Unmatched Dominance/C472 Breaking a Corner of the Curtain!
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Unmatched Dominance/C472 Breaking a Corner of the Curtain!
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C472 Breaking a Corner of the Curtain!

"Kill her!" Fei Yi's eerie cry echoed through the crowd.

As Mo Yan struggled to contain the Blood Offering Altar, Fei Yi, a disciple of the Devil Palace, directed the masses to besiege Lim Zhuyun, who was possessed by the Devaputra.

Out at sea, the Devil Palace disciples distanced from Lim Zhuyun unleashed their Devil Spells and magical armaments.

A barrage of Devil Rain, swords, and spears burst forth with blinding brilliance, swamping the aflame Lim Zhuyun in an instant.

Crackle and pop!

The cacophony of magic tools and sinister weapons resonated amidst the emerald flames enveloping Lim Zhuyun.

Yet her onslaught was relentless!

The magic tools and evil weapons that neared her were consumed by the green fire, their malevolent glow extinguished, their spirit dissipated, no longer formidable nor radiant.


Streaks of green lightning lashed out, striking the Devil Palace disciples and igniting them in fierce flames.

Their agonized screams pierced the air, unstoppable and overwhelming.

One by one, new charred corpses formed in the wake of the Devaputra's touch.

Chi Nandou's clothing was in tatters, his chest swollen with a walnut-sized bulge in his Dantian, brimming with potent Qi and blood, threatening to burst.

The glass bottle, ablaze within, tormented him, as though it set his Dantian itself on fire.

In his excruciating agony, he desperately focused a sliver of his consciousness, transmitting it to the Bone Devouring Shuttle.

The Bone Devouring Shuttle glowed with a ghostly white light and abruptly abandoned him.

Carrying the essence of death and the wails of lost souls, the Bone Devouring Shuttle dodged both Lim Zhuyun and the piercing green flames, aiming for the Muddy Devil Embryo.


A charred skeleton from the Blood God Cult, consumed by the green fire, crashed into the Bone Devouring Shuttle as it departed.

The impact sent the Bone Devouring Shuttle reeling, scattering sparks of green flame across its skeletal frame.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Corpse after corpse, incinerated by the flames, shot out like bolts of lightning, colliding with the Bone Devouring Shuttle.

With each collision, the remains disintegrated into ash.

The burnt skeletons, ignited by the green fire, seemed to expend their final heat, disintegrating completely.

Yet the persistent green sparks continued to strike the Bone Devouring Shuttle, weighing it down immensely, its velocity towards the Muddy Devil Embryo drastically reduced.

Everyone surrounding Lim Zhuyun, drawn in by her attack, was now frozen in shock.

Engulfed in emerald flames, Lim Zhuyun stood amidst the roaring inferno, her bizarre green eyes growing increasingly radiant and sinister.

And then, she halted.

She ceased her assault on Chi Nandou and stopped unleashing flames to slaughter those around her.

"She... She's sentient, and she's cunning!"

Sheh Si of the Devil Palace had an epiphany, pointing at the fiery figure of Lim Zhuyun, "The victims of her flames were all in the same region. When the Bone Devouring Shuttle aimed for that blue shadow, it diverted to another area to avoid her. But who could have anticipated that the charred remains would still interfere with the Shuttle!"

Fei Yi's expression turned grim, "The Heavenly Devils are a highly intelligent life race, no less than us. Her apparent charge at Chi Nandou was a ruse to force him into hastily deploying the Bone Devouring Shuttle, only to have it collide with the flame-consumed corpses. It appears she had a strategy for her killings right from the start!"

Lin Yue and Hou Tianzhao also sensed the impending doom.

The Bone Devouring Shuttle, sought by Yu Yuan, was bombarded by the corpses en route, splattered with green sparks. Despite its proximity to the Muddy Devil Embryo, it frustratingly couldn't advance.

Inside the Muddy Devil Embryo, Yu Yuan watched the Shuttle with desperate eyes.

"Bone Devouring Shuttle..."

Yu Yuan's eyes bulged as he glimpsed what seemed like a ghost shrouded in white mist, tormented by the green sparks, wailing in agony.

The Artifact Soul of the shuttle, damaged by the green flames, lost control over its movements.


A cluster of blood essence in Chi Nandou's chest and dantian burst open.

Dozens of streams of blood light exploded like dazzling fireworks.

Chi Nandou's strength drained away, and his body, once buoyant in the sea, now limply sank toward the ocean floor, his life force ebbing away.

His middle dantian had collapsed, leaving the gateways of his Qi and blood irreparably open.

"I... I... I'm out of options."

He slumped to the seabed, moaning feebly. Whether facing Mo Yan or the anxious Yu Yuan, he bore the look of a man on the brink of death.

He truly had no strength left to assist Mo Yan or Yu Yuan.

"Enough, enough. Who would have thought I'd meet my end in the Ember Waters?"

Mo Yan, seated upon the Kyara Demon Blade, was enveloped in black demonic blood, shrouding him like a dark cocoon. "I can only hope that the Devil Cocoon Soul Separating Technique will allow my Yin God to escape."

Sensing the Blood Sacrificial Altar's intense activation, Mo Yan grew despondent and prepared to employ another of the Devil Palace's secret arts in a desperate bid to flee with his Yin God.

He was acutely aware that his control over the Blood Sacrificial Altar was slipping away.

"Now is the time!"

Miles away, Lau Ying's cry echoed as the Fallen Star Eyes blazed with light.

It was as though stars from the Outer Star River were being drawn into the Fallen Star Eyes, fueling the power of the lunar meteorite!

The silvery Fallen Star Eyes transformed into a crescent moon, slowly ascending from the ocean's depths.

The moon's pure light refracted through the water, casting a spectrum of magnificent colors.

As the crescent moon ascended, it abruptly plunged downward.

The crescent, now a silver scythe, cleaved towards the ocean's edge as designated by Yu Yuan.

An ethereal dark blue light shield materialized, thickening instantly, exuding an aura of unshakable solidity and impenetrable defense.

"Shatter it!"

Lau Ying called out, standing at the forefront of the Fallen Star Eyes.

Behind her, massive chunks of silver-white stone burst into a cloud of debris.

Kong Banbi, Du Huang, Su Yan, and the others watched intently.

A tiny silver-white spark detonated against the dark blue light shield, creating a thunderous roar and releasing millions of tiny stars that merged with the spark in an instant.

The silver-white spark, now imbued with boundless sharpness, stabbed at the translucent blue shield.


The light shield was gradually pierced, revealing a minuscule hole, no bigger than a grain of rice.

The moment the hole appeared, it was like a beacon of hope had been ignited. The once dim and confined Ember Waters were now bathed in the Fallen Star Eyes' luminous moonlight.

The sealed world was shattered!

The expansive dark blue veil that separated two realms was no longer an impregnable barrier, no longer immune to the elements, no longer hermetically sealed!

With a rip, the veil of darkness tore open. As the gap widened, the Fallen Star Eyes, shaped like a crescent moon, slipped through and began a slow, deliberate journey towards the open sea.

Meanwhile, within the Muddy Devil Embryo, Yu Yuan stood in the Evil Cauldron, his body quivering slightly.

Suddenly, a fervent light burst forth from Yu Yuan's eyes, capturing everyone's attention.

Mo Yan, on the verge of performing the Devil's Soul Separating Technique to divide his Yin God from his flesh, witnessed Yu Yuan's abrupt transformation. A flicker of hope for survival reignited within him. "Could it be...?"

"Yu Yuan!" Yan Lu called out, his voice echoing instinctively through the water.

Behind Yu Yuan, eight points of scarlet flame emerged, floating in the air.

The flames swiftly morphed into eight radiant shafts of scarlet light that materialized behind his head.

As the onlookers watched in astonishment, the divine rays coalesced into eight miniature suns, fiercely ablaze.

Their intense light bathed the depths of the Muddy Devil Embryo, revealing what had long been concealed. The Chaos Roc, stirred into action by Yu Yuan's movements, could no longer hide and was illuminated beneath the eight fiery orbs.

Yu Yuan's eyes, ablaze with divine brilliance, locked onto the Bone Devouring Shuttle. In his mind, he commanded, "Awaken the eyes of insight!"

Far away, ten million miles distant in the serene Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, a subtle sound echoed from deep underground.

In the enigmatic space, where the four ancient characters for "Extreme Wisdom Brings Sorrow" hung, a black radiance burst forth. It seemed capable of piercing through the fabric of space, reaching any hidden nook of the Boundless Land in the blink of an eye.

Yu Yuan gestured with his free hand, summoning the Bone Devouring Shuttle. "Come!" he beckoned.

Responding to his call, the pale Bone Devouring Shuttle stirred. The Artifact Soul within it healed in an instant, and it obediently soared toward him.

As the Bone Devouring Shuttle zipped through the air, emerald sparks were stripped away from its form.

The sparks trailed behind like a comet's green tail, yet they scattered along the path, unable to cling to the shuttle any longer.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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