Unmatched Dominance/C467 Ordering!
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Unmatched Dominance/C467 Ordering!
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C467 Ordering!

Mo Yan's eyes swirled with a demonic mist, and within their depths, lightning struck and thunder roared.

At his brow's center, the Mud Ball acupoint transformed into a deep, dark pool that seemed to swallow all of creation, sending shivers down one's spine.


With a soft cry, strands of spiritual consciousness, like thousands of fish, converged at the acupoint between his eyebrows.

The spiritual thoughts, in a brutal, bloodthirsty struggle, merged swiftly into one—a new Divine Spirit, the Yin God, marked and transformed by the Earth Soul's brand.

Such advancement was a rarity, a marvel to witness.

In just an instant, as quick as a snap of the fingers, Mo Yan shattered the long-nonexistent boundary and formed the Yin God, advancing from the late Penetrating Stage.

It was child's play to him.

To Mo Yan, it was as effortless as a cloud drifting across the sky, easily achieved.

After all, this wasn't his first time condensing the Yin God!

Practicing the "Metaplasia Spell," this was his third time achieving this feat.

In the previous two instances, he had obliterated the Yin God as soon as it formed, instantly returning to the Yellow Court without a moment's hesitation.

So why would this time be any different?

"I'm crossing over!"

The newly condensed Yin God within Mo Yan unleashed a fresh surge of soul power, refined from his spiritual consciousness, into the Kyara Demon Blade through the glass bottle, and in a flash, it passed beyond the bottle's confines.

Even Chi Nandou was caught off guard, unable to bid him farewell in time.

This meant that Mo Yan had escaped the glass bottle's internal seal, relying on the Devil Blade and his own strength, in a manner undetectable to Chi Nandou.

The Kyara Demon Blade, once restraining the Blood Offering Altar, was now free from the glass bottle's constraints thanks to Mo Yan's infusion of soul power into the Yin God. The bond between him and the Devil Blade was unbreakable.

As if by mere thought, the Kyara Demon Blade could instantly appear in his hand.

Likewise, merging with the Kyara Demon Blade was but a thought away.

Not even the glass bottle could hinder him for a moment!

Everyone witnessed Mo Yan, upon refining his Yin God, seemingly shatter the spatial barrier and instantly materialize at the location of the Kyara Demon Blade as though he had teleported.

Hovering above the Blood Offering Altar, the serrated Kyara Demon Blade emitted a furious roar that resonated with the wrath of countless demons.

The power to annihilate heaven and earth emanated from the Kyara Demon Blade, instilling fear and unease in every creature at the ocean's depths.

The Devil Blade, still and silent, exuded the terrifying presence of an ancient star, as if it had descended from beyond the galaxy to subdue all existence.

Mo Yan, now towering in stature, was perched atop the blade of the Kyara Demon Blade, his jet-black hair growing wildly and cascading down its length.

Strands of his hair intertwined with the Kyara Demon Blade, resembling dark, pulsing veins.

His soul, consciousness, and spirit were in seamless communion with the Artifact Soul within the Kyara Demon Blade, a connection facilitated by the entwined strands of Mo Yan's hair.

Seated upon the Devil Blade, his body continuously channeled lifeblood and spiritual energy into it.

The fluctuating demonic energy of the Devil Blade warped the gravitational field, causing the grand Blood Offering Altar to sink stubbornly into the seabed, unable to escape the relentless gravitational pull despite its struggles.

The Blood Offering Altar, like a toddler taking its first steps, slowly and clumsily "stood up," attempting to rise.

Crack! Bones burst one after another, scattering vibrant bone dust in every direction.

The flesh ensnared by the Blood Offering Altar was refined into a stream of rich blood that merged into the altar, instantly surging with power and propelling it upwards with force.

Mo Yan let out a snort. Seated on the Devil Blade, he brought his palms together and pressed down hard.

As if the heavens were collapsing and the stars plummeting, an unfathomable, crushing force, beyond Mo Yan's current realm of power, descended once again.

Boom! The Blood Offering Altar, which had barely begun to rise, was slammed back down with a heavy thud.

The islands of Ember Waters were devastated by the impact of the Blood Offering Altar, leaving a vast chasm in the sea floor as water rushed in, filling every crevice of the newly formed abyss.

The Blood Offering Altar, now trapped within the immense pit, found its movements even more restricted.

"This Blood Offering Altar has actually been constrained by Mo Yan's Kyara Demon Blade!" exclaimed Chi Yin of the Filthy Spirit Sect, her eyes alight with excitement as she watched the altar's futile attempts to escape the ocean's depths. "The Aura Altar of the Heavenly Demon is merely mediocre. Have we been too cautious, too worried?"

Lin Yue and Chi Nandou gave her a cold glance.

Hou Tianzhao cracked a sinister smile. "Is that all? Sister Chi, your naivety is almost endearing. Without Mo Yan's forceful breakthrough, do you really think you could make a dent in the blood sacrifice altar with your Kyara Demon Blade?"

Chi Yin huffed dismissively, "I'm not impressed by the blood sacrifice altar."

"Yu Yuan!"

Chi Nandou of the Fiend Sect called out, capturing everyone's attention before demanding, "Mo Yan is already taking care of his responsibilities! Isn't it time you proved yourself?"

All eyes turned to him in response.

"The Blue Devil Clan's Aura Altar can be divided in two. The Spirit Altar is the more lethal of the two, while the blood sacrifice altar is somewhat less formidable," Yu Yuan began, seemingly buying time as he addressed the crowd. "The layer the blood sacrifice altar shed earlier significantly enhances its strength. The altar before you now is nowhere near its full potential."

"Quit dragging your feet!" Chi Nandou barked.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod and instructed, "Mo Yan is keeping the Blood Sacrificial Altar in check with the Kyara Demon Blade. Now, it's your turn to maneuver the glass bottle, approach that blue shadow, and draw near to the Chaos Roc!"

"What?" Chi Nandou exclaimed in surprise. "Why aren't we focusing on the Blood Sacrificial Altar?"

"If you want to stay alive, follow my orders," Yu Yuan stated firmly.

Chi Nandou opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by the commanding voice of Mo Yan, seated with the Kyara Demon Blade, "Heed his words! He just needs to prove himself, regardless of the method!"

"Take control of the glass bottle!" Lin Yue of the Blood God Cult instructed.

Hou Tianzhao gave him a nod, signaling him to comply obediently.

Reluctantly, under the combined pressure from Mo Yan, Lin Yue, and Hou Tianzhao, Chi Nandou once again directed the glass bottle, heading straight for the blue shadow that had previously shrouded the Blood Sacrificial Altar.

With a whoosh, Yu Yuan casually hurled the Evil Cauldron, previously refined with the Soul Forging Technique and Soul Arts, into the fray.

The radiant barrier encasing the glass bottle was as if non-existent, effortlessly penetrated by the Evil Cauldron.

Chi Nandou's face quivered, his expression souring at the turn of events.

"Don't worry about it. The Evil Cauldron was once a revered Artifact, and the now-defunct Evil Sect, which had it, was quite close to your Fiend Sect. The two sects had significant interactions." Yu Yuan said with a light chuckle. "The crafting of the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle was influenced by the Evil Cauldron, so there's a bit of a connection between the items."

What he was implying was that the Glass Bottle and Bone Devouring Shuttle paled in comparison to the Evil Cauldron.

Moreover, the Glass Bottle and Bone Devouring Shuttle, which he treasured so dearly, were refined using techniques from the Evil Cauldron. That's why the superior Evil Cauldron could easily penetrate the Glass Bottle.

"If it were that simple, why did you bother to announce yourself when you first arrived?" Chi Nandou asked, clearly displeased.

Yu Yuan responded, "I feared that without a proper greeting, I might just burst into the Glass Bottle and you'd mistake me for an attacker, leading to a joint assault on me."

"Nandou, he's not wrong. Your Fiend Sect and the now-gone Evil Sect were once neighbors," Hou Tianzhao interjected. "To put it bluntly, during the Evil Sect's heyday, your Fiend Sect... was basically their junior. It's something your sect now denies, and naturally, your masters wouldn't speak of it."

Lin Yue nodded in agreement, "I've heard similar stories. And it's said that many of the territories now held by the Fiend Sect were originally under the Evil Sect's control."

"The Fiend Sect only rose to power after the Evil Sect's fall. There's only so much land to go around, not enough to sustain too many practitioners. If the Evil Sect were still around, the Fiend Sect wouldn't have been able to expand and would have had to remain subservient." Hou Tianzhao said with a snarl and a wink at Chi Nandou, "Don't be downhearted; you've made progress since then, haven't you?"

The people from the Devil Palace and the Filthy Spirit Sect exchanged awkward glances at Hou Tianzhao's blunt words and Lin Yue's additions.

So the Fiend Sect was merely a lackey to the Evil Sect in the past, with the Evil Sect in command?

"I refuse to believe it!" Chi Nandou exclaimed in anger.

"Believe it or not, it's the truth," Mo Yan called out from a distance, his words resonating with finality.

"You aimed to pierce the deep blue veil, but now your strike must penetrate the shadows and target the Chaos Roc," Yu Yuan instructed once more. "Remember, it's the combined might of the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle that will deliver the most powerful blow! Spare no effort and conceal none of your strength!"


This time, the outcry came not just from Chi Nandou, but also from Chi Yin and Hou Tianzhao.

"Just one strike!"

Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, "The moment the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle unite, I will ensure it stays locked on target."

"Send me forth!"

No sooner had he spoken than he invoked the Evil Body Refining Skill, leveraging the arcane bond with the Evil Cauldron to propel himself toward the blue shadow.

The barrier parted, and he surged through it, plunging headlong into the fray without a moment's hesitation.

Entering the fray at the initial Profound Break Stage, he was boldly engaging with the remnants of the Blood Sacrificial Altar and the Chaos Roc.

"He's really going in just like that?" Lin Yue exclaimed in astonishment.

"Say what you will, but this guy's got courage!" Sheh Si of the Devil Palace exclaimed, her fists clenched and swinging with fervor. "I'm starting to admire him! He's even more decisive than Mo Yan, diving into danger headfirst!"

Hu Tianyang sneered, "I think he's just playing the hero, figuring if he's going to die, he might as well go out in a blaze of glory!"

"He's planning to unleash the joint force of the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle into the mix," Lin Yue said gravely, fixing Chi Nandou with a blood-red, intense stare. "Follow his orders to the letter, please."

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