Unmatched Dominance/C498 The Legend of the God of Plagues
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Unmatched Dominance/C498 The Legend of the God of Plagues
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C498 The Legend of the God of Plagues

"Lee Qi is ascending the mountain," reported Chiang Yurong, the overseer of the Babel Chamber of Commerce's fifth level, to the plainly dressed woman devoid of any adornments—the true mastermind behind the "Pirate Ship."

Zhu Peining was seated amidst a cluster of crystal balls, her fingers caressing the Universe Ring as if tallying its contents. "Lee Qi's climb is hardly extraordinary, is it?"

Had there been someone of the Yang God Stage or a higher realm present, they might have glimpsed the intricate web of soul thoughts unfurling from the nape of her neck, resembling a spider's weave.

These threads of consciousness linked her to the crystal spheres suspended around her, enabling her to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and remain acutely aware of her environment.

Aboard the "Pirate Ship," Zhu Peining was incessantly bombarded with messages from the Quietus, Profound Sky, and Heavenly Source Continents, along with updates from various Babel Chamber of Commerce outposts.

Fortunate for her advanced Soul Wandering Stage cultivation and the extensively refined strands of her soul, without which the sheer volume of incoming thoughts could have overwhelmed her, rendering her incapable of independent thought.

Her need to stay attuned to external affairs meant she couldn't devote her full attention to the "Pirate Ship" or Rosy Island, necessitating the presence of aides like Chiang Yurong.

"It's a different peak, not the one on Rosy Island," Chiang Yurong clarified.

Zhu Peining's composure wavered momentarily, but she soon regained her focus upon hearing this.

With a hiss, specks of light scattered from the soul-woven web at her throat as she severed the tangle of her scattered thoughts, isolating herself from the distractions.

Her wandering soul consciousness snapped back to her physical form, her attention now firmly on the present.

"What was that?" she asked Chiang Yurong, now fully present.

"The thin Yin God who was brazenly soaring over Rosy Island met his end at the hands of the Yin God lurking beneath the island, dispatched by Old Monster Zu," Chiang Yurong reported gravely. "Following the man's tragic demise, Lee Qi, Yuan Lianyao, and Old Cash set out to scale the mountain together."

"They seemed privy to some secret, with Lee Qi leading the way and the other two following close behind, ascending step by step."

"Ultimately, Yuan Lianyao and Old Cash appeared to halt their climb midway up the mountain. In contrast, Lee Qi stirred a massive upheaval in the fabric of space, as if stepping into the heavens themselves. He reached the domain overseen by Old Monster Zu, the Yang God, with the aid of the Skywatch Mirror."

"Atop Ascension Peak, the Skywatch Mirror offers a view of the earthly realm—its landscapes and the bustle of life. There, Lee Qi seemed to have triggered the Skywatch Mirror's path of observation, scrutinizing the cosmos thrice over!"

"He is likely still at Ascension Peak now, in the company of Old Monster Zu, the Yang God."

Jiang Yurong shared her observations and some conjectures.

Zhu Peining inhaled deeply before speaking, "Considering his features, we should re-examine this young man. The name 'Lee Qi' is surely a farce! Anyone who can discern the hidden truths of Rosy Island and ascend to the heavens, activating a concealed spatial array to reach Ascension Peak and survey the world three times, is no ordinary being!"

"I'm here to seek the Babel Chamber of Commerce's assistance in uncovering his origins and true identity," Chiang Yurong stated.

"I've glimpsed his visage, and it appears genuine. His face isn't the deception; it's his identity and name that are fabricated," Zhu Peining affirmed, gently closing her eyes.

Yu Yuan's likeness began to take shape within the sea of her soul consciousness, meticulously rendered through a secret soul technique.

With a swift motion, a tendril of soul thought, guided by Zhu Peining's intent, shot towards the gleaming crystal spheres suspended within the room, and through them, relayed to the Babel Chamber of Commerce's various outposts.

Yu Yuan's features would soon become known to many high-ranking members of the Chamber of Commerce, akin to Zhu Peining. Should any of them have previously taken the time to investigate Yu Yuan, they would quickly be able to match his true origins and identity against their findings.

"According to the Chamber's intelligence, the Flame Lotus, despite her widespread fame, is exceedingly chaste. The Chamber's inquiries into the salacious rumors swirling through the Devil Moon Empire have all pointed to a man's one-sided slander against her," Jiang Yurong mused internally. "Her uninhibited, affectionate behavior with a man on Rosy Island is documented—it was a first."

As Zhu Peining tapped into the Babel Chamber of Commerce's vast network to delve into Yu Yuan's origins, Jiang Yurong was deep in thought. She, too, had come to the conclusion that Lee Qi and Yuan Lianyao were old acquaintances with a significant connection.

Contrary to the widespread gossip, Yuan Lianyao wasn't the seductress she was made out to be. In fact, the intel from the Babel Chamber of Commerce painted her as pure and untouched, never having engaged in any romantic liaisons with any man. Lee Qi was the first man to enter her life in such a capacity.

"That rascal..." Zhu Peining chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "He's got nerve, stirring up such a commotion in the Ember Waters, brazenly adopting the name Lee Qi and boarding the Pirate Ship without a hint of disguise."

Chiang Yurong's attention sharpened. "Who exactly is he?"

"You might recall him," Zhu Peining said with a grin. "He's been increasingly mentioned over the past three years in the Silvermoon Empire. He emerged from Darkmoon City, traversed the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Jade Peak, and Absence Relic, and has now surfaced in the Ember Waters."

"This kid is the very 'God of Plagues' the Chamber of Commerce speaks of!"

"In the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area Trial, the Moon Demon emerged, and the Earth Demon Xiquan wreaked havoc. A bronze coffin burst forth, shattering the seals and soaring into the Outer Star River. Figures like the Sky Shocking Emperor, Green Incubus, and Earth Demon Xiquan were all involved."

"Upon reaching Jade Peak, he sparked an upheaval in Chilly Wind Valley. A death and a revelation of a spy among the key members of the Profound Sky Sect and Primordial Yang Sect led to the loss of the Heaven Palace Seal. Consequently, Yu Zhu departed Jade Peak for the Absence Relic."

"Not long after arriving at the Absence Relic, he encountered Lee Yupan and Shen Feiqing's scheme involving the white gold skull of the Asura from the Dark Domain. Their plot triggered a regime change in the Silvermoon Empire, with Shen Feiqing fleeing to the Desolate Swamp."

"The relic claimed the lives of innumerable practitioners from the seven lower sects."

"Recently, the Ember Waters were thrown into turmoil. Heixun, the Devil Palace's guardian, turned traitor, the Aura Altar emerged, and the Starry Behemoth made its ominous presence known."

Zhu Peining offered a bitter smile as she spoke.

Chiang Yurong, visibly shaken, exclaimed, "How could it be the God of Plagues?!"

Within the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Yu Yuan, who emerged from Darkmoon two years prior, had earned the moniker 'God of Plagues.'

Where the God of Plagues roamed, chaos ensued among all living things.

Without fail, every single time.

"He seems to be setting his sights on the Crack Archipelago," Zhu Peining sighed, shaking her head. "The archipelago is inherently chaotic, a perpetual battleground steeped in slaughter and cruelty. The Chamber has invested considerable effort into maintaining some semblance of order there."

"If that young man truly embodies the God of Plagues' nature and proves it once more..."

The master of the Pirate Ship, having confirmed Yu Yuan's true background, couldn't help but feel restless, sighing incessantly.

"Why not just refuse him, regardless of his actions on Rosy Island?" Chiang Yurong proposed. "We can simply refund the Spirit Stones he paid for the second deck."

"We mustn't break the Chamber's rules!" Zhu Peining shook her head, then let out a soft, mocking laugh. "Those sisters were blind to choose him. No, it wasn't the sisters who were blind; it was Old Cash, that sly fox, who nearly led them to their doom with his schemes."

Chiang Yurong was taken aback, "Yu Yuan, the God of Plagues, could survive a seduction trap?"

"I suspect those sisters aren't ready to give up just yet. Once we reach the Crack Archipelago, we'll see who meets a tragic end." With those words, Zhu Peining indicated that despite knowing Yu Yuan's identity, she would still act in accordance with the Babel Chamber of Commerce's regulations.



Suddenly, Yu Yuan made an unexpected return from the summit.

He reappeared before Yuan Lianyao and Old Cash.

Old Cash's beady eyes sparkled with an astonishing brilliance, dazzling Yuan Lianyao, who squinted and asked, "What's got you so worked up?"

"Nothing, nothing at all."

Old Cash chuckled sheepishly, approaching Yu Yuan with unbridled enthusiasm. He appraised him with a sense of wonder, "Well, well, you're in one piece, not a scratch on you, soul intact. Impressive, indeed. Few return unscathed from such a place."

"Bro, I'm all set. Wanna come up and check it out?" Yu Yuan stepped aside, clearing a narrow path and gesturing for Old Cash to join him.

Old Cash quickly shook his head, chuckling, "No need! I get the gesture, really, but I'll pass."

His mind was swirling with questions. How did this kid manage to get up there? Could it be that Old Monster Zu had taken the Yang God with him in battle beyond the stars, and he hadn't even noticed?

"Let's head back to the Pirate Ship, Sister City Lord," Yu Yuan said with a smile as he descended.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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