Unmatched Dominance/C477 The Thirtysixth Totem Pillar
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Unmatched Dominance/C477 The Thirtysixth Totem Pillar
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C477 The Thirtysixth Totem Pillar

As Yu Yuan grappled with a headache, an icy chill crept up from the depths of his heart.

A nameless trepidation wrapped around him like the frigid depths of an icy pond.

He, who had been amassing "Giant Beast Amber," was taken aback, casting his gaze in all directions in bewilderment.

He yearned to uncover what transformation had occurred that left him with such heart-pounding unease.

With his Wisdom Eye wide open, his perception sharpened dramatically, allowing him to discern the subtlest shifts and swiftly untangle complex issues.

His eyes briefly scanned the Chaos Roc before snapping back intently.

The "Bone Devouring Shuttle," which had penetrated the Chaos Roc's crown and embedded itself into the spine of the beast, had vanished from sight.

The sharp point of the shuttle and the white bone at its tail appeared to have fused entirely with the Chaos Roc's flesh and blood.

The motionless old man, his body riddled like a wasp's nest, emitted beams of light that ceased their erratic dance. Instead, they zipped back into his body like serpentine bolts of lightning.

The Chaos Roc, which had been bellowing moments before, had now fallen silent.


The bellow of the cauldron soul echoed through Yu Yuan's heart and soul, sending a shiver through his very essence.

A sense of imminent danger emanated from the seated Chaos Roc, making Yu Yuan, who was perilously close, feel the weight of impending peril.

Without a second thought, he halted the frenzied operation of his Evil Body Refining Skill, ceased his attempts to extract more Giant Beast Amber, and, commandeering the Evil Cauldron, took flight.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sounds of bones being tempered and remade emanated from the Chaos Roc's corporeal form.

In an instant, a desiccated hand slowly extracted the Bone Devouring Shuttle's white bones from within its skull.

The Chaos Roc's eyes flickered open, one a deep scarlet, the other a luminous white, their radiance spilling forth.

He let out a low chuckle, his voice tinged with excitement and a cruel, bloodthirsty glee. "The ancient Fey race that once suppressed me, their 'Ancient Fey Formation' has been broken. You shattered one of the thirty-six totem pillars within me, and with that, the Demon Array was undone."

He lifted his gaze to Yu Yuan, who was fleeing desperately, his sinister smile growing ever more dreadful.

"After the break, I refined the remaining thirty-five totem pillars embedded in my spine, one by one, transforming them into my arsenal of weapons, now at my command."

"Such a pity, though, with one totem pillar destroyed, the remaining thirty-five can no longer conjure the Ancient Fey Formation."

"A difference of just one pillar between thirty-five and thirty-six, yet it's enough to prevent the formation from taking shape."

"Hehe, kid, you've been quite the benefactor to me. Whatever I lack, you provide! This Bone Devouring Shuttle, crafted from the skeleton of a great demon and delivered by you, has been reforged by me into the thirty-sixth totem pillar."

"At last, the Ancient Fey Formation can be resurrected under my control."

The Chaos Roc let out a wicked smile.

One by one, the thirty-five totem pillars soared from his emaciated back.

Arranged in an array within the Muddy Devil Embryo, the thirty-five towering peristele stood like mighty stabilizing pins, and under the Chaos Roc's command, they plunged into the seabed of the Ember Waters.

The Bone Devouring Shuttle he drew forth, now in his palm, was enveloped in a dazzling display of lightning. It underwent a transformation, purified and honed by the Giant Beast Amber he had been condensing for millennia.

The white bone shuttle swelled in size, its surface etched with ancient demonic script by his own blood and essence, ultimately becoming the thirty-sixth totem pillar!


With the Chaos Roc's maniacal laughter, the thirty-sixth totem pillar took flight from his grasp, firmly rooting itself into the seabed.

In a mere moment, the heavens and earth underwent a transformation, celestial bodies shifted, and the sun and moon hung suspended!

A fierce sun and a cool crescent moon simultaneously manifested within the Muddy Devil Embryo.


Yu Yuan's complexion drained of color as he stared at the sky, struck dumb by the sight of the sun and moon.

He realized it wasn't the celestial bodies that were hovering above, but the Chaos Roc revealing its true form!

The sun and moon that dominated the sky were the eyes of the Chaos Roc, now visible after its true form had been unveiled!


Above the Muddy Devil Embryo, the "Deep Blue Veil" began to strain, emitting a sound of distress, as if a vast net, stretched to its limits by an immense force, threatened to tear apart.

"Oh my god!" Yan Lu exclaimed, "Quick, look! What is that?!"

All eyes instantly fixed on the "Muddy Devil Embryo," where deep within the blue shadows, a massive figure was unfolding, growing larger as it stretched from its coiled state.

At the very top of the "Muddy Devil Embryo," a sharp fin like a sword's edge tore through the "Dark Blue Curtain," stabbing towards the sea's surface.

The fin, arrayed like a series of blades, was so sharp it seemed capable of piercing the heavens themselves!

The "Dark Blue Curtain," which had kept the sea's surface and depths apart, impervious even to Heaven Level artifacts, now appeared as fragile as tissue paper, effortlessly punctured by the fin.

In an instant, it was breached!

The sprawling "Muddy Devil Embryo" could no longer conceal the behemoth that was now revealing itself.

With rows of serrated teeth and a spiny tail, the creature's head and tail jutted out from the ends of the "Muddy Devil Embryo."

"That's the strange fish that's been following Yu Yuan! I recognize it—that's the one!"

A young member of the Red Devil Sect stood frozen, watching the Chaos Roc inside the "Muddy Devil Embryo" grow and stretch, tearing open the "Dark Blue Curtain," and he screamed in hysteria.

"The Chaos Roc! How is this possible? How can it fully manifest itself?"

Mo Yan, perched atop the Devil Blade, turned ashen as the situation rapidly shifted. Overwhelmed with panic, he was at a loss for what to do next.

"Release the Aura Altar, and stop holding back Lim Zhuyun!"

Yu Yuan's roar thundered from within the Muddy Devil Embryo. "The Chaos Roc has unleashed the Ancient Fey Formation, its combat strength surging, now able to reveal its true monstrous form! From this moment, the Aura Altars of the Ember Waters will be its prey! Our only concern now is to escape this catastrophe!"

Still trapped within the Muddy Devil Embryo, his warning was all he could offer.

Mo Yan, momentarily dumbfounded, then barked in fury, "Well done, indeed!"

Cursing aside, he sprang into action, steering the Kyara Demon Blade swiftly away, but not before bellowing, "Hou Tianzhao, retract the Fire Fan!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Hou Tianzhao's mind was in a fog. Unsure of how to proceed, he instinctively followed orders.

The Fire Fan that had once engulfed Lim Zhuyun retracted all its flames and flew straight toward him.

At this point, Lim Zhuyun was too preoccupied to pay him any attention, as she was dashing toward the Aura Altar.

With Mo Yan's control gone, the Aura Altar that had been submerged in a seabed crevice began to rise once more.

As the Aura Altar made its way toward the Muddy Devil Embryo, Lim Zhuyun, ablaze with green flames, suddenly arrived and positioned herself above it.


The Deep Blue Veil that had enveloped the Ember Waters was like a massive net, torn asunder by an enormous fish, distorting its shape.

Above the sea.

A radiant blue light curtain, like a swelling hill, suddenly bulged from a region of the sea.

The blue glow flickered and scattered, signaling its collapse.

The Python Queen, Xu Zixi, soared back into the sky, only to witness the sea for thousands of miles around, in every direction, filled with invisible blue light that was shattered into fragments.

It was as if a series of water-blue mirrors were bursting in succession.

The exploding blue fragments were flying toward the rising mound, as if converging their full force to strike the oddity that had ascended from the sea floor.

"Fish fins! Such enormous fish fins, could it be a giant monster from the ocean depths?"

Xu Zixi was still trying to make sense of it all, staring bewildered in that direction.

"It's a Starry Behemoth known as the Chaos Roc."

Nearby, Lau Ying, who had been channeling star power with her Fallen Star Eyes through the ruptured Deep Blue Veil, caught sight of Xu Zixi after the barrier vanished and offered her an explanation.

"Starry Behemoth!" Xu Zixi's face drained of color in shock.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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