Unmatched Dominance/C491 A Man and a Woman
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Unmatched Dominance/C491 A Man and a Woman
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C491 A Man and a Woman

Yuan Lianyao gazed upon Yu Yuan as if he were a treasure beyond compare, a rare gem between heaven and earth.

"Eight Refinements..."

Her eyes shimmered with light, as if divine rainbows were springing into existence from nowhere.

Those who refine the Eight Yellow Court acupoints, given their Spiritual Spell is sound, can condense the Yin God, embark on Soul Wandering, and ascend to the Yang God Stage.

With a stroke of luck and ample insight, entering the Unrestrained Stage is well within reach.

Even the Primordial Spirit Stage holds a glimmer of hope!

In the vast expanse of the Boundless Land, every sect would go to great lengths to cultivate such individuals, treating them as the revitalizing flame and the backbone for the sect's prosperity.

As Faang Yao's cultivation progressed and his understanding of the Red Devil Sect deepened, Yuan Lianyao became increasingly cognizant of the significance of the innate cultivation talent she possessed from birth.

"The Imperial Advisor truly has an eye for talent!"

Her smile radiated as she poured wine for Yu Yuan, clinking her cup against his. "Come now, let me lavish you with praise. When you've condensed your Yang God and glide through the Outland Star River, don't forget to take me with you."

Yu Yuan took another sip. "Are the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace really not after the Evil Cauldron?"

"I haven't heard anything of the sort," Yuan Lianyao replied.

With his mind at ease, Yu Yuan grinned broadly and continued to drink merrily with Yuan Lianyao.

They chatted and drank leisurely.

Before long, Yu Yuan learned that after he and Yan Lu set off for the Ember Waters aboard the Silver Rainbow Magic Shuttle, the Devil Moon Empire came under the firm grip of the Yan family.

Families like the Su and Lim, with ties to the seven lower sects, were outwardly favored by the Yan family but covertly suppressed.

The Yu family's status in Darkmoon City was solidified, no longer swayed by the Su or Lim families.

Thanks to their ties with the Red Devil Sect, Yuan Lianyao's own Yuan family was held in high esteem by the new emperor.

She didn't linger in Darkmoon City; sensing her breakthrough moment was imminent, she promptly communicated with the Red Devil Sect.

The Red Devil Sect swiftly made arrangements to have her sent overseas. Faang Yao himself came to assist, bringing with him an array of spiritual herbs and calming materials. They chose an island with frequent volcanic eruptions to gather the essence of the earth's fire, aiding her in successfully refining her Earth Soul into a Yin God.

The island was quite distant from the Devil Moon Empire, and with Faang Yao pressed for time, he coordinated with the Babel Chamber of Commerce to secure her passage on the "Pirate Ship." This vessel would ensure her safe arrival at the Crack Archipelago, where the Red Devil Sect owned an island.

On the Crack Archipelago, the Babel Chamber of Commerce maintained a teleportation array, which could directly transport her to the Absence Relic. The Spirit Void Sect had invested heavily in constructing this array, and despite Yan Qiling's sabotage, it had been successfully restored.

Now, Yu Zhu was the undisputed ruler of the Absence Relic. Her transfer there was guaranteed to be in good order.

As they sipped their wine and discussed their farewells, Yu Yuan shared his adventures in the Ember Waters with Yuan Lianyao, recounting the events he could speak of. She had already learned much from Hou Tianzhao, including details about the Chaos Roc, the Starry Behemoth, and Heixun's betrayal.

The information she relayed to Yu Yuan was not far off from what Feng Zhong, the Wind Chanter, had shared.

"I heard from Hou Tianzhao that you came across some Giant Beast Amber; is that true?" Yuan Lianyao asked, her cheeks flushed with a tipsy glow, her eyes slightly bleary but sparkling with curiosity. "I only learned about the marvels of Giant Beast Amber from overhearing a casual conversation between Lord Faang and Hou Tianzhao. Yu Yuan, did you know there's a remarkable use for it? It's not useful for cultivation, but many esteemed cultivators seek it out desperately."

Yu Yuan remained silent, setting his wine cup down before replying, "Alright, let's leave it at that for now."

"But I'm asking you—do you know?" Yuan Lianyao pressed, her face still tinged with red.

"I don't," Yu Yuan replied, shaking his head.

"That..." Yuan Lianyao hesitated, biting her lower lip and looking down. "Lord Faang mentioned that the vital essence of the Starry Behemoth, when refined by a female cultivator through a secret method and combined with a special pellet, can significantly increase the chances of conception." Her voice trailed off, as soft as a whisper.

Yu Yuan reiterated, "I don't know."

In the cosmos, there are laws that govern all. The mightier the being, the more difficult it is for them to procreate. As cultivators ascend beyond the Yin God Stage, their likelihood of conceiving dwindles with each advancement in their cultivation level. The higher one's realm, the less probable it is to leave offspring. It's as though the heavens, in their quest to maintain balance, punish those who defy the natural order with their formidable cultivation.

Many practitioners who have reached the Soul Wandering Stage, the Yang God Stage, or the Unrestrained Stage realize their potential is tapped out, with no further prospects of advancement. Whether due to grievous injury or an inability to reclaim their former glory, they entertain the notion of siring a child. They hope to nurture this offspring to surpass the boundaries they themselves could not breach. Sadly, it remains a mere daydream.

Numerous cultivators from the Soul Wandering and Yang God Stages have forcibly taken many women, toiling for years without bearing fruit. Female cultivators face the same plight; not even pairing with a mortal man guarantees conception. Together, their chances are virtually non-existent.

Legend speaks of the "Giant Beast Amber," imbued with the essence of life, possessing the miraculous power to defy and transform the very fabric of the universe. Many formidable cultivators, traversing the boundless starry expanse, seek encounters with Starry Behemoths. Whether through pleas or trades of rare treasures, they yearn for even a fragment of "Giant Beast Amber," clinging to the hope of bequeathing their legacy, their Spiritual Spell, and millennia of wisdom to a progeny. Indeed, a child born to a cultivator of elevated realm would naturally possess unparalleled talents.

Should two supremely powerful cultivators unite and produce a child, that child's innate gifts would be one in a million. Yet, the odds of encountering a Starry Behemoth in the vastness of space are infinitesimally small.

"I'm simply asking you, did you actually come across the Giant Beast Amber at the seabed of the Ember Waters?" Yuan Lianyao asked, her lips pursed in a tipsy pout, her gaze unwavering.

"Uh..." Yu Yuan hesitated before giving a slight nod.

"Just save me one piece, only one," Yuan Lianyao insisted, her thumb adorned with red polish gesturing the size. "The size of a fingernail should suffice, or so I've heard."

Yu Yuan gave her an incredulously strange look. "What are you planning to do?"

"Why are you so nosy!" Yuan Lianyao, flustered, refused to meet his gaze. "Just make sure to leave me a small piece, that's all!"

"Oh," Yu Yuan responded simply.

"Find yourself somewhere to rest. I've had too much to drink; I'm off to bed." The inebriated City Lord rose gracefully and headed towards a chamber, reminding him as she went, "On the fourth floor, each suite has three quiet bedrooms. The one I'm using is off-limits. Don't mix them up if you're drunk."

Yu Yuan watched her enticing figure retreat and felt a surge of heat rise within him. As he pondered the purpose of the Giant Beast Amber she desired, his curiosity grew, prompting him to tease, "Sister, are you hoping I'll pick the wrong room, or not?"

The Flame Lotus, on the verge of entering her room, paused, spun around, and crooked her finger at him provocatively. "If you're brave enough, go ahead and make a mistake."

"There's no mistake to be made," Yu Yuan chuckled heartily as he advanced toward her.

Yuan Lianyao, however, suddenly lost her nerve and darted into the room, bolting the door behind her. From within, she scolded, "You impudent boy, your audacity knows no bounds, flirting even with me. Just wait until I get back to Darkmoon City—I'll take this up with your grandfather!"

Standing at the door, Yu Yuan exhaled deeply. "I had intended to give you the Giant Beast Amber now, to make use of it tonight. You're quite heartless, big sister."

"Go find a different room!" Yuan Lianyao shouted from inside.

"Alright, alright," Yu Yuan sighed, resigning himself to leave.

Inside, the renowned beauty, whose allure had countless men longing, leaned against the door with flushed cheeks. She clutched her heaving chest with one hand and her forehead with the other, whispering to herself in a barely audible voice, "It's definitely the alcohol... it's got to be... making me act this way..."

Her lips curled into a seductive smile. "After years of slander and enduring endless scorn, I'd nearly forgotten I've never truly engaged in playful banter with a man. So this is what it feels like—how... intriguing."

Her spirits were high as she hummed a cheerful tune, making her way deeper into the house.

Before departing, she casually removed the inner lock she had previously secured.

Over the next two days, Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao engaged in their separate cultivation practices.

Occasionally, she would bring out an assortment of meats, wine, and fruits, beckoning Yu Yuan to join her, insisting on the importance of balancing work with leisure.

In their downtime, the pair exchanged playful banter and reveled in each other's company.

Two days later.

The "Pirate Ship," after a stint of deep-sea navigation, gradually decelerated until it came to a complete halt.

Yuan Lianyao, who had never set foot on a "Pirate Ship" and was unfamiliar with its operations, emerged from the inner room, perplexed. "It seems the ship has stopped."

"We've come across an island that offers spiritual materials for trade," Yu Yuan explained as he emerged from the adjacent room upon hearing her voice. "En route to the Crack Archipelago, the ship makes stops at some of the larger islands to collect spiritual materials, which we can then sell at the archipelago."

"You seem to know a lot," Yuan Lianyao remarked, impressed.

Yu Yuan smiled. "Would you like to explore the island?"

"Yes, let's!" Yuan Lianyao responded eagerly.

"Alright, let's head out. With you by my side, it should be quite safe once we disembark," Yu Yuan explained as they walked. "According to the Babel Chamber of Commerce's policies, once you leave the 'Pirate Ship,' they won't intervene in any disputes on the island, regardless of the outcome. If you fail to board the ship at the designated time, your deposit of Spirit Stones is forfeited, and your lodging is relinquished."

Yuan Lianyao gasped, "Are you saying that once we're on the island, the Babel Chamber of Commerce won't look after us?"

"Exactly. As far as they're concerned, if we're killed on the island, it's as if they're unaware. Once I've paid the Spirit Stone, my lodging is up for grabs," Yu Yuan clarified, glancing back at her. "But with you, safety shouldn't be a concern. The Babel Chamber of Commerce has assured Faang Yao that they will ensure your safe passage to the Crack Archipelago and look after you well."

Sure enough, as the two conversed, Chiang Yurong materialized in the corridor. She first cast a surprised glance at him and Yuan Lianyao before inquiring, "Is City Lord Yuan planning to disembark?"

"I'd like to go down and have a look. Would that be alright?" Yuan Lianyao, unfazed by Chiang's odd expression, carried herself with grace and poise.

"While it might be inconvenient for others, for City Lord Yuan, it's naturally no trouble at all," Chiang Yurong replied, her suspicion evident. She couldn't help but speculate about the man and woman who had spent two whole days and nights alone in such a large room, wondering what indecent acts they might have engaged in.

She mused to herself that this Flame Lotus truly lived up to the rumors – a woman of many faces, well-accustomed to flirtation.

"As long as it's convenient," Yuan Lianyao responded, paying no mind to Chiang's insinuations. Long accustomed to such looks and judgments, she remained indifferent. Together with Yu Yuan, she descended from the boat, her smile undimmed by the myriad of curious and judgmental stares.

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