Unmatched Dominance/C483 Babel Chamber of Commerce
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Unmatched Dominance/C483 Babel Chamber of Commerce
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C483 Babel Chamber of Commerce

The Babel Chamber of Commerce's "Pirate Ship" stretched a majestic hundred feet in length and rose ten feet in height, its hull painted a serene sky-blue.

Each "Pirate Ship," meticulously crafted by the Artifact Sect for the Babel Chamber of Commerce, was designed to transport a myriad of goods across the vast seas, navigating the waters between the Heavenly Source Continent, Quietus Continent, and Profound Sky Continent.

Within the belly of the "Pirate Ship," a treasure trove of materials awaited—gems, various fine irons, medicinal herbs, and arrays that were yet to be completed.

The ship itself was sectioned into five distinct levels.

Each level housed a series of rooms, offering sanctuary for rest and spiritual cultivation.

On the lowest deck, ninety-six rooms were available exclusively for members of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, with a daily fee of one Spirit Stone.

The second deck boasted sixty-six rooms, where outsiders could find lodging at the cost of ten Spirit Stones per day.

The third deck was more exclusive, with only thirty-six rooms, and the price for outsiders spiked to a hundred Spirit Stones daily.

The fourth deck, even more luxurious, had twelve rooms, and the privilege of staying there came with a steep price of a thousand Spirit Stones per day.

With each ascent from the first to the fourth deck, the cost in Spirit Stones increased tenfold.

The fifth and most elite level was reserved solely for the inner members of the Babel Chamber of Commerce. Outsiders, regardless of their willingness to spend tens of thousands of Spirit Stones, were not permitted to stay.

Accommodations on the lowest level were modest and unrefined, furnished with just a bed and a table. The cramped space was suitable for little more than sleep and seated meditation against the wooden walls. The thin partitions meant that the snores and conversations of neighbors could be heard with unsettling clarity, leading to mutual disturbances.

Starting from the second level, the soundproofing was significantly improved. The rooms were not only more spacious but also well-appointed with cabinets, beds, and dining tables.

On the third level, each room was etched with formations that concentrated spiritual energy. By infusing Spirit Stones, these rooms transformed into unique cultivation chambers, brimming with spiritual essence to aid in the practice of cultivation.

The fourth level's rooms featured extraordinary arrays that soothed the mind and heart, enabling cultivators to achieve a profound stillness of soul as they sat in meditation.

Regarding the fifth floor, which was not accessible to the public, its layout remained a mystery, and the Babel Chamber of Commerce didn't make a habit of advertising it.

Yu Yuan handed over eighty Spirit Stones and was escorted onto the "Pirate Ship" by a woman named Chiang Yurong. Stepping onto the deck, he immediately noticed many curious eyes upon him.

The "Pirate Ship" boasted five levels, and from the lowest floor upward, occupants paid a fee in Spirit Stones for each room. The deck, however, was the exception. With the ship's fare covered, anyone could find a spot to settle down.

This was where the most destitute cultivators congregated, those too frugal to spend Spirit Stones for the shelter of a room, opting instead to scatter themselves across the deck.

A quick scan of the area allowed Yu Yuan to catch the gaze of over a dozen onlookers, their curiosity apparent.

Many were at the Spirit Accumulating Stage or Yellow Court Stage, and with their advanced ages, the prospect of advancing to the Profound Break Stage had all but faded.

Between the Profound Sky Continent and the Quietus Continent lay a vast sea peppered with innumerable islands. Here and there, solitary cultivators practiced their arts, though few achieved any notable success.

With one glance at their weather-beaten, sun-darkened skin, Yu Yuan deduced that these were island cultivators.

Among them, a few were visibly taken aback upon noticing the Mustard Seed Bracelet on his wrist.

The Mustard Seed Bracelet was no trifling item; its bearers were often either well-born or possessed exceptional talent in cultivation, typically earmarked early by major sects or clans.

Thus, the arrival of a young man, seemingly unremarkable in both age and cultivation level, yet adorned with a Mustard Seed Bracelet, naturally drew some speculative attention.

Yu Yuan offered a nonchalant smile in response.

He was also keenly aware of several less-than-friendly gazes directed his way.

With a "squeak," windows on the first and second floors creaked open, and a mix of astonished and inquisitive eyes peered out.

Those residing on the first floor might not have been significantly more powerful than those on the deck; after all, the daily cost was only one Spirit Stone, an amount most could manage.

The second floor, however, was a different story. The looks coming from those windows were discernibly sharp and perceptive.

Nearly all were at the Profound Break Stage, with some reaching the Penetrating Stage.

"Mustard Seed Bracelet..."

A person chuckled with a hint of slyness, "Quite the fortunate plump sheep we have here! Lucky for him, he's encountered the 'Pirate Ship' of the 'Babel Chamber of Commerce'. Heh! Heh!"

A malicious glint flickered in his eyes as he peered through the second-floor windows.

Then, with a resounding "thump," the windows slammed shut.

The occupants seemed irritated, vexed that they were aboard the Babel Chamber of Commerce's Pirate Ship instead of elsewhere, missing the chance to prey on Yu Yuan, the unsuspecting fat sheep.

The boundless sea hid greater cruelty and bloodshed, with countless unrecognizable corpses littering the depths of obscure islands.

The feeble were easy targets in the waters, often meeting unexplained deaths.

Thankfully, this Pirate Ship flew the Babel Chamber of Commerce's flag, and with a formidable cultivator at the helm, it was unlikely to fall prey to the ruthlessly wicked, avoiding a brutal massacre.

Yu Yuan smirked, "Fat sheep..."

Chiang Yurong's expression was stern. As the windows slowly closed, she remarked, "Ignore them. They're merely indulging in idle talk! On our Pirate Ship, they wouldn't dare act out of line, not even if they had the audacity!"

After a brief pause, she continued, "Since you're familiar with the rules, feel free to choose any room. You're aware of the prices. There are vacancies on the first, second, and third floors. The fourth floor, however, with its twelve rooms, is fully occupied and currently unavailable."

Noticing Yu Yuan's Mustard Seed Bracelet, she surmised that this member of the Lee family, who had fled the nascent Devil Moon Empire, must be quite affluent, "With that Mustard Seed Bracelet, the first floor is beneath you; the space is simply too cramped."

Yu Yuan offered a slight smile, about to respond, when something caught his attention, and he glanced up at the fourth floor.

Out of nowhere, a window on the fourth floor opened, and a portly old steward popped his head out.

His garments fluttered outside the window, adorned with golden coins that jingled merrily. The man beamed, his eyes twinkling with delight.

Yu Yuan paused, taken aback, then bowed his head, musing on the serendipity of the moment.

"Do you know him?" Chiang Yurong exclaimed in surprise.

"No, but I've heard of him," Yu Yuan replied, shaking his head. "Descriptions of his looks and traits have been passed around. He's quite distinctive, so I recognized him."

"I suppose you shouldn't know him," Chiang Yurong said, unfazed. "Had you known him, you wouldn't be in this predicament. Anyway, have you made up your mind?"

"I'll take the second floor," Yu Yuan said with a wince, extracting Spirit Stones from his Mustard Seed Bracelet. "I'll stay for half a month."

Handing over one hundred and fifty Spirit Stones to Chiang Yurong, she then took the lead, guiding Yu Yuan to select a room on the second floor of the Pirate Ship.

The fourth floor had only twelve rooms, each costing a thousand Spirit Stones per day.

In a room adorned with opulent carvings of dragons and phoenixes on wooden walls and inlaid with pearls and jewels, the air was thick with the scent of sandalwood incense.

Old Cash, with his plump figure, closed the window with an odd look on his face.

In the grand hall, two voluptuous and pretty women in sheer garments, their cleavage partially exposed, gazed at him with a dreamy look in their eyes.

The white jade round table was laden with fine wines, glistening fruits, and pastries brimming with spiritual energy.

The two fair-skinned beauties, identical twins, possessed both elegance and sensuality and shared the same cultivation level at the Profound Break Stage.

As Old Cash turned back to them, they rose to greet him, flanking him on either side, and escorted him back to the table.

One offered him a wine cup while the other presented a strand of sparkling fruits, both serving him attentively with charming smiles.

Chewing on the fruit, Old Cash downed the sweet wine from his silver goblet in one gulp and then said, "You two sisters, head to that second-floor room of the newcomer. If either of you can spend the night with him, I guarantee you'll both advance smoothly to the Penetrating Stage."

The sisters stood there, dumbfounded, hardly believing their luck—as if a pie had just fallen from the sky.

The sisters had long been in the service of Old Cash, ready to offer themselves up in exchange for an advancement in their cultivation levels. They were more than willing, eagerly awaiting the moment Old Cash would favor them.

Yet, the old demon seemed content with merely indulging in wine and fine food, engaging them in idle chatter to alleviate his ennui. He took liberties with them, teasing without intent, never committing to any promises, which left the sisters secretly fretting.

They were at a loss to decipher his true intentions, clueless about his thoughts. Just as they were on the verge of abandoning hope, Old Cash blindsided them with an unexpected proposition.

The more voluptuous sister was the first to snap out of her daze, her excitement palpable as she asked, "Senior, do you truly mean that?"

With a resounding "Pah!" Old Cash gave her a firm smack on the behind and burst into laughter, "Would you really doubt my reputation?"

"Of course not!" The sultry sister, massaging her buttocks, sidled up to Old Cash and breathed seductively on his face, "And what if we were to share his bed?"

"Add one more treasure each, no less than a Fifth Grade Spirit Level artifact! I assure you, it'll be perfectly suited for you, not just some trinket," Old Cash chuckled as he pinched the younger sister's cheek, "I bet the lad fancies someone like you."

On the fourth floor, twelve rooms each boasted formations to block sound and soul detection. Old Cash had no concerns about eavesdroppers.

Given his status and the Babel Chamber of Commerce's strictures, no one would dare such an intrusion.

The typically timid sister found herself invigorated by Old Cash's words, her demeanor visibly lifted.

"You have three days. Report back once it's done," Old Cash dismissed them with a wave, "But be discreet, and ensure the Babel Chamber of Commerce remains unaware of my involvement."

With an excited "Oh," the sisters hurried off.

As soon as they departed, Old Cash's smile vanished without a trace.

He slowly crushed the wine pots and fruit platters into mush, his brow furrowed in thought. He reflected on the time spent with Yu Yuan in the Absence Relic.

"In just a few months, he's soared from the Yellow Court Stage to the Profound Break Stage. His demeanor, physique, and foundational strength are remarkably solid. More astonishingly, there's been a subtle shift in his aura, one that even I struggle to fully comprehend."

"Why is he here, all by himself?"

"Is it possible that the upheaval in the Ember Waters is somehow connected to him?"


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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