Unmatched Dominance/C436 The Third Wonderland!
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Unmatched Dominance/C436 The Third Wonderland!
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C436 The Third Wonderland!

"Evil Cauldron!"

The soul voice of the Chaos Roc jolted Yu Yuan, abruptly halting his meditation.

"You're aware of it?"

His emotional landscape underwent a seismic shift, which the Chaos Roc immediately picked up on.

Yu Yuan opened his eyes and gave a nearly imperceptible nod.

"Why have you awakened again?" Su Yan inquired with a hint of wonder.

With a soft chuckle, Yu Yuan replied, "My mind is restless."

"Indeed, the location of the blood sacrifice altar remains a mystery. We're also in the dark about its current state." Assuming he was worried, Su Yan let out a gentle sigh and gazed out across the sea.

Without offering an explanation, Yu Yuan closed his eyes once more, intent on his communion with the Chaos Roc.

"The Evil Cauldron is the revered treasure of the Evil Sect! Legend has it that it vanished with the sect's downfall."

Still reeling from the revelation, he pondered, "The Evil Cauldron, a Divine Level artifact unscathed, is one of the three great enigmas of the Ember Waters, isn't it?"

His excitement was palpable.

His practice of the Evil Body Refining Skill, a legacy of the Evil Sect, was renowned for its fortification of sinew and physique.

The Devil Spell enabled the absorption of evil spirits, transforming them within the meridians and acupoints to unleash devastating force.

The "Evil Cauldron" was a formidable killing artifact designed to collect evil spirits, forge them into Evil Demons, and amplify their power!

Should he acquire the Evil Cauldron, his mastery of the Evil Body Refining Skill would surge forward! Upon reaching the Profound Break Stage, it would further expedite the tempering of his flesh and bones!

Wielding the "Evil Cauldron" to consume "evil spirits" and refine them would yield a formidable "Evil Demon"!

In his hands, the cauldron would significantly bolster his combat prowess!

Even a mere Artifact, unleashing a fraction of its potential, could catapult his strength to new heights!

In this realm, countless warriors have transcended boundaries and vanquished foes with such killing artifacts!

A fearsome weapon like the Evil Cauldron, perfectly suited to his Devil Spell, and located on an island within the Ember Waters, was now within reach on his journey.

With the Tears of Blue Devil shattering its shackles, dividing into the Spiritual and Blood Sacrificial Altars, chaos reigned above and below the waves. This region, long dominated by the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace, had already fallen.

The Evil Cauldron lay at the bottom of the sea, and if Yu Yuan didn't claim it, it risked being destroyed or seized by the Tears of Blue Devil. This artifact was far from inanimate; it housed the soul of a Great Demon God from the Blue Devil Clan, making the one who wielded the Tears of Blue Devil the embodiment of the Great Demon God's soul crystal.

It made more sense for Yu Yuan, as an inheritor of the Evil Sect and practitioner of the Evil Body Refining Skill, to secure this once notorious artifact than to let it fall into the hands of the Tears of Blue Devil.

Should the Demon Palace and Demon Palace learn of his actions later, the extraordinary circumstances would lend him a reasonable defense.

"Where is it?" he demanded, cutting straight to the chase for the Evil Cauldron's location and additional details.

The Chaos Roc was forthcoming, sharing all it knew about the Evil Cauldron's whereabouts. It had been in the possession of the Devil Palace, which had covertly placed it in the Ember Waters. Their intent was to fuse the residual evil spirit within the Evil Cauldron with the Tears of Blue Devil at the Aura Altar, hoping to unlock the mysteries of the Devaputra Race's Aura Altar and to see if it could assimilate the evil spirit and extract its soul energy.

The Evil Cauldron served as a tool for the Devil Palace to decipher the Aura Altar. Alas, their experts failed to unlock the secrets held by the Tears of Blue Devil through the Evil Cauldron. Once the evil spirit within was depleted, with no replenishment in sight, they ceased their attempts.

Subsequently, the Evil Cauldron remained at the sea's depths within the Ember Waters, naturally attracting evil spirits and becoming one of the region's three great wonders.

Over the years, the Evil Cauldron turned into a battleground where the Devil Palace and Demon Palace ambushed the exceptional talents of the Heavenly Source Continent.

With the mysteries of the Evil Cauldron unveiled by the Chaos Roc, Yu Yuan grasped the intricacies and silently devised his strategy.

"So, this artifact was originally intended to be used in conjunction with the Tears of Blue Devil. The evil spirit within aids in the soul refining process! Given that, the Evil Cauldron simply cannot remain in the Ember Waters."

He had convinced himself, further solidifying his resolve to claim the Evil Cauldron.

Yet, he was aware that while the Evil Cauldron could be located, he mustn't draw attention to his search, nor let anyone else become aware of it.

Should Luo Yiyi and the others discover the remains of those vanished geniuses within or around the Evil Cauldron, it could spark a dispute between the two continents.

With a plan in mind, as the Fallen Star Eyes soared by, Yu Yuan signaled to Lau Ying to slightly alter their course.

Lau Ying had complete faith in him and would do her utmost to fulfill his requests.

An hour later.

The Fallen Star Eyes glided past an island anchored to the ocean floor, adorned with vibrant corals and a kaleidoscope of underwater flora.

Nearby, a naturally formed sea cave beckoned like a gaping maw of darkness, its interior chilling and foreboding.

The Fallen Star Eyes came to a halt not far from there. Having taken a Soul Accumulating Pill, Lau Ying's mental and physical energies were rejuvenated to their peak. Her eyes, alight with curiosity and twinkling like stars, inquired, "Why are we stopping here?"

The others cast puzzled looks toward Yu Yuan.

It was Yu Yuan who had called for the stop; Lau Ying was simply following his lead.

The glass bottle trailing behind also ceased its movement with the Fallen Star Eyes, leaving Chi Nandou and Hou Tianzhao to speculate about Yu Yuan's intentions.

Confronted with their baffled stares, Yu Yuan felt a headache coming on.

Casting a glance at the Chaos Roc, an idea struck him, and he coughed before saying, "This peculiar fish emerged from there. It happened upon me and has been following ever since, seeking to escape the Ember Waters. But before it departs, it wishes to return and retrieve something it had hidden away."

Yu Yuan had no other pretext but to bring up the Chaos Roc.

"It possesses intelligence? Then, is it a sea demon?" Su Yan murmured softly.

"A small demon, a little sea demon with wisdom," Yu Yuan clarified.

In the Chaos Roc's eyes, there was a deep sense of sorrow and injustice.

The onlookers turned their gaze back to the Chaos Roc, noticing the almost human-like expression in its tiny eyes, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder.

"Fine, have it your way."

Lau Ying didn't dwell on it. Her attention was primarily on the Blood Sacrificial Altar, discerning its direction—she had no spare time to ponder the origins of the Chaos Roc. Besides, she trusted Yu Yuan.

"Just give me a moment."

Yu Yuan flashed a smile and, with the Chaos Roc in tow, passed through the Fallen Star Eyes toward the seabed cavern.

"I'm not one to sit around waiting. I'll stretch my legs and have a look around." Chi Yin of the Filthy Spirit Sect yawned and slipped through the Fallen Star Eyes before Lau Ying could seal it.

Lin Yue of the Blood God Cult's eyes sparkled. "Count me in."

In an instant, he transformed into a streak of crimson light and zipped away.

Their actions were so swift that Lau Ying couldn't intervene in time. By the time she realized what was happening, they had already followed Yu Yuan into the shadowy island cave.

"Anyone else who leaves, don't bother coming back!"

Lau Ying's warning came as she noticed Du Huang, Yan Lu, Su Yan, and others getting restless. Her words immediately made them settle down.

"Yu Yuan has taken that peculiar fish and left the Fallen Star Eyes for the ocean cavern!"

Chi Nandou, intently watching from within the glass bottle, exclaimed in shock upon noticing Yu Yuan's departure. "And Lin Yue and Chi Yin have gone after them!"

Hou Tianzhao inhaled deeply. "Earlier, you mentioned that fish?"

"It's quite mysterious," Chi Nandou remarked.

"Well, in that case..."

Hou Tianzhao's voice trailed off as he peered intently at the enigmatic seabed cavern. "You stay in the glass bottle and watch over the Fallen Star Eyes. I'm going to check things out."

"I... I'd like to come too," Chi Nandou said timidly.

"The glass bottle requires your oversight; you can't leave," Hou Tianzhao replied, glancing at the remaining members of the Red Devil Sect. "None of you are to go anywhere. Stay put and wait here."


The group nodded in resignation and acquiesced.

Following Yu Yuan, Chi Yin, and Lin Yue, Hou Tianzhao of the Red Devil Sect burst forth from the glass bottle, encircled by a halo as brilliant as flames, and made a beeline for Yu Yuan.

"Brother Yu! Dear brother, hold up for me!"

Hou Tianzhao's booming voice nearly set off a tsunami on the ocean floor, leaving many with their ears ringing.

"Who's this fellow?"

Some of the young women from the Cloud Water Sect and several members of the Ancient Desolate Sect, having arrived at the islands of the Demon Palace and Devil Palace after the Red Devil Sect had already descended into the sea, had not yet encountered Hou Tianzhao. They began to curse and pepper others with questions.

"Red Devil Sect's Hou Tianzhao!"

"He's a handful, that one!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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