Unmatched Dominance/C485 Sisters
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Unmatched Dominance/C485 Sisters
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C485 Sisters

As Yu Yuan stood there in astonishment, a pair of twin sisters stepped into the room shoulder to shoulder, instantly brightening the dim space.

"Enjoy your chat, little bro. If you've got more questions later, don't hesitate to look me up," Fong Zhong said with a hearty laugh. After the sisters entered, he remained outside, closing the door behind them, shaking his head and muttering, "Some guys have all the luck."

The room's sole unopened window did little to illuminate the space, but the sudden entrance of the sisters seemed to set the room aglow. It wasn't just the radiant jade and gemstone jewelry they wore that shone, but also their strikingly similar and equally lovely features.

The two women shared the same visage and similar statures, but the allure in their eyes was distinct enough to tell them apart at a glance. One sister, with bold and fiery eyes, was clad in a rose-red dress with a plunging neckline that revealed an expanse of her pale décolletage. She surveyed Yu Yuan with a smile, her demeanor more that of an owner than an accidental visitor.

The other sister, her eyes brimming with timidity, was dressed in a white gown and seemed too shy to meet his gaze directly.

Yu Yuan squinted slightly, in no rush to speak, his lips curled in a smile as he observed the unexpected pair. Both women were at the Profound Break Stage, and he sensed their vitality wasn't particularly robust, suggesting their cultivation levels were nothing extraordinary.

Their jewelry, adorned with lustrous jade and gems, sparkled with light. Yet, in reality, there was no aura of spiritual energy swirling around them. These were mere trinkets for mortal adornment, not the priceless spiritual artifacts with myriad uses.

"Do you sisters need something from me?" Yu Yuan finally asked, his mouth quirking into a casual smile after a moment's pause.

Aboard the "Pirate Ship," he felt no concern for sudden skirmishes, especially with the sisters' relatively modest realms. He was quite at ease, unworried about unexpected incidents.

"Entering the Profound Break Stage and still impressed by a Mustard Seed Bracelet..." Chung Mann mused inwardly, suspecting that Old Cash had taken a whimsical turn in making such an arrangement. She doubted that the wily Old Cash would be acquainted with someone like Yu Yuan, a man of lowly realm with little apparent backing. "I'm Chung Mann, and this is my sister, Chung Miao."

She gestured toward the girl who seemed too timid to meet Yu Yuan's gaze and spoke with a hint of shyness, "The thing is, we're nearly out of Spirit Stones and we'd rather not endure the leering stares on the deck. You don't strike me as a bad guy. Would you mind letting us sisters bunk in your place for a bit?"

"Once we reach the Crack Archipelago, we'll pay you half the Spirit Stones. How does that sound?"

The bashful sister finally lifted her head, her eyes filled with hopeful anticipation.

Yu Yuan stood by the bed, arms crossed, his expression a curious mix of emotions.

On the Pirate Ship, the number of occupants in a cabin didn't affect the fixed rate of Spirit Stones due, regardless of how many people shared the space.

Yet, it was common for cultivators traversing the world to prefer solitude, avoiding rooming with others from their sect or family.

Even those from the same sect or family tended to dislike company during their personal cultivation—unless, of course, they were Dao companions.

The sisters, known as Chung Miao and Chung Mann, were striking in appearance. Their modest adornments, such as the Mustard Seed Bracelets, hinted at their financial struggles, making it quite plausible they couldn't afford the steep Spirit Stone fee.

Their sudden request to share his room was certainly thought-provoking.

With a long and uneventful journey ahead, Yu Yuan pondered briefly before his face broke into a warm smile, and he graciously accepted, saying, "The bed's mine, but make yourselves at home. Forget the Spirit Stones when we get to the Crack Archipelago; just lend me a small hand instead."

"What kind of favor?" Chung Mann asked cautiously. "We're not skilled in combat; anything violent is out of the question."

"It's truly a minor thing," Yu Yuan assured her with a smile.

"And if we decline, can we compensate with Spirit Stones?" she pressed for confirmation.

Yu Yuan nodded. "That's fine."

"Great," Chung Mann exhaled in relief, then turned to lock the door from the inside. She patted her chest, a look of gratitude spreading across her face. "I knew it! You're a good-hearted soul. We finally have a decent place to stay, no more roughing it on the deck."

Chung Miao offered a gentle smile, picked a corner, and pulled a clean cushion from her bag. Tossing it to the floor, she settled down quietly, her head bowed in silence.

The ever-present, subtle Spirit Qi flowed quietly, converging toward her dantian.

She sat in silent meditation, cultivating on the spot, unresponsive to her sister's words.

Yu Yuan inquired with curiosity, "I didn't spot you two on the deck when I boarded. Where did you come from?"

"Better left unsaid. We were unceremoniously kicked out by a scoundrel," Chung Mann replied with a hint of bitterness. "As you arrived, we were pleading with someone else who turned us down. By chance, we were at the window and saw you being welcomed aboard. Hearing you'd chosen the second level and promptly paid the Spirit Stone, we thought we'd try our luck."

"Oh," Yu Yuan acknowledged, nodding without further questioning. "You sisters are free to do as you wish."

With that, he settled on the bed's edge, leaning against the wooden wall as he had before Feng Zhong's arrival, contemplative rather than eager to cultivate. He pondered Feng Zhong's recent words.

The information about the Ember Waters provided by Feng Zhong, the Wind Chanter, was largely fabricated.

Yet, the fact that Heixun had broken through to the Unrestrained Stage, wielding the unified Aura Altar to shatter the barrier of the Boundless Land and surge into the Outland Star River, was astonishingly beyond his expectations.

The Upper Sects, along with the Demon Palace and Devil Palace, had Peak experts stationed in the Boundless Land throughout the year.

Heixun's grand spectacle in the Ember Waters, his fusion with the Chaos Roc, and the manifestation of the Starry Behemoth's true form—had he truly managed to elude them?

Were the Unrestrained Stage and Primordial Spirit Stage cultivators from the five major powers merely spectators?

"There must be external forces at play, collaborating with Heixun... Could it be the Divine Soul Sect? As the cauldron soul mentioned, the Spiritual Spells and secret arts Heixun practiced were the Divine Soul Sect's legacy. And the Divine Soul Sect, long extinct in the Boundless Land, has found new life and is swiftly expanding in the Outer Star River."

"Did the Divine Soul Sect aid him, ensuring his safe departure?"

"Is it possible that during his first trial in the Outland Star River, Heixun, in his Yang God form, encountered the Divine Soul Sect's experts and was seduced into secretly pledging allegiance? And then, with the Divine Soul Sect's guidance, he took up the mantle of guardian for the Devil Palace in Ember Waters, plotting to seize the Aura Altar and the Chaos Roc?"

"What about White Coat Mercurial, Peach Madam, and the White Crane Rider? Do they have any ties to the Divine Soul Sect?"

"If the Divine Soul Sect has the power to aid Heixun in his escape from the Boundless Land through the Outer Star River, leaving the upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace at a loss for countermeasures..."

"Then the power that the Divine Soul Sect has been amassing in secret must indeed be formidable!"


Thoughts zipped through Yu Yuan's mind like lightning.

"Kind brother, what's your name? And where are you from?" Chung Mann settled gracefully at the small table in the center of the room, her bright eyes shimmering with curiosity as she gazed at him. She couldn't resist asking, "Are you headed to the Crack Archipelago? Do you have acquaintances there? Which island will you be visiting?"

Yu Yuan felt his train of thought derailed, slightly annoyed. "I hail from the Devil Moon Empire. My name is Lee Qi." He gave Chung Mann a look that suggested he wasn't keen on further questioning, hoping she'd take the hint.

"Devil Moon Empire, Lee..." Chung Mann's demeanor shifted subtly. "The Lee family? Then, do you know General Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu?"

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with recognition. "Hmm?"

"No way! Are you a scion of the Lee clan?" Chung Mann's interest piqued, her excitement palpable. "General Lee is a savior to me!"

She gestured towards Chung Miao, "My sister here, she's quite fond of Lee Yu!"

Chung Miao, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, opened her eyes, which seemed to speak volumes of her sorrow and resignation. In a soft voice, she interjected, "Please, sister, don't make such claims. He's out of my league."

"That was the case once," Chung Mann continued, her words flowing freely. "But times have changed. The Lee family has fallen from grace, their empire in ruins. They're no longer royalty. What's there to be out of reach? Besides, he's in the same boat as us now, having fled to the Crack Archipelago alongside General Lee."

"Once we reach the Crack Archipelago, who knows? We might even run into them."

Chung Miao let out a wistful sigh. "Our humble origins hardly make us a match for their kind."

Yu Yuan was taken aback, thinking to himself, Could it really be such a coincidence?


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