Unmatched Dominance/C499 The Invitation of the Leader
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Unmatched Dominance/C499 The Invitation of the Leader
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C499 The Invitation of the Leader

En route to the ship, the island's dense jungles and ravines occasionally echoed with haunting cries of agony.

The once tranquil Rosy Island had become a battleground due to the mooring of the Pirate Ship and the arrival of numerous independent cultivators. Many had met their end in secret skirmishes, their bodies left to rest on the island, much like the fate of the emaciated Yin God.

Yuan Lianyao glanced back several times at the thickly vegetated hillock, feeling a sudden chill of eeriness.

Descending the mountain, Yu Yuan and Old Cash shared laughs and nonsensical banter.

Old Cash probed for details about Yu Yuan's ascent, but Yu Yuan spun tales of pure fiction, so outlandish that even Yuan Lianyao couldn't help but chuckle.

Knowing the truth, Old Cash, resigned to the situation, headed back to the ship first, his figure vanishing in an instant, covering miles in a mere moment.

Yu Yuan, in no rush, strolled leisurely along the beach with Yuan Lianyao. Amidst her evident confusion, he simply smiled and said, "We'll talk once we're back on the ship."

Yuan Lianyao knew all too well that with the Babel Chamber of Commerce's reach and Old Cash's level of cultivation, any conversation they had on Rosy Island could easily be overheard. She decided not to press for answers.

As evening approached, the sea breeze softened, and the sky blossomed with rosy clouds.

The blue ocean was aglow with the red hues of sunset, captivating both as they walked along the shore, watching the day's last light fade into a sea of crimson.

"Rosy Island's beauty is most bewitching at dusk," Yu Yuan remarked, admiring the view. Turning to Yuan Lianyao, whose beauty was heightened by the stunning backdrop, he added earnestly, "This moment, this view, they enhance your loveliness, sister."

"Slick talker," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "You're not eager to return to the ship because you knew about this breathtaking view, didn't you? You wanted to savor a longer walk by the sea with me."

Yu Yuan replied with a smile, "You could say that."

"At least you have some heart," Yuan Lianyao responded, her smile blooming like a flower.

Suddenly, a Yin God burst forth from the glowing red sea before them, hovering gracefully in the air.

Bathed in the glow of the setting sun, the Yin God radiated a chilling presence, its features indistinct.

For newcomers to the Yin God Stage like Yuan Lianyao, the Yin God is formless and nearly impossible to detect with the naked eye, only perceivable through Spiritual Sense and Soul Thoughts.

At the Soul Wandering Stage or beyond, the elusive Yin God can be made visible.

The Yin God hovering just above the sea, not far from the surface, was the same one who had plunged into the ocean from the fourth floor not long ago.

This indistinct Yin God appeared to be probing the sea, as if waiting for something.

On the deck of the Pirate Ship, Chiang Yurong, the steward, materialized silently, her expression sour as she addressed the unhurried Yin God, "He refuses to meet with you; pleading is futile."

At her words, the spectral Yin God seemed to deflate, a touch of resignation in its demeanor.

In a swift motion, it dove through an open window on the fourth floor, seemingly merging with its physical form, ceasing its efforts.


Yuan Lianyao watched for a moment, then softly gasped in realization as the figure entered the building.

Yu Yuan offered a knowing smile, "He's likely aware that a recluse is deep in meditation beneath the island. Plus, the angler from the island's far side made an appearance not long ago. That's why someone sought an audience, venturing into the sea as a Yin God, eager for a meeting."

Yuan Lianyao, taken aback, asked, "Simultaneously? You mean the angler is also a Yin God?"

"Mhm." Yu Yuan nodded affirmatively, "At that level of cultivation, it's difficult for most to discern whether it's a Yin God, a Yang God, or the true form. The lines between reality and illusion blur, with truth hidden within falsehood and vice versa. But clearly, the one who just returned was unaware of the island's customs and the deeper truths, thinking a mere sea entry would grant him an audience."

Yuan Lianyao paused, mulling over his words, "So, ascending the mountain step by step is the proper protocol?"

Yu Yuan chuckled heartily.

Suddenly, it clicked for Yuan Lianyao, "You climbed to the summit following the island's traditions, seeking an audience in his own manner!"

"Let's discuss this back at the house, back at the house!"

Shortly thereafter, the pair made their way to the "Pirate Ship," arriving just before sunset at a leisurely pace.

Upon the deck, Chiang Yurong glanced down and greeted them with a smile, "Master Yuan, our chief steward extends an invitation to you."

Yuan Lianyao was taken aback.

"The steward has been awaiting your arrival for quite some time and wishes to speak with you. Please, come at your earliest convenience," Chiang Yurong said, her smile warm but her tone leaving no room for refusal.

"Ah, I see."

With a brief acknowledgment, Yuan Lianyao, accompanied by Yu Yuan, stepped aboard amidst the curious stares of many onlookers.

Speculation was rife among the crowd as to why the Babel Chamber of Commerce's steward, who presided over the Pirate Ship, would suddenly seek out a meeting with Yuan Lianyao.

Despite Yuan Lianyao's origins in the Red Devil Sect and her position as the ruler of Darkmoon City, she was not on par with the steward.

The steward had remained unseen by the guests for some time.

It was only when Faang Yao arrived to personally escort Yuan Lianyao that the steward called out a greeting from within her quarters, yet she did not make an appearance.

The steward's invitation to Yuan Lianyao only deepened the mystery surrounding her and fueled the growing envy towards Yu Yuan, who seemed to have the good fortune of winning the Flame Lotus's favor.

On the fourth floor, Yuan Lianyao paused, her graceful legs coming to a halt. She turned to Yu Yuan, "Please return to the room and wait for me there."

Yu Yuan responded with an agreeable smile and was about to head to the room arranged for Yuan Lianyao by the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

"Hold on a moment!"

Chiang Yurong's voice suddenly rang out, stopping Yu Yuan in his tracks. "Young Master Li, you too are on the list of the steward's invitees."

Both Yuan Lianyao and Yu Yuan were perplexed by this development.

Meanwhile, the independent cultivators residing on the fourth floor overheard Chiang Yurong's words. Old Cash was the first to poke his head out from the stairwell, playfully gesturing to Yu Yuan, "Brother Lee Qi, you truly stand out wherever you go, shining brightly in no time at all."


The solitary practitioner, who had unsuccessfully sought an audience with Old Monster Zu via his Yin God, pushed open the door, his presence emanating a chilling aura as he eyed Yu Yuan and Yuan Lianyao.

The man, now in his true form, was clad in a long, ash-gray robe. His neck was unusually long, his head slightly small, giving him an awkward appearance.

His Yin God, in contrast, was far more harmonious and easy on the eyes than his physical form.

Yu Yuan took one look and could tell the practitioner's appearance was less than favorable, likely marred by some imperfections, which is why the Yin God he manifested did not mirror his actual physique.

"Was he invited?" Yuan Lianyao asked, pointing at Yu Yuan with a look of astonishment.

Chiang Yurong gave a gentle nod. "Yes, the organizer has extended an invitation to him."

"Let's go."

Anticipating that the growing commotion on the fourth floor would soon disturb more passengers, Yu Yuan didn't wait for Yuan Lianyao and Chiang Yurong to speak further and began ascending the stairs directly to the fifth floor.

Yuan Lianyao and Chiang Yurong, seeing him take action, quickly followed suit.

Chiang Yurong moved swiftly, seemingly worried that Yu Yuan might mistakenly enter a forbidden room on the Pirate Ship and stir up unnecessary trouble.

But as she prepared to cast a Spiritual Spell, she saw Yu Yuan come to a halt in front of a room on the fifth floor.

The room, situated near the wooden staircase, had an unremarkable door with no distinctive carvings or decorations.

Yet, Yu Yuan had chosen to stop and wait right there.

"Bring them in," came the light, teasing laugh of Zhu Peining from inside the room. "Young man, you seem quite acquainted with the layout of our Babel Chamber of Commerce's Pirate Ship. You found the right door in just two steps—quite impressive."

Chiang Yurong shared this curiosity.

The fifth floor housed six rooms, and the one she and Zhu Peining had previously discussed was notably unique.

Now, Zhu Peining had opted for a different room, specifically set aside for receiving guests.

And it was this very room that Yu Yuan had stopped in front of.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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