Unmatched Dominance/C44 The Regret of My Previous Life
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Unmatched Dominance/C44 The Regret of My Previous Life
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C44 The Regret of My Previous Life

The Su Family from the vast Silvermoon Empire—when someone boasts the name "Su" with such confidence, who else could it be but them?

The Empire, the renowned alchemical lineage, the Su Family!

"Su Family!"

Qin Ann, along with the Zhao Family's servants, abruptly halted.

No one dared to make a careless move.

The Su Family was a powerhouse, ranking among the top three clans in the Empire, with a heritage surpassing even the Lim Family.

Across the Silvermoon Empire, from the many noble houses to the military and solitary practitioners, all relied on the Su Family for their supply of medicinal pills, including the Empire's royal household.

The Su Family didn't just nurture alchemists; they also boasted formidable cultivators in their ranks.

Such a dominant family was beyond comparison to the current leading families of Darkmoon City.

Qin Ann was acutely aware that his employers, the Zhao Family, would prefer to steer clear of any trouble with the Sus.

And there was another consideration.

The Su Family was the Yu Family's patron!

The Yu Family's livelihood, their spiritual herbs and grasses, depended on the Su Family's purchases. Without significant sales to the Sus, converting their botanicals into Spirit Stones would be challenging.

The Yu Family, merely providers of raw materials, lacked their own alchemists to transform those herbs into sellable pills, which significantly diminished their value.

In essence, the Su Family held the Yu Family's fate in their hands.

Given this connection, what choice did Yu Yuan have but to reluctantly part with the white paper fan?

With this in mind, Qin Ann discreetly gestured to the servants, urging them to stand down.

Truth be told, there was no need for his intervention; the Zhao servants, upon hearing the Su name, had already swiftly regained their composure, no longer displaying their previous hostility toward the elderly woman and the young lady.

"May I have it, please?"

Su Yan spoke up once more, her gaze falling casually on Yu Yuan.

Her tone was courteous, suggesting a conversation rather than a confrontation.

The elderly woman beside her watched with amusement, as if enjoying the spectacle.

Young Master Yu, so easily intimidated at the mere mention of the Su Family in the presence of their young miss.

"She's quite the beauty, isn't she?"

After a moment, Yu Yuan regained his composure and marveled, "Impressive. You've managed to discern the enigma of the white paper fan. Curious, given your tender years, you shouldn't have such depth of experience. How did you grasp the significance behind those four words?"

He made no reference to the Su family.

It was as though he was completely unaware that the woman before him was none other than the Su family's young miss!

Su Yan's eyes, clear and deep like a valley lake, reflected her astonishment. "You sensed it too?"

You say I'm young, but are you that much older?

She inwardly scoffed and reiterated, "I'd like you to part with the white paper fan. My uncle is due for a visit to your Yu family. I'll be sure to speak kindly on your behalf."

She had assumed that this dandy from Darkmoon City was merely causing trouble because he fancied her looks.

To her surprise, the Yu family's young master was no simpleton; he truly recognized the fan's uniqueness.

This prompted her to regard Yu Yuan more highly, slightly altering her perception of the Yu family.

"The white paper fan is not for giving," Yu Yuan stated with an unexpected smile.

"What did you say?" Su Yan's eyes widened.

Any fledgling positive impression evaporated instantly!

The old woman let out a disdainful huff and sharply rebuked, "Ignorant child! My young lady has already shown you considerable respect. Don't overstep your bounds!"

"I said, the white paper fan is not yours to claim," Yu Yuan reiterated firmly.

Qin Ann and the Zhao family's servants exchanged bewildered looks. They all thought Yu Yuan must have lost his senses, daring to antagonize the Su family over a mere fan.

As the Yu family's scion, shouldn't he have some sense of propriety?

It was just a fan; why invite trouble upon his family?

They were baffled and couldn't fathom his reasoning.

The old woman was about to unleash a tempest of spiritual energy from her sleeves when Su Yan, her beautiful brows knitting, intervened. "Enough," she said, halting the old woman's impending outburst. She then gave Yu Yuan a nod of acknowledgment and declared, "If you won't part with it, so be it. I'll leave the fan behind."

She tossed the white paper fan to the ground without a second thought and strode away.

The old crone fixed a piercing gaze on Yu Yuan, her voice laced with menace, "Boy, you'll rue this day's actions!"

"Oh," Yu Yuan replied, his tone cool and detached.

Worried for the young lady's safety, the old woman hastily followed, leaving behind her ominous words.

Master and servant disappeared into the distance along the desolate street.

"Young Master Yu, why?"

It took a moment before the shopkeeper, Qin Ann, retrieved the discarded white paper fan and offered it to Yu Yuan, his brow furrowed in confusion. "It's merely a broken fan. Why provoke the Su family? That girl, Su Yan, seems influential within their ranks. Perhaps she truly has a say."

"The Su family..." Yu Yuan's mouth twisted into a wry smile. "For years, the Yu family has been oppressed by the Huang family in Darkmoon City. Did the Su family ever speak up for us? All they've done is drive down the price of medicinal herbs to profit from our misfortune. The idea of patrons and clients is meaningless if you lack strength; without it, no one takes you seriously."

Qin Ann absorbed these words, deep in thought. He had been a fixture in Darkmoon City for years and was privy to many secrets.

Indeed, when the Yu family patriarch's legs were broken and they faced the Huang family's torment, the Su family remained silent.

And as the Yu family's fortunes waned, the Su family had indeed reduced the prices they offered for spiritual herbs.

But the truth was...

The Yu family had no choice but to supply herbs to the Su family alone.

Within the Silvermoon Empire, no other clan could match the Su family's demand for herbs in bulk.

Seeking buyers from other empires was even less feasible.

"I'll accept the fan, thank you."

Taking the white paper fan, Yu Yuan spared no further explanation and didn't bother perusing other wares in the Spirit Treasure Building. With a nod of farewell, he stepped out onto the street.

Clutching the fan, he was enveloped by an overwhelming sense of sorrow that seemed to seep from it, affecting his own mood.

Involuntarily, his thoughts drifted to bygone days, to the scenes of his past life, and to the lingering regrets that haunted him.

"It's somewhat reminiscent..."

When Su Yan had turned and invoked the Su family name, he was spellbound for quite some time.

It wasn't the family's prestigious name that had struck him, but the striking resemblance Su Yan bore to someone he knew in a past life.

The departing figure of Su Yan, her appearance and essence, bore an uncanny similarity to that person, which left him in a trance, taking a while to snap back to reality.

His previous life, though short for a cultivator of lofty realms, was still considerably longer than that of an ordinary mortal.

He had his share of emotional entanglements and a trail of lingering regrets. One such regret haunted him for a lifetime, an ache that remained unsoothed.

Initially, he thought their time together would be fleeting, but as he became deeply involved, it seemed it would stretch on indefinitely.

Yet, it concluded abruptly, leaving him with an abundance of unresolved feelings.

In his former life, he desperately pursued the path of cultivation, yearning for a longer life, hoping to rekindle what was lost, to reunite and share more moments together.

Alas, his time was up, while the other's was seemingly boundless.

Indeed, that individual was a distinguished Great Cultivator! With death kept at bay, eons of life were theirs for the taking!

He chose surrender, too daunted to meet, too feeble to confront.

For in the end, they were destined to be worlds apart.

Still, he clung to a sliver of hope, and so, in his life's twilight, he ardently sought the path to rebirth.

For this, he delved into the study of poison pills, shouldering infamy and disgrace, even bringing shame upon his sect.

His sole wish was to be reborn, to meet again in another life.

And he did succeed!

Three centuries later, he returned to this realm!

And at last, he set foot on the path of cultivation once more!

In this life, he possessed the potential for an endless lifespan, with the hope of enduring as she had.

"With your talent and qualities, three hundred years are but a moment. Ji, I'm certain you're still out there, alive and well!"

Yu Yuan gazed toward the Heavenly Source Continent, his heart brimming with boundless grief, yearning to swiftly advance, to achieve the Profound Break, to forge the Yin God and Yang God, and to depart with the utmost freedom.


Out of nowhere, a searing pain erupted in his palm, causing him to instinctively toss aside the white paper fan.

His myriad of thoughts shattered in an instant.

Staring at the puncture wound in his palm, like a needle had passed through, and then at the bloodied white paper fan, he was well aware of what had transpired.

"That wretched girl from the Su family, appearing so gentle and demure, yet her actions are unexpectedly ruthless!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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