheaval over Li Fen's death. Su Yan's Taiyuan Sect had nearly lost all its cultivators, yet she remained composed.

Others, like Chi Yin and Du Huang, were similarly unmoved by the demise of their sect elders.

Watching from the shadows, Yu Yuan inwardly praised, "Those destined to lead are truly exceptional prospects."

"I can't break through the 'Deep Blue Curtain' created by the Blood Sacrificial Altar. When we reach the borderlands, we'll still need to..." Lau Ying's eyes dimmed as she exerted herself to control the Fallen Star Eyes.

"Don't worry."

With serene confidence, Yu Yuan assured, "With me here, and Chi Nandou from the Fiend Sect, you just focus on guiding us. We'll handle the 'Deep Blue Curtain'."

At his words, Lau Ying's expression softened, visibly easing in relief.

"Your name is Luo Yiyi, isn't it?"

Yu Yuan raised an eyebrow, turning his attention to the Cloud Water Sect's practitioner of the Water Spiritual Spell.

Dressed in a flowing white gown, Luo Yiyi's delicate figure exuded a watery grace. Petite in stature, she seemed almost dainty. Caught off guard by Yu Yuan's inquiry, she hesitated before confirming, "Yes, that's me."

"Cloud Water Sect." Yu Yuan nodded subtly, then strode over to her, much to the crowd's astonishment.

"What are you doing?" Luo Yiyi's heart raced with panic.

Lau Ying looked on, taken aback, "Yu Yuan?"

Yan Lu and Su Yan, Yu Yuan's supporters, were equally perplexed by his bold move.

Approaching Luo Yiyi, Yu Yuan closed the distance abruptly, leaning in close. He inhaled deeply near her chest, as if discerning the scent of the rouge she wore.

Luo Yiyi recoiled in shock, her face a mix of embarrassment and rage as she exclaimed, "You shameless rogue! How dare you commit such an indecent act in front of everyone!"

"What in the world are you doing, Yu Yuan?" Yan Lu asked, torn between amusement and disbelief.

Su Yan, clad in green and surpassing Luo Yiyi in both looks and aura, was taken aback by Yu Yuan's impulsive behavior, wondering to herself, "What is he trying to do?"

Chi Yin of the Filthy Spirit Sect giggled, "Brother Yu, if she's too shy, I'm certainly not. How about some affection with me?"

"You might not be a beauty, but you sure dream big," Yan Lu quipped.

Unoffended, Chi Yin retorted, "Who knows? Maybe Brother Yu prefers someone like me."

"I don't care if you're useful to us; your behavior is revolting!" Luo Yiyi continued to shout, drawing the crowd's attention as she vehemently accused Yu Yuan, "Don't think you can behave so recklessly just because you have some utility here!"

Her allies from the Cloud Water Sect joined in the uproar in support.

Lau Ying's expression turned icy as she bluntly stated, "If the Cloud Water Sect is unhappy, feel free to leave."

She didn't bother to discern right from wrong; her stance was clear—she stood with Yu Yuan.

"Lau Ying! How can you be so unreasonable?" Luo Yiyi fumed, "He blatantly harassed me, and instead of blaming him, you're blaming me?"

"I'm not interested in reason!" Lau Ying retorted, her neck held high, "If you or anyone from the Cloud Water Sect has a problem, I suggest you leave now."

Luo Yiyi's face flushed with anger, and she was visibly struggling to contain her frustration.

She sought help with pleading eyes from Du Huang, Fei Yi, Lin Yue, and Chi Yin, only to find them enjoying the drama, with no intention of intervening.

"I, I, I..." Luo Yiyi faltered, wanting desperately to storm off but considering the repercussions, she bit back her impulse.

"Since you're in possession of a Seventh Grade Earth Level Soul Accumulating Pill and you don't need it right now, and knowing full well that Lau Ying is suffering from severe mental strain, why not offer it up?" Yu Yuan's gaze lingered on Luo Yiyi's heaving chest as he added, "I can recognize the scent of a Soul Accumulating Pill."

As soon as the words were spoken, the onlookers who had been enjoying the spectacle all furrowed their brows slightly.

"Soul Accumulating Pill?"

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