Unmatched Dominance/C490 He Had Learned His Lesson
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Unmatched Dominance/C490 He Had Learned His Lesson
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C490 He Had Learned His Lesson

Yu Yuan broke out in a cold sweat.

Even when Yuan Lianyao angrily pinched his arm with force, he remained unresponsive.

"The Bright Sect..."

This fringe faction, much like the Voodoo Cult, lacked recognition from orthodox cultivators.

Not only on the Heavenly Source Continent but even on the Quietus Continent, established powers such as the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect looked down upon the Bright Sect, deeming it unworthy of serious consideration or a place among the esteemed.

In his past life, Yu Yuan had heard of the Bright Sect and was aware of their cultivation practices, though he had never personally encountered them.

The Bright Sect's cultivation involved the infamous "harvesting Yang to replenish Yin" techniques, which were most effective when applied to men, fully harnessing the sect's secret arts and Spiritual Spells.

Nevertheless, the Bright Sect was cautious not to overstep, refraining from targeting orthodox cultivators.

Leaving aside the Devil Palace and Demon Palace, even the disciples of sects like the Red Devil Sect, Fiend Sect, and Filthy Spirit Sect were spared from the Bright Sect's female cultivators' provocations.

Their usual targets were independent cultivators or scions of declining noble families.

Yu Yuan was familiar with the Bright Sect's Twin Charm Spirit Arts, a secret technique that required selecting twin sisters with innate charm. One would be the "Charm Spirit," engaging in the art of harvesting by using her body to extract and assimilate a man's essence, Qi, and blood.

The "Spirit Spirit," on the other hand, would covertly refine the absorbed essence and blood Qi from the Charm Spirit and subsequently harvest it.

Typically, the cultivation level of the "Spirit Spirit" surpassed that of the "Charm Spirit," often by one or two realms, which was considered normal.

In general, the "Spirit Spirit" acted as a mirror, outwardly reflecting the condition of the "Charm Spirit."

Take Chung Miao, for instance, whom he observed to be at the Profound Break Stage. Her cultivation of the physical body was rudimentary at best, showing little promise.

Regardless of how he looked at it, Chung Miao and her sister Chung Mann seemed nearly identical in appearance, cultivation level, and aptitude.

Yet, what he could discern was that Chung Miao served as a mirror, projecting the true state of her sister, Chung Mann.

Chung Miao's true level of cultivation was undoubtedly far superior to that of Chung Mann!

She was the genuine recipient of the "Coins of Charm Spirit" technique, manipulating her sister from the shadows, silently refining and drawing upon the vital essence and blood Qi within her sister's body. Her own cultivation was bound to be significantly higher as a result.

If one were to be oblivious and inadvertently become her target, falling under her sister's influence, the outcome could be dire...

Even Yu Yuan couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

His gaze upon Old Cash was, as expected, filled with disdain.

"Caught on, have you?"

Yuan Lianyao gave him a sidelong glance but refrained from further reprimand. She settled into a warm jade chair, fetched an exquisite vessel, and poured a cup of red fruit wine, passing it to Yu Yuan with a nonchalant gesture. "Have a drink to steady your nerves."

Yu Yuan took a sip, finding the wine pleasantly sweet.

"Old Cash, do you have anything else to say?" Yuan Lianyao filled another cup for herself, cradling the silver goblet and swirling it gently, her gaze icy. "I've taken note of all your underhanded dealings."

Old Cash bowed repeatedly, his face twisted into a wry smile as he protested, "It's a misunderstanding, truly! I had no idea, no intention of scheming against Yu. If I wished him harm, I wouldn't have informed you about his presence on the Pirate Ship. Think about it, isn't that so?"

"Don't try that with me!" Yuan Lianyao's expression hardened as she snapped, "Given your savvy, you couldn't have missed the sisters' origins! Regardless of your reasons for informing me about Yu Yuan, sending those sisters after him was clearly malicious!"

"A guilty conscience needs no accuser," Old Cash lamented, feeling aggrieved.


Yuan Lianyao, fed up, flicked her delicate hand toward the door, effectively dismissing him.

"Brother Old Cash, your 'kindness' won't be forgotten," Yu Yuan said with a sardonic smile, his tone foreboding. "I'll be sure to repay the favor."

With a heavy sigh and a shake of his head, Old Cash adopted a mournful expression. "I'll leave you two be," he said, bowing out and pushing the door open without further attempt to justify himself.

He was well aware that once Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao had made up their minds, no explanation would suffice.

"He's definitely aware of the twin sisters' affiliation with the Bright Sect," Yuan Lianyao stated with conviction.

"Yes, I've noticed as well," Yu Yuan acknowledged, draining the red fruit wine from his cup before settling into a warm jade chair across from Yuan Lianyao. He nudged his empty cup forward, signaling for the City Lord's sister to pour another round.

"To think you're still quite the little drinker," Yuan Lianyao said with a light laugh, her spirits high. She took the wine jug and refilled his cup, topping off her own in the process. Her smile widened playfully as she teased, "Have you ever thought about me?"

Her gaze, enchanting and soul-stealing, flickered towards Yu Yuan—seemingly casual yet purposeful. "Day and night, so much that sleep eludes me," Yu Yuan replied promptly.

Her eyes sparkled with mirth, though her words suggested otherwise. "You've grown more eloquent since we last met. Who taught you to be so smooth? During the Ember Waters trial, with Su Yan on one side and Lau Ying on the other, you must've been quite content!"

Yu Yuan sipped his wine, head bowed. "What exactly do you know?"

"Before Lord Faang Yao brought me to this Pirate Ship, I met with Hou Tianzhao," Yuan Lianyao pressed, her gaze intense. "Don't dodge the question. I've heard Su Yan and Lau Ying, those two girls, were quite taken with you while wielding the Fallen Star Eyes. Did you take advantage of their affections and then refuse to take responsibility, fleeing in the Evil Cauldron in disgrace?"

As she spoke, she slid her chair closer to Yu Yuan, her mesmerizing eyes locked on his.

The intoxicating scent of this "fiery red lotus" wafted towards him, igniting a fire in his liver and sending ripples through his heart. It was overwhelming.

In his past life, having never embarked on the path of cultivation, unable to break through the mystical gate and reverse the limits of his lifespan, he lived in constant anxiety over the brevity of time. He would either bury himself in the study of alchemy or desperately search for the secrets of cultivation, until, ultimately, he was left with no choice but to seek rebirth.

Throughout his life, he had scarcely indulged in romantic entanglements.

The handful of women who took a liking to him were met with courtesy but kept at arm's length, as if they were something to be avoided at all costs.

Knowing that his time on earth was as fleeting as any other mortal's, why should he squander their time as well?

He yearned to change this, yet with time and energy in short supply, where was the luxury to engage in affairs of the heart?

Thus, in his previous existence, he truly never knew such extravagance.

He would dodge and weave around women whenever possible.

Even when a woman's admiration was evident, he feigned ignorance, letting potential romances slip by.

If he harbored any regret from his past life, it was the absence of love's sweet torment.

But this life promised something new!

Advancing to the Profound Break Stage and unlocking the Dantian Gate signified the shattering of his lifespan's ceiling!

Henceforth, he could live for centuries, millennia, or even longer!

He had time aplenty to squander!

Gone were the days of feeling time's relentless march, the looming crisis, fear, and despair that once clung to him, stifling his every breath.

With this revelation, his spirits soared, and he sat up with newfound vigor, banishing the shadows and trepidation of his former self.

"By the heavens, my thoughts have been with you, dear sister!"

Yu Yuan's smile beamed as he met the unwavering gaze of those beautiful eyes. His heart stirred, and he playfully countered, "I wonder, sister, in our time apart, have you spared a thought for me as well?"

"You little rascal..."

The heat in his gaze made Yuan Lianyao shy away, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink as she awkwardly averted her eyes, her inner turmoil betrayed by the hasty swig of wine she took.

"Cough, cough!"

The wine went down the wrong way.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but laugh heartily, his pride swelling, "Sister, I see your true feelings now! Haha, all my days and nights of pining haven't been in vain!"

"You scoundrel, picking up bad habits, I see!" Yuan Lianyao teased, casting a playful glance his way as she dabbed at the wine stains on her chest with her sleeve.

Yu Yuan, wine cup in hand, boldly admired her figure, thinking to himself, "Impressive, indeed!"


Yuan Lianyao caught on and couldn't hide her irritation, "Stop giving me that sly look! I'm discussing serious matters with you! Did you actually manage to refine the Evil Cauldron? How did you achieve a breakthrough so rapidly? And when you were at the Yellow Court Stage, how many rounds of tempering did it take for you to reach the Profound Break Stage?"

Yu Yuan downed his wine in one swift motion, putting an end to his playful antics. "The information you received from Hou Tianzhao is accurate. The Evil Cauldron and I have become one. If the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace try to strip it from me, it would damage the very core of my cultivation, with severe repercussions."

"There's no need for concern," Yuan Lianyao reassured him as she refilled his cup, "The Imperial Advisor will intercede on your behalf with the Devil Palace. The Python Queen will give Yu Zhu a heads-up, so the Demon Palace won't press the issue. Besides, Fei Yi, Hou Tianzhao, Lin Yue, and the others have all acknowledged your pivotal role in their escape."

"As a result, neither the Devil Palace nor the Demon Palace will pressure you to surrender the Evil Cauldron. Now that the cauldron soul is gone, the item has lost its Artifact status. It's baffling that they would still make such a commotion over it."

Yu Yuan swirled his wine, contemplating the deep red liquid, a sense of astonishment growing within him: Could it be that the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace are unaware that the cauldron soul is intact?

"So, tell me, how many times did you refine the Yellow Court Little World?" Yuan Lianyao pressed, her eyes shimmering with intense curiosity, "This step is crucial to your future achievements!"

"Eight refinements?!"


"Heavens above!"

Yuan Lianyao gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock, her expression akin to witnessing a specter in broad daylight.

To achieve Eight Refinements at the Yellow Court Stage was to be among the elite prodigies of both the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent—coveted talents that the upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace would desperately vie for, even to the point of open conflict!

Libre Baskerville
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