Unmatched Dominance/C469 Drawing
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Unmatched Dominance/C469 Drawing
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C469 Drawing

The Muddy Devil Embryo, originally serving as the foundation of the Aura Altar, was a formidable killing artifact designed to erode both the flesh and souls of humans and demons alike.

The Outer Sky Devil, leveraging the Muddy Devil Embryo, managed to ensnare numerous esteemed cultivators deep within the galaxy.

However, the Muddy Devil Embryo proved largely ineffective against those who practiced the Evil Body Refining Skill.

A hallmark of the Evil Body Refining Skill was its ability to purify the body and fortify the bones and meridians using a myriad of wild, chaotic energies, teeming with impurities and toxins.

The harsher the environment, the more conducive it was to the cultivation of the Evil Body Refining Skill, yielding even better results.

Regrettably, the Evil Sect met its demise too soon, falling during a civil conflict. Its disciples perished, the Devil Spell was incinerated, and even the Evil Cauldron—the sect's treasured artifact—ended up at the bottom of the Ember Waters, unseen for years.

*Crack! Hiss!*

Bones, lacking resilience, shattered, and the delicate meridians split open.

A deluge of bizarre forces invaded his body, yet he did not succumb to death immediately.

During the operation of the Evil Body Refining Skill, he was able to gradually redirect the energy, shielding himself from further infiltration of foreign forces, allowing only a small portion to cleanse his bones and meridians.

But even a "small portion" was relative.

The energy within the Muddy Devil Embryo was excessively potent; even in minimal amounts, as it was channeled through the Evil Body Refining Skill, it inflicted excruciating pain, eliciting his agonized roars.

"Awooo! Aaah!"

His earth-shattering bellows burst forth from the Muddy Devil Embryo, the sea incapable of muffling the sound.

As the power of the Deep Blue Curtain descended upon the Muddy Devil Embryo, it seemed to possess a will of its own, seeking out the Chaos Roc to bind it.

The Chaos Roc was deemed the primary target by the Muddy Devil Embryo.

Initially, the Blood Sacrifice Altar had set its sights on Yu Yuan. But in a twist of fate, Mo Yan, having forcibly broken through and condensed the Yin God, wielded the Kyara Demon Blade. With an inconceivably intense gravitational field, he managed to pin Yu Yuan to the ocean floor.

Separated, the Blood Sacrifice Altar and the Muddy Devil Embryo were unable to maximize their destructive potential.

"Are you ready to begin?"

Inside the glass bottle, Lin Yue of the Blood God Cult, with eyes as red as blood, fixed his gaze on Chi Nandou, urging him once more.

The others turned their attention to him as well.

Yu Yuan had ventured into the deadly blue shadow. Before departing, he instructed Chi Nandou to unleash the mightiest strike from the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle into its depths.

He promised to lead from within, guiding the strike to its precise target.

Now that Yu Yuan had entered the blue shadow, it was naturally Chi Nandou's responsibility to deliver that lethal blow with all his might.

"Just a moment," said Chi Nandou, who bore the delicate features of a man yet carried himself with the grace of a woman. He scrutinized the blue shadow intently and added, "It seems he's not quite ready..."

Lin Yue's expression turned icy. "You're not deliberately stalling, are you?"

Chi Nandou looked aggrieved. "No, it's true, he's not ready. Through the glass bottle, I can sense that he has yet to encounter the Evil Cauldron."

The energy within was a chaotic mess, making the Muddy Devil Embryo impossible to discern with the naked eye.

Even those who had attained the Penetrating Stage dared not probe it with their spiritual senses.

In such a situation, discerning the truth of Chi Nandou's words was challenging.

"I want to survive too, and I trust Mo Yan," Chi Nandou said, his face etched with distress. "He's drawing closer to the Evil Cauldron. I'll cast the spell once they unite."

"Fine!" Lin Yue ceased his pressing.

All within the glass bottle waited in silence, observing the transformation of the Muddy Devil Embryo.

Moments later.


The Evil Cauldron, previously submerged in the Muddy Devil Embryo, suddenly became distinct within it!

A small patch of the murky Devil Embryo, previously like a swamp, brightened.

That illuminated patch marked the location of the Evil Cauldron!

"There!" exclaimed Hou Tianzhao of the Red Devil Sect, his excitement palpable as he pointed to another area that was rapidly clarifying, "It's Yu Yuan! He's inside, closing in on the Evil Cauldron!"

Everyone watched intently as the vicinity of Yu Yuan and the Evil Cauldron gradually became more transparent.

It was as if the murky waters of a lake were being cleansed, carrying away all impurities.

"The Evil Body Refining Skill!"

Fei Yi of the Devil Palace inhaled deeply before speaking, "The Evil Body Refining Skill can assimilate a myriad of bizarre forces from the world, using them to temper one's bones and physique. It's Yu Yuan's practice of this skill that has caused the blue shadow, once a murky expanse, to gradually clarify."

He may have been unfamiliar with the intricacies of the Muddy Devil Embryo, yet he was well-versed in the practice of the Evil Body Refining Skill.

"How does the Evil Body Refining Skill manage to purify the blue shadow?" Chi Yin of the Filthy Spirit Sect jolted, his voice tinged with alarm. "I can sense that the shadow teems with various strange and malevolent powers, some filthy and toxic enough to erode the soul! Even with the Filthy Spirit Sect's esoteric methods, I dare not approach it, let alone harvest from it."

"The Filthy Spirit Sect's techniques are limited to refining only those tainted energies. The chaotic soul forces, vital essences, and the alien powers of the ocean's depths elude you," Fei Yi clarified. "However, the Evil Body Refining Skill can fully ingest and refine them within the flesh."

He paused briefly before adding, "Yu Yuan has just stepped into the Profound Break Stage, which necessitates intensive tempering of his physique."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the crowd.

"What are you implying?" Hou Tianzhao's confusion was evident. "Yu Yuan went there to cultivate? That's preposterous! When would he find the leisure to practice amidst such chaos? Mo Yan may not last much longer!"

"He's cultivating in there?" Chi Nandou was on the verge of an outburst.

Meanwhile, Mo Yan, seated above the Kyara Demon Blade, felt his vitality, soul strength, and spiritual energy ebbing away, his expression growing grim.

Fei Yi offered a clarifying glance. "It's not intentional cultivation. Don't be mistaken; he's merely using the Evil Body Refining Skill to cleanse the surrounding impurities and fortify his body in the process. Nevertheless, his survival and mobility in such a place are nothing short of remarkable."

"That shadow, it's formidable?" Sheh Si inquired softly.

Fei Yi nodded affirmatively. "Without a means to neutralize the corrupting forces as Yu Yuan has, the filth would ravage one's flesh and soul to the point where even a Yang God might perish."

"Ah!" exclaimed Qi Nandou, taken aback.

Chi Yin concurred, "Indeed, the corruption within is fearsome. A Yang God, too, would falter under its assault. Survival hinges on possessing a body and soul resilient enough to endure the onslaught of those wild, chaotic forces."

"He's fused with the Evil Cauldron!" Lin Yue exclaimed.

The murmuring crowd was jolted into silence, their gazes snapping over.

Before their eyes, the regions where Yu Yuan and the Evil Cauldron were purifying had visibly converged.

With a powerful leap, Yu Yuan descended onto the Evil Cauldron.

The mouth of the cauldron opened upward, steadily engulfing him.

The Evil Cauldron fluctuated in size, seemingly self-adjusting.

It was perfectly attuned to Yu Yuan's current condition.

In mere seconds, the cauldron ceased its transformations. Yu Yuan, with his hands gripping the rim, stood within the Evil Cauldron as though he were in a large bathtub amidst a lake.

Despite the barrier of the Muddy Devil Embryo, he managed a leisurely grin at the onlookers.

"Can he... can he see us?" Sheh Si asked, astounded.

"Nonsense!" Fei Yi huffed, "If we can see him, of course he can see us! That blue shadow is nothing but a mishmash of bizarre forces, not some blue light! He and the Evil Cauldron have purified a small space, shining like an internal beacon, allowing us to see him."

With that, he turned to Chi Nandou, "Now, shouldn't you have a target in mind?"

"I'll... I'll give it a shot!" Chi Nandou steeled himself and consented.

Yet, as he was about to engage the power link between the glass bottle and the Bone Devouring Shuttle with his mind, Yu Yuan, from within the Evil Cauldron, gestured for him to hold off, mouthing the words, "Wait a bit longer."

Chi Nandou halted instantly.

Inside the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yuan persisted in executing the Evil Body Refining Skill. Amplified by the cauldron's power, he began to assail the Muddy Devil Embryo with a voracious ferocity.

Centered around the Evil Cauldron, the once obscured and muddied realm started to clarify rapidly!

His union with the Evil Cauldron had multiplied the purification rate several-fold!

A vast expanse of clarity emerged within the Muddy Devil Embryo, bit by bit becoming more distinct.

Libre Baskerville
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